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© IM382_Nav_E_En_00
2 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Getting Started 12
Using the Navigation System 12
Help When You Need It 12
Searching Help Topics 12
Status Bar Icons 12
Satellite Signals 13
Viewing GPS Satellite Signals 13
Using the On-Screen Buttons 13
Using the On-Screen Keyboard 13
Adding a Shortcut 13
Removing a Shortcut 13
Navigation 19
Starting a Route 19
Previewing Multiple Routes 19
Following a Route 19
Using the Navigation Map 19
Adding a Point to a Route 20
Taking a Detour 20
Stopping the Route 20
Using Suggested Routes 20
Using Exit Services 20
Finding Exit Services 21
Navigating to an Exit 21
Using Find Ahead 21
Avoiding Road Features 21
Adding a Custom Avoidance Area 21
Avoiding a Road 21
Disabling a Custom Avoidance 21
Deleting Custom Avoidances 22
Enabling Advanced Detours 22
Taking a Detour Around Specified Areas 22
End-User License Agreements 4
Finding Locations 14
Finding a Location by Category 14
Searching Within a Category 14
Finding a Location Using the Search Bar 14
Changing the Search Area 14
Finding Fuel Stations and Prices 15
Finding an Address 15
Finding a City 15
Finding an Intersection 15
Finding a Location Using Coordinates 16
Finding a Location by Browsing the Map 16
Find a Location Using Quick Search 16
Saving a Home Location 16
Going Home 17
Editing Your Home Location Information 17
Finding Recently Found Places 17
Clearing the List of Recently Found Places 17
Finding Parking 17
Setting a Simulated Location 17
Saving a Location 17
Saving Your Current Location 17
Starting a Route to a Saved Location 18
Editing a Saved Location 18
Assigning Categories to a Saved Location 18
Deleting a Saved Location 18
The Map Pages 23
Customizing the Map Layers 23
Viewing the Trip Log 23
Changing the Map Data Field 23
Changing the Map Perspective 23
Customizing Map Buttons 23
Removing Buttons from the Map 23
Viewing a List of Turns 24
Viewing the Entire Route on the Map 24
Viewing the Next Turn 24
Viewing Junctions 24
Viewing Traffic Alerts 24
Viewing Trip Information 24
Resetting Trip Information 25
Viewing Current Location Information 25
Finding Nearby Services 25
Directions to Your Current Location 25
English 3
Customizing the Settings 35
Customizing the Navigation System 35
Changing the Map Settings 35
Enabling Maps 35
Changing the Navigation Settings 35
Adjusting the Display Settings 35
Route Preferences 35
Updating the Time Settings 36
Setting the Languages 36
Adding Security 36
Device and Privacy Settings 36
Restoring Settings 36
Traffic Information 32
Traffic Subscription Activation 32
Understanding Traffic 32
Traffic Data Using Smartphone Link 32
About the Traffic Icon 32
Traffic on Your Route 33
Viewing Traffic on Your Route 33
Manually Avoiding Traffic on Your Route 33
Taking an Alternate Route 33
Viewing Traffic on the Map 33
Searching for Traffic Delays 33
Viewing a Traffic Incident on the Map 33
Understanding Traffic Data 33
About Traffic Cameras 34
Saving a Traffic Camera 34
Viewing a Traffic Camera 34
Adding a Traffic Subscription 34
Icons Used in This Manual
Important precautions are described to prevent injuries and potentially dangerous situations.
Special instructions, supplementary explanations, limitations, and reference pages are described.
Using the Apps 26
About Smartphone Link 26
Downloading Smartphone Link 26
Connecting to Smartphone Link 26
Sending a Location from Your Phone 26
Disabling Calls While Connected 26
About Garmin Live Services 27
Subscribing to Garmin Live Services 27
About ecoRoute 27
Creating a Vehicle Profile 27
Resetting Your Vehicle Profile 27
Calibrating Fuel Economy 27
Taking the ecoChallenge 28
About ecoChallenge Scores 28
Hiding Your ecoChallenge Score 28
Resetting Your Score 28
Viewing Your Fuel Economy 28
About the Mileage Report 28
Viewing a Mileage Report 28
Exporting a Mileage Report 29
Setting Routes that Use Less Fuel 29
Viewing myGarmin Messages 29
Viewing the Weather Forecast 29
Viewing Weather Near a Different City 29
Viewing the Weather Radar 29
Viewing Weather Alerts 30
Checking Road Conditions 30
Planning a Trip 30
Editing a Trip Itinerary 30
Navigating to a Saved Trip 30
Editing a Saved Trip 30
Using the World Clock 31
Viewing the World Map 31
Finding Parking 31
Appendix 37
Updating the Software 37
Updating the Map Data 37
Safety Cameras 37
Custom POIs (Points of Interest) 38
Finding Custom POIs 38
4 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
End-User License Agreements
Software License Agreement
DNX525DAB / DNX4250BT / DNX4250DAB,
Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Garmin”)
grant you a limited license to use the software
embedded in this device (the “Software”) in binary
executable form in the normal operation of the
product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual
property rights in and to the Software remain in
Garmin and/or its third-party providers.
You acknowledge that the Software is the property
of Garmin and/or its third-party providers and
is protected under the United States of America
copyright laws and international copyright treaties.
You further acknowledge that the structure,
organization, and code of the Software, for which
source code is not provided, are valuable trade
secrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providers
and that the Software in source code form remains
a valuable trade secret of Garmin and/or its third-
party providers. You agree not to decompile,
disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse
engineer, or reduce to human readable form
the Software or any part thereof or create any
derivative works based on the Software. You agree
not to export or re-export the Software to any
country in violation of the export control laws of
the United States of America or the export control
laws of any other applicable country.
End User License Agreement
The Garmin device you have purchased (“Device”),
or the download that you are making (the
“Download”), may contain an application, content,
or both. If a Device, the software embedded in it
(the “Software”), or if a Download, the application,
including its embedded software (collectively,
the Application”) is owned by Garmin Ltd. or
its subsidiaries (collectively, “Garmin”). The map
data that may be embedded in your Device,
the Application or downloaded separately (the
“Map Data”) is owned by HERE North America
LLC and/or its affiliates (“HERE”) and is licensed
to Garmin. Garmin also owns, or licenses from
third party providers, information, traffic data,
text, images, graphics, photographs, audio, video,
images and other applications and data that may
be embedded in the Device or Application, or
downloaded separately (“Other Content”). The
Map Data and Other Content are collectively the
“Content”. The Software, Application and Content
(collectively, the “Garmin Products”) are protected
under copyright laws and international copyright
treaties. The Garmin Products are licensed, not
sold. The structure, organization and code of
the Software and Application are valuable trade
secrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providers.
The Garmin Products are each provided under
this License Agreement and are subject to the
following terms and conditions which are agreed
to by End User (“you” or your”), on the one
hand, and Garmin and its licensors and affiliated
companies of Garmin and its licensors, on the other
hand. If you are obtaining the Application from
a third party application vendor (the Application
Vendor”), you acknowledge that Garmin, and
not the Application Vendor, is responsible for
the Application. Garmin’s licensors, including
the licensors, service providers, channel partners,
suppliers and affiliated companies of Garmin and
its licensors, are each a direct and intended third
party beneficiary of this Agreement and may
enforce their rights directly against you in the event
of your breach of this Agreement.
License Terms and Conditions
Garmin (“we” or “us”) provides you with the
storage media containing the Software and
the Content embedded therein, including any
online” or electronic documentation and printed
materials in the case of a Device, or in the case of a
Download, the Application and the embedded or
accompanying Content, including any online” or
electronic documentation and printed materials.
Garmin grants you a limited, non-exclusive
license to use the applicable Garmin Product in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
English 5
You agree to use the applicable Garmin Product
for solely personal use, or if applicable, for use
in your business’ internal operations, and not
for service bureau, time-sharing, resale or other
similar purposes. Accordingly, but subject to the
restrictions set forth in the following paragraphs,
you may copy the applicable Garmin Product
only as necessary for your use to (i) view it, and
(ii) save it, provided that you do not remove any
copyright notices that appear and do not modify
the Garmin Product in any way. Your use of the
Application must not violate any usage rules of
the Application Vendor or any other third party
service provider you use to enable the Application.
You agree not to otherwise reproduce, archive,
copy, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse
engineer or create derivative works of any portion
of the Garmin Products, and may not transfer or
distribute it in any form, for any purpose, except to
the extent permitted by mandatory laws. Garmin
also reserves the right to discontinue offering any
Content supplied by any third party supplier if such
supplier ceases to supply such content or Garmin’s
contract with such supplier terminates for any
Support. If you purchased your Application from
a third party application vendor and you need
operational or technical support and assistance
regarding the installation, un-installation, use
or operation of the Application, or if you have
questions, complaints or claims regarding the
Application, contact Garmin at: mobileapplications.
Acknowledgement of Application Vendor
Responsibility. If you purchased your Application
from a third party application vendor, the
Application Vendor shall have no maintenance
or support obligation for the Application, nor any
responsibility for addressing any claims from you
or any third party regarding the possession or use
of the Application, including without limitation
product liability claims, claims of failure to meet
legal or regulatory requirements or consumer
protection laws claims. Further, the Application
Vendor shall have no responsibility regarding
third party claims of intellectual property rights
violations as a result of your possession or use of
the Application.
Restrictions. Except where you have been
specifically licensed to do so by Garmin, and
without limiting the preceding paragraphs,
you may not use the Garmin Products with any
products, systems, or applications installed or
otherwise connected to or in communication
with vehicles, and which are capable of dispatch,
fleet management or similar applications where
the Content is used by a central control center in
dispatching a fleet of vehicles. In addition, you
are prohibited from renting or leasing the Garmin
Products to any other person or third party. Only
those rental car companies that are specifically
authorized by Garmin in writing to rent Garmin
products containing the Content to their rental
customers are permitted to rent out such products.
You agree to be fully responsible for your own
conduct and content while using the Software
and for any consequences thereof. You agree to
use the Software only for purposes that are legal,
proper and in accordance with this Agreement
and any applicable policies or guidelines. By way
of example, and not as a limitation, you agree that
when using the Software, You will not:
• upload, post, email or transmit or otherwise
make available content that infringes any
patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or
other proprietary right of any party, unless
you are the owner of the rights or have
the permission of the owner to post such
• use the Software or other content for any
illegal or unauthorized purpose; or
• transmit any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan
horses, or any items of a destructive nature.
In the event that you are located outside of the
United States, you agree to comply with any laws,
rules or regulations in your locale or in the location
of your web server regarding online conduct and
acceptable content, including laws regulating the
export of data to the United States or your country
of residence.
Data Transfer. Certain services in connection with
the Application may result in a transfer of data from
your device. In that case, additional charges for
data transfer may arise, depending on your device
data plan. Please contact your data provider for
details about any additional charges.
Garmin Live Services. Garmin may provide
to you services known as “Garmin Live” services.
Garmin Live services may be a one-time” Live
services purchase or a purchase for a specific term.
If a one-time” purchase is made, purchasers of
that service will receive Garmin Live services for
the (i) useful life of the purchasers Garmin device,
6 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
(ii) the useful life of the purchasers smartphone
(if applicable), or (iii) as long as Garmin receives
Content from its third party content supplier,
whichever of the three periods is shortest. A
Garmin device’s “useful life” means the period
during which the device (a) has the required
technical capabilities to utilize the then-current
Live services (including a Live services-compatible
operating system) and (b) is capable of operating
as intended without major repairs. A Garmin
device will be deemed to be out of service and its
useful life to be ended if no updates have been
downloaded for such device for a period of 24
months or more. Garmin Live services content is
not available for all areas. Garmin may terminate
a Live services subscription immediately for
violations of the Live services terms of use. Live
services subscriptions may not be transferred to
another person or another Garmin product, even
if the application remains on the smartphone.
Garmin Live Services are in part - depending on the
service - geographically restricted to the reception
and transmission range of the radio transmitters,
operated by the respective network operators.
They can be affected by atmospheric conditions,
topographical conditions, the vehicles location or
position as well as obstacles (for example bridges
and buildings). Some services are generally
not available in every country. The extent and
characteristics of the available services differ from
country to country. You are personally responsible
for the compliance with the laws and regulations of
the respective countries.
No Warranty. The Garmin Products are provided
to you “as is, and you agree to use them at your
own risk. Garmin and its licensors including the
licensors, service providers, channel partners and
suppliers, and affiliated companies of Garmin and
its licensors, make no guarantees, representations
or warranties of any kind, express or implied,
arising by law or otherwise, including but not
limited to, content, quality, accuracy, completeness,
effectiveness, reliability, merchantability, fitness
for a particular purpose, usefulness, use or results
to be obtained from the Garmin Products, or that
the Content or server will be uninterrupted or
error-free. The Garmin Products are intended to
be used only as supplementary travel aids and
must not be used for any purpose requiring precise
measurement of direction, distance, location or
Disclaimer of Warranty. GARMIN AND ITS
LICENSORS, including the licensors, service
providers, channel partners, suppliers and affiliated
companies of Garmin and its licensors, DISCLAIM
Territories and Countries do not allow certain
warranty exclusions, so to that extent the above
exclusion may not apply to you.
Disclaimer of Liability. GARMIN AND ITS
LICENSORS , including the licensors, service
providers, channel partners, suppliers and
affiliated companies of Garmin and its licensors,
Territories and Countries do not allow certain
liability exclusions or damages limitations, so to
that extent the above may not apply to you. If
you purchased your Application from a third party
application vendor, THE SOLE AND MAXIMUM
End-User License Agreements
English 7
Predictive Routing. Your device may have a
“predictive routing feature called myTrends that
identifies your driving routines. If it does have this
feature, when your device predicts a route, it will
display your estimated time to destination and
relevant traffic information regarding the predicted
route. Information related to your driving routines
would be accessible to any other person who uses
your device. If you do not want your device to
predict your routes or display information related
to predicted routes, you may turn off myTrends by
accessing your device’s Settings menu.
Collection of Information. We may collect
information relating to how often you use the
Garmin Product or the frequency with which
certain applications and features of the Garmin
Product are used. This information would be
collected anonymously, in a way that does
not personally identify you. We may use this
information to detect broad user trends and to
otherwise enhance our products or applications.
The use of location-based services on the Garmin
Product, which may include weather, movie times,
traffic information, fuel prices, or information
regarding local events, will cause the physical
location of your device to be collected in order
to provide you with such location-based services.
This location data is collected anonymously in a
form that does not personally identify you. If you
provide your consent then Garmin will collect and
upload information such as your location, speed,
and direction (known as traffic probe data or
“floating car data”) in order to enhance the quality
of the traffic data and other content provided by
Garmin or other Content providers. If you provide
your consent, then Garmin may also share this data
with or sell this data to third parties. This data is
shared and sold anonymously in a form that does
not personally identify you. The collection and
use of this location information are described in
more detail in the privacy statement for the Garmin
Disclaimer of Endorsement; Change of
Content Providers. Reference to any products,
services, processes, hypertext links to third parties
or other Content by trade name, trademark,
manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not
necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
sponsorship or recommendation by Garmin or
its licensors. Product and service information are
the sole responsibility of each individual vendor.
The HERE name and logo, the HERE and HERE
ON BOARD trademarks and logos, and other
trademarks and trade names owned by HERE North
America LLC may not be used in any commercial
manner without the prior written consent of HERE.
Content providers may be changed by Garmin
during the term of this Agreement, and your
experience with the Content provided by a new
provider may not duplicate your experience with
the previous Content supplier.
Export Control. You agree not to export from
anywhere any part of the Content or any direct
product thereof except in compliance with and
with all licenses and approvals required under,
applicable export laws, rules and regulations.
Legal Compliance. You represent and warrant
that (i) you are not located in a country that is
subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or has been
designated by the U.S. Government as a terrorist
supporting” country, and (ii) you are not listed on
any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted
Indemnity. You agree to indemnify, defend
and hold Garmin and its licensors, including the
respective licensors, service providers, channel
partners, suppliers, assignees, subsidiaries,
affiliated companies, and the respective officers,
directors, employees, shareholders, agents and
representatives of Garmin and its licensors, free and
harmless from and against any liability, loss, injury
(including injuries resulting in death), demand,
action, cost, expense, or claim of any kind or
character, including but not limited to attorneys
fees, arising out of or in connection with any use or
possession by you of the Garmin Products.
Map Data. Use of the Map Data is subject to
certain restrictions and/or requirements imposed
by third party suppliers and/or governmental or
regulatory authorities as further set forth at http://
Term. This Agreement is effective until such time
as (i) if applicable, your subscription term is either
terminated (by you or by Garmin) or expires, or
8 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
End-User License Agreements
(ii) Garmin terminates this Agreement for any
reason, including, but not limited to, if Garmin
finds that you have violated any of the terms of
this Agreement. In addition, this Agreement shall
terminate immediately upon the termination of
an agreement between Garmin and any third
party from whom Garmin (a) obtains services
or distribution necessary to support the Garmin
Products, or (b) licenses Content. You agree, upon
termination, to destroy all copies of the Content.
The Disclaimers of Warranty and Liability set
out above shall continue in force even after any
Entire Agreement. These terms and conditions
constitute the entire agreement between Garmin
and its licensors, including the licensors, service
providers, channel partners, suppliers and affiliated
companies of Garmin and its licensors, and you
pertaining to the subject matter hereof, and
supersedes in their entirety any and all written or
oral agreements previously existing between us
with respect to such subject matter.
Governing Law.
(a) For European Union HERE Data
The above terms and conditions shall be governed
by the laws of the Netherlands, without giving
effect to (i) its conflict of laws provisions, or (ii)
the United Nations Convention for Contracts for
the International Sale of Goods, which is explicitly
excluded. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of
the Netherlands for any and all disputes, claims and
actions arising from or in connection with the HERE
Data provided to you hereunder.
(b) For North American HERE Data and other non-
European Union HERE Data
The above terms and conditions shall be governed
by the laws of Illinois, without giving effect to (i) its
conflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United Nations
Convention for Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods, which is explicitly excluded. You agree
to submit to the jurisdiction of Illinois for any and
all disputes, claims and actions arising from or in
connection with the HERE Data provided to you
(c) For disputes, claims and actions not related to
the HERE Data
The above terms and conditions shall be governed
by the laws of Kansas, without giving effect to (i) its
conflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United Nations
Convention for Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods, which is explicitly excluded. You agree
to submit to the jurisdiction of Kansas for any and
all disputes, claims and actions arising from or
in connection with the Application or Content.
Any translation of this Agreement from English is
provided as a convenience only. If this Agreement
is translated into a language other than English
and there is a conflict of terms between the English
version and the other language version, the English
version will control.
Government End Users. If End User is an agency,
department, or other entity of the United States
Government, or funded in whole or in part by
the U.S. Government, then use, duplication,
reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or
transfer of the Application and accompanying
documentation is subject to restrictions as set
forth in DFARS 252.227-7014(a)(1) (JUN 1995) (DOD
commercial computer software definition), DFARS
27.7202-1 (DOD policy on commercial computer
software), FAR 52.227-19 (JUN 1987) (commercial
computer software clause for civilian agencies),
DFARS 252.227-7015 (NOV 1995) (DOD technical
data – commercial items clause); FAR 52.227-14
Alternates I, II, and III (JUN 1987) (civilian agency
technical data and noncommercial computer
software clause); and/or FAR 12.211 and FAR 12.212
(commercial item acquisitions), as applicable.
In case of conflict between any of the FAR and
DFARS provisions listed herein and this License
Agreement, the construction that provides greater
limitations on the Government’s rights shall
control. The contractor/manufacturer is Garmin
International, Inc., 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe,
Kansas 66062, USA and HERE North America LLC,
425 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606
Garmin® is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its
subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other
countries. These trademarks may not be used
without the express permission of Garmin.
HERE is a trademark in the U.S. and other countries.
All other company names and trademarks
mentioned or referenced in this documentation are
the properties of their respective owners. All rights
Additional Terms and Privacy Policy for Location
English 9
Platform Services. If your Application is provided
access to Location Platform Services, by accessing
such Location Platform Services you agree to
application of the Nokia Terms of Service at http://
here.com/services/terms and the Nokia Privacy
Policy at http://www.nokia.com/global/privacy/
10 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Traffic End User License Agreement
Your Garmin product may be equipped to receive
traffic data. If it is so equipped, the following terms
and conditions apply to your use of your Garmin
HERE North America LLC and/or its affiliates
including Traffic.com (formerly NavTeq Traffic)
(“HERE”) or another third party traffic provider
(“TPTP”) holds the rights to the traffic information
(“Traffic Data”). If you receive RDS/TMC, DAB or HD
RadioTM Traffic Data, HERE or the TPTP holds the
rights to the RDS/TMC, DAB or HD Radio networks
through which it is delivered to your Garmin
product. By subscribing to, receiving or otherwise
accessing the Traffic Data, you acknowledge that
you have read this Agreement, that you understand
it, that your agree to be bound by the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, and that you are at
least 18 years of age. If you do not agree to the
terms and conditions of this Agreement, decline
the subscription or, if the subscription is bundled
as part of your Garmin product, return the product
within 7 days for a full refund to the dealer from
which you purchased the product.
You agree to use the Traffic Data together with
your Garmin product solely for personal, non-
commercial purposes, and not for service bureau,
time-sharing or other similar purposes. You may
not modify, copy, scan, decompile, disassemble or
reverse engineer any portion of the Traffic Data,
or use any other method to reproduce, duplicate,
republish, transmit, or distribute in any way any
portion of the Traffic Data. You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless either HERE or TPTP
(and their respective affiliates) and Garmin Ltd. (and
its subsidiaries) against any and all claims, damages,
costs, or other expenses that arise directly or
indirectly out of (a) your unauthorized use of the
Traffic Data (b) the RDS/TMC, DAB or HD Radio
networks, (c) your violation of this Agreement, and/
or (d) any unauthorized or unlawful activities by
you in connection herewith.
The Traffic Data is informational only. You assume
all risk of use. HERE or TPTP (and their respective
affiliates), Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries), and
their suppliers make no representations about
content, traffic and road conditions, route usability,
or speed.
The Traffic Data is provided to you “as is, and you
agree to use it at your own risk. HERE or TPTP (and
their respective affiliates) and Garmin Ltd. (and
its subsidiaries) make no warranty of fitness or
compatibility of the Traffic Data with the Garmin
product and no warranty that the Traffic Data will
operate properly as integrated and interfaced
with the Garmin product. In addition, HERE or
TPTP (and their respective affiliates) and Garmin
Ltd. (and its subsidiaries) make no warranty with
regard to the reliability, accuracy, exhaustiveness,
and completeness of the Traffic Data, which may
contain inaccuracies and/or errors from time
to time. To the maximum extent permitted by
applicable law, any and all warranties of any kind
whatsoever with regard to the Traffic Data are
hereby expressly waived and excluded, including,
but not limited to, those of merchantability, fitness
for a particular purpose, accuracy or completeness
of the Traffic Data, and/or a lack of viruses.
HERE or TPTP (and their respective affiliates),
Garmin Ltd. (and its subsidiaries), and their
suppliers disclaim all liability for any loss, injury, or
damage resulting from use of or inability to use the
Garmin product and the Traffic Data as a result of
weather difficulties, the destruction of transmitters
and/or broadcasting infrastructures, a natural
disaster, and/or a lack of reliability, completeness, or
accuracy of the Traffic Data. In no event shall HERE
or TPTP (and their respective affiliates), Garmin Ltd.
(and its subsidiaries), and their suppliers be liable
to you or any other party for any compensatory,
direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential
damages (including, without limitation, indirect,
direct, special, punitive, or exemplary damages
for loss of business, loss of profits, business
interruption, or loss of business information) arising
out of the use of or inability to use the Garmin
product or the Traffic Data, even if HERE or TPTP or
Garmin have been advised of the possibility of such
Lifetime or Onetime Traffic. If you purchase or
your Garmin product is pre-loaded with “lifetime”
or one-time” traffic, you will receive Traffic Data for
the useful life of your Garmin traffic receiver (as
long as you own a compatible Garmin product)
or as long as Garmin receives Traffic Data from its
third party content supplier, whichever is shorter.
A traffic receiver’s useful life” means the period
during which the receiver (a) has the required
technical capabilities to utilize current traffic data
service and (b) is capable of operating as intended
without major repairs. Traffic Data is not available
for all areas. Garmin may terminate your traffic
subscription immediately if you violate any of the
terms of this Agreement. Your traffic subscription
may not be transferred to another person or
another Garmin product. Traffic services are in
part geographically restricted to the reception
and transmission range of the radio transmitters in
the case of broadcast RDSTMC, HD or DAB traffic,
operated by the respective network operators or
cellular carriers in the case of connected traffic over
English 11
IP. They can be affected by atmospheric conditions,
topographical conditions, the vehicles’ location or
position as well as obstacles (for example bridges
and buildings).
Governing Law for HERE Traffic Data. The
above terms and conditions concerning HERE
Traffic Data shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Illinois, without giving effect to (i) its
conflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United Nations
Convention for Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods, which is explicitly excluded. You agree
to submit to the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois
for any and all disputes, claims and actions arising
from or in connection with the HERE Traffic Data
provided to you hereunder.
HERE Traffic Data Government End Users. If
the HERE Traffic Data is being acquired by or on
behalf of the United States government or any
other entity seeking or applying rights similar
to those customarily claimed by the United
States government, this HERE Traffic Data is a
commercial item” as that term is defined at 48
C.F.R. (“FAR”) 2.101, is licensed in accordance
with this Agreement, and the HERE Traffic Data
delivered or otherwise furnished shall be marked
and embedded as appropriate with the following
“Notice of Use, and shall be treated in accordance
with such Notice:
Notice of Use
Contractor (Manufacturer/ Supplier) Name: HERE
Contractor (Manufacturer/supplier) Address: 425
West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606
This Data is a commercial item as defined in FAR
2.101 and is subject to the HERE Traffic™ End User
License Agreement under which this Data was
© 1987-2014 HERE – All rights reserved.
If the Contracting Officer, federal government
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12 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
See "Safety Precautions and Important Information"
in the Quick Start Guide for product warnings and
other important information.
• Thescreenshotsshowninthismanualmaynotexactly
match the screens on your navigation system. The
images used in this manual are intended for reference
Using the Navigation System
For complete audio system information, see the
other Kenwood system manuals.
Select to access the navigation system.
When navigating,
displays Kenwood audio. When
using audio, this displays navigation information.
Help When You Need It
Select Apps > Help to view information
about using the device.
Searching Help Topics
Select Apps > Help > .
Status Bar Icons
The status bar is located at the top of the main
menu. The status bar icons display information
about features on the device. You can select
some icons to change settings or view additional
GPS signal status
Current time
Smartphone Link status (appears
when connected to Smartphone
Link). See (page 26).
The first time you use your Kenwood Navigation System, you need to set up your system. The Help menu
provides additional information.
Getting Started
English 13
Satellite Signals
After your vehicle is turned on, the navigation
system begins acquiring satellite signals. The
system may need a clear view of the sky to acquire
satellite signals. When at least one of the bars
is green, your system has acquired satellite signals.
Viewing GPS Satellite Signals
For more information about GPS, go to www
Using the On-Screen Buttons
Select to return to the main menu.
Hold to quickly return to the main menu.
Select or to see more choices.
Hold or to scroll faster.
Select to see a menu of options for the current
Using the On-Screen Keyboard
See Language Settings to change the keyboard
layout (page 36).
When an on-screen keyboard appears,
select a letter or a number to enter it.
Select to add a space.
Select to delete a character.
Select to erase the entire entry.
Select to select the keyboard language mode.
to enter special characters, such as
punctuation marks.
to change character capitalization.
Adding a Shortcut
You can add shortcuts to the Where To? menu. A
shortcut can point to a location, a category, or a
search tool. The Where To? menu can contain up to
36 shortcut icons.
1 Select Where To? > Add Shortcut.
2 Select an item.
Removing a Shortcut
1 Select Where To > > Remove
2 Select the shortcut to remove.
3 Select the shortcut again to confirm.
14 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Finding a Location by Category
1 Select Where To?.
2 Select a category, or select Categories.
3 If necessary, select a subcategory.
4 Select a location.
Searching Within a Category
To narrow your search results, you can search
within some categories.
1 Select Where To?.
2 Select a category, or select Categories.
3 If necessary, select a subcategory.
4 If necessary, enter all or part of the name
in the search bar (page 14).
Finding a Location Using the Search Bar
You can use the search bar to search for locations
by entering a category, brand name, address, or
city name.
1 Select Where To?.
2 Select the search bar
3 Enter a search term.
Suggested search terms appear below the
search bar as you type.
4 Select an option:
To search for a type of business, enter a
category name, such as “movie theaters.
To search for a business by name, enter all or
part of the name.
To search for an address near you, enter the
street number and street name.
To search for an address in another city, enter
the street number, street name, city, and state.
To search for a city, enter the city and state.
To search for coordinates, enter latitude and
longitude coordinates.
5 Select an option:
To search using a suggested search term, select
the term.
To search using the text you entered, select
6 If necessary, select a location.
Changing the Search Area
By default, your device finds locations closest to
your current location. You can find a location near
another city or location.
1 Select Where To? > Searching Near.
2 Select an option.
3 If necessary, select a location.
Finding Locations
The navigation system offers many methods for finding locations. The detailed maps loaded in your
navigation system contain locations, such as restaurants, hotels, and auto services. You can use categories
to browse for nearby businesses and attractions.
English 15
Finding Fuel Stations and Prices
Before you can use this feature, you must
subscribe to the Fuel Price service, and your
device must be connected via a supported phone
running Smartphone Link. This feature is not
available in all areas.
You can find nearby fuel stations and compare
fuel prices.
1 Select Apps > Fuel Prices.
2 If necessary, select
> Fuel Type, select a
fuel type, and select Save.
3 Select a fuel station.
Finding an Address
• Theorderofthestepsmaychangedependingonthe
map data loaded on your device.
1 Select Where To? > Address.
2 Enter the address number, and select
3 Enter the street name, and select Next.
4 If necessary, select Searching In to change
the city, state, or province.
5 If necessary, select the city, the state, or
the province.
6 If necessary, select the address.
Finding a City
Before you can find a city, you must add a
shortcut to the cities search tool (page 13).
1 Select Where To? > Cities.
2 Select Enter Search.
3 Enter a city name, and select
4 Select a city.
Finding an Intersection
Before you can find an intersection, you must
add a shortcut to the intersection search tool
(page 13).
1 Select Where To? > Intersections.
2 Select a state or province.
If necessary, select State or Country to
change the country, state, or province.
3 Enter the first street name, and select
4 If necessary, select the street.
5 Enter the second street name, and select
6 If necessary, select the street.
7 If necessary, select the intersection.
16 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Finding a Location Using Coordinates
Before you can find a location using coordinates,
you must add a shortcut to the coordinates
search tool (page 13).
You can find a location using latitude and
longitude coordinates. This can be helpful when
1 Select Where To? > Coordinates.
2 If necessary, select
> Format, select the
correct coordinate format for the type of
map you are using, and select Save.
3 Select the latitude coordinate.
4 Enter the new coordinate, and select Done.
5 Select the longitude coordinate.
6 Enter the new coordinate, and select Done.
7 Select View on Map.
Finding a Location by Browsing the Map
Before you can find places included in the map
data, such as restaurants, hospitals, and fuel
stations, you must enable the map layer for places
along the road (page 23).
1 Select View Map.
2 Drag and zoom the map to display the
area to search.
3 If necessary, select
, and select a
category icon to view only a specific
category of places.
Location markers (
or a blue dot) appear
on the map.
4 Select an option:
Select a location marker.
Select a point, such as a street, intersection, or
address location.
5 If necessary, select the location description
to view additional information.
Find a Location Using Quick Search
After you have performed a search for a point of
interest, certain categories may display a Quick
Search list that displays the last four destinations
you selected.
1 Select Where To?.
2 Select a category, or select Categories.
3 If applicable, select a destination from the
Quick Search list
4 If necessary, select the appropriate
Saving a Home Location
You can set your home location for the location
you return to most often.
1 Select Where To? >
> Set Home
2 Select Enter My Address, Use My Current
Location, or Choose from Recently Found.
The location is saved as “Home” in the
Saved menu.
Finding Locations
English 17
Going Home
Select Where To? > Go Home.
Editing Your Home Location Information
1 Select Where To? > Saved > Home.
2 Select
> > Edit.
3 Enter your changes.
4 Select Done.
Finding Recently Found Places
Your device stores the last 50 locations you have
1 Select Where To? > Recent.
2 Select a location.
Clearing the List of Recently Found Places
Select Where To? > Recent > > Clear >
Finding Parking
1 Select Where To? > Categories > Parking.
2 Select a parking location.
Setting a Simulated Location
If you are not receiving satellite signals, you can
use the GPS to set a simulated location.
1 Select Settings > Navigation.
2 Select GPS Simulator.
3 From the main menu, select View Map.
4 Select an area on the map.
The address of the location appears at the
bottom of the screen.
5 Select the location description.
6 Select Set Location.
Saving a Location
1 Search for a location (page 14).
2 From the search results, select a location.
3 Select
4 Select
> Save.
5 If necessary, enter a name, and
select OK.
Saving Your Current Location
1 From the map, select the vehicle icon.
2 Select Save.
3 Enter a name, and select Done.
4 Select OK.
18 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Finding Locations
Starting a Route to a Saved Location
1 Select Where To? > Saved.
2 If necessary, select a category, or select All
Saved Places.
3 Select a location.
4 Select Go!.
Editing a Saved Location
1 Select Where To? > Saved.
2 If necessary, select a category.
3 Select a location.
4 Select
5 Select
> Edit.
6 Select an option:
•Select Name.
• Select Phone Number.
• To assign categories to the Favorite, select
• To change the symbol used to mark the Favorite
on a map, select Change Map Symbol.
7 Edit the information.
8 Select Done.
Assigning Categories to a Saved Location
You can add custom categories to organize your
saved locations.
• Categoriesappearinthesavedlocationsmenuafteryou
have saved more than 12 locations.
1 Select Where To? > Saved.
2 Select a location.
3 Select
4 Select
> Edit > Categories.
5 Enter one or more category names,
separated by commas.
6 If necessary, select a suggested category.
7 Select Done.
Deleting a Saved Location
• Deletedlocationscannotberecovered.
1 Select Where To? > Saved.
2 Select
> Delete Saved Places.
3 Select the box next to the saved locations
to delete, and select Delete.
English 19
Starting a Route
1 Search for a location (page 14).
2 Select a location.
3 Select Go!.
4 If necessary, select a route.
Previewing Multiple Routes
1 Search for a location (page 14).
2 From the search results, select a location.
3 Select Routes.
4 Use the on-screen buttons to select a
5 Select Go!.
Following a Route
The route is marked with a magenta line. A
checkered flag marks your destination.
As you travel, the device guides you to the
destination with voice prompts, arrows on the
map, and directions at the top of the map. If
you depart from the original route, the device
recalculates the route and provides new
Using the Navigation Map
1 From the main menu, select View Map.
2 If the zoom controls are hidden, select the
map to display the zoom controls.
3 Select the map to switch to browsing
Map buttons appear.
4 Select an option:
• To zoom in or out, select or .
• To rotate the map view, select .
• To switch between North Up and 3-D views,
• To add or remove map layers, select .
• To view specific location categories, select
and select a category icon.
• To center the map on your current location,
• To view shortcuts for map and navigation
features, select
You can create, customize, and edit your routes.
20 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Adding a Point to a Route
1 While navigating a route, select to
return to the main menu.
2 Select Where To?.
3 Search for the location (page 14).
4 Select Go!.
5 Select Add to Active Route.
Taking a Detour
While navigating a route, you can use detours
to avoid obstacles ahead of you, such as
construction zones.
• Iftherouteyouarecurrentlynavigatingistheonly
reasonable option, your device might not calculate a
From the map, select > Detour.
Stopping the Route
From the map, select .
Using Suggested Routes
Before you can use this feature, you must save at
least one location and enable the travel history
feature (page 17).
Using the myTrends
feature, your device predicts
your destination based on your travel history, the
day of the week, and the time of day. After you
have driven to a saved location several times, the
location may appear in the navigation bar on the
map, along with the estimated time of travel, and
traffic information.
Select the navigation bar to view a
suggested route to the location.
Using Exit Services
• YoumustbeonamajorhighwayorroadtouseExit
While navigating a route, you can find gas, food,
lodging, and restrooms near upcoming exits.
Services are listed under tabs by category.
English 21
Finding Exit Services
1 From the map, select > Exit Services.
2 Use the arrows to select an upcoming exit.
3 Select an exit service tab.
4 Select a point of interest.
Navigating to an Exit
1 From the map, select > Exit Services >
2 Select Go!.
Using Find Ahead
When upcoming exits do not have needed
services, you can search farther ahead on your
1 While navigating a route, from the map
select > Exit Services.
2 Select an exit service tab that does not
have an upcoming service match.
3 Select Find Ahead.
4 Select
> to see more exits.
5 Select a service.
6 Select Go!
Avoiding Road Features
1 Select Settings > Navigation > Avoidances.
2 Select the road features to avoid on your
routes, and select Save.
Adding a Custom Avoidance Area
Custom avoidances allow you to avoid specific
areas and sections of road. You can enable and
disable custom avoidances as needed.
1 Select Settings > Navigation > Custom
2 If necessary, select Add Avoidance.
3 Select Add Avoid Area.
4 Select the upper-left corner of the area to
avoid, and select Next.
5 Select the lower-right corner of the area to
avoid, and select Next.
The selected area is shaded on the map.
6 Select Done.
Avoiding a Road
1 Select Settings > Navigation > Custom
2 Select Add Avoid Road.
3 Select the starting point of the section of
road to avoid, and select Next.
4 Select the ending point of the road
section, and select Next.
5 Select Done.
Disabling a Custom Avoidance
You can disable a custom avoidance without
deleting it.
1 Select Settings > Navigation > Custom
2 Select an avoidance.
3 Select
> Disable.
22 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Deleting Custom Avoidances
1 Select Settings > Navigation > Custom
2 Select an option:
To delete all custom avoidances, select .
To delete one custom avoidance, select the
avoidance, and select
> Delete.
Enabling Advanced Detours
Select Settings > Navigation > Advanced
Taking a Detour Around Specified Areas
You can take a detour for a specified distance
along your route or detour around specific roads.
This is useful if you encounter construction zones,
closed roads, or poor road conditions.
1 Select a destination, and select Go!
(page 14).
2 From the map, select
> Detour
3 Select Next .5mi on Route, Next 2mi on
Route, Next 5mi on Route, or Detour by
Road(s) on Route.
4 If necessary, select a road to detour
English 23
The Map Pages
You can customize which data appear on the map and view upcoming turns and current location
Customizing the Map Layers
You can customize which data appear on the
map, such as icons for points of interest and road
1 From the map, select .
2 Select Map Layers.
3 Select which layers you want to include on
the map, and select Save.
Viewing the Trip Log
Your device keeps a trip log, which is a record of
the path you have traveled.
1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > Map
2 Select the Trip Log check box.
Changing the Map Data Field
1 From the map, select the data field in the
lower left-hand corner.
2 Select a type of data to display.
3 Select Save.
Changing the Map Perspective
1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > Driving
Map View.
2 Select an option:
• Select Track Up to display the map in two
dimensions (2-D), with your direction of travel at
the top.
• Select North Up to display the map in 2-D with
North at the top.
• Select 3-D to display the map in three
Customizing Map Buttons
You can include up to three icons on the right
side of the main map.
1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > Map
2 Select an icon, and select OK.
3 Select
4 Select a different icon.
Removing Buttons from the Map
You can remove all buttons from the right side of
the map.
1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > Map
2 Select an icon, and touch OK.
3 Select Save.
24 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Viewing a List of Turns
When you are navigating a route, you can view all
of the turns and maneuvers for your entire route
and the distance between turns.
1 Select the text bar on the top of the map.
2 Select a turn.
The details for the turn appear. If available,
an image of the junction appears for
junction on major roadways.
Viewing the Entire Route on the Map
1 While navigating a route, select the
navigation bar at the top of the map.
2 Select
> Map.
Viewing the Next Turn
While navigating a route, a preview of the next
turn, lane change, or other maneuver appears in
the upper-left corner of the map.
The preview includes the distance to the turn or
maneuver and the lane in which you should be
traveling, if available.
From the map, select
to view the next
turn on the map.
Viewing Junctions
While navigating a route, you can view the
junctions on major roadways. When you approach
a junction in a route, the image of that junction
appears briefly, if available.
• TheLaneAssistpagewithJunctionViewisnotavailable
on the DNX4250BT and DNX4250DAB.
From the map, select to view the
junction, if available.
Viewing Traffic Alerts
While you navigate a route, a traffic alert may
Select the alert to view more information.
Viewing Trip Information
The trip information page displays your present
speed and provides statistics about your trip.
From the map, select
> Trip Computer.
The Map Pages
English 25
Resetting Trip Information
1 From the map, select > Trip Computer.
2 Select
> Reset All.
3 Select an option:
• When not navigating a route, select Select All to
reset every data field, except the speedometer,
on the page.
• Select Reset Trip Data to reset the information
on the trip computer.
• Select Reset Max. Speed to reset the maximum
• Select Reset Trip B to reset the odometer.
Viewing Current Location Information
You can use the Where Am I? page to view
information about your current location. This
feature is helpful if you need to tell emergency
personnel your location.
From the map, select
> Where Am I?.
Finding Nearby Services
You can use the Where Am I? page to find nearby
services, such as hospitals or police stations.
1 From the map, select
> Where Am I?.
2 Select a category.
Directions to Your Current Location
If you need to tell another person how to get to
your current location, your device can give you a
list of directions.
Select Apps > Where Am I? >
Directions to Me.
26 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
The Apps on your navigation system provide access to weather, trip planning, fuel reports, and more.
About Smartphone Link
Smartphone Link is a phone application that
allows your navigation system to download live
data using your phone data connection. Your
system transfers data from Smartphone Link
using Bluetooth wireless technology.
Connecting to Smartphone Link provides access
to Garmin Live Services. Garmin Live Services
provides free and subscription-based plans to
view live data on your device, such as traffic data,
weather, and fuel prices.
Saved locations and recently found locations are
synchronized with your phone each time your
navigation system connects to Smartphone Link.
Downloading Smartphone Link
Smartphone Link is available for some
smartphones. See the application store for
your phone for compatibility and availability
Download Smartphone Link from the application
store on your supported phone. See your phone
owner's manual for information on downloading
and installing applications.
Connecting to Smartphone Link
Before you can connect to Smartphone Link, you
must download and install the Smartphone Link
application on your phone.
1 Start Smartphone Link on your phone.
2 See your other Kenwood system manuals
and your phone owner's manual for
connection information.
appears in the status bar on your
device when Smartphone Link is
Sending a Location from Your Phone
Smartphone Link is registered as a navigation
application on your phone.
1 From your phone, select the button to
start navigating to a location (see the
owner's manual for your phone).
2 Select Smartphone Link from the
application menu.
The next time you connect your device to
your phone, the location is transferred to
the recently found items on your device.
Disabling Calls While Connected
While the device is connected to the phone and
receiving Garmin Live Services, you can disable
hands-free calling.
1 Select Apps > Smartphone Link.
2 Select your phone.
3 Clear the Hands-Free Calling check box.
Using the Apps
English 27
About Garmin Live Services
Before you can use Garmin Live Services, your
device must be connected to a supported phone
running Smartphone Link (page 26).
Some Garmin Live Services, like Weather, are
available as separate apps on your device. Other
Garmin Live Services, like Live Traffic, enhance
the existing navigation features on your device.
Connecting to Smartphone Link provides access
to Garmin Live Services. Garmin Live Services
provide free and subscription-based plans to
view live data on your device, such as traffic data,
weather and fuel prices.
Features that require access to Garmin Live
Services display the Smartphone Link symbol
and appear only when the device is connected to
Smartphone Link.
Subscribing to Garmin Live Services
You must subscribe to Garmin Live Services using
the Smartphone Link app on your phone.
1 Start the Smartphone Link app on your
phone (page 26).
2 Select Garmin Live Services.
A list of services and subscription prices
3 Select a service.
4 Select the price.
5 Select Subscribe.
6 Follow the on-screen instructions.
About ecoRoute
The ecoRoute feature calculates your vehicle fuel
economy, carbon footprint, and the fuel price of
navigating to a destination, and offers tools for
improving fuel efficiency.
The data provided by the ecoRoute feature is
only an estimate. The data is not actually read
from your vehicle. To receive more-accurate
fuel reports for your specific vehicle and driving
habits, calibrate the fuel economy.
Creating a Vehicle Profile
The vehicle profile provides a basis for ecoRoute
to calculate your vehicle fuel economy.
1 Select Apps > ecoRoute.
2 Enter the required information, and select
3 Select Done.
Resetting Your Vehicle Profile
1 Select Apps > ecoRoute > Vehicle Profile.
2 Select Reset.
Calibrating Fuel Economy
Use this feature when you refuel to maintain an
accurate fuel economy.
1 Select Apps > ecoRoute > At the Pump.
2 Enter the current fuel price.
3 Enter how much fuel your vehicle has used
since the last fill up.
4 Enter the distance you have traveled since
the last fill up.
5 Select Next.
28 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Taking the ecoChallenge
The ecoChallenge helps you maximize your fuel
economy by scoring your driving habits. The
higher your ecoChallenge scores, the more fuel
you save. The ecoChallenge collects data and
calculates a score whenever you are moving.
The ecoChallenge
icon displays your current
score on the map.
Select Apps > ecoRoute > ecoChallenge.
• ToviewdetailedecoChallengescores,selecttheicon.
The leaf color on the driving challenge icon changes
depending on your performance in the challenge.
About ecoChallenge Scores
• Overall—a combination of the speed, acceleration, and
braking score.
• Speedgain points for driving at your vehicle optimal
speed for conserving fuel (45–60 mph for most vehicles).
• Acceleration—gain points for smooth acceleration; lose
points for rapid acceleration.
• Brakinggain points for smooth braking; lose points for
hard braking.
Hiding Your ecoChallenge Score
1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > Map
2 Select
3 Select OK.
Resetting Your Score
You can restart your current ecoChallenge.
1 Select Apps > ecoRoute > ecoChallenge.
2 Select
> Reset.
3 Select Yes.
Viewing Your Fuel Economy
1 Select Apps > ecoRoute > Fuel Economy.
The graph along the bottom shows your
average fuel economy for a period of
driving time.
2 Select a section of the graph to zoom in.
3 Select Reset to clear the fuel economy
About the Mileage Report
A mileage report tracks the distance, the time,
the average fuel economy, and the fuel cost of
navigating to a destination.
A mileage report is created for every route that
you drive. If you stop a route on the device, a
mileage report is created for the distance you
Mileage reports are created automatically when
you stop or complete routes.
Viewing a Mileage Report
You can view the 20 most-recent mileage reports.
1 Select Apps > ecoRoute > Mileage Report.
2 Select a report.
To reset all report data, select Reset.
Using the Apps
English 29
Exporting a Mileage Report
1 Connect a USB mass storage device to your
Kenwood unit.
2 Select Apps > ecoRoute > Mileage Report.
3 Select Export to export and save the
reports to the USB mass storage device.
Setting Routes that Use Less Fuel
1 Select Settings > Navigation > Calculation
2 Select Less Fuel.
Viewing myGarmin Messages
Before you can use this feature, your device must
be connected to a supported phone running
Smartphone Link (page 26). This feature is not
available in all areas.
You can view messages from myGarmin, such as
notifications for software and map updates.
1 Select Apps > myGarmin.
If you have unread messages, the number
of unread messages appears on the
myGarmin icon.
2 Select a message subject.
The full message appears.
Viewing the Weather Forecast
Before you can use this feature, your device must
be connected to a supported phone running
Smartphone Link (page 26). This feature is not
available in all areas.
1 Select Apps > Weather.
The forecast for your current location
2 Select a day.
The detailed forecast for that day appears.
Viewing Weather Near a Different City
1 Select Apps > Weather > Current Location.
2 Select an option:
To view weather for a favorite city, select a city
in the list.
To add a favorite city, select Add City, and enter
a city name.
Viewing the Weather Radar
You can view an animated, color-coded radar
map of current weather conditions, as well as
a weather icon on the map. The weather icon
changes to show weather in the vicinity, such as
rain, snow, and thunderstorms.
1 Select Apps > Weather.
2 If necessary, select a city.
3 Select
> Weather Radar.
30 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Using the Apps
Viewing Weather Alerts
While you are traveling with your device, weather
alerts may appear on the map. You can also
view a map of weather alerts near your current
location or near a selected city.
1 Select Apps > Weather.
2 If necessary, select a city.
3 Select
> Weather Alerts.
Checking Road Conditions
1 Select Apps > Weather.
2 If necessary, select a city.
3 Select
> Road Conditions.
Planning a Trip
You can use the trip planner to create and save a
trip with multiple destinations.
1 Select Apps > Trip Planner.
2 Select New Trip.
3 Select Select Start Location.
4 Search for a location (page 14).
5 Select Select.
6 To add additional locations, select
7 Select Next.
8 Enter a name, and select Done.
Editing a Trip Itinerary
1 Select Apps > Trip Planner.
2 Select a saved trip.
3 Select an option:
• To change the arrival or departure time, select a
location in the trip.
• To record how long you will stay at a location,
select a location in the trip, and select Duration.
• To view the trip on the map, select Map.
Navigating to a Saved Trip
1 Select Apps > Trip Planner.
2 Select a saved trip.
3 Select Go!.
4 If prompted, select a route.
Editing a Saved Trip
1 Select Apps > Trip Planner.
2 Select a saved trip.
3 Select
4 Select an option:
• Select Rename Trip.
• Select Edit Destinations to add and delete
locations, or to change the order of locations.
• Select Delete Trip.
• Select Optimize Order to arrange the stops on
your trip in the most-efficient order.
English 31
Using the World Clock
1 Select Apps > World Clock.
2 If necessary, select a city, enter a city
name, and select Done.
Viewing the World Map
Select Apps > World Clock > .
Nighttime hours appear in the shaded area
of the map.
Finding Parking
Before you can use this feature, you must
subscribe to the Dynamic Parking service, and
your device must be connected to a supported
phone running Smartphone Link (page 26). This
feature is not available in all areas.
You can find detailed parking information, in
cluding parking availability in nearby garages,
and pricing information.
1 Select Apps > Parking.
2 Select a parking location.
32 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Traffic Information
Using the built-in receiver, the navigation system can receive and use traffic information. When a traffic
message is received, you can see the event on the map and change your route to avoid the traffic incident.
Garmin and JVC KENWOOD are not responsible for
the accuracy or timeliness of the traffic information.
Traffic information may not be available in all areas
or countries.
Traffic Subscription Activation
You do not need to activate the subscription
included with your navigation sustem. The
subscription activates automatically after your
system acquires satellite signals while receiving
traffic signals from the pay service provider.
Understanding Traffic
Your navigation system can receive traffic
information using the built-in traffic receiver or
a traffic subscription from Garmin Live Services
(page 27). The traffic receiver must be in data
range of a station transmitting traffic data to
receive traffic information. The traffic subscription
activates automatically after your navigation
system acquires satellite signals while receiving
traffic signals from the service provider. You
can add other subscriptions at any time. For
information about traffic receivers and coverage
areas, go to www.garmin.com/kenwood.
Traffic Data Using Smartphone Link
You can purchase a traffic subscription to receive
traffic data using Smartphone Link. When your
navigation system is connected to Smartphone
Link and within a traffic coverage area, your
system will begin displaying traffic information.
Traffic data is not available in all areas.
1 From your phone, purchase a traffic
subscription from Garmin Live Services
(page 27).
2 Connect your device to Smartphone LInk
(page 26).
About the Traffic Icon
When you are receiving traffic information, a
traffic icon appears on the Map. The traffic icon
changes color to indicate the severity of traffic
Color Description Meaning
Green Low severity Traffic is flowing
Yellow Medium
Traffic is slightly
Red High severity Traffic is heavily
congested or
Gray No data Traffic data has
not updated.
English 33
Traffic on Your Route
When calculating your route, the navigation
system examines the current traffic and
automatically optimizes the route for the shortest
time. If a severe traffic delay occurs on your route
while you are navigating, your navigation system
automatically recalculates the route.
The traffic icon changes color to indicate the
severity of traffic conditions on your route or on
the road you are currently traveling.
Your navigation system may route you through a
traffic delay if a better alternative route does not
exist. The delay time is added into your estimated
time of arrival automatically.
Viewing Traffic on Your Route
1 While navigating a route, select .
2 Select Traffic on Route.
A list of traffic events appears, organized by
their location on the route.
3 Select an event.
Manually Avoiding Traffic on Your Route
1 From the map, select .
2 Select Traffic On Route.
3 If necessary, use the arrows to view other
traffic delays on your route.
4 Select
> Avoid.
Taking an Alternate Route
1 While navigating an automobile route,
select .
2 Select Alternate Route.
3 Select a route.
Viewing Traffic on the Map
The traffic map shows color-coded traffic flow
and delays on nearby roads.
1 From the map, select
2 Select Traffic Conditions.
Searching for Traffic Delays
1 From the map, select .
2 Select Traffic Conditions >
3 Select an item in the list.
4 If there is more than one delay, use the
arrows to view additional delays.
Viewing a Traffic Incident on the Map
1 From the map, select .
2 Select Traffic Conditions.
3 Select a traffic icon.
Understanding Traffic Data
The traffic legend explains the icons and colors
used on the traffic map.
1 From the map, select
2 Select Traffic Legend.
34 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Traffic Information
About Traffic Cameras
Before you can use this feature, you must
subscribe to the photoLive service, and your
device must be connected to a supported phone
running Smartphone Link (page 26). This feature
is not available in all areas.
Traffic cameras provide live images of traffic
conditions on major roadways and intersections.
You can save cameras that you want to view
Saving a Traffic Camera
1 Select Apps > MyCameras.
2 Select Add Camera.
3 Select a road.
4 Select an intersection.
5 Select Save.
Viewing a Traffic Camera
Before you can view a traffic camera, you must
save a traffic camera.
1 Select Apps > myCameras.
2 Select a camera.
Adding a Traffic Subscription
You can purchase traffic subscriptions for other
regions or countries.
1 From the main menu, select Traffic.
2 Select Subscriptions >
3 Write down the FM Traffic Receiver unit ID.
4 Go to www.garmin.com/fmtraffic to
purchase a subscription and get a
25-character code.
English 35
Customizing the Settings
You can customize the settings of your GPS navigation system.
Customizing the Navigation System
1 Select Settings.
2 Select a setting category.
3 Select the setting to change it.
Changing the Map Settings
Select Settings > Map & Vehicle.
• Vehicle—select Change to change the icon used to
display your position on the map. Select the icon you
want to use, and select Save.
• Driving Map View—select a map perspective.
• Map Detail—adjust the amount of detail shown on the
map. More detail may cause the map to redraw slower.
• Map themechanges the color of the map data.
• Map Buttons—Sets which icons are included on the
map. Up to three icons can be included on the map.
• Map Layers—Sets the data that appears on the map.
• Dashboards—Sets the map dashboard layout.
• myMaps—Sets which installed maps the device uses.
Enabling Maps
1 Select Settings > Map & Vehicle > myMaps.
2 Select a map.
Changing the Navigation Settings
Select Settings > Navigation.
• Calculation Mode—sets route preference.
• Avoidances—sets road features to avoid on a route.
• Custom Avoidances—allows you to avoid specific roads
or areas.
• Advanced Detours—sets the length of a detour.
• Safe Modedisables all functions that require
significant operator attention and could become a
distraction while driving.
• GPS Simulator—stops the device from receiving a GPS
signal, and saves battery power.
Adjusting the Display Settings
Select Settings > Display.
• Color Mode—select Day for a light background, Night
for a dark background, or Auto to automatically switch
between the two.
Route Preferences
Select Settings > Navigation > Calculation
The route calculation is based on road speeds and
vehicle acceleration data for a given route.
• Faster Time—calculates routes that are faster to drive
but can be longer in distance.
• Shorter Distancecalculates routes that are shorter in
distance but can take more time to drive.
• Less Fuel—calculates routes that could use less fuel
than other routes.
36 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Customizing the Settings
Updating the Time Settings
Select Settings > Units & Time.
• Current Time—select Automatic to update the time
automatically. When Automatic is not selected, you can
adjust the time in 15-minute increments.
• Time Format—select a 12-hour, 24-hour, or UTC time
• Units—sets the unit of measure used for distances.
Setting the Languages
Select Settings > Language & Keyboard.
• Voice Language—select a voice for the voice prompts.
• Keyboard Language—sets the language for your
• Keyboard Layout—sets the keyboard layout.
Adding Security
Select Settings > Navigation > Safe Mode.
• Safe Mode—turn safe mode on or off. When your
vehicle is moving, safe mode disables all functions that
require significant operator attention and could become
a distraction while driving.
Device and Privacy Settings
Select Settings > Device.
About—displays the software version number, the unit
ID number, and information on several other software
• Youneedthisinformationwhenyouupdatethesystem
software or purchase additional map data (page 37).
Travel History—allows the device to record information
for the myTrends (page 20) and Trip Log features.
Clear Travel Historyclears all travel history for the
myTrends (page 20) and Trip Log features.
Restoring Settings
You can restore a category of settings or all
settings to the factory default values.
1 Select Settings.
2 If necessary, select a settings category.
3 Select
> Restore.
English 37
This appendix provides additional information about your navigation system, such as how to update the
software and map data.
Updating the Software
Before you can update the navigation system
software, you must have a USB mass storage
device and an Internet connection.
1 Go to www.garmin.com/kenwood.
2 Select Update.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions
Updating the Map Data
You can purchase updated map data from Garmin
or ask your Kenwood dealer or Kenwood service
center for details.
1 Go to www.garmin.com/Kenwood.
2 Select Update.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions.
Safety Cameras
Garmin and JVC KENWOOD are not responsible for
the accuracy of, or the consequences of using, a
safety camera database.
Safety camera information is available in some
locations. Go to http://my.garmin.com for
availability. For these locations, the navigation
system includes the locations of hundreds of
safety cameras. Your navigation system alerts you
when you are approaching a safety camera and
can warn you if you are driving too fast. The data
is updated at least weekly, so you always have
access to the most up-to-date information.
You can purchase a new region or extend an
existing subscription at any time. Each region that
you purchase has an expiration date.
38 GPS Navigation Instruction Manual
Custom POIs (Points of Interest)
You can manually load custom points of interest
(POI) databases, available from various companies
on the Internet. Some custom POI databases
contain alert information for points such as safety
cameras and school zones. The navigation system
can notify you when you approach one of these
points. You are responsible for ensuring that your
use of safety camera information is lawful in your
Garmin and JVC KENWOOD are not responsible for
the consequences of using custom POI databases,
or for the accuracy of custom POI databases.
After downloading your POI database, use the
Garmin POI Loader to install the POIs onto a
USB mass storage device. Use the USB mass
storage device to load the POIs. The POI Loader is
available at www.garmin.com/products
/poiloader. Refer to the POI Loader Help file for
more information; click Help to open the Help
• EachtimeyouloadcustomPOIstothenavigation
system, any other custom POIs already saved in the
system will be overwritten.
Finding Custom POIs
1 Select Where To? > Categories > Custom
2 Select a category.
English 39
For the latest free software updates (excluding map data) throughout the
life of your Garmin products, visit the Garmin Web site at www.garmin.com/Kenwood.
© 2013-2014 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc.
1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA
Garmin (Europe) Ltd.
Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9LR, UK
Garmin Corporation
No. 68, Zhangshu 2
Road, Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Part Number 190-01687-19 Rev. C
Garmin® and the Garmin logo are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the
USA and other countries. ecoRoute
, myTrends
, and trafficTrends
are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or
its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin. HERE
is a trademark in the U.S. and other countries. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by
the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Garmin is under license. All other company
names and trademarks mentioned or referenced in this documentation are the properties of their
respective owners. All rights reserved.

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Kenwood DNX525DAB Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 104 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 40 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 131 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 104 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 40 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 131 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 135 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Snelstart handleiding - Français - 104 pagina's

Kenwood DNX525DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 135 pagina's

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