Main Unit
Indoortemperaturerange : -10°Cto+60.0°C(14°Fto140.0°F)
Operatingtemperaturerange: 0°Cto+50.0°C(32.0°F-122.0°F)
Temperatureresolution : 0.1°C(0.2°F)
Outdoortemperaturerange : -20.0°Cto+60.0°C(-4.0°Fto140.0°F)
Backupbatteries : 2piecesUM-4AAAsize1.5Vbattery
Remote Unit
Measuringrange : -20.0°Cto+60.0°C(-4.0°Fto140.0°F)
Operatingtemperaturerange: -10.0°Cto+50.0°C(14.0°Fto122.0°F)
Temperatureresolution : 0.1°C(0.2°F)
RFTransmissionFrequency : 433MHz
RFTransmissionRange : max.50metersinopenarea
Temperaturesensingcycle : 60-75seconds
Batteries : 2piecesUM-3AAsize1.5Vbattery(alkalineorbetter)
- Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight over longer
- Avoid blows and shocks of any kind to the device.
- For cleaning use a dry soft cloth that you have moistened with water and a mild
cleaning agent. Never use volatile substances such as benzene, thinner, cleansing
agents in spray cans etc.
- When the device is not being used store it in a dry area and out of the reach of
small children.
- If the device is activated under extreme coldness it may occur that the display
becomes illegible. As soon as it is returned to a warm environment the device will
function normally.
- Pleasekeeptheuser’smanualandotherdocumentsdeliveredwiththedevice
stored carefully so that you can reference them at a later point if necessary.
- Pleaseuseonlynewbatteriesandnevermixoldandnewbatteries.
- Pleasealsorememberthatoldbatteriesshouldnotbedisposedofwithhousehold
waste but should be handed in at the designated collection centres.
- Important:WithallIroxappliances,alldisposalfeesinSwitzerland(vRG;advance
recycling fee) and in the EU (WEEE) have been paid.