Midi Banks & Prog. Change
GM VOICES 0 = Bank A 1 - 128
1 = Bank B 1 - 128 (1*)
10 = Bank C 1 - 128 (2*)
PRESET Right Channel 0 = Bank A 1 - 128
1 = Bank B 1 - 128
10 = Bank C 1 - 128
11 = Bank D 1 - 128
12 = Bank E 1 - 128
13 = Bank F 1 - 128
14 = Bank G 1 - 128 (3*)
PROGRAM Right Channel 9 1 - 120
USER VOICE 2 1 - 110
DRAWBAR 5 1 - 10
FLASH VOICES 3 97 - 128
DRUM 1 Internal - 1 – 72 121 - 124
FLASH DRUM 1/DRUM 2 - 74 - 96
USER DRUM - 97 - 120
DRUM 2 Internal 4 1 - 50
VOCALIZE - 1 - 16
REGISTRATION 0 = Bank A 1 - 99
1 = Bank B 1 - 99
(1*) The program changes from 121 to 128 are mute.
(2*) The program changes 4, 9-16, 29, 40-41, 43-47, 65-128 are remapped from Bank A.
(3*) With regard to presets, bank A is complete whereas banks B, C, D, E, F, G contain only a few sounds, as you may see from the presets table.
If you call up a program change that does not exist, automatically the corresponding one of bank A is called up.
Technical Tables