Unpacking the Project K2 S9800
S y s t e m
All components of the P roject K2 s y s-
tem have been very carefully packed
for maximum protection against dam-
As with any superior audio product, it
is advisable to keep the original pack-
ing materials in case it is necessary to
transport the P roject K2 S9800 s y s t e m .
Because of the bulk and weight of this
l o u d s p e a k e r, at least two people are
required to unpack it in the following
manner: open the box, push back the
flaps, and then slowly and carefully roll
the loudspeaker and its contents over
onto a well protected surface such as a
thick carpet; lift off the box.
Two choices of feet, spiked and round-
ed are provided. Please s e e Fi g u re 6,
and thread either type of foot onto the
bottom of the K2 S9800 in four loca-
t i o n s .
Four metal coasters are also provided.
These are to be placed between the foot
and the floor should further protection
of the floor coverings be required.
Project K2 S9800