Placement and Set-up
C o n s i d e r a t i o n s
The P roject K2 S9800 l o u d s p e a k e r
system is designed to be less aff e c t e d
by room acoustics than conventional
imaging systems. However, it is very
sensitive to overall symmetry, proximi-
ty to walls, ceilings and corners.
I d e a l l y, any listening room should con-
tain a combination of live surfaces
(e.g., walls and windows) and
absorbent surfaces (e.g., drapes, car-
pets, upholstery). If the distance
between floor to ceiling is low, it is
preferable that one surface has an
absorbent covering. With P roject K2
S 9 8 0 0, it is most important to be able
to accommodate the optimum listening
area that is defined by the 60° horizon-
tal/30° vertical coverage pattern of the
h o r n .
The listener should be centered in front
of the speakers and furniture should be
of an appropriate height so that when
the listener is sitting, the ear level is on
a vertical plane with the horn (approxi-
mately 110 cm/43 in) as illustrated in
Fi g u re 2.
C AUTION: Project K2 S9800 is a mas-
sive system comprised of materials cho-
sen for their density, with its weight
concentrated in a relatively narrow area.
Verify the integrity of the floor surface
before placing and setting up the speak-
ers. S e e Floor Require m e n t s .
If possible, the distance between the
speakers should be the same as the dis-
tance between each speaker and the lis-
tening area. Angle the speaker in
toward the listener so that when seated,
the listener could look straight into the
center of the speaker ( Fi g u re 7). As the
distance increases between the speak-
ers, increase the inward angle of the
s p e a k e r.
The imaging qualities enable the
speakers to be placed relatively far
apart from each other. In addition, the
low frequency alignment feature
enables placing the speakers near or
even in a corner without producing an
over abundance of bass. This corner
placement ability allows optimum per-
formance even in small rooms.
The P roject K2 S9800 system can
operate fairly closely to the wall.
Allow enough clearance between the
back of each speaker and the wall to
allow making the connections on the
back of the speaker (approximately 45
cm/18 in). Remember that these speak-
ers weigh close to 90 kg (198 lbs) each
and cannot be easily moved.
Floor Require m e n t s
The floor in the location selected for
setting up the P roject K2 S9800 s p e a k -
ers must be capable of supporting a
load of 90 kg (198 lbs). Because of the
coupling effect of the stainless steel
feet, a flat, hard surface such as wood
or linoleum is preferable. However, the
design of the loudspeaker's coupling
system, along with the speaker's
extreme weight, should result in excel-
lent perfomance on any surface, even
on carpets.
Project K2 S9800