WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a protocol that provides web-based access to Shares on the Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d. With
WebDAV enabled on the Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d, you can view, add, or delete files through your WebDAV client using either HTTP for unencrypted access
or HTTPS for encrypted access. HTTP offers faster performance but is not secured. You access Shares using a URL such as
http://devicename/WebDAV/Foldername. Check your browser's documentation to be sure that it supports WebDAV.
Configuring WebDAV settings
1. To enable WebDAV, click the switch on.
2. To enable WebDAV for HTTP, check Enable WebDAV Over HTTP.
3. To enable WebDAV for HTTPS, check Enable WebDAV Over HTTPS.
4. Click Apply to save your settings.
Configuring WebDAV with Remote Access
For remote access with WebDAV, you must manually configure your router to forward the port numbers you defined for HTTP and HTTPS to your Iomega
StorCenter ix4-200d. Refer to your router's documentation to learn how to set these values.