Configuring the Iomega
Installing Discovery Tool
Running Discovery Tool
Using Bonjour
Device Settings
Using Iomega
Discovery Tool
Installing Iomega Discovery Tool Pro
Iomega Discovery Tool Pro software installs and runs automatically when you install the
software from the Solutions CD using either Automatic Install or Custom Install.
You can also run the Iomega Discovery Tool Pro software directly from the CD without
installing. However, for ease of use, Iomega recommends installing the software.
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Running Iomega Discovery Tool
Iomega Discovery Tool automatically configures the Iomega StorCenter Pro server and
prepares it for use on your network. This allows users to easily configure the drive without
confusing dialog boxes or cryptic messaging. Simply run the tool on each computer
connected to your network to quickly assign a drive letter for browsing the server.
Iomega Discovery Tool also provides access to Device Settings, which allows the user to
customize and configure the Iomega StorCenter Pro Server.
The Iomega Discovery Tool Pro software performs the following tasks:
Locates and verifies the presence of the server on the network.
Displays the name and IP address of the server.
Maps a drive letter to the server.
Launchs the StorCenter Pro configuration tool.
NOTE: Iomega Discovery Tool will find ALL Iomega StorCenter Pro servers on the network,
previously discovered or not.
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Using Bonjour
Mac OS X users can also use Apple's Bonjour (formerly Rendezvous) technology to discover
and configure the StorCenter (requires 10.3 or higher). To use Bonjour:
Open the Safari web browser. Click on the button. From the Collections pane on the
left-hand side, select Bonjour (or Rendezvous). The StorCenter should appear in the