Long charging times Battery may be
Li-ion recharge-
able battery
Optimum temperature range
for charging operation
-10 °C 0 °C 10 °C 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C
6.4 Battery information system
There is a control panel with ve LEDs and a button
("Push") on the side of the battery that faces outwards.
The LEDs light up if you press the "Push" button. Informa-
tion about the battery and its charge state is provided
based on the number of LEDs that light up and the way in
which they light up.
Charge state and battery capacity indicator
6.4.1 Checking the battery charge state
Press the "Push" button briey, the LEDs light up and dis-
play the current battery charge.
5 LEDs light up ••••• 80 – 100%
4 LEDs light up ••••60 – 80%
3 LEDs light up •••40 – 60%
2 LEDs light up ••20 – 40%
1 LED lights up •10 – 20%
1 LED ashes
< 10%
no display – 0%
E: Battery is empty
F: Battery is ll
6.4.2 Checking the battery capacity
If you press the "Push" button for longer than ve sec-
onds, the LEDs show the current capacity of the battery.
Capacity indicator
5 LEDs light up ••••• 100 – 80%
4 LEDs light up ••••80 – 60%
3 LEDs light up •••60 – 40%
2 LEDs light up ••40 – 20%
1 LED lights up •20 – 0%