Quick Start (For Familiarisation)
Start of Training
Without special settings
• Welcome display on switch-on
Display of total kilometres
• After 3 seconds: "Count Up"
All values show 0
Brake shows level 1
• Start of Training
Speed, distance, energy, time, revolutions and exertion
level and pulse (if pulse registration is active)
Changing the exertion during the training:
value in the "Brake" window is increa-
sed in one-stage steps.
• "Minus" reduces it in one-stage steps.
Continuation of the training with this setting. Interim exerti-
on changes are possible at all times.
End of Training
• Average Values (Ø):
Speed, revolutions, exertion level and pulse (if pulse
registration is active)
• Total Values
Distance, energy and time
Snooze Mode
4 minutes after the end of training the machine switches
into the snooze mode.
Press any key and display restarts with "Count Up".
Energy Consumption
Exertion Profile
1 Point (Height)
corresponds to 1 level
1 row level 1
Text and Value Display
25 Columns
Dimension Adjustable
Values 0 -9999
1 column corresponds 1 minute
or 200 m or 0.1 miles
Exercise bike:
400 m or 0.2 mile