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NO STEPS E6100, E7000, E8000
EN | Original User Guide
Version 2 | 14.05.2019
Originalbetriebsanleitung | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
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Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-3
I. Introduction EN-4
I.I Explanation of the safety
information symbols EN-4
I.II The Pedelec Shimano Steps EN-5
II. Information pack EN-5
II.I Shimano original user guide EN-5
II.II Booklet and CD EN-5
II.III Component guides EN-6
II.IV Service book EN-7
II.V EU declarations of conformity EN-7
II.VI Guarantee card* EN-7
III. Cycle dealers EN-7
IV. Legal regulations for pedelecs EN-7
IV.I International EN-7
IV.II Germany EN-8
IV.II.I Lights EN-8
IV.II.I.I Replacement bulbs EN-9
IV.II.II Disposal EN-9
V. Intended use EN-10
V.I Pedelec EN-10
VI. Pedelec weight* EN-10
VI.I Overall weight EN-10
1. General safety information EN-11
2. Protection from theft,
manipulation and loss EN-13
3. Beforeyourrstride EN-14
3.1 Attaching the pedals EN-14
3.2 Adjusting the saddle height EN-15
3.2.1 Determining the correct
saddle height EN-15
3.2.2 Adjusting the saddle height: Saddle
clamp bolt(s)* EN-15
3.2.3 Adjusting the saddle height: Quick-
release skewer* EN-16
3.3 Shifting and tilting the saddle EN-17
3.3.1 Single-screw support: Shifting
and tilting the saddle EN-17
3.3.2 Twin-screw supports: Shifting
and tilting the saddle EN-18
3.3.3 Clamp attachment: Shifting
and tilting the saddle EN-18
3.4 Adjusting the sprung seatpost EN-19
3.5 Adjusting the height and angle
of the handlebars EN-19
3.6 Adjusting the headset EN-19
3.7 Attachingthereectors* EN-21
3.8 Switchingthelightsonando* EN-21
3.9 Braking EN-21
3.10 Chain* EN-22
3.10.1 Measuring and adjusting the
chain tension EN-22
3.10.2 Checking for chain wear EN-23
3.10.3 Chain cleaning and maintenance EN-23
3.11 Belt* EN-23
3.11.1 Belt tension EN-24
3.11.2 Checking the belt for wear EN-25
3.11.3 Cleaning the belt EN-26
3.12 Gears EN-26
3.13 Wheel EN-27
3.13.1 Changing the wheel EN-27 Wheel with axle nuts* EN-27
3.13.2 Quick-release wheels* EN-27
3.13.3 Wheel with axle shaft* EN-29
3.13.4 Rims EN-30
3.13.5 Tyres EN-31
3.14 Suspension fork* EN-31
3.14.1 Compression rate EN-31
3.14.2 Rebound damping EN-31
3.14.3 Lockout system EN-31
3.14.4 Air system* EN-32
4. Before every trip EN-32
4.1 Tips EN-33
4.1.1 Transporting your pedelec EN-33
4.1.2 Trailer bikes and trailers EN-33
4.1.3 Luggage rack EN-34 Safety information EN-34
5. Battery EN-35
5.1 Safety information EN-35
5.2 Technical details EN-38
5.3 Overview and basic functions EN-38
5.3.1 Display panel EN-38 Battery charge level EN-39 Capacity EN-39 Sleep mode EN-39
5.3.2 Inserting and locking the battery EN-40
5.3.3 Unlocking and removing the battery EN-41
5.4 Tips EN-41
5.4.1 Range EN-41
5.4.2 Storage EN-42
5.4.3 Cleaning EN-42
6. Battery charger EN-43
6.1 Safety information EN-43
6.2 Technical details EN-45
6.3 Functions EN-46
6.3.1 Charging the battery EN-46 Battery display during charging EN-47
6.4 Tips EN-47
6.4.1 Cleaning EN-47
6.4.2 Storage EN-47
7. Fault EN-48
7.1 Battery EN-48
7.2 Charger EN-50
8. Torque settings EN-50
*dependent on model
EN-4 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
I. Introduction
This user guide contains information on how to use, maintain and look
after the battery and battery charger of your Pedelec Shimano Steps.
guide. Please also read the other items in the information pack
II. Information pack Page EN-5. Familiarise yourself with the
appearance and meaning of the safety information symbols. Ensure to
contact your cycle dealer III. Cycle dealers Page EN-7 in the event
instructions can result in death, very serious injuries and/or damage
to the bicycle. The manufacturer's liability and any warranty are
deemed null and void for any damage or injury caused by a failure to
adhere to safety symbols and instructions.
Ensure that your cycle dealer has provided you with all the documents
included with the bike upon delivery. Keep this user manual and the
other documents in the information pack for future reference. Please
pass on the user manual and information pack to other people who
will use, maintain or repair this pedelec. Failure to do so can lead to
uncertainty which may cause death, severe injuries and/or damage to
You can download this guide, the “Original
User Guide | General” and parts of the
information pack as PDFs from our website
of the various component manufacturers.
cycle dealers on si.shimano.com.
I.I Explanation of the safety information symbols
This symbol combined with the signal word "DANGER" indicates
a potentially dangerous situation. Failure to comply with this safety
instruction can result in death or very serious injuries.
This symbol in conjunction with the signal word "WARNING"
indicates a potentially dangerous situation. Failure to comply with
this safety warning can result in serious injury.
This symbol combined with the signal word "CAUTION" indicates
a potentially dangerous situation. Failure to comply with this safety
instruction can result in minor injuries.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-5
II. Information pack
In addition to this user guide, your Pedelec Shimano Steps comes
with a Shimano original user guide, booklet and CD, service book, two
declarations of conformity and component guides, and if you have bought
describe the contents of the information pack in more detail.
II.I Shimano original user guide
The Shimano original user guide contains information on the display and
II.II Booklet and CD
The booklet contains a “Quick-start guide” describing how to check the
torque settings, attach the pedals and adjust the height of the saddle. At
the back of the booklet is a CD. The CD includes the "Original User Manual
| General" in several languages, which provides general information on
follow a link to our website. The CD can be played on any standard PC or
laptop. Proceed as follows:
This symbol combined with the signal word "IMPORTANT"
indicates a potentially dangerous situation. Failure to comply with
this safety instruction can result in damage to the pedelec and its
This symbol indicates helpful tips, useful or important
information about the product or its additional uses. It does
not indicate a dangerous or harmful situation.
I.II The Pedelec Shimano Steps
Your Pedelec Shimano Steps is an EPAC (electrically power assisted
cycle). When the assist mode is switched on, the electric motor provides
assistance as long as you are pedalling. You can control the degree of
assistance, which is adjusted using various assist modes. The drive
assistance is dependent on the force and speed of your pedalling and the
speed you are travelling. Motor assist stops as soon as you stop pedalling
and when the battery is discharged or if you reach a speed of 25 km/h. So
pedalling harder is required if you want to travel faster than 25 km/h.
EN-6 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
II.III Component guides
maintaining the components of your pedelec. They often also provide
for the particular component you are interested in, look in our “Original
User Guide | General” (CD) II.II Booklet and CD Page EN-5 or on
a list of our component manufacturers at
II.IV Service book
list of wearing parts, a cycle passport, and forms to use for initial sale,
maintenance and owner changes.
Keep the service book appropriately up-to-date and adhere to the
intervals. Components can fail if wear and damage are
could injure yourself very seriously or even die. Replace any worn,
damaged or bent components before using the bike again.
Method A
1. Insert the CD.
2. Left-clicktheshelexec.exeletwice.
3. Select the required language.
4. Select "Open User Guide from CD" or "Check Online for New Version of
User Guide".
Method B
1. Insert the CD.
2. Right-click once "Open Folder to Show Files".
3. Left-click "Start" twice.
4. Select the required language.
5. Select "Open User Guide from CD" or "Check Online for New Version of
User Guide".
You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software to
read the manuals. It is included on the CD; you can also
download it for free from https://acrobat.adobe.com/uk/en/
The paper version of ‘Original User Guide | General’ can be
ordered free of charge from:
Derby Cycle Werke GmbH
Siemensstraße 1-3
49661 Cloppenburg, Germany
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-7
IV. Legal regulations for pedelecs
IV.I International
Never ride "hands free". Youcouldfalloandseriouslyinjureoreven
kill yourself – and also be liable for prosecution. You must always
have at least one hand on the handlebars.
you run the risk of a serious accident. Before using your pedelec
Like all bicycles, the pedelec must comply with the respective national
regulations and applicable standards.Ifthecut-ospeedexceeds
25 km/h and/or the speed of the push assist exceeds 6 km/h, the
pedelec will become liable to mandatory registration and insurance.
resulting in damage to components. If this happens while you are
riding the bike you could be severely injured or killed. Furthermore,
it will invalidate the manufacturer's liability, warranty and guarantee
(where applicable).
Observe the respective national regulations regarding
the disposal of the drive system, display, easy-reach
control, pedelec battery and charger. Otherwise you will be
II.V EU declarations of conformity
the safety requirements of the regulations applicable to the pedelec and
the battery charger.
II.VI Guarantee card
III. Cycle dealers
website with all cycle dealers in your region.
*dependent on model
EN-8 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Before you use a trailer bike or trailer, make sure you read Section
4.1.2 Trailer bikes and trailers Page EN-33. Otherwise there is a risk of
serious injury or death.
IV.II.I Lights
In Germany, the requirements for lights on bicycles is regulated in Section
Requirements for vehicle parts. Lights include both battery and dynamo-
Light type Number Position Characteristics
Front light 1 Front White light
The illuminance must be at least 10 lux at
the centre of the beam at a distance of 10
Reector At least
Front White
front light.
Rear light 1 Rear Red light
The lowest point of the illuminating
surface must not be lower than 250 mm
above the road surface.
A parking light function is also permitted.
IV.II Germany
The following regulations (not exhaustive) were applicable in Germany
when this guide was compiled (09/2018):
» The motor may only be used as an aid to pedalling, i.e. it may only
"help" when the rider is actively pedalling.
» The average motor power must not exceed 250 W.
» The motor power must continue to fall as the speed of the bike
continues to increase.
» The motor must cut out automatically at 25 km/h.
For you, this means:
» There is no obligation to wear a helmet.
In the interests of your own safety, a suitable helmet should always be
worn. A cycle helmet can protect you from severe injuries. Make sure
» You do not require a driving licence.
» There is no requirement for compulsory insurance.
» The use of cycle paths is regulated as for normal bicycles.
» The use of children trailers and cycle trailers is generally permitted for
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-9
Type Power supply
Front light (LED,
6 V 2.4 W
Front light halogen 6 V 2.4 W
Rear light 6 V 0.6 W
Rear light with parking light 6 V 0.6 W
Lighting with LED lamps LED lamps are not replaceable
Hub dynamo 6 V 3 W
IV.II.II Disposal
Do not dispose of the drive system, display, easy-
reach control, pedelec battery or charger in the
household waste. Hand them in at the designated
places (such as a recycling centre, battery collection
point or cycle dealer).
V. Intended use
V.I Pedelec
This bicycle is designed and equipped for use on public roads and paved
paths. It can also be used on non-challenging terrain.
Electrical devices marked
with this symbol must not
be disposed of in house-
hold waste.
Light type Number Position Characteristics
Reector At least
Rear Red
The highest point of the illuminating
surface must not be higher than 600 mm
above the road surface.
Largereector 1 Rear Red
It can be integrated in the rear light.
Reector 2 Per pedal Yellow
(forwards and backwards).
At least
Per wheel Yellow
Attached to the spokes at an angle of
1 Per wheel Ring-shapedreectingwhitestripe.
IV.II.I.I Replacement bulbs
your bike. The table below tells you what type of bulb you need:
EN-10 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
VI.I Overall weight
Do not exceed the permitted overall weight of the pedelec as this can
result in fracturing or failing of important safety parts (such as the
brakes). If this happens while you are riding the bike, it can lead to
severe falls – with fatal consequences.
Overall weight = Weight of the bike + weight of the rider + weight of
the trailer bike or trailer + weight of luggage and/or child
Bike type Overall weight permitted Weight of rider**
Pedelec Shimano
130 kilograms Max. 102 kilograms
** for a pedelec weighing 28 kilograms.
1. General safety information
Comply with the safety and user instructions at the start of the following
The manufacturer and dealer accept no liability for damage resulting from
information and instructions in the user guide.
properly rectify faults.
operating, maintenance and repair conditions in the user guide and service
book II.IV Service book Page EN-6 stipulated by the manufacturer.
Fluctuations in the consumption and power of the battery and a reduction
of capacity Capacity Page EN-39 with increasing age are common
and technically unavoidable, and as such do not constitute material
VI. Pedelec weight
Pedelecs are heavier than normal bicycles. The exact weight
precise weight of your pedelec, we recommend having it
weighed by a cycle dealer. Most dealers have a professional
and accurate cycle weigher.
*dependent on model
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-11
Check that the brakes work and that the handlebars can move freely
before every ride. Do not use the bike if it is not in perfect technical
condition. If you are unsure, ask your cycle dealer to check it over.
Inspect your pedelec before every trip, and after each time it has been
transported anywhere or left unattended 4. Before every trip Page
EN-32. Components might fail if wear and damage are not detected
early enough. If this happens whilst you are cycling, you could injure
yourself very seriously or even die. The additional power means
higher loads are applied to wearing parts on a pedelec than on a
normal cycle. Replace any worn, damaged or bent components before
using the bike again.
Do not exceed the overall weight permitted for the pedelec because
parts important for safety might fracture or fail VI.I Overall weight
Page EN-10. If this happens while you are riding the bike, severe falls
might result – with fatal consequences.
Contact your cycle dealer when wearing parts and other components
need to be replaced. We recommend asking your cycle dealer to as-
semble and adjust the bike.
Otherwise, components could become loose due to a faulty assembly.
If this happens whilst you are cycling, you could injure yourself very
seriously or even die. If you do have to tighten something yourself, a
full list of torque settings is in Section 8. Torque settings Page EN-50
(strict adherence to which is a requirement).
We discourage allowing children under the age of 14 years to ride
pedelecs. They may not be able to cope with the speed. Serious
accidents and falls might result.
Wear a cycle helmet. While there is no legal obligation to wear one,
you should always wear a suitable cycle helmet for your own safety. A
cycle helmet can protect you from severe injuries. Make sure that the
Keep your hands and other body parts and clothing away from moving
parts, otherwise you can become ensnared, have a serious fall and
injure yourself.
accident. Take into consideration the longer braking distances needed
on wet or icy roads. Think ahead, anticipating the actions of other
road users and reduce your speed. Avoid sudden jerky movements of
the handlebars and braking actions. Dismount if you ever feel unsafe.
Only use the bicycle for its intended purpose V. Intended use Page
EN-9, otherwise component failure may result. If this happens whilst
you are cycling, you could injure yourself very seriously or even die.
EN-12 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Do not open up the motor, display, battery or charger as you could
injure yourself. Parts might also be damaged beyond repair,
invalidating the warranty. Contact your cycle dealer when problems
Always park your pedelec so that it cannot tip over. Components can
be damaged if the bike tips over. If your bike is not equipped with
Do not clean the pedelec with a water hose or high pressure washer.
Although the components are sealed, damage to the cycle may still
result. Clean the pedelec with a soft damp cloth.
The A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the
driver's ears is less than 70 dB (A). This means that the
sounds emitted by the pedelec during use do not exceed
70 dB (A).
Only use original replacement parts. Replacement parts from other
manufacturers can impair the function of your pedelec. Serious acci-
dents can result.
Ask your cycle dealer to show you how to use, and explain, the
special features of the components. Please also follow the component
guides. We recommend asking your cycle dealer to assemble and
adjust the bike. Otherwise, components could become loose due
to a faulty assembly. If this happens whilst you are cycling, you
could injure yourself very seriously or even die. If you do have to
tighten something yourself, a full list of torque settings is in Section
8. Torque settings Page EN-50 (strict adherence to which is a
Do not ride in unfavourable lighting conditions (fog, rain, dusk,
darkness) without adequate lights IV.II.I Lights Page EN-8. Failure
to do so can result in accidents and serious injuries.
Always remove the battery before starting to work on the pedelec.
The pedelec could switch on unexpectedly and you could be seriously
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-13
together with the frame. This prevents the wheel from being
stolen. Alternatively, the quick-release skewers can be
replaced by an anti-theft device. Contact your cycle dealer if
you have questions on this.
Use a high-quality bike lock. Invest about 10% of the
purchase price of the bike in locks. Your cycle dealer will be
have one. You can also use other types of bike lock. Ask
your cycle dealer for advice.
Make a note of the important details of your pedelec (e.g.
in the service book II.IV Service book Page EN-6, bike
passport) and have it registered by the police. This makes it
easier to describe and identify if stolen.
Have the police code your pedelec; the address and initials
of the owner are engraved on the frame in an encrypted
and deters thieves. A coded bike also makes it easier to
identify the owner.
Bicycle theft is often covered by household contents
insurance. Check the terms of your insurance policy as soon
as possible.
2. Protection from theft, manipulation and loss
Protect your pedelec from unauthorised access. Serious injury may
result if third parties modify components (e.g. the brakes) without
your knowledge. Inspect your pedelec before every trip, and after
each time it has been transported anywhere or left unattended
4. Before every trip Page EN-32. If your bike is damaged, only ride
replaced under warranty if lost or stolen.
The following measures can help you to protect your pedelec from theft
and manipulation and to recover it if it has been stolen:
Always lock the bike and battery even if you leave it for
a short while. Ideally, the lock(s) should block the wheel
powered by the motor. Do not leave the key in. To be on the
safe side, you can also remove the battery. A pedelec must
also be secured with a lock when parked outside residential
areas (e.g. in a shed or basement).
Do not park your pedelec in deserted locations –
especially for long periods. If possible, park your pedelec
in private or communal garages or individual bike lockers
which have surveillance.
lamp or fence) so that it cannot be carried away.
EN-14 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
3.1 Attaching the pedals
1. Screw the right-hand pedal (marked ‘R’) into the right-hand pedal
crank in a clockwise direction.
2. Screw the left-hand pedal (marked ‘L’) anticlockwise into the left-hand
pedal crank.
Screw the pedals in straight, otherwise you could damage the thread
on the pedal crank; if this happens when you are cycling, a severe fall
could result.
3. Tighten both pedals towards the front wheel to a torque of 40 Nm.
3. Beforeyourrstride
Make sure that your pedelec is adjusted to your height and ready to use.
Familiarise yourself with the basic functions of your pedelec.
Ask your cycle dealer to show you how to use, and explain, the special
features of the pedelec and its components. Please also follow the
component guides. We recommend having your cycle dealer perform
all assembly and adjustment work. Otherwise, components could
become loose due to a faulty assembly. If this happens whilst you are
cycling, you could injure yourself very seriously or even die. If you do
have to tighten something yourself, a full list of torque settings is in
Section 8. Torque settings Page EN-50 (strict adherence to which is a
Adjust the pedelec to your height. If the bike is not correctly adjusted
to your height, you can lose control of the bike and fall badly.
Practise braking and riding with the assist function in a safe place
beforeventuringintotrac.If you do not familiarise yourself with the
operation and higher speed of your pedelec, you could cause a serious
higher modes. Dismount if you ever feel unsafe.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-15
3.2 Adjusting the saddle height
3.2.1 Determining the correct saddle height
1. Sit on the pedelec and at the same time lean against a wall.
2. Turn the foot pedal on the opposite side to the wall to its lowest point.
3. Place your heel on the pedal. Your leg should be fully extended.
4. If your leg is not fully extended when your heel is
on the pedal, raise the saddle. Lower the saddle
if you cannot reach the pedal. The following
sections explain how to adjust the saddle height
on your bike. The seatpost can be fastened using
the saddle clamp bolt 3.2.2 Adjusting the
saddle height: Saddle clamp bolt(s)* Page EN-15
or quick-release skewer 3.2.3 Adjusting the
saddle height: Quick-release skewer* Page EN-16.
Seatpost marking
The seatpost is marked to indicate how far you
may pull it out from the frame. Never pull the
seatpost further out than the marking. This could
cause it to bend or break, and cause you to fall.
For 3. Extend leg
3.2.2 Adjusting the saddle height: Saddle clamp bolt(s)*
1. Undo the saddle clamp bolt(s) by turning
it/them anticlockwise with an Allen key.
2. Move the seatpost into the right position.
3. Tighten the saddle clamp bolt(s) again
by turning it/them clockwise 8.
Torque settings Page EN-50.
4. Test the tightness of the saddle by trying
to move it.
For 1. Loosen the saddle clamp bolt(s)
For 3. Tighten the saddle clamp bolt(s)
*dependent on model
EN-16 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
3.2.3 Adjusting the saddle height: Quick-release skewer
Otherwise the seatpost can loosen or fracture – if that happens while
1. Open the quick-release skewer by
now usually be able to see the word
‘OPEN’ on the inside of the lever.
2. Close the quick-release skewer by
now usually be able to see the word
‘CLOSE’ on the outside of the lever.
Quick-release skewer
For 1. Quick-release skewer open
For 2. Quick-release skewer closed
It should be so hard to close the quick-release skewer that you need
to use the ball of your hand (120 N: corresponds to a weight force
of 12 kg). You should have the mark of the lever imprinted on your
hand. Otherwise, it could open when you are cycling, which could
lead to the seatpost coming loose and causing you to fall. If you close
the quick-release skewer too tightly, the seatpost can break; if this
happens when you are cycling, you could fall.
Quick-release ske-
wer is too easy to
1. Turn the adjustment nut
Swing the quick-release
skewer closed again.
Quick-release skewer
Adjustment nut
Quick-release skewer opened
Quick-release ske-
1. Turn the adjustment nut
Swing the quick-release
skewer closed again.
3. Trytotwistthesaddletocheckthatitisrmlyxed.
*dependent on model
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-17
3.3 Shifting and tilting the saddle
Never clamp the saddle in the curve of the saddle rail; always do it in
the straight section. Only shift the saddle within the straight section
Clamping screw
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Use a torque wrench to tighten the clamping screws. Observe the
the torque settings from the following table:
Thread Tightening torque [Nm]
M5 / M6 / M8 M5: 5.5 / M6: 5.5 / M7: 14 / M8: 20
Failure to comply can result in screws/bolts becoming loose, tearing
away or fracturing. If that happens while you are riding the bike,
screws are overtightened, components can also be damaged.
3.3.1 Single-screw support: Shifting and tilting the saddle
1. Loosen the clamping screw by turning it
anticlockwise. Turn the screw completely
two to three times at most or the whole
mechanism could fall apart.
2. Move the saddle backwards or forwards as
3. Tilt the bicycle saddle to the desired angle.
4. Tighten the clamping screw by turning it clockwise with a torque
5. Ensure that the newly-tightened saddle does not tip; test it by pressing
down on the front and back alternately.
For 1. Loosen the clamping screw
EN-18 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
5. Tighten the front screw by the same number of turns.
6. Ensure that the newly-tightened saddle does not tip; test it by pressing
down on the front and back alternately.
3.3.3 Clamp attachment: Shifting and tilting the saddle
1. Turn the clamping nut clockwise
to loosen it. You may need to
keep the nut on the other side in
place with a second key.
2. Move the saddle backwards or
forwards as required.
3. Tilt the bicycle saddle to the desired angle.
4. Turn the clamping nut clockwise to tighten it. You may need to keep
the nut on the other side in place with a second key. Observe the
correct torque setting.
5. Ensure that the newly-tightened saddle does not tip; test it by pressing
down on the front and back alternately.
For 1.
Loosen clamping nut
3.3.2 Twin-screw supports: Shifting and tilting the saddle
Screw the clamping screws fully in a straight position in the nuts.
Failure to do so can result in the screws tearing out of the nuts.
Clamping screw
1. To move the saddle, loosen the front
and rear screws by turning them
anticlockwise. Turn the screws
completely two to three times at
most or the whole mechanism could
fall apart.
2. Move the saddle backwards or forwards as required.
3. Tighten the screws using a torque wrench to turn them clockwise.
4. To alter the angle of the saddle, loosen the front screw by turning it
anticlockwise. Turn the screw completely two to three times at most or
the whole mechanism could fall apart.
For 1. Loosen screws
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-19
3.4 Adjusting the sprung seatpost
It is best to ask your cycle dealer to adjust the suspension elements of
the seatpost.
1. Remove the seatpost.
2. Tighten the suspension adjustment screw with an Allen key (6 mm
AF) in the clockwise direction to reduce the suspension or loosen
anticlockwise to increase the suspension.
The suspension adjustment screw must not
protrude from the seatpost, otherwise the
screw/seatpost can loosen – if this happens
serious injuries.
Screw must not protrude
from the seatpost
3.5 Adjusting the height and angle of the handlebars
Ask your cycle dealer to perform these adjustments. You can otherwise
run the risk of loosening the handlebars which could lead to a fall
causing severe injuries.
3.6 Adjusting the headset
We recommend asking your cycle dealer to assemble and adjust the
Please use a torque wrench to tighten the bolts, and observe the
prescribed tightening torque. Failure to comply can result in screws/
bolts becoming loose, tearing away or fracturing. If that happens
could have a severe crash. If screws are overtightened, components
can also be damaged. If you are unsure how to set the tightening
torque, please ask your cycle dealer.
There are two ways of testing whether the headset for
your bicycle is too tight or too loose:
1. Gripthelowerspacerwithyourthumbandforenger.
Squeeze the front brake and move the wheel backward
and forward. If the headset is too loose, there will be
EN-20 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
To turn the upper spacer,
you can insert a 3 mm Allen
key into the longitudinal
slot of the upper spacer
and use this as a lever.
It is best to proceed in
small steps. A quarter of a
rotation is often enough to
3. a) Tighten the headset (reduce the
bearing play): Turn the upper
spacer anticlockwise until it
sits securely. Hold the lower
spacer tight with your thumb and
3. b) Loosen the headset (increase
the bearing play): Turn the
upper spacer clockwise until you
achieve the desired bearing play.
Hold the lower spacer tight with
2. Raise the front wheel and move the handlebar to the
right and left. If the headset is too tight, you will need
to apply force to move it to the right and left. The
handlebars should be able to move by itself.
Upper spacer Lower spacer
1. Undo the M3 grub screw in the upper spacer by turning them
anticlockwise with a 1.5 mm Allen key. Do not completely remove the
2. Undo the M4 bolt in the lower spacer by turning them anticlockwise
with a 3 mm Allen key. Do not completely remove the screw.
M4 screw
M3 screw
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-21
4. Beforetighteningthescrews,alignthelowerspacersothatitsprole
overlaps the top tube in the straight-ahead position.
5. Once the headset has been adjusted
as required, tighten the M3 grub
screw clockwise with a 1.5 Nm
torque. Use a torque wrench to do
6. Tighten the M4 screw clockwise
with a 2 Nm torque.
3.7 Attachingthereectors*
3.8 Switchingthelightsonando
A slider control is located on the rear of the front light. Depending on
are riding.
3.9 Braking
Make sure that you can always reach the brakes comfortably and that you
are familiar with their operation and position. Note which brake lever
pedal or coaster brake, you can operate it by pedalling backwards.
what you are used to. If you do not take the time to familiarise yourself
until you feel safe. Dismount if you ever feel unsafe.
Rim brake
Rim brakes: Avoid continual, uninterrupted
braking on long downhill stretches because
or tyre damage. Brake intermittently with
cool the braking system.
If necessary, make regular stops to ensure
adequate cooling.
Replace the brake pads when they reach the safe wear limit. Using
worn brake pads can result in serious injuries with fatal consequences.
*dependent on model
EN-22 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Disc brake
Disc brakes: Avoid touching the brake discs
after intensive use of the brakes – they can
become very hot. You could burn yourself if
you touch them.
3.10 Chain*
Bicycle chain
Always remove the battery before starting to work on the pedelec.
The cycle could switch on without warning and you could be seriously
Check the chain for signs of wear before every trip. A worn or
damaged chain can break. If this happens while you are riding the
bike, you can easily injure yourself.
3.10.1 Measuring and adjusting the chain tension
Measuring the chain tension
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Press the chain up or down at its tautest point. The tension is correct if
you can move the chain up and down by about 5 mm.
3. Checkthechainatfourorvepointsoveracompleterevolutionofthe
Adjusting the chain tension
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Undo the rear wheel nuts.
3. Remove the brake anchor as required.
4. Pull the rear wheel back in the drop-outs until the chain just has the
permissible amount of play.
5. Carefully tighten all bolts in a clockwise direction to a torque setting of
*dependent on model
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-23
3.10.2 Checking for chain wear
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Check chain wear with a chain wear indicator or vernier calliper.
3. Replace the chain if it is worn.
3.10.3 Chain cleaning and maintenance
Lubricate the chain after riding in the rain. Clean and
lubricate it when you clean the wheel.
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Brush the chain coarsely with a hand brush.
3. Then remove the old chain oil with a dry cloth.
4. Now you can oil the chain. Follow the application instructions from the
chain oil supplier.
5. Whenyouhavenished,turnthecranktodistributethechainoil.
3.11 Belt*
Bicycle belt
Always remove the battery before starting work on the pedelec. The
cycle could switch on without warning and you could be seriously
Check the drive belt for signs of wear before every trip. A worn or
damaged drive belt can break. If this happens while you are riding the
bike, you can easily injure yourself.
Do not kink, twist, bend backwards, turn over, knot or bind together
the belt. Doing so can damage it beyond repair.
*dependent on model
EN-24 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
3.11.1 Belt tension
Measuring the belt tension
There are various ways to measure the tension of the drive belt. One of
these is the Carbon Drive app, which measures the tension based on the
natural frequency (Hz) of the belt length.
Smartphone operating
The Carbon Drive app works best in a quiet environment.
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Load the app on to your smartphone.
3. Start the app.
4. Select the tension icon.
5. Switch on the microphone, click “Measure” and hold the phone over
the middle of the belt making sure that the microphone is pointing
towards the belt.
6. Pluck the belt so that it vibrates like a guitar string. The app converts
the sound into the natural frequency of the belt.
7. Turn the crank a quarter of a revolution and repeat the measurement.
8. Compare the frequency of the belt with the reference value to see if the
tension needs adjusting.
Short, light rider Tall, heavier rider
Hub gear
50 Hz 60 Hz
Adjusting the belt tension
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Undo the bolts from the drop-out by
turning them anticlockwise.
3. Increase or reduce the tension with
the set screw. Make sure the wheel is
For 2. Loosen screws
For 3. Set screw
Set screw
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-25
Sprockets are not
aligned correctly
Sprockets are not
aligned correctly
When adjusting the tension, the correct alignment of the belt must be
maintained. Otherwise it can cause noise, premature wear of the belt
Fig.: Gates Corporation: Gates Carbon Drive User Manual. 2014, Page 13.
URL: http://www.gatescarbondrive.com/Tech/Resources (as of 07/01/2016)
4. Tighten the drop-out screws to a
torque setting of 16 - 20 Nm in a
clockwise direction 8. Torque
settings Page EN-50.
For 4. Tighten screws
3.11.2 Checking the belt for wear
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Check the belt for wear.
Belt with no wear
Gates Carbon Drive™ -Riemen und -Zahnkränze sind äußerst strapazierfähig und
langlebig, doch auch sie sind über längere Zeiträume Verschleiß ausgesetzt. Prüfen
Sie Riemen und Zahnkränze in regelmäßigen Abständen sorgfältig auf Abnutzung:
Dieser Riemen befindet sich in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. Der Verlust der blauen Färbung
ist KEIN Zeichen für Abnutzung.
Tauschen Sie den Riemen aus, wenn er diese Verschleißerscheinungen aufweist.
WARNUNG: Der Gebrauch eines abgenutzten oder beschädigten Carbon Drive-Riemens
oder eine unsachgemäße Inspektion des Carbon Drive-Riemens vor jedem Gebrauch,
können zu Sach- und Personenschäden und bis zum Tod führen.
Nicht Symmetrisch
Abgenutztes Material
mit freigelegtem Urethan
liegen frei
This belt is in good
condition. The loss of blue
colour is not a sign of wear.
Worn belt
Missing teeth and cracks in
the tooth root: This belt is in
a very poor condition.
Fig.: Gates Corporation: Gates Carbon Drive User Manual. 2014, Page 14.
URL: http://www.gatescarbondrive.com/Tech/Resources (as at 07/01/2016)
3. When the safe wear limit has been reached, the belt must be replaced.
When the middle guide on the sprocket is more worn on one
side than the other, this is a sign of a poorly adjusted belt
line. On black anodized front sprockets, this is relatively
easy to see because the anodizing on the abrasive side is
worn down to the aluminium.
EN-26 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
3.11.3 Cleaning the belt
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Clean the belt with a soft, damp cloth.
When you are cleaning the belt, ensure that no water enters the motor.
Water ingress can damage the motor beyond repair.
3. Leave it to dry.
3.12 Gears
The gears are operated by controls on the handlebars (gear lever, twist
grips, buttons, ...). The gear shift allows you to adjust the gears of your
bicycle, and hence the transmission, to current riding conditions. On a
straight level stretch, a higher gear is sensible to achieve and maintain
a higher speed without having to pedal too much. As soon as you start
moving at a steady pace.
If your Pedelec has a FAG electronic shift unit, you can
use the menu to set the gear in which you want to start off
following every stop.
This system lifts the chain on to a spro-
cket when the gear is changed. The
chain must continue moving so that the
teeth of the sprocket can engage with
the chain links easily and smoothly. For
a successful gear change, therefore, you
must keep pedalling forwards, never
backwards – but at the same time pedal
lightly without force.
Hub gear*
Here the change of gear takes place in-
side the rear wheel hub. Space is very
tight inside the hub, so it is sensible to
pedal lightly when changing gear.
Hub gear
*dependent on model
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-27
3.13 Wheel
3.13.1 Changing the wheel Wheel with axle nuts*
Removing the rear wheel
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Change the gear to the one recommended by the gear manufacturer for
3. Remove the gear shift cable from the rear wheel.
4. Undo the axle nuts using a 15 mm spanner, turning anticlockwise.
5. Takeothechain.
6. Remove the rear wheel.
Replacing the rear wheel
1. Attach the chain.
2. Insert the rear wheel centrally in the drop-outs as far as it will go.
3. Re-attach the gear shift cable.
4. If necessary, fasten the brake anchor.
5. Tighten the axle nuts using a 15 mm spanner, turning clockwise.
6. Reinsert the battery.
3.13.2 Quick-release wheels
Quick-release skewer and
brake disk collide
Front wheel: The quick-release skewer must be
positioned on the opposite side to the brake disc
(wheretted).If the quick-release skewer is on
the same side as the brake disc, there is a risk
that they can clash and lock the front wheel (see
diagram), which can cause a serious accident.
Otherwise the components can loosen – if that happens while riding you
Removing the front wheel
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Open the axle lever by folding it by
see the word ‘OPEN’ on the inside of
the lever.
3. Undo the adjustment nut by turning it
slightly anticlockwise.
Quick-release skewer
Adjustment nut
For 2. Open the quick-release skewer
*dependent on model
EN-28 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Quick-release skewer is
too easy to close
1. Open the quick-release skewer.
Turn the adjustment nut clockwise.
Swing the quick-release skewer closed again.
Repeat if necessary.
Quick-release skewer is
not easy to close
1. Open the quick-release skewer.
Turn the adjustment nut anticlockwise.
Swing the quick-release skewer closed again.
Repeat if necessary.
Quick-release skewers cannot be closed by simply turning
the lever.
If you have released the rim brakes to remove the wheel, you must
close them again, otherwise you will not be able to brake and run the
risk of serious injury.
Reattach any cables disconnected before (such as light cables),
otherwise they can get caught in the spokes. If that happens while you
Detach all cables from the wheel (e.g. lighting cables), otherwise you
could tear them.
If your bike is fitted with rim brakes it is sensible to release
them before you remove the front wheel. Otherwise you may
not be able to remove the front wheel.
4. Remove the front wheel.
Replacing the front wheel
1. Insert the wheel into the front fork ends.
2. Gently turn the adjustment nut on the
quick-release skewer in a clockwise
3. Close the quick-release skewer by
You will now usually be able to see the
word ‘CLOSE’ on the outside of the
It should be so hard to close the quick-release skewer that you need
to use the ball of your hand (120 N: corresponds to a weight force of
12 kg). You should have the mark of the lever imprinted on your hand.
Otherwise it could open when you are cycling, which could lead to the
wheel becoming loose and cause you to fall.
Quick-release skewer
Adjustment nut
For 3. Close the quick-release skewer
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-29
Replacing the front wheel
1. Apply a thin layer of grease to the quick-release axle.
2. Push the wheel into the front forks
and align with the axle holes.
3. Reinsert the quick-release axle.
4. Move the quick-release lever to the open position.
5. Hook the quick-release skewer into the slot and turn it clockwise.
This will screw the axle in the thread. Ensure that the wheel is
correctly centred.
6. Closethequick-releaseskewerbyswingingtheskewerback180˚.
It should be so hard to close the quick-release skewer that you need
to use the ball of your hand (120 N: corresponds to a weight force of
12 kg). You should have the mark of the lever imprinted on your hand.
Otherwise it could open when
you are cycling, which could lead to the
wheel becoming loose and cause you to fall.
Quick-release skewer
For 6. Close the quick-release skewer
3.13.3 Wheel with axle shaft*
Removing the front wheel
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Open the quick-release skewer on the
3. Hook the quick-release skewer into the slot and turn it anticlockwise
until the quick-release axle protrudes from the axle hole about 1 cm.
4. Lift out the front wheel and remove the quick-release axle.
Detach all cables from the wheel (e.g. lighting cables), otherwise you
could tear them.
If your bike is fitted with rim brakes you must release them.
Alternatively, you can deflate the front tyre. Otherwise you
may not be able to remove the front wheel.
5. Remove the front wheel.
Quick-release skewer
For 2. Open the quick-release skewer
*dependent on model
EN-30 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
3.13.4 Rims
Look out for deep grooves on both rims.
The rims could fracture and cause a fall.
Replace rims as soon as you detect signs
of wear.
Many rims have a wear indicator. If it
can no longer be felt at a certain point,
the rim is worn.
Wear indicator
1. Remove the pedelec battery.
2. Brush the rims with a hand brush. Heavier soiling can be removed with
a soft, damp cloth.
When you are cleaning the rims, make sure that no water gets into the
motor. Water ingress can damage the motor.
3. Leave to dry.
Quick-release skewer is too easy to
1. Open the quick-release skewer.
Hook the quick-release skewer into the
slot and turn it clockwise. This will screw
the axle in the thread. Make sure that
your wheel is correctly centred.
Close the quick-release skewer.
Repeat if necessary.
Quick-release skewer is not easy to
1. Open the quick-release skewer.
Hook the quick-release skewer into the
slot and turn it anticlockwise until the
quick-release axle protrudes from the axle
hole about 1 cm.
Close the quick-release skewer.
Repeat if necessary.
Reattach any previously disconnected cables (e.g. lighting cables),
otherwise you could tear them.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-31
3.14.2 Rebound damping
Rebound damping describes the speed at which a spring expands. To
adjust the rebound damping, rotate the red setting wheel on the underside
of the fork to the open position (= greater spring expansion speed) or to
the closed position (= lower spring expansion speed).
3.14.3 Lockout system
lockout system, it is possible to lock the
suspension. There are some riding situ-
ations where that can be useful: for ex-
ample, if you are riding up a hill or if
you are standing up from the saddle
when accelerating. To switch the sus-
on the right-hand side of the fork to
‘LOCK’ (or alternatively: $).
To reactivate the suspension, turn the
control to the ‘OPEN’ position.
Suspension locked
OPEN Suspension activated
Do not ride over rough terrain with the suspension locked. It can
and seriously injure yourself.
3.13.5 Tyres
Donoteitheroverinateorunderinatethetyres. If the air pressure
is too high, this could lead to a worst-case scenario of the tyres
bursting and you could fall. On the other hand, if the air pressure
is constantly too low, the tyre can wear prematurely. The maximum
permissible pressure is marked on the side of the tyre in bar and psi
(pounds per square inch). You can measure the tyre pressure yourself
by using a tyre gauge. Alternatively, you can contact your cycle dealer.
3.14 Suspension fork
Please observe the contents of the fork manufacturer's user
3.14.1 Compression rate
The compression rate refers to the speed
at which a spring is compressed. To
adjust the compression rate, move the
rotary controller towards - (= greater
compression rate) or + (= lower
compression rate).
Adjusting the compression rate
*dependent on model
EN-32 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
3.14.4 Air system
On some suspension forks it is possible to
alter the air pressure. You will need assis-
tance from your cycle dealer to do this, or if
pension fork pump with a pressure gauge
and the suspension fork manufacturer's ins-
tallation manual. The valve with cap (e.g.
marked ‘AIR’) is usually located on the left-
hand side of the fork.
4. Before every trip
Replace any damaged (e.g. cracks, grooves) or bent components
before using the bike again. Not doing so can lead to essential parts
failing and cause a serious fall.
Do not use the bike if it is not in perfect technical condition. If you are
unsure, ask a cycle dealer to check it over.
We recommend asking your cycle dealer to assemble and adjust the
bike. Otherwise, components could become loose due to a faulty as-
sembly. If this happens whilst you are cycling, you could injure your-
self very seriously or even die.
Inspect your pedelec before every trip, and after each time it has been
transported anywhere or left unattended. Use the following checklist to
help you.
Type Characteristics
Frame / forks Check the frame and forks for visible warping, cracks and
Handlebars / front stem Check they are seated securely.
Check that the bell is working and attached correctly and
Saddle / seatpost Check that the quick-release skewers / through-axles (if
available) are secure.
Wheels Check the condition (damage, foreign bodies), concentricity and
pressures of the tyres.
The maximum permissible pressure is marked on
the side of a tyre in bar and psi (pounds per square
Check the valves are seated securely.
Visually inspect the rims for damage and wear.
Check that the quick-release skewers / through-axles (if
available) are secured correctly.
Chain Check the chain, pinions and sprockets for wear and damage.
Brakes Check that the brake system (including brake levers) is working
and attached correctly and securely.
Visual inspection of the brake pads/disks.
Lights Check that the light system is adjusted and in working order.
Threaded joints Checkthatallthreadedjointsaretightenedasspecied.
Luggage Check it is attached securely.
*dependent on model
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-33
4.1.2 Trailer bikes and trailers
The use of trailer bikes and trailers is generally permitted for the Pedelec
Shimano Steps. But please observe the following safety instructions:
Do not exceed the overall weight of the pedelec because parts
important for safety might fracture or fail. If this happens while
you are riding the bike, it can lead to severe falls – with fatal
consequences VI.I Overall weight Page EN-10.
Trailer bikes and trailers alter the riding characteristics. Adapt your
riding style accordingly. If you do not adapt your riding style, you
could seriously injure or kill yourself or the child in the trailer. The
braking distance becomes longer, so you have to start braking earlier,
and the steering response becomes more sluggish. Practise starting,
braking, going round corners, and up and down hills, starting with an
empty trailer bike or trailer.
Only use trailer bikes and trailers that conform to the relevant
national regulations. In addition, they should be designed and tested
in accordance with DIN EN 15918. Otherwise components could
break while you are riding the bike; resulting in serious or even fatal
injuries for you and/or your child. Please consult your cycle dealer if
you want to purchase a trailer bike or trailer.
4.1 Tips
4.1.1 Transporting your pedelec
Remove panniers and other attachments during transport, as they can
Always remove the battery before transporting the pedelec.
There is a risk of injury due to accidental activation of the
The battery could also fall from the docking station and be damaged.
Use a special battery bag that protects the battery from heat, shocks
and impacts.
By car: The bike rack must be designed for the higher weight of the
pedelec VI.I Overall weight Page EN-10, otherwise it can break and
cause a serious accident. It is imperative to follow the guidance of
the bike rack manufacturer.
Pedelecs carried on a rear-mounted bike rack must have suitable
weather protection. This applies particularly to the docking station,
which must be protected from water ingress. Water ingress can
damage the motor and its components. Suitable covers are available
from your dealer and online.
Bus, train and plane: Find out from your travel company
well in advance if their regulations allow you to take your
pedelec with you.
EN-34 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 Safety information
Attach any luggage securely and regularly check it. If it is not secure,
straps etc. can get caught up in the spokes and/or rotating wheels.
Serious falls can result.
Do not exceed the overall weight of the pedelec because parts
important for safety might fracture or fail. If this happens while
you are riding the bike, it can lead to severe falls – with fatal
consequences. VI.I Overall weight Page EN-10.
Modifying the luggage rack in any way is not permitted. otherwise it
may result in the luggage rack fracturing. If this happens while you
are riding the bike, you can seriously injure yourself.
The maximum carrying capacity of the luggage rack must not be
exceeded, otherwise it may result in the luggage rack fracturing. If
this happens while you are riding the bike, you can seriously injure
Luggage alters the handling characteristics of the bike. Adapt your
riding style accordingly. If you do not adapt your riding style, you
could seriously injure or kill yourself. The braking distance becomes
longer, so you have to start braking earlier, and the steering response
becomes more sluggish.
4.1.3 Luggage rack
Position Over the rear wheel
Maximum carrying
25 kg*
Tested in accordance with EN ISO 11243:2016-12
luggage rack manufacturer's installation instructions. Otherwise it
may result in the luggage rack fracturing. If this happens while you
are riding the bike, you can seriously injure yourself. The maximum
mounting of the rear light.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-35
5. Battery
5.1 Safety information
People (including children) who, because of their physical, sensory
or intellectual capabilities, or because of their lack of experience or
knowledge, are unable to use batteries, are prohibited from using
them unless supervised or under the instruction of a responsible
person. Otherwise there is a risk of mishandling with consequential
very serious injuries.
Only operate your pedelec with a suitable original battery. The use of
consequences can include malfunctions and a limited battery life. You
canndalistofapprovedbatteriesin 5.2 Technical details Page
Only use the correct original battery charger to charge your battery.
The use of other battery chargers can cause explosions, serious burns
limitedbatterylife.Youcanndalistofpermittedchargersin 7.2
Charger Page EN-50.
and rear lights, and that they are easily visible to other road users.
Otherwise there is a risk of not being seen in unfavourable lighting
conditions (fog, rain, dusk, darkness), which could result in you being
seriously injured.
Carry your luggage in side-mounted panniers. Distribute the
weight evenly to ensure safer riding characteristics.
The luggage rack on your pedelec is delivered without
dealer. Visit http://www.racktime.com for more luggage rack
EN-36 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Always remove the battery before starting to work on the pedelec.
Accidental activation of the
button can result in severe injuries.
heating up too much. They can explode and cause serious burns and
battery life. Keep batteries away from sources of heat (e.g. direct
sunlight and radiators). When charging the battery, ensure there is
adequate ventilation and observe the permitted ambient temperature
only the surrounding burning material. Fire extinguishers with metal
Batteries must not be short-circuited. They can explode and
malfunctions and a limited battery life. Do not store batteries in a
box or drawer where they can be short-circuited by contact with each
other or with conductive materials (screws, paper clips, keys, coins,
nails or other small metal objects).
Batteries must not be destroyed, shredded, taken apart, opened up or
your cycle dealer for help if you have problems with the battery.
Damaged batteries must not be charged, used or transported.
» Theycanexplodeandcauseseriousburnsandres.
» Gases can be released and irritate the airways. Ensure there is a
supply of fresh air and consult a doctor in the event of discomfort.
» Liquid can escape and cause skin irritation. Prevent contact with
water and seek medical help.
Do not send batteries by post. Batteries are dangerous goods that
Only trained personnel may prepare and transport batteries. If you
have a complaint about a battery, please always go through your cycle
dealer. Dealers are able to have batteries collected free of charge
under hazardous goods regulations.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-37
Only use the battery to operate this pedelec, otherwise there is a risk
of damage to the device.
Batteries are subject to the dangerous goods regulations.
Private users are permitted to transport them on the
road without further conditions. When transported by
commercial third parties (such as by air, freight forwarders
and labelling must be observed. Please contact your cycle
dealer if you have any questions about transportation.
Batteries must not be immersed in water. This presents a risk of
explosion. Do not extinguish a burning battery with water, only the
powder (Class D) are more suitable. If it is possible to take the battery
of the battery exploding under you when you ride the cycle through
rain. The battery is sealed to prevent moisture and spray water from
Batteries must not be subjected to mechanical impact. This poses a
risk of damage. A battery can still be damaged after a drop or impact
on the outside should therefore also be subjected to an inspection.
Please contact your cycle dealer.
Perform a ‘learning cycle’: A new, fully charged battery should be
run down once until the motor assist stops and without recharging in
between. In that way the battery ‘learns’ its capacity, and the actual
capacity will agree with the level indicated on the battery status
display. As soon as the battery enters Sleep mode, press the battery
button for one second. Then the learn cycle can be continued. Please
perform a learn cycle every six months or 5,000 kilometres. When the
battery becomes older and you do not repeat the cycle from time to
display will become greater and greater.
EN-38 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
5.2 Technical details
15 Ah
Seat tube
Nominal capacity
15 Ah
Nominal voltage
36 V
544 Wh
2850 g
Charge cycles
1100 full cycles
Charge time*
Approx. 4.5 hours
110 – 200 km
Permissible ambient
temperature for charging
0 to 40 °C
Storage temperature
-10 to +50 °C
Permissible ambient
temperature in operation
-10 to +40 °C
Recommended storage
18 to 23 °C
5.3 Overview and basic functions
(Battery management
5.3.1 Display panel
LEDs. Three LEDs show percentage values. The LEDs light up when you
press the battery button. The number lighting up, and how, provides
information on the battery.
Battery button
* With a 4 A charger, until battery
is fully charged (95% battery
** Depends on the mounted motor.
This is a realistic value, however
this can also clearly be exceeded
depending on the riding style,
terrain, etc.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-39 Battery charge level
1. Brieypressthebatterybuttoninstandbymode.
Display Description Battery charge level
5 LEDs light up 100 – 84%
4 LEDs light up 83 – 68 %
50 %
3 LEDs light up 67 – 51 %
2 LEDs light up 50 – 34 %
0 %
1 LED lights up 33 – 17 %
0 %
1LEDashes 17 – 0 % Capacity
Capacity indicates the quantity of electric charge that a
(Ah). Even when used properly, capacity diminishes over
time due to chemical reactions (ageing). So it reduces
with every charging cycle for example. A battery also ages
slightly when it is not used.
A charging cycle is the complete charging of a battery from
0 to 100% capacity. It follows that not every charging
process equates to a charging cycle. For example, a charge
from 50 to 100% capacity is only half a charging cycle.
1. Pressthebatterybuttonforveseconds.Themaximumavailable
capacity (state of health) of the battery will be displayed.
Display Description Battery charge level
3 – 5 LEDs light up The battery has a capacity
of over 50%.
< 50%
0 – 2 LEDs light up The capacity of the battery
is below 50%.
The battery may need to be replaced when fewer than
3 LEDs light up. Discuss how to proceed with your cycle
dealer. Sleep mode
To prevent a total discharge, the battery management
system switches the battery to Sleep mode. Your battery
reverts to Sleep mode after 48 hours (depending on charge
To wake from Sleep mode
1. When the battery is in Sleep mode, you can easily wake it up again
battery or on the Pedelec’s charging socket. The following appears:
EN-40 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Display Description
2. The battery has now “woken up”.
battery may be faulty 7.1 Battery Page EN-48.
Initiating Sleep mode
1. Brieypressthebatterybuttontwice.Thefollowingappears:
Display Description
2. The battery is now in Sleep mode.
5.3.2 Inserting and locking the battery
Graspthebatteryrmly, so that it does not fall out of your hand. It
can be damaged if you drop it.
One-key system: The same key (if available) can be used for
the cycle and battery lock.
1. Insert the battery from above into the holder.
2. Push the battery into the holder until it clicks into place.
Always remove the battery key immediately. There is a risk of
breakage, e.g. when the crank is turned.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-41
5.4 Tips
5.4.1 Range
Various factors determine how far you can go with your battery:
When you go on a long trip it is worth taking a spare battery
or battery charger with you.
(Dynamic). The range becomes shorter.
a leisurely tour with friends at the weekend, the “Relax”
assist level is the right choice. If you often cycle at greater
speed (such as to work), the “Dynamic” setting can inject
the necessary pace.
Assist mode: You consume the most battery power in the highest assist
mode. The range decreases, the higher the selected assist mode.
Vary the assist modes you use. If there is a tailwind when
going downhill or on the level, you can still go fast with a
lower assist mode.
Tyre pressure: If the tyre pressure is too low it is harder for the tyres to
rotate. The drive unit needs to provide more assistance and the range
5.3.3 Unlocking and removing the battery
1. Twist the key anticlockwise.
The lock is now open.
2. Grip the battery in its recess with one hand. With the other, grip the
upper part of the battery and lift the battery out of the holder.
3. Turn the key clockwise and remove.
EN-42 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Riding style: A low pedalling speed combined with high gears results in
high power consumption.
Change down in good time to maintain constant cadence,
especially when starting.
Total weight: The lower the total weight supported by the bike, the easier
it will be to ride VI.I Overall weight Page EN-10.
Outside temperatures: The lower the outside temperatures (e.g. cold in
winter), the shorter the range.
This way you prevent low temperatures shortening the
Battery capacity: A much shorter service life after the charging process
indicates that the battery has lost considerable capacity.
Capacity Page EN-39.
The battery may have to be replaced. Discuss how to
proceed with your cycle dealer.
Route selected: You need to pedal harder when cycling uphill or against
strong head wind. This is registered by the power sensor, which in turn
requires the motor to work harder.
5.4.2 Storage
1. Remove the battery from the pedelec.
2. Store the battery in a dry, not excessively warm room. The battery
should not be exposed to direct sunshine. The recommended storage
temperature range is 18 to 23 °C.
The battery should not be stored in a fully charged state. A charge
level between 50 and 70% (
) is ideal. Since the battery loses
charge very slowly, you should recharge it when only one or two LEDs
come on, but after six months at the latest.
5.4.3 Cleaning
If you wipe the battery avoid touching the contacts, otherwise there is
the risk of an electric shock.
Remove the battery from the pedelec before cleaning. Unintentionally
pressing the
button represents a risk of injury.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-43
6. Battery charger
6.1 Safety information
Battery chargers are not a toy and must not be used by children
on how to use the battery charger. People who, because of their
physical, sensory or intellectual capabilities, or because of their lack
of experience or knowledge, are unable to use battery chargers, are
prohibited from using them unless supervised or under the instruction
of a responsible person. Otherwise there is a risk of mishandling with
consequential very serious injuries.
Only use the correct, original charger to charge the battery. The use of
Further consequences can include malfunctions and a limited battery
life.Youcanndalistofpermittedchargersin 7.2 Charger Page
Only charge the correct, original battery with the charger. The use of
consequences can include malfunctions and a limited battery life. You
canndalistofapprovedbatteriesin 5.2 Technical details Page
Batteries must not be immersed in water. This presents a risk of
explosion. Do not extinguish a burning battery with water, only the
powder (Class D) are more suitable. If it is possible to take the battery
of the battery exploding under you when you ride the cycle through
rain. The battery is sealed to prevent moisture and spray water from
Do not spray the battery with a water hose or wash it with a high-
pressure cleaner. Damage to the battery may still result even though
the components are sealed. Clean the battery with a soft, damp cloth.
Do not use any cleaners which contain alcohol or solvent, or which
scour. No coarse sponges or brushes may be used either. They leave
scratches and cause the surface to become matt. Clean the battery
with a soft, damp cloth.
Do not allow dirt to dry out. It is best to clean the battery
immediately after your ride.
1. Remove the battery from the pedelec.
2. Clean the casing with a slightly damp, soft cloth.
3. If the battery terminals are dirty, clean them with a dry, soft cloth.
EN-44 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
Check the charger, cable and plug before each use. Do not use the
charger if you detect signs of damage. Do not open the charger
spare parts.Thisposesariskofreandexplosion.Damagedchargers,
cables and plugs also increase the risk of electric shock.
The charger is only intended to be used indoors. Keep the charger
away from rain and moisture. Do not use it on a damp surface. If water
gets into the charger there is a risk of electric shock. If water has
penetrated the casing, unplug the device immediately and have it
checked out by your dealer. Condensation might form on the charger
when the temperature suddenly changes from cold to warm. When this
happens, wait about an hour. This is the time a charger needs to reach
the temperature of the warm surroundings. Prevent this happening by
storing the charger where it is used.
The charger and battery may not be covered during the charging
process. Do not use the charger and battery on materials which can
to the pedelec. In this case, the pedelec must be positioned such that
40 degrees. The charger heat generated during the charge process
or there is smoke or an unusual smell, immediately unplug the mains
connector of the charger from the socket and disconnect the battery
from the charger. An overheated battery is damaged and may not be
used again. Always stay with the charger when it is in use.
Keepbatterychargersawayfromsparksandres. It can explode
malfunctions and a reduced service life. Ensure there is adequate
ventilation for charging.
The mains voltage must match the supply voltage of the battery
charger, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the device. The supply
Do not charge batteries for a long period if they are already fully
charged or are not being used. Electricalstorms,voltageuctuations
and short circuits can damage the battery.
Keep the battery charger clean. If the contacts are dirty, the dirt can
burn during charging, leaving burn marks. The charger may need to be
replaced in such cases 6.4.1 Cleaning Page EN-47.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-45
6.2 Technical details
Battery voltage
36 V
AC input voltage
230 - 240 V
50 – 60 Hz
Max. DC output voltage
42 V
Max. charge current
4 A
Dimensions ( L | W | H )
206 mm | 94 mm | 61 mm
Permissible ambient
temperature when charging
0 to +40 °C
Storage temperature
-10 to +50 °C
Recommended storage
18 to 23 °C
753 g
Protection class
The charger is only intended to be used
indoors. Keep the charger away from rain
and moisture. Water penetrating into the
charger poses a risk of electric shock.
Mains connector
Charging cable
Power cable
Charger connected to
power supply
Battery being charged
Fully charged
| green LED continually ON
Charging fault
Description of
charging indicator
The charging display symbols can vary. If you are not sure
what the symbols mean, contact your cycle dealer.
EN-46 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
6.3 Functions
6.3.1 Charging the battery
otherwise there is a risk of misuse resulting in serious injuries.
Damaged batteries must not be charged.
The battery can remain on the pedelec during the charging
process. It can also be removed and charged elsewhere.
1. Connect the power cable to the battery charger.
2. Fold up the protective cap on the battery.
3. Connect the charging cable to the battery charging socket (it clicks into
4. Insert the mains plug into a power socket. The red LED lights red
,thenthegreenLEDashesataconstantspeed .
5. Thechargerswitchesooncethebatteryisfullycharged.Thegreen
LED on the charger is continually on
.AllveLEDs on
If the battery now stays on the charger, the charger
regularly checks whether the battery is still fully charged.
ascertaining that the battery is full, the charger switches
back to “light continually”.
6. Remove the power cable from the socket after completing the charging
7. Remove the charging cable from the battery charging socket.
8. Fold down the protective battery cap.
In rare cases the charger will switch to error mode straight after
connecting it to the frame port. The red light of the charger will blink
and charging will not start. In this case please start the system by
pushing the power button on the display. Wait until the standard
screen is shown and connect the charger again.Charging process will
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-47 Battery display during charging
Display Description Battery charge level
5LEDslightupandnoLEDashes 100 – 97 %
4LEDslightupandthe5thLEDashes 80 – 96 %
3LEDslightupandthe4thLEDashes 60 – 79 %
2LEDslightupandthe3rdLEDashes 40 – 59 %
1LEDlightsupandthe2ndLEDashes 20 – 39 %
1LEDashes 0 – 19 %
6.4 Tips
6.4.1 Cleaning
Always unplug the charger from the mains before cleaning and
especially before wiping it, otherwise you could get an electric shock
if you touch the contacts.
Do not immerse the charger in water. Damage may still result even
though the components are sealed.
Do not use any cleaners which contain alcohol or solvent, or which
scour. No coarse sponges or brushes may be used either. They leave
scratches and cause the surface to become matt. Clean the charger
with a soft damp cloth.
1. Remove the charging cable from the battery charging socket.
2. Unplug the charger from the mains socket.
3. Clean the casing with a slightly damp, soft cloth.
4. If the contacts are dirty, clean them with a soft dry cloth.
6.4.2 Storage
1. Store the battery charger in a dry, not excessively warm room. The
charger should not be exposed to direct sunshine. The recommended
storage temperature range is 18 to 23 °C.
EN-48 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
7. Fault
7.1 Battery
Display Description Cause Remedy
after the battery button is
a)Batteryisatandisdisabled. a)Ifthebatteryisat,itwillworkagainbrieyafterashortrecoveryperiod,thenswitcho
again. It must now be charged 6.3.1 Charging the battery Page EN-46.
b) The battery is overloaded. b) If the battery is overloaded, it switches itself on again after a short rest period and can be used
again as normal.
c) The battery is too cold or too hot. c) The permissible ambient temperature during operation is between 0 and +40°C.
after pressing the battery
There is a charging fault.
Unplug the charger from the mains immediately. If the problem reoccurs, a new battery
charger is required.
No LEDs light up after
pressing the battery button.
The battery is faulty. Please contact your cycle dealer. The battery must be replaced.
The range appears too short a) The range depends on:
» Rideprole
» Assist mode
» Tyre pressure
» Riding style
» Physical condition
» Overall weight
» Outside temperatures
» Battery capacity
» The route selected
» Smartphone charging via display
» the mounted motor
a) The are many reasons why the range may seem low 5.4.1 Range Page EN-41.
b) A learning cycle has not been carried out.
Perform a ‘learning cycle’: A new, fully charged battery should be run down once until the
motor assist stops and without recharging in between. In that way the battery ‘learns’ its
capacity, and the actual capacity will agree with the level indicated on the battery status
display. As soon as the battery enters Sleep mode, press the battery button for one second.
Then the learn cycle can be continued. Please perform a learn cycle every six months or
5,000 kilometres. If you do not repeat this from time to time, the actual capacity of the
battery will increasingly diverge from the value on the battery status display.
Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2 EN-49
Display Description Cause Remedy
Battery key lost Order another key. We recommend making a note of the key number on the sales receipt/document. This number can be used to order a
replacement key.
1. Go to website www.trelock.de
2. Select your language.
3. Select “Your service”, then “Trelock key service”.
4. Follow the instructions.
If you no longer have the key number, replacing the lock is the only option. Contact your cycle dealer for this.
The battery gets hot when
being charged.
a) High ambient temperatures a) Stop charging immediately and let the battery cool down. Then resume charging in a cooler
environment. If the problem persists, contact your cycle dealer (the battery may need
b) Damaged battery.
b) Damaged batteries must not be charged or used for any other purpose. Contact your
cycle dealer. The battery may have to be replaced.
The battery does not charge. a) Ambient temperature too high or low. a)Youcanchargethebatteryinambienttemperaturesbetween0˚Cand40˚C.
b) Damaged battery.
b) Damaged batteries must not be charged or used for any other purpose. Contact your
cycle dealer. The battery may have to be replaced.
c) Battery charger faulty. c) Have your charger checked out by your cycle dealer; it may have to be replaced.
Battery is damaged. Accident or fall involving the pedelec or the
battery has been dropped.
Damaged batteries must not be charged or used for any other purpose. Contact your cycle
dealer. The battery may have to be replaced.
Battery does not “wake up”
from Sleep mode.
a)Batteryisat. a)Brieychargethebattery.
a) IfthebatterystilldoesnotrespondortheLEDsashinanunusualway,thebatteryis
damaged and must be removed from the charger.
b) Damaged battery.
b) Damaged batteries must not be charged or used for any other purpose. Contact your
cycle dealer. The battery may have to be replaced.
Do not switch on the pedelec when you are riding. Otherwise the motor can stop and you will not be provided with the full assist level.
EN-50 Original User Guide | Pedelec Shimano Steps Version 2
7.2 Charger
Display Description Cause Remedy
The red
There is a
charging fault.
Unplug the charger from the
mains immediately. If the
problem reoccurs, a new
battery charger is required.
In rare cases the charger will switch to
error mode straight after connecting it
to the frame port. The red light of the
charger will blink and charging will
not start. In this case please start the
system by pushing the power button
on the display. Wait until the standard
screen is shown and connect the
charger again.Charging process will
8. Torque settings
Only use appropriate tools to tighten screws and bolts. Observe
settings take precedence (where available). Failure to comply can
result in screws/bolts becoming loose, tearing away or fracturing. If
that happens while you are riding the bike, components may come
components can also be damaged. Tighten all screws and bolts
that are relevant for safety with a torque wrench. This indicates the
corresponding torque in newton metres (Nm).
If no values are shown on the component or component manuals, use the
torque settings from the following table.
Screwxing Thread Tightening torque (Nm)
Pedal 9/16 40
Front axle nut General 25 – 30
Rear axle nut
35 – 40
Ahead stem angle adjustment M6 8 – 10
Ahead stem steerer tube M5 / M6 / M7 M5: 5 / M6: 10 / M7: 14
Saddle clamp bottom M5 / M6 / M8 M5: 5 / M6: 10 / M8: 20
Saddle clamp top M5 / M6 / M7
/ M8
M5: 5.5 / M6: 5.5 / M7: 14 /
M8: 20
Rim brake shoe M6 10
Disc brake calliper, Shimano, IS and PM M6 6 – 8
Disc brake calliper, AVID, IS and PM M6 8 – 10
Disc brake calliper, Magura, IS and PM M6 6
Gear lever clamp M5 5
Brake lever clamp M5 Ref. manufacturer's spec.
Cassettexingring N/A 30 – 40
Screw-on handlebar plugs M4 / M5 M4: 3 / M5: 5
Luggage rack M5 / M6 M5: 5 – 6 / M6: 8 – 10
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Druckfehler, Irrtümer und technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
© Copyright, reprinting, reproduction and distribution, even in part, only with the permission of Derby Cycle Werke GmbH.Subject to misprints,
errors and technical alterations.
© Copyright, reprinting, reproduction and distribution, even in part, only with the permission of Derby Cycle Werke GmbH.Subject to misprints,
errors and technical alterations.
Derby Cycle Werke GmbH
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49661 Cloppenburg, Germany
+ 49 (4471) 966-0
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