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Children are starting to learn younger all the time. Over the last few years
playgroups and children’s nurseries have been called upon more and more to
prepare children for school. Jumbo can lend a hand with its attractive educational
games that will give your child the best start!.
From the age of three, children are very eager to learn. Although it may look like
your child is simply playing a game, your son or daughter is actually learning a
tremendous amount. It’s an excellent opportunity to stimulate your child. A great
time to help them learn!
Jumbo has years of experience in the fi eld of educational games. The “I learn”
range provides a perfect, easy way of teaching your child during play. For each
age group – from 3 up to and including 6 years – Jumbo has a range that slots
seamlessly together, matching your child’s imagination and experience.
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Learn while you play
Developed by teachers, “I learn” links into your child’s
world, turning learning into play.
If it fi ts, it’s right
Each piece is unique in shape and colour, so there’s only
one way to get it right.
Play together or go solo
Learn with your child and, thanks to the unique design, your child can also
play unaided.
Store your pegs and
tiles here
Turn over the centre piece
and put your card on it.
Take the cards out of
the suitcase
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Take the cards out of the suitcase. Each card has a coloured border. Green is for
easy, blue for average and red for diffi cult. (Not all “I learn” suitcases feature
cards of different diffi culty.)
Turn over the plastic centre piece, and put the card numbered 1 on it.
There are four mother animals on the left of this card. The challenge on card 1 is
to fi nd the baby animal that goes with its mum. Take the pegs from the suitcase
and, for each challenge, push a peg through the hole next to the correct answer.
Are all your answers right? To fi nd out, turn over the centre piece! On the reverse
of each centre piece card is a drawing of a frog with red and green dots. Do all
the green dots have a peg showing through? If they do, you got all the correct
answers! Are there any pegs which have been pushed through a red dot, or is
there is a green dot without a peg? You might have an incorrect answer, or maybe
you’ve just forgotten one.