• Useofaheadsetwillimpairyourabilitytohearothersounds.
Use caution while using your headset when you are engaging
in any activity that requires your full attention.
• Ifyouhaveapacemakerorotherelectricalmedicaldevices,
you should consult your physician before using this device.
• Thispackagecontainssmallpartsthatmaybehazardousto
children and should be kept out of reach from children. The
bags themselves or the many small parts they contain may
cause choking if ingested.
• Nevertrytodismantletheproductyourself.Noneofthe
components can be replaced or repaired by users. Only authorized
dealers or service centers may open the product. If any parts
of your product require replacement for any reason, including
normal wear and tear or breakage, contact your dealer.
• Avoidexposingyourproducttorain,moistureorotherliquids
to protect against damage to the product or injury to you.
• Observeallsignsandinstructionsthatrequireanelectrical
device or RF radio product to be switched o in designated
areas such as hospitals or aircrafts.
Remember: Always drive safely, avoid distractions and follow
local laws!
Using the headset while operating a motor vehicle, motorcycle,
watercraft or bicycle may be dangerous, and is illegal in some
jurisdictions, just as use of this headset with both ears covered
while driving is not permitted in certain jurisdictions. Check your
local laws. Use caution while using your headset when you are
engaging in any activity that requires your full attention. Also,
do not take notes or read documents.
• Yourdeviceispoweredbyarechargeablebattery.
• Thefullperformanceofanewbatteryisachievedonlyafter
two or tree complete charge and discharge cycles.
• Thebatterycanbechargedanddischargedhundredsoftimes,
but will eventually wear out. Recharge your battery only with
the provided approved chargers designated for this device.