PRIORITY SCAN (Multi-function receiver/Component screens only)
eSet the scanning channel and bank in [Scan Channel].
rSet the scanning interval from 2 to 60 sec in [Priority Inter-
val], then click the close ([X]) button to close the setting
• Click zCHECKx to monitor the selected priority channel.
• Click zOFFx to stop monitoring the priority channel.
t Click zPRIOx button to start priority scan.
• “PRIO Scan” blinks and [PRIO] appears while scanning.
• The receiver checks the memory channel according to the set-
ting interval.
• The scan resumes according to the selected scan resume con-
dition. (p. 90)
• While the scan is pausing, pushing the pause button (z❙❙x) re-
sumes the scan manually.
y To stop the scan, click zSTOPx or zPRIOx.