Other Information
- Do not drop the product, or subject it to strong impact or vibration.
It may cause damage or failure.
- Do not press multiple keys simultaneously. It may cause damage or
- Do not disconnect from your computer when transmitting data.
It may cause failure.
- When connecting the product with a computer, use a USB port on
the back of the computer.
Some generic computers with sub-standard USB ports can cause
damage to the product.
- Do not insert devices other than earphones in the earphone terminals.
It may cause damage or failure.
- Back up important data on the device and keep it in a safe place.
- The EPD is highly susceptible to shock and pressure.
Please use extreme caution when handling the device.
- Do not use or handle headphones/earphones when driving a bicycle,
car, or motorcycle.
It is not only dangerous but can also be illegal according to the region.
- Do not use when driving, walking, or climbing. There is danger of injury.
Accidents can happen, so use only in safe place. There is danger of injury.
- When using while on the move, check if there are any dangerous
obstacles. There is danger of injury.
- There is a risk of electric shock during electrical storms. Avoid.
use if possible. There is danger of injury.