New music!
We have also incorporated about 166 Midi files for your listening and performing pleasure. These include some of the
world’s famous hits as performed and were programmed by experienced programmers from around the world in
order to maintain authenticity. Most of these songs also utilize some of the new audio loops incorporated within the
SD1 Plus. These songs are included within the SD1 PLUS’ HD Folder 91 – Midi files. To listen to these songs, Press the
button on the SD1 PLUS from the default screen. Next, press
to access the entire contents within
the Midi file folder. You can now use the styles buttons to enter the numeric value of the song you would like to listen
to and press the red START button to start the song.
A new music database has been created within the SD1 PLUS. This allows the musician to instantly set up the keyboard
in preparation to perform a particular song. About 200 songs settings are included within the SD1 PLUS as Song
Registrations. These files are located within the HD Folder 91 – Midi files.
To set up the keyboard to perform a particular song listed within this large database, please proceed as follows:
Press the
button and make sure you are within the HD of the SD1 PLUS
SSiinnggllee RReeggiissttrr
button to display all the Single Registers within Folder 93 - the Registration folder. (With the
Master Folder activated, you can also make this selection from the default disk menu using F3).
Use the
buttons to highlight the Song file you want the keyboard to set up to and
with F10.
this file using F2 and the SD1 PLUS will automatically set up to play the selected song. It should be noted
that you can create your own song settings and add to this database (see page 95 of the Owner’s manual –
nngg uupp aanndd SSaavviinngg aa SSiinnggllee RReeggiissttrraattiioonn
New ‘Jam’ STYLES
The best of the best! We have rearranged the FLASH styles within the SD1 PLUS to include 131 new Flash styles. By carefully balancing these new
styles with the initial ROM styles and utilizing the new sounds, the SD1 PLUS is capable of keeping an audience on their dancing feet while you
perform with great satisfaction.
When you access any of these styles (by pressing the style group e.g. Latin), they are denoted with Capital letters, while the re-voiced and per-
fected ROM styles are denoted with small letters as you access the following pages. No matter how we try to express these on paper, there’s
nothing more than trying some of them yourself and seeing what you think.
34 Bonus styles reside within the HD Folder 95 – Styles. Most of these styles utilize the new audio loops created for the SD1
PLUS, especially styles such as Dance and Pop Down.
To utilize these styles, (with the Master Folder LED on),
Press the Single RAM style button to access the styles on the HD.
Utilize the Styles groups buttons (8beat, 16beat…) to locate the style you want to load. They will be displayed on the
screen. The format by which these styles are displayed can be changed depending on the mode selected (see
PPaatttteerrnn VViieeww
Use the associated F-button to select the style you want to use.
Try out the new, cool R&B, Dance and Pop rhythms (with authentic intros and endings) plus the new Soft Dancing, Latin and Traditional dancing
(listen carefully to the smooth build up as you progress from Arranger A to D), and you will understand why again, Ketron is out to produce the
New functions for better performances
- To liven up or simply modify a song, changing the rhythm structure of the drums or the percussion instruments can make a
huge difference, bringing more 'life' to the song. The SD1 PLUS enables the realisation of similar results, granting the capability of repla-
cing the percussion tracks of a Midi file/song with those from the onboard styles (including the live drum loops), enabling the muting of
single percussion groups of the rhythm track. While the Midi file is being played, it is also possible to switch between the on board styles
and the original drum tracks of the Midi file, activate the Fill-ins and use the four Arrangers in real time!
This feature is activated and used while in 'Song Play' mode with the following buttons:
OONN//OOFFFF ((TTaapp))::
Drum Remix On/Off - ‘Drum Remix’ displays on the Song Play screen when turned on.
Style/Song selection - Determine if the numeric styles buttons (0-9) should be used to select either a Style to
be associated with a song or a Song from the current disk folder. The corresponding selection type will be displayed on the screen
SD1 Plus Quick manual