Ce camésco pe est livré avec les accessoires suivants .
Raccord de l’unité audio
L’unité audio (a vec poignée) n’est pas fixée sur le b loc du
caméscope à l’a chat.
Fixez l’unité audio selo n la procédure suivante.
1 . Fixez l’unité audio en la faisant g lisser tout le long
du sabot de fixation au-dessus du caméscope.
2 . Serrez la vis de l’unité audio dans le sens des
aig uilles d’une montre pour la fixer complètement et
de façon sécuritaire au caméscope.
TSi l’unité audio n’ est pas fixée complètement et de façon
sécuritaire, celle-ci peut se desserrer et tomb er du
caméscope pendant l’utilisation.
3 . Raccordez le câble de l’u nité audio à la borne
AUDIO IN du caméscope.
No t e :
● La pince sur l’unité aud io sert à fixer le câ ble du
microphone et ne peut p as être utilisée pour fixer le câb le
de l’unité audio. (A p. 18)
Ce caméscope sauvega rde les images e t le son audio
enregistrés sur la carte S D (vendu e séparément) dans le slo t
de lecture de cartes.
No t e :
● Si la c arte S D contient de s fichiers enregistrés p ar des
dispositifs autres que ce caméscope ou des fichiers qu i
sont sauvegardés à partir d’un PC, il se peut que le temps
d’enregistrement soit plus court ou que le d onnées ne
soient pas corr ectement enregistrées. De plus, l’espace
restant sur la carte pourrait ne pas augmen ter, même si
des fichiers sont supprimés à partir d’un ordinateur.
Utilisez les cartes S D suivantes.
Vidéo : Carte S DHC prenant en charge la Classe 6
ou supérieure
(4 à 32 Go)
Photographie : Carte S D (de 256 Mo à 2 Go), carte S DHC
(4 à 32 Go)
● Panasonic, TO SHIBA ou SanDisk
L’utilisation de ca rtes autres que celles spécifiées ci-
dessus pourraien t entraver le b on enregistrement des
données ou entra îner des pertes de données.
Le cédérom accompagnant ce caméscope contient le
logiciel [JVC ProHD Clip Manager] et autres logici els
d’application ainsi qu e les manuels d’utilisa tion.
T Pour les détails, voir les manuels d’utilisation de chaque
logiciel d’application .
Adaptateur AC
Unité audio
Câb le de
Cordon AV
Câb le US B
Chargeur de
ba t t e r i e
Cartes SD
Unité au dio
Sa bot
Câb le
Ouvrez la protection
M9H7_FR_003C.book Page 7 Thursday, Augu st 26, 2010 12:33 PM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cab le to the A UDIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cab le to the A UDIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cab le to the A UDIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM provided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cab le to the A UDIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cab le to the A UDIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cable to the A U DIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM provided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cable to the A U DIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM provided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cable to the A U DIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach the audio un it by sliding it all th e way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and ma y drop off from the camcorder during use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cable to the A U DIO IN
terminal of the camcor der .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files reco rded by devices other than
this camcorder or files that are sa ve d from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
properly recorded . In addition, the remaining space on the
card ma y not increase e ven w hen files are d eleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from being recorded correctly or result in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user guides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
software .
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
A V Cord
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
Battery Pac k
Component Cable
A V Cable USB Cable
Shoe Adapter Remote Control
Lithium Battery
Pre-installed in the
remote control.
Make sure to use the pro vided cables for
connections. Do not use any other cab les.
Shoe Adapter
An optional microphone or light can be
attached to the shoe adapter .
Slide the shoe cov er
in the direction of the
arrow to re veal the shoe
adapter mounting sock et.
Mount the accessory
shoe adapter .
F asten the shoe adapter
to the shoe adapter
mounting sock et by
turning the screw in the
direction of the arrow .
Inser t a microphone, etc.
from behind the shoe
adapter .
Do not try to attach a microphone, etc. to the
shoe adapter forcib ly .
Ce camésco pe est livré avec les accessoires suivants .
Raccord de l’unité audio
L’unité audio (a vec poignée) n’est pas fixée sur le b loc du
caméscope à l’a chat.
Fixez l’unité audio selo n la procédure suivante.
1 . Fixez l’unité audio en la faisant g lisser tout le long
du sabot de fixation au-dessus du caméscope.
2 . Serrez la vis de l’unité audio dans le sens des
aig uilles d’une montre pour la fixer complètement et
de façon sécuritaire au caméscope.
TSi l’unité audio n’ est pas fixée complètement et de façon
sécuritaire, celle-ci peut se desserrer et tomb er du
caméscope pendant l’utilisation.
3 . Raccordez le câble de l’u nité audio à la borne
AUDIO IN du caméscope.
No t e :
● La pince sur l’unité aud io sert à fixer le câ ble du
microphone et ne peut p as être utilisée pour fixer le câb le
de l’unité audio. (A p. 18)
Ce caméscope sauvega rde les images e t le son audio
enregistrés sur la carte S D (vendu e séparément) dans le slo t
de lecture de cartes.
No t e :
● Si la c arte S D contient de s fichiers enregistrés p ar des
dispositifs autres que ce caméscope ou des fichiers qu i
sont sauvegardés à partir d’un PC, il se peut que le temps
d’enregistrement soit plus court ou que le d onnées ne
soient pas corr ectement enregistrées. De plus, l’espace
restant sur la carte pourrait ne pas augmen ter, même si
des fichiers sont supprimés à partir d’un ordinateur.
Utilisez les cartes S D suivantes.
Vidéo : Carte S DHC prenant en charge la Classe 6
ou supérieure
(4 à 32 Go)
Photographie : Carte S D (de 256 Mo à 2 Go), carte S DHC
(4 à 32 Go)
● Panasonic, TO SHIBA ou SanDisk
L’utilisation de ca rtes autres que celles spécifiées ci-
dessus pourraien t entraver le b on enregistrement des
données ou entra îner des pertes de données.
Le cédérom accompagnant ce caméscope contient le
logiciel [JVC ProHD Clip Manager] et autres logici els
d’application ainsi qu e les manuels d’utilisa tion.
T Pour les détails, voir les manuels d’utilisation de chaque
logiciel d’application .
Adaptateur AC
Unité audio
Câb le de
Cordon AV
Câb le US B
Chargeur de
ba t t e r i e
Cartes SD
Unité au dio
Sa bot
Câb le
Ouvrez la protection
M9H7_FR_003C.book Page 7 Thursday, Augu st 26, 2010 12:33 PM
This camcorder comes bundled with the follo wing
Attaching the A udio Unit
The audio unit (with handle) is not attached to the camcorder
unit when purchased.
Attach the audio unit according to the following procedure.
1 . Attach th e audio unit b y sliding it all the way into
the shoe on the top of the c amcorder .
2 . T urn the screw on the audio unit cl ockwise to fasten
it fully and securely to the camcor der .
TIf the audio unit is not fully and securely tightened, it wil l be
loose and may drop off from the camcorder dur ing use.
3 . Connect the audio unit cable to the A U DIO IN
terminal of th e camcorder .
M em o :
● The clamp on the audio unit is for fixing the microphone
cab le and cannot b e used to fix the audio unit ca b le.
(A P age 18)
This camcorder sav es the recorded images and audio sound
on the S D card (sold separately) in the card slot.
M em o :
● If the SD card contains files recorded b y de vices other than
this camcorder or files that are sav ed from a PC, the
recordab le time ma y b e shor ter or data may not b e
proper ly recorded. In addition , the remaining space on th e
card ma y not increase e ven when files are deleted using a
Make use of the f ollowing S D ca rds.
Video : S DHC card that supp or ts Class 6 or hig her
(4 GB to 32 GB)
Still Picture : SD card (256 MB to 2 GB), S DHC card (4 GB
to 32 GB)
● P anaso nic, T OS HIBA, or S anDisk
Using cards other than those specified ab ov e ma y pre vent
data from b eing recorded correctly or resu lt in loss of
The CD-ROM pro vided with this camcorder comes with
[JVC ProHD Clip Manager] and other applicatio n software
as well as the user g uides.
TF or detail, refer to the user guides for each application
so ftwa re.
AC Adapter
Control Unit
Audio Unit
Component Cab le
AV C o r d
US B Ca b le
Batter y Charger
P ower Cord
SD Car ds
A udio Unit
Cab le
A UDIO IN T er minal
Open the cov er
M9H7_EU_001D.book Pag e 7 Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:57 AM
Ce camésco pe est livré avec les accessoires suivants .
Raccord de l’unité audio
L’unité audio (a vec poignée) n’est pas fixée sur le b loc du
caméscope à l’a chat.
Fixez l’unité audio selo n la procédure suivante.
1 . Fixez l’unité audio en la faisant g lisser tout le long
du sabot de fixation au-dessus du caméscope.
2 . Serrez la vis de l’unité audio dans le sens des
aig uilles d’une montre pour la fixer complètement et
de façon sécuritaire au caméscope.
TSi l’unité audio n’ est pas fixée complètement et de façon
sécuritaire, celle-ci peut se desserrer et tomb er du
caméscope pendant l’utilisation.
3 . Raccordez le câble de l’u nité audio à la borne
AUDIO IN du caméscope.
No t e :
● La pince sur l’unité aud io sert à fixer le câ ble du
microphone et ne peut p as être utilisée pour fixer le câb le
de l’unité audio. (A p. 18)
Ce caméscope sauvega rde les images et le son audio
enregistrés sur la carte S D (vendu e séparément) dans le slo t
de lecture de cartes.
No t e :
● Si la c arte S D contient de s fichiers enregistrés p ar des
dispositifs autres que ce caméscope ou des fichiers qu i
sont sauvegardés à partir d’un PC, il se peut que le temps
d’enregistrement soit plus court ou que le d onnées ne
soient pas corr ectement enregistrées. De plus, l’espace
restant sur la carte pourrait ne pas augmen ter, même si
des fichiers sont supprimés à partir d’un ordinateur.
Utilisez les cartes S D suivantes.
Vidéo : Carte S DHC prenant en charge la Classe 6
ou supérieure
(4 à 32 Go)
Photographie : Carte S D (de 256 Mo à 2 Go), carte S DHC
(4 à 32 Go)
● Panasonic, TO SHIBA ou SanDisk
L’utilisation de ca rtes autres que celles spécifiées ci-
dessus pourraien t entraver le b on enregistrement des
données ou entra îner des pertes de données.
Le cédérom accompagnant ce caméscope contient le
logiciel [JVC ProHD Clip Manager] et autres logici els
d’application ainsi qu e les manuels d’utilisa tion.
T Pour les détails, voir les manuels d’utilisation de chaque
logiciel d’application .
Adaptateur AC
Unité audio
Câb le de
Cordon AV
Câb le US B
Chargeur de
ba t t e r i e
Cartes SD
Unité au dio
Sa bot
Câb le
Ouvrez la protection
M9H7_FR_003C.book Page 7 Thursday, Augu st 26, 2010 12:33 PM
Unité audio Microphone
T élécommande
Adaptateur AC Batterie Chargeur de
LYT2090-003D_all.pdf 7 10/12/03 3:57