returns to solid green, run Iomega Discovery Tool again.
NOTE: If you set the configuration option to disable the factory reset button, you cannot
return the drive to default settings.
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I forgot my password
There are several things you can do to reduce the risk of forgetting your password and
minimize the impact of a forgotten password.
1. Back up the data on all shares frequently.
2. If you forget your Administrator password, log in as a user that has access to the data
and back it up before you contact Iomega.
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How do I configure the drive?
Device Settings allows the user to access the customization features of the Iomega
StorCenter Pro Server.
1. Run the Iomega Discovery Tool.
2. Click on Enter Device Settings.
A new browser window will open, directing you to Device Settings.
NOTE: If you have more than one Iomega StorCenter Pro Server in your configuration, select
the appropriate drive using the Previous and Next buttons. In addition, you can use the
Drive ID option within Device Settings to ensure that the drive you have selected is the
correct one.
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How do I find the drive's IP address?
Run the Iomega Discovery Tool Pro software. The Discover Tool will display a list of available
StorCenter Pro Servers and list their name and IP address.
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How do I find the drive if Iomega Discovery Tool does not work?
PC Users:
Windows XP/2000:
1. Double click My Network Places