Chapter 2 — Connecting and Configuring the CN3
68 CN3 Series Mobile Computer User’s Manual for Windows Mobile 5.0
b Tap the <<< button next to the Key Path field to select the
private key (.pvk file) which corresponds to the user certificate
you selected.
To import a certificate from an IAS server:
a Tap Web Enrollment.
b Enter the User, Password, and Server (IP address) to log into
the server.
c Tap OK. A dialog box appears asking if you want to load the
root certificate.
d Tap OK. The Enrollment Tool message box appears telling you
that the certificate has been added.
e Tap OK to close the message box.
Disabling Security
If you choose not to use security with your wireless network, you can
disable it on the CN3. Intermec recommends that you always set
security in your network.
To disable security
1 Open Intermec Settings.
2 Choose Communications > 802.11 Radio > Microsoft Security.
3 For Network Authentication, choose Open.
4 For Data Encryption, choose Disabled.
5 Close Intermec Settings.