As an example of the exercise programme "power (manual) count down" the exercise display
is shown.
When you reach more than 10 rpm the exercise display is started.
During a session you are able to change the multi-display in order to see more information.
Pressing "display" changes the display contents
Display :
current session
In the multi-display the exercise values increase in the display as the target values in the display
In the example here the power is increased to 125 Watts and the heart rate is increased to 90
beats per minute.
If a target counts down to "zero" then it will begin to count back up again. If the last target is
reached a short signal will sound.
Exercise functions
Heart rate monitoring (target heart rate)
If you have activated monitoring of the target heart rate then your heart rate will be monitored
before and during an exercise session. The monitoring is recorded with 11 strokes with a HI in
the pulse display, and with 11 strokes downwards there is a LO.
The lower limits will only be shown if you are exercising and the target heart-rate has already
been reached.
Heart rate monitoring (maximum heart rate)
If you have activated monitoring of the maximum heart rate and your pulse exceeds this value
then MAX will be displayed and the heart symbol will get bigger. If an alarm sound is activated
then a double alarm signal will sound also.
Speed / power monitoring
A combination of power and speed that cannot to be reached will be shown in the pedalling fre-
quency with up and down arrows. For example, a power of 400 Watts with 50 rpm and 25
Watts with 120 rpm is not possible with this equipment. The arrows will indicate if you must go
faster or slower to enable the power.
Recovery heart rate measurement
Recovery heart rate measurement is heart rate detection within one minute. Here your heart rate
will be measured from the beginning and end of the time, the difference recorded and a fitness
mark calculated.
The recovery heart rate function is only available with displayed heart rates.