178 CN30 Mobile Computer User’s Manual
EAP-TLS, 144
EAP-Tunneled TLS, 146
creating an SF51 connection label, 127
scan bar code labels, 159
Edition information, 3, 30
Email account
setting up an account, 92
Email server
getting connected, 92
Ending a connection, 91
Ethernet configuration
LAN9000 connection, 162
Excel Mobile
about, 75
creating a workbook, 77
tips, 77
unsupported features, 76
Extensible Authentication Protocol, 130
FAST (Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunnel-
ing), 130
Favorite links
Internet Explorer Mobile, 81
File Explorer
adding programs to Start menu, 46
removing programs, 46
Windows Mobile, 42
Flash File Store
packaging applications, 97
Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling
(FAST), 130
Folder behavior connected to email server
ActiveSync, 68
IMAP4, 69
POP3, 65
SMS, 69
Funk security, 131
802.1x, 134
LEAP, 135
selecting a profile, 131
static WEP, 136
WPA, 131
Getting connected
directly to an email server, 92
ISP, 84
setting up an email account, 92
to an ISP, 85
creating a modem connection, 85
to work, 87
creating a modem connection, 88
creating a VPN server connection, 90
creating a wireless network connection, 155
Windows Mobile, 84
Green shift plane, 124
connecting, 122
discovering, 122
IDL, 96
Bluetooth Resource Kit, 118
beeper volume
turning it on, 19
configuration parameters, 159
Imager settings
SF51 scanner, 126
Folder behavior connected to email server, 69
Input panel
block recognizer, 36
keyboard, 36
letter recognizer, 37
selecting typed text, 37
transcriber, 37
Windows Mobile, 33
Word Mobile, 74
word suggestions, 35
Installing applications
using a storage card, 95
with Microsoft ActiveSync, 94
Intermec Developer Library
AutoCab method, 94
Intermec Settings applet
Bluetooth, 119
enable speaker, 19
Funk security, 131
IP address, 162
name server
intermec settings
IP address, 162
set vibrator, 19
viewing SF51 information, 128
wireless configuration, 164
Internet explorer
Windows Mobile, 3, 30