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User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
IRIScan Executive 4
Button Manager
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
2016 I.R.I.S SA. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document
is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied
only in accordance with the terms of those agreements. No part of this publication can be reproduced in
any form or by any means without prior written permission of I.R.I.S. SA.
The barcode detection capability is provided by Dynamsoft Corporation.
Microsoft is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
OneDrive and its logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Evernote and the Evernote logo are trademarks of Evernote Corporation.
Dropbox and the Dropbox logo are registered trademarks of Dropbox, Inc.
Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.
Facebook and the Facebook logo are registered trademarks of Facebook, Inc.
Other names and products mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
1. Overview .................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Installing Button Manager ............................................................................................................. 5
3. Scanning From the Buttons ........................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Starting Button Manager .......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Using the default button configurations ...................................................................................... 7
3.3 Checking Button Configurations Before Scanning ........................................................................ 8
3.4 Scanning From A Simple Touch of the Button ........................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Use of the Button Panel .................................................................................................... 10
4. Configuring the Buttons .............................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Starting the Button Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................ 11
4.2 The Basic Tab ....................................................................................................................... 12
4.2.1 The Button Name ............................................................................................................ 12
4.2.2 The Image Mode Option ................................................................................................... 13
4.2.3 The Scan Parameters Option ............................................................................................. 14
4.2.4 The File Location Option ................................................................................................... 14
4.3 The Image Adjustment Tab .................................................................................................... 17
4.4 The Color Dropout Tab ........................................................................................................... 19
4.4.1 Entering the RGB Values .................................................................................................. 19
4.4.2 Selecting Your Color ........................................................................................................ 20
4.5 The Image Processing Tab ..................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Setting up Button Manager to send images to a specified printer ................................................ 22
4.7 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Images to a Specified Mail Software ................................... 24
4.8 Setting up Button Manager to upload images to an FTP server .................................................... 27
4.9 Setting up Button Manager to upload images to Microsoft SharePoint server / Office 365 ............... 29
4.10 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Google Drive ............................................. 31
4.11 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Evernote .................................................. 32
4.12 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Dropbox ................................................... 33
4.13 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to OneDrive .................................................. 34
4.14 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Facebook ................................................. 35
4.15 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to a Shared Folder ........................................ 36
4.16 Possible Error Conditions ...................................................................................................... 37
4.17 Adding A New Destination Application .................................................................................... 39
4.18 Working with Profiles ........................................................................................................... 40
4.19 Using the Options Menu ....................................................................................................... 41
4.19.1 The Settings Tab ........................................................................................................... 41
4.19.2 The Others Tab.............................................................................................................. 42
4.19.3 The Scan Count Tab .................................................................................................... 43
4.19.4 The Advanced Tab ......................................................................................................... 43
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.19.5 The Scanner Info Tab ..................................................................................................... 44
4.19.6 The About Tab ............................................................................................................... 45
4.20 Removing Button Manager Icon from the System Tray ........................................................... 45
5. Operations .............................................................................................................................. 46
5.1 Inserting An Image Directly to a Software Application ............................................................... 46
5.2 “Drag and Drop” Your File to a Specified Button ........................................................................ 47
5.3 Sending Error Report ............................................................................................................. 48
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
1. Overview
The Button Manager provides you an easy way to scan your documents and send them to your favorite
software applications and Cloud destinations. All this can be done with a simple touch of the button on the
With the new Button Manager you can:
- Scan your documents directly to Readiris Corporate 14.
- Scan images into an open application.
- Scan images to other applications of your choosing.
- Send documents to a printer.
- Send documents via mail.
- Configure new buttons to send documents to various Cloud destinations.
2. Installing Button Manager
Attention: first install the software before you connect the scanner to your computer. See the Quick
User Guide for more info if necessary.
System requirements
Computer and processor
1GHz processor or higher.
Minimum 1 GB RAM.
Hard disk
Minimum 500 MB free hard disk space. 1 GB free hard disk space is
Operating System
Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista,
Windows XP (as of Service Pack 3). All 32 or 64 bit.
Windows 7 and higher recommended.
DVD-ROM drive or Internet connection.
At least one free USB port.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
3. Scanning From the Buttons
By simply pressing the Scan button on the scanner, you scan and send your documents to the designated
destination application. Before you scan however, it is recommended to check the button configurations
first to ensure a proper file format and destination application.
3.1 Starting Button Manager
1. After the Button Manager and the scanner driver have been successfully installed on your computer,
the Button Panel will be displayed in the Windows System Tray at the bottom right corner of your
computer screen.
2. Left-click the Button Manager icon to prompt the following Button Panel.
3. The default button is indicated by a green checkmark. To select another button as default button, click
the number in front of it. The checkmark now moves to that button.
Button Manager can also be started from the Programs list by choosing
Start>Programs>IRIS Button Manager>IRIS Button Manager.
4. You can now click one of the buttons, or press the scanner button on the scanner to start scanning.
This indicates
your scanner
Ready Status
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
3.2 Using the default button configurations
The scanner is shipped with nine preconfigured button settings for your frequent tasks such as scan to
Readiris, scan to an application, scan to e-mail. The following table shows the default settings. You can
change any of these settings.
Preset Scan Settings
Select this button to send
documents directly to
Readiris for text recognition.
Color, 300 dpi, Duplex, JPEG, Auto
Select this button to scan
documents as PDF and open
your default PDF reader.
A copy is also saved in:
Pictures\IRIS IRIScanExec4
Auto, 300 dpi, Duplex, PDF, Auto
Select this button to send
images to your Dropbox
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
Select this button to send
images to your Evernote
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
Select this button to send
images to your Google Drive
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
Select this button to send
images to an FTP server.
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
Select this button to send
your images as attachment
via your specified e-mail
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
Select this button to send
images to a designated
application (default:
Microsoft Paint).
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Select this button to save
images in a folder on your
Auto Color Detection, 300 dpi,
Duplex, JPEG, Auto Crop
To accurately use the default settings, you need to set up your computer in an internet environment
and install the necessary software applications such as E-mail software, or printer before installing
Button Manager.
To send your scanned images to a network server such as FTP, Microsoft SharePoint, or Google Drive,
you need to set up your computer in an internet environment and make sure you have the privilege to
access the network server. For example you need to create a login name and password first.
Microsoft .NET Framework: To accurately send your scanned images to a network server, Microsoft
.NET Framework 2.0 or higher is required. (Check the program and the version by choosing
Start>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs. A list of programs will be displayed. If you have
installed Microsoft .NET Framework, the program and the version will be shown in the list.).
Google Drive: Google provides a document hosting, management and editing service called Google
Drive to every user that has signed up for a Google account (http://drive.google.com).
Microsoft SharePoint: Microsoft SharePoint is a collaboration and document library tool developed
by Microsoft for file sharing and web publishing. You may need to contact your system administrator to
get the correct URL for the SharePoint server. Your system administrator will also give you access to
the SharePoint and a valid user login and password.
3.3 Checking Button Configurations Before Scanning
1. After the Button Manager and the scanner driver have been successfully installed on your computer,
the Button Panel will be displayed in the Windows System Tray at the bottom right corner of your
computer screen.
2. Left-click the Button Manager icon to prompt the following Button Panel.
This indicates
your scanner
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
3. The Button Panel shows the first five scanning buttons. Right-click the button you wish to check, the
Button Properties window appears.
If you wish to change the setting, use this window to reset the setting for the file format, destination
application, or other scan settings. See “Configuring the Buttons” in the subsequent section to reset the
4. Click the OK button to leave the window.
If the Button icon has not been displayed in the Windows System Tray after restarting your computer,
please just turn off and on your scanner. The Button icon will then be displayed in the right corner of the
Windows System Tray.
Folder and
file name
for the
Image Mode
Basic Scan
Name of the Selected Button
Scan To
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
3.4 Scanning From A Simple Touch of the Button
1. Press the scanner button once.
3.4.1 Use of the Button Panel
Left-click the Button icon in the Windows System Tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will
prompt the Button Panel.
The button icon
From this panel, you can check the scan configuration, start a scan, and change the scan configuration.
1. To check the scan configuration, right click the function icon you wish to check. This will prompt the
Button Properties window which shows the preset scan configuration.
2. To start a scan, left click the function icon you wish to scan. The scanner begins to scan and delivers
the scanned document to your selected destination application.
3. To change the scan configuration, right click the function icon you wish to check. This will prompt the
Button Properties window which allows you to customize button function and its configurations.
4. To cycle through all 9 buttons, click the Arrow keys.
5. To close the Button Panel, click the Close button () in the Button Panel.
The Function
Click the arrows
to cycle through
the 9 buttons.
The Button
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4. Configuring the Buttons
Button Manager allows you to customize the buttons, including scan profiles, destination applications, and
how files are stored and named.
4.1 Starting the Button Properties Dialog Box
For each of the nine buttons, you can choose a new configuration from the Button Properties dialog box.
To start the Button Properties dialog box,
1. Left click the Button icon ( ) in the system tray at the bottom right corner of the screen. The Button
Panel will be displayed.
2. Right click the button which you wish to change its settings. The Button Properties dialog box
3. From the Basic tab, select your basic scan settings including image mode, resolution, paper size, file
path and file name, and your desired Scan To destination.
4. From the Image Adjustment tab, select your desired brightness and contrast value to improve your
scanned image.
5. From the Color Dropout tab, choose your desired color channel to be removed to sharpen your text.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
6. From the Image Processing tab, choose if you wish to rotate your image or remove your blank page.
7. Click OK to save your settings and close this window.
4.2 The Basic Tab
From the Basic tab, most of your configurations for the button can be completed. The Basic tab allows you
to set basic settings for the button including basic scan settings, file format and path, and your scan to
destination for the scanned image.
The Basic tab includes the following options:
4.2.1 The Button Name
This field allows you to rename the button. Simply type your desired name. The new name will be shown in
the Button Panel.
An alternative way to rename your button:
1. On the Button Panel, right-click the button number you wish to rename. The button name will be
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
2. Type in the new name and press “Enter” on your keyboard. For example, My Printer.
3. The name is changed and will be displayed in the Button Panel as shown.
4.2.2 The Image Mode Option
Mode: Select the proper image mode for the scanned image. Choice: Auto Color Detection, Color, Gray,
and Black and White.
Auto Color
Click to automatically detect and scan your color document in color
image mode. If your document is in color, the scanner will
automatically scan the document into a color image. If your
document is non-color, the scanner will scan your document in Black
and White mode. This option is useful when you have a mixture of
color and non-color documents.
Choose Color to scan color photographs or color documents. Color
scan produces the largest file size.
Choose Gray to scan documents containing drawings or black and
white photographs. This scanning produces an image of up to 256
shades of gray.
Black and
Choose Black and White to scan document containing purely text,
pencil, or ink sketch. This scan mode produces the smallest file size.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.2.3 The Scan Parameters Option
The resolution is measured in pixels per inch (ppi) (sometimes referred to as dots per inch or dpi). Higher
resolutions result in more detail in the scan, slower scanning and in general, greater file sizes. For example,
an A4 size color image scanned at 300 dpi with color mode consumes approximately 25 MB of disk space.
When OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is to be performed on a scan, 300dpi should be used for most
languages except Asian languages. For Asian languages, 400 dpi is recommended.
Move the slider to choose your ideal resolution. The default value is 300 dpi. Available resolutions are 75,
100, 150, 200, 300, 400 and 600. (Options vary based on type of scanner.)
Resolution: 100 dpi
Resolution: 200 dpi
Paper Size:
Choose your ideal scan size. Choice: Auto Crop and Deskew, Scanner Maximum, US Letter- 8.5”x 11”, US
Legal 8.5” x 14”, ISO A4 21 x 29.7 cm, ISO A5 14.8 x 21 cm, ISO A6 10.5 x 14.8cm, ISO A7 7.4
x 10/5 cm, ISO B5 17.6 x 25 cm, ISO B6 12.5 x 17.6 cm, ISO B7 8.8 x 12.5 cm, JIS B5 18.2 x 25.7
cm, JIS B6 12.8 x 18.2 cm, JIS B7 9.1 x 12.8 cm, Picture 6.0 x 4.0 inch, Picture 5.0 x 3.0 inch. Note:
The options vary due to type of scanner.
Auto Crop and Deskew: Automatically adjusts the cropping window according to different document sizes
and automatically straighten a skew image. Use this option for batches of mixed-sized documents.
Choose Duplex to scan both the front and rear side of your document. Before choosing Duplex, make
sure you have purchased a duplex scanner first.
Click to scan based on the scanners TWAIN user interface. Click Setup to prompt the scanners TWAIN
user interface for more advanced scan settings.
4.2.4 The File Location Option
Enter the path or click “Browse” to select the path for your scanned image. Default:
C:\Users\<YourUser>\Pictures\IRIS IRIScan Exec4\Button# (C represents your system drive.)
File Name:
A joint name of the text string (default: Image) and a numeric suffix is the file name of your scanned
image. This suffix is automatically generated to make file names unique, for example, Image_0001. You
may change the default string by entering your text on the default file name “Doc####.
Or you may add date or time to current file name by choosing the More option. Choice includes Date,
Time, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Day of Week, Week number, Barcode (TWAIN
support), Custom, Image Count. The Date is indicated in the format of YYYYMMDD (year, month, and
date). The Time is indicated in the format of HHMMSS (hour, minute, second). For example, if you choose
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
date and time, the file name will be displayed like Image_000720110308175239.pdf (20110308 indicates
date while 175239 indicates time.)
The following tokens are available for use:
Converts to
Numbered Counter
Current Year+Month+Date, 4 digits+2 digits+2 digits
Current Hour+Minute+Second, 2 digits+2 digits+2
Current Year, 4 digits
Current Month, 01-12
Current Day, 01-31
Current Hour, 1-24
Current Minute, 1-60
Current Second, 1-60
Current Day of a week,1-7
Current Week Number, 1-53
Recognized barcode from document
File Format:
The file format that you have selected determined the file format for the scanned image of your document.
Choose your ideal file format for the specific button number. Choice includes BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG, Single-
Page PDF, Multi-page PDF, Multi-page TIFF and TIFF.
BMP is the standard Windows image format on DOS and Windows-compatible computers. The BMP format
supports RGB, indexed-color, grayscale, and Bitmap color modes.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format was created mainly for Internet uses, mainly for its small file
size. It's good for fast-loading web pages only. Nowadays Gif is widely used on the World Wide Web, both
for still images and for animations. GIF displays a maximum of 256 colors, which makes it unsuitable for
pictures with continuous colors. Its application is best for color clip art, black-and-white line drawings, or
images with large blocks of solid colors.
PNG (Portable Network Graphic) is also a bitmap of indexed colors under a lossless compression, but
without copyright limitations; commonly used to store graphics for Web images. PNG is superior to GIF in
that it has better compression and supports millions of colors. PNG files end in a .png suffix.
TIFF (The Tagged-Image File Format) is a flexible bitmap image format supported by virtually all paint,
image-editing, and page-layout applications. Also, virtually all desktop scanners can produce TIFF images.
To compress your file size, click the Properties button. Move the slider to the right or to the left to
increase or decrease the level of compression. Note the greater the compression level, the lower image
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Multi-Page TIFF:
Multi-age TIFF combines all the scanned images into a single TIFF file.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) compression provides the best results with continuous-tone color
and the smallest file size. To compress your file size, click the Properties button. Move the slider to the
right or to the left to increase or decrease the level of compression. Note the greater the compression
level, the lower image quality.
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a very popular file format used by Adobe. You can view PDF files using
Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
Multi-Page PDF:
Multi-Page PDF combines all the scanned images into a single PDF file.
The following table gives you an idea of file size v.s. file format
To scan an A4 color image in 200 dpi,
File Format
File Size
Scan Count:
Display your total scan count.
Choose your destination to send your scanned image to.
Choice: Dropbox, Email (your default e-mail software), Easy Mail, Evernote, Facebook, FTP, Google Drive,
iScan (Image), Archive, Office 365, Printer (your default printer), Shared Folder, SharePoint, Scan to App,
To upload your scanned image to a network file server, be sure to choose Configuration and enter your
account information. For example, to upload images to Google Drive, you need to sign up for an account at
Googles web site.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.3 The Image Adjustment Tab
The Image Adjustment tab allows you to adjust the color quality of the image so that it comes close to
the original.
Note: it is recommended to select Document as Color Profile to obtain optimal colors.
Adjusts the midtones of the image without dramatically altering then lightest and the darkest areas.
When the value of gamma changes, the image changes accordingly.
Gamma Value: 1.0
Gamma Value: 1.4
Gamma Value: 2.0
Brightness and Contrast
Adjusts the lightness or darkness of an image. The higher the value, the
brighter the image. Drag the slider to the right or left to increase or decrease
the brightness. The range goes from -50 to +50. The default value is 0.
Adjusts the range between the darkest and the lightest shades in the image.
The higher the contrast, the bigger the different grayscale. Drag the slider to the
right or left to increase or decrease the contrast. The range goes from -50 to
+50. The default value is 0.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Brightness: -50
Brightness: 0
Brightness: +50
Contrast: -50
Contrast: 0 (Normal)
Contrast: +50
When the values of highlight and shadow change, the image changes accordingly.
Highlight: 255/Shadow: 0(Normal)
Highlight: 210/Shadow:10
Highlight: 200/Shadow:0
Highlight: 255/Shadow: 50
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.4 The Color Dropout Tab
Color Dropout tab allows you to filter out a color channel (red, green, or blue). For example, if you are
scanning a document with a red watermark, you can choose to filter out the red channel so the scanned
image just shows the text and not the red watermark. Removing colors from the scan might reduce the
scan file size and improve optical character recognition (OCR) result.
Color dropout only applies to gray and black and white scans.
4.4.1 Entering the RGB Values
You may specify the color to be removed by entering the RGB (Red, Blue and Green) value respectively.
Click the Clear button to reset your color.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.4.2 Selecting Your Color
You may try the following way to select your color effectively.
1. After the scan is done, drag and drop your scanned image to Button Manager.
2. Check Magnifier and choose your specific color on the scanned image. The RGB value for the color
will be displayed.
2. Choose OK to complete.
Remove Blue Color Channel
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.5 The Image Processing Tab
The Image Processing tab includes the following options.
Image Rotation/Flip
Select rotation angle for your document if necessary.
Choice: None, 90 degrees left (counter clockwise), 90 degrees right (clockwise), 180 degrees around, 180
degrees flipped.
90 degrees right
90 degrees left
180 degrees around
180 degrees flipped
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.6 Setting up Button Manager to send images to a specified printer
Button Manager V2 allows you to scan and send documents to a specified printer. Also, if desired, you can
print two images in one side of a sheet.
To setup Button Manager to upload images to a specified printer,
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click a button you want to configure.
3. In the Destination list, select Printer.
4. Click Configuration. The Printer Configuration dialog box appears.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
5. If you wish to print your images not from a default printer, select your desired printer from the list.
Click “Properties” to prompt the “Propertiesdialog box to change your desired print settings and
click OK to complete and close the dialog box.
6. Click “Options” to prompt the “Options” dialog box.
Auto Color Detection :
Automatically detect the image type of the scanned image and print the images according to the image
type. For example, if the scanned image is color, the image will be printed in color if the specified printer is
a color printer; if the scanned image is black and white, the image will be printed in black and white.
Duplex Printing (for duplex printers)
Choose to print the scanned images in both the front and rear side of a page. This option will be available
only if the specified printer supports duplex (double-sided) printing.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Print two images on the same page (for duplex scanner only)
Choose to print two images on the same side of a sheet. This option is useful when you wish to print the
front and rear side of your original such as ID card or driver license on the same page. If you have
purchased a duplex scanner, use this option to print two sides of your original in one side of a sheet.
7. Click OK to complete and close the dialog box.
4.7 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Images to a Specified Mail Software
Button Manager V2 provides an easy way to scan your document and send it to a specified e-mail software
application as an attachment. By typing your recipient and subject in advance, the scanned image can be
directly sent to the recipient with a single click.
You may need to contact your System Administrator to get the IP address of your mail server.
To setup Button Manager to upload images to an E-mail software application,
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click button #7 to prompt the Button Properties dialog box as shown below.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
3. Click Configuration. The Mail Configuration dialog box appears.
- Enter the e-mail address of the sender and recipient.
- Type your subject and message on the Subject field and Message field.
- If desired, enter the e-mail address of the CC and BCC field.
4. Click the “SMTP” tab to display the SMTP dialog box.
- SMTP Server: Enter the IP address of your SMTP server.
- Port: Enter the port number of your SMTP server. Default: 25
- If the SMTP server requires authentication, check “Server requires authentication” and then enter
your account name and password.
- If there is a file size limitation, enter the limited value on the “File Separation” field.
5. You may search your e-mail address of “To”, “CC”, and “BCC” field from the LDAP server by clicking
the “Address Book” tab to display the LDAP dialog box.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
- LDAP Server: Enter the IP address of your LDAP server.
- Port: Enter the port number of your LDAP server. Default: 389
- If the LDAP server requires a secure connection, check “This server requires a secure
connection”. Contact your System Administrator for the details.
- If the LDAP server requires authentication, check “Server requires authentication” and then enter
your account name and password.
- BASE DN: Enter your base DN. Base DN (distinguished name) identifies the starting point of a search.
A dn indicates what record to view in an LDAP tree. The top level of the LDAP directory tree is the
base, referred to as the "base DN". For example, you could indicate a base of dc=com, dc=net for a
search that starts at the top and proceeds downward. Contact your System Administrator for the
- To test if your setting of LDAP server is OK, click the “E-mail” tab.
a. Click “To”, “CC” or “Bcc”, a Search dialog box appears.
b. Enter the keyword to search on theSearching” field . The search result containing your
keyword will be displayed.
c. Select your desired e-mail address and click “To”, “CC”, or “Bcc” which you need to set the e-
mail address . The e-mail address will be pasted on your selected field.
6. Click OK to complete.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
LDAP: Stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP enables users to access directories and
address books directly from external networked devices to simplify document distribution.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link
between a server and a clienttypically a web server (website) and a browser; or a mail server and a
mail client (e.g., Outlook).
You must enter your “Sender” address. Or the scanned image can not be forwarded to the recipient.
4.8 Setting up Button Manager to upload images to an FTP server
Button Manager V2 provides a way to scan documents that you want to share and send to an FTP server.
Once the electronic file is uploaded to an FTP server, the scanned document can be shared by users who
have the access of the server.
You may need to contact your System Administrator to get the correct URL for the FTP server. Your System
Administrator will also give you access to the FTP server and a valid user login and password.
To setup Button Manager to upload images to a FTP server,
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the FTP button.
3. Click Configuration. The FTP Configuration dialog box appears.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4. Enter a Host Name URL. The format of the URL is ftp://yourhostname/yoursite. This consists of the
Scheme ftp.
Host the name of the server.
Port the port number
Enter your login name and password. Contact your System Administrator for authorization to send
documents to the site.
The User login name may include a domain name. If a domain name is included, the format that is
required by the user would be: domain\username (domain name followed by a backslash then the
user login name).
Enter or Browse for a folder Name.
5. Click the “Proxy” tab to display the following Proxy dialog box.
6. Select your Proxy server to be “Auto Detect” or “Specify Proxy”. If “Specify Proxy” is selected,
enter your IP address and port number of your Proxy server. Enter user name and password if
required. You can check with your network administrator for the details.
7. Click OK to complete. You may click Test to try if the account works.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.9 Setting up Button Manager to upload images to Microsoft SharePoint server / Office
SharePoint is a collaboration and document library tool. Button Manager V2 provides a way to scan
documents that you want to share and send to the SharePoint server. Once the electronic file is uploaded
to SharePoint, you can use the capabilities of SharePoint to manage your scanned documents.
You may need to contact your System Administrator to get the correct URL for the SharePoint server. Your
System Administrator will also give you access to the SharePoint site and a valid user login and password.
To setup Button Manager to upload images to a Microsoft SharePoint server,
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the button you want to configure to prompt the Button Properties dialog box as shown
3. Name the button SharePoint.
4. Click the down arrow in the Destination list and select SharePoint.
5. Click Configuration. The SharePoint Configuration dialog box appears.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
6. Select a login option. Contact your System Administrator for authorization to send documents to the
• Select Use SharePoint account if you want to access the SharePoint server with a unique user
login and password. If you check this option, you must make an entry in the User login and Password
• Select Use Windows login if you want to access the SharePoint server by using the same user login
and password that you use to login into Windows on your PC.
The User login name may include a domain name. If a domain name is included, the format that is
required by the user would be: domain\username (domain name followed by a backslash then the
user login name).
• Enter a Host Name URL. The format of the URL is http://yourhostname/yoursite. This consists of the
Scheme http.
Host name the name of the server. This may include a port number.
Site (optional; may also be entered in the Site Name field.)
Enter or Browse for a Library or folder Name. Any Document or Picture Library can be entered here.
To view only a list of Document Libraries when browsing, select the Show only document
libraries checkbox in the Browse window.
7. Click the “Proxy” tab to display the following Proxy dialog box.
8. Select your Proxy server to be “Auto Detect” or “Specify Proxy”. If “Specify Proxy” is selected,
enter your IP address and port number of your Proxy server. Enter user name and password if
required. You can check with your network administrator for the details.
9. Click OK to complete. You may click Test to try if the account works.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.10 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Google Drive
To upload your image to Google Drive, you first need to sign in to a Google Drive account and then
configure the Button Manager.
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the Google Drive button to prompt the Button Properties dialog box as shown below.
3. Choose your desired file format from a list of BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, Multi-Page PDF.
4. Click Configuration. The Google Drive Configuration dialog box appears.
5. Click Authorize. In the new window, enter your account and password.
Convert files to the corresponding Google Drive formats:
a. This option is unchecked by default since Google Drive will convert your scanned images which are
not in PDF file format to the corresponding Google Drive formats.
b. Please note only TIFF or Multi-TIFF cannot be converted to the corresponding Google Drive format.
TIFF files will be saved to Google Drive as their original formats.
6. Click the “Proxy” tab to display the following Proxy dialog box.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
7. Select your Proxy server to be “Auto Detect” or “Specify Proxy”. If “Specify Proxy” is selected,
enter your IP address and port number of your Proxy server. Enter user name and password if
required. You can check with your network administrator for the details.
8. Click OK to complete. You may click Test to try if the account works.
After scanning and uploading your documents to Google Drive, the Google web site will not automatically
be displayed on your computer screen. Please follow these steps to open or view your documents:
Start your browser and go to the web site of Google.
Click the options icon and select Drive.
Sign in with your Google account.
View your document.
4.11 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Evernote
To upload your image to Evernote, you first need to sign in to an Evernote account and then configure your
Button Manager.
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the Evernote button to prompt the Button Properties dialog box.
3. Click Configuration” and the Evernote Configuration dialog box will appear.
4. Click the Authorize button to open the Evernote web site and then complete the Login and
authorization. If successful, your Evernote account will be displayed in the User Name field as
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
5. Specify your notebook in the Notebook field or click (Browse) to search for your notebook.
6. Click the Proxy tab. If your Evernote account has been displayed in the User Name field, normally,
the proxy server in the Proxy tab will be automatically set to “Auto detect”. You may enter your
Proxy server information if desired. For more information, check with your Network Administrator.
7. Click OK to save your settings and exit.
Click Test to test your settings and verify that the account is active.
Click Cancel to close this screen without saving changes.
8. The Evernote configuration is completed.
4.12 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Dropbox
To upload your image to Dropbox, you first need to sign in to a Dropbox account and then configure your
Button Manager.
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the Dropbox button to prompt the Button Properties dialog box.
3. Click Configuration” and the Dropbox Configuration dialog box will appear.
4. Click the Authorize button first to open the Dropbox web site and then complete the Login and
authorization. Then click the Get Account button to get your Dropbox account. If successful, your
Dropbox account will be displayed in the User Name field as shown.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
5. In the Directory field, type a name or click (Browse) to search for a specific folder. If you are
typing a folder name, you can use special attributes for naming folders to help segregate files.
6. Click the Proxy tab. If your Dropbox account has been displayed in the User Name field, normally,
the proxy server in the Proxy tab will be automatically set to “Auto detect”. You may enter your
Proxy server information if desired. For more information, see your Network Administrator.
7. Click OK to save your settings and exit.
Click Test to send a test image to your account to verify if the account is active.
Click Cancel to close this screen without saving changes.
4.13 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to OneDrive
To upload your image to OneDrive, you first need to sign in to a OneDrive account and then configure your
Button Manager.
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the button you want to configure to prompt the Button Properties dialog box.
3. Name the button OneDrive.
4. Choose “OneDrive” from the “Destination” drop-down list box.
5. Click Configuration” and the OneDrive Configuration dialog box will appear.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
6. Click the Authorize button first to open the OneDrive web site and then complete the Login and
authorization. If successful, your OneDrive account will be displayed in the User Name field as
7. Specify your folder name in the Folder name field or click (Browse) to search for a specific
8. Click the Proxy tab. If your OneDrive account has been displayed in the User Name field, normally,
the proxy server in the Proxy tab will be automatically set to “Auto detect”. You may enter your
Proxy server information if desired. For more information, see your Network Administrator.
9. Click OK to save your settings and exit.
Click Test to test your settings and verify that the account is active.
Click Cancel to close this screen without saving changes.
10. The OneDrive configuration is completed.
4.14 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to Facebook
To upload your image to Facebook, you first need to sign in to a Facebook account and then configure your
Button Manager.
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the button you want to configure to prompt the Button Properties dialog box.
3. Name the button Facebook.
4. Choose “Facebook” from the “Destination” drop-down list box.
5. Click Configuration” and the Facebook Configuration dialog box will appear.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
6. Click the Authorize button first to open the Facebook web site and then complete the Login and
authorization. If successful, your Facebook account will be displayed in the User Name field as
7. If desired, enter your album name to be shared.
8. Select your visibility level from the Visibility drop-down menu.
9. Click the Proxy tab. If your Facebook account has been displayed in the User Name field, normally,
the proxy server in the Proxy tab will be automatically set to “Auto detect”. You may enter your
Proxy server information if desired. For more information, see your Network Administrator.
10. Click OK to save your settings and exit.
Click Test to test your settings and verify that the account is active.
Click Cancel to close this screen without saving changes.
11. The Facebook configuration is completed.
4.15 Setting up Button Manager to Upload Your Image to a Shared Folder
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Right-click the button you want to configure to prompt the Button Properties dialog box.
3. Name the button “Shared Folder”.
4. Choose “Shared Folder” from the “Destination” drop-down list box.
5. Click Configuration” and the Shared Folder Configuration dialog box will appear.
6. Enter your Username and Password.
7. Click the browse icon to select the Shared Folder.
8. Click OK to save your settings and exit.
Click Test to test your settings and verify that the account is active.
Click Cancel to close this screen without saving changes.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.16 Possible Error Conditions
The following conditions may occur while Button Manager is uploading a file to a network file server such as
FTP, SharePoint, Evernote, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive.
Error Message
Possible Solutions
Invalid host.
The entry in the Host
name field is not correctly
Make sure the syntax is
correct and the required
parts of the path to the
network file server are
User name can not be
The user name is empty.
Make sure user name has
been entered.
Incorrect user name or
The user login may not be
authorized to access the
server or the incorrect
password was entered.
Make sure the user login
and password are correct.
You may also need to
contact your System
Administrator to make
sure you have permission
to access the network file
Invalid proxy host URL.
Your proxy host URL may
not be correct.
Check with your System
Administrator to enter the
correct proxy host URL.
Invalid port number.
The port number for the
network server may not
be correct.
Check with your System
Administrator to enter the
correct port number for
the network server.
Unable to get proxy
setting automatically.
The proxy settings may
not be correct.
Check with your System
Administrator to enter the
correct proxy setting.
Proxy configuration is
Desired directory does
not exist and unable to
create it.
The subfolder may not
Check with your System
Administrator if you have
the permission to create
the subfolder.
The remote service point
could not be contacted.
The remote server can not
be reached.
This may occur due to
network problem. You can
try again later or you may
check with your System
The connection was
prematurely closed.
The network connection
may be temporarily
This may occur due to
network problem. You can
try again later or you may
check with your System
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Exceeded the specified
size limit.
The image file you have
uploaded to the server
may be too large and
exceed limit.
You may check with your
System Administrator for
the details.
Unable to resolve the
host name.
The host name may be
You may check with your
System Administrator for
the correct host name.
Unable to resolve the
proxy name.
The proxy host name may
be incorrect.
You may check with your
System Administrator for
the correct proxy host
Unable to receive
complete response from
The request may not be
received by the server.
This may occur due to the
network connection
problem. Please try again
later or check with your
System Administrator.
The request was
The request may not be
received by the server.
This may occur due to the
network connection
problem. Please try again
later or check with your
System Administrator.
The request was not
permitted by the proxy.
You may check with your
System Administrator for
the details about the
proxy server.
A complete request could
not be sent to the
remote server.
This may occur due to the
network connection
problem. You can try later
or you may check with
your System
An error occurred while
establishing a connection
using SSL.
The network server may
not support SSL.
You may check with your
System Administrator for
the details.
No response was
received during the time-
The scanned file could not
be uploaded to the server
before the connection
timed out.
The network connection
speed may be too slow.
You may try again later.
A server certificated
could not be validated.
You may need to contact
your System
Administrator to make
sure you have permission
to access the network file
Invalid Document
The library name or folder
name could not be found
on the server.
Make sure the library and
folder names are correct.
Method not allowed.
You are not allowed to
access the network file
You may need to contact
your System
Administrator to make
sure you have permission
to access the network file
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Unknown error.
The document failed to
upload for an
undetermined reason.
This may also occur if
Button Manager cannot
establish a connection
with the network server.
Check all network settings
of the Button Manager to
make sure they are
If you are having trouble uploading files, make sure you can access the network file server using an
internet browser. If the network file server is not working or there is a problem with the network
connection between your PC and the network file server, Button Manager will not be able to upload files.
4.17 Adding A New Destination Application
Button Manager V2 allows you to add your own software applications as a destination for your scanned
To add a new destination application,
1. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
2. Scroll down to the Scan to App button, then click it.
You may use the following ways to add a new software application:
Button Manager will search the image-editing software application on your computer and display in
the Application List. Choose the application you wish to add from the Application List. The application
path will be shown in the File Path field.
Enter the Application path or browse to the new application program (e.g., exe file).
Choose All Programs from the Start menu. Drag and drop your new software application to the
New Application dialog box. The application path for the software application will be displayed.
Choose the “OK button to save the settings and leave the New Application dialog box.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.18 Working with Profiles
Button Manager provides nine preset profiles for your various applications. You can add new profiles for
your application needs. A profile is useful for quickly loading particular settings that you need for certain
To add a new profile,
1. Right-click the Button icon ( ) at the right corner of your system tray. The following pop-up
menu will be displayed.
2. Choose “Profile Manager” to prompt the following Profile Manager dialog box.
3. Choose any of the preset 9 profiles and click the “Add” button. A new profile will be created and
displayed in the list.
4. You can rename the button by typing a new name in the Name field.
5. You may change your settings by click the Edit button to prompt the Button Properties dialog
box for more advanced settings. Or you may click the Delete button to delete a current profile.
6. Click the OK button to save your settings and leave this dialog box.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.19 Using the Options Menu
The Options menu in Button Manager allows you to change more settings or view more detailed information
such as changing the language of the user interface or viewing the scan count of each button.
To access the Button Manager Options Menu,
1. Right-click the Button icon ( ) at the right corner of your system tray. The following pop-up
menu will be displayed.
2. Choose Options to prompt the following Options dialog box.
4.19.1 The Settings Tab
The Settings Tab contains the following items:
Choose your desired measurement units. Choice: centimeter, inch, millimeter.
Choose your desired language shown in the user interface. After clicking the OK button, the specified
language will be immediately displayed.
Scan Progress Dialog Box:
Choose if you wish to show basic or detailed information during scan. Choice: Show Basic Status
Only, Show Detailed Information.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Show Detailed Information
4.19.2 The Others Tab
The Others Tab contains the following items:
Time to hide Button Panel:
Move the slide bar to set the time to hide the Button Panel. Choice: 0 ~ 120 seconds. To show the
Button Panel after timeout, simply click the Button icon at the bottom-right corner of your taskbar.
Check if you wish to show profile information for each button. If selected, basic profile information will
be displayed in the Button Panel in special color as shown below.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Static Button Panel:
Check “Show” to display a static button panel as illustrated in the bottom-left corner to start scan
from the Scan button on the scanner without starting the Button Manager software application.
A Static Button Panel
The static button panel which can not be interactive is used to remind users nine preset button
destinations and let users directly start a scan by a touch of the Scan button without starting the
Button Manager software application. This is especially convenient when you restart your computer.
4.19.3 The Scan Count Tab
The Scan Count Tab allows you view and reset current scan count for each button. You may click the
“Reset All Counter” to reset the counter for all nine buttons.
4.19.4 The Advanced Tab
The Advanced Tab contains the followings options:
Click the “Factory Defaults” button to set Button Manager to factory default settings.
The option is recommended to be used only by the software developers instead of common users. Click
the “Unregister” button to stop using Button Manager and use other third-party button program.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
Scanner Buttons:
Click “Disable to disable the buttons on the scanner. This option in used to prevent users from
touching the Scan button accidentally and start unnecessary scans.
Check “Register System Hotkey” and select “Ctrl”, “Shift” or “Alt” to define your hotkey to send your
selected image to a specified destination. For example, if you check “Register System Hotkey”, select
“Ctrl” and click “OK”, then click your selected image on Window’s Explorer and press the “Ctrl” key and
number “6” simultaneously. The selected image will be sent to your specified destination of button 6.
Button Profile:
This option allows you to import or export button profiles including scan settings and destinations to
Button Manager. By clicking the Export button, you can save current profiles to a .bm file. By
clicking the Import button, you can import the previously saved .bm file to Button Manager.
4.19.5 The Scanner Info Tab
The Scanner Info. Tab allows you to view all the information about the scanner including serial number,
pad count, roller count, and firmware version. These are helpful information when you report a problem to
the service personnel.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
4.19.6 The About Tab
The About Tab shows current version of the Button Manager program.
4.20 Removing Button Manager Icon from the System Tray
To remove Button Manager icon from the system tray,
1. Left-click the Button icon ( ) in the right corner of your system tray. A menu screen will be
2. Choose Quit”. You will close Button Manager and remove Button Manager icon from the system tray.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
5. Operations
5.1 Inserting An Image Directly to a Software Application
With Button Manager V2, you can insert the scanned image directly to a software application which is
already opened. For example, when you are editing text in Microsoft Word and you wish to insert a scanned
picture, you can start a scan right away and the scanned image will be inserted and displayed in your
Microsoft Word.
To insert an image to a software application already opened,
1. Open your current document such as a Microsoft Word file which you wish to insert an image.
2. Move your cursor at the place which you wish to insert an image.
3. Insert document to your scanner.
4. Click the Button icon ( ) to prompt the Button panel.
5. Click button no. 8, Scan to App.
6. In a second, the scanned image will be inserted directly to your doc file.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
5.2 “Drag and Drop” Your File to a Specified Button
Button Manager V2 is designed with a convenient feature to let you drag and drop your file to a specified
button. This may be an application or a Cloud destination.
To drag and drop your file to a specified button,
1. Browse your file on the Windows Explorer.
2. Click Button Manager icon ( ) at the right corner of your system tray to prompt the following
Button Panel.
3. Drag and drop your file to the desired button.
To use the drag and drop function, you need to keep your network scanner connecting to your
computer either through the USB cable or through the network cable.
You may also refer to the preceding section 4.19.4 The Advanced Tab to use the Hotkey to send your
image to a specified destination.
User Guide IRIScan Executive 4
5.3 Sending Error Report
When a fatal error occurs and the Button Manager ceases to function, an Error Report dialog box appears.
You can send the debug information to the developer of the application by clicking the Send Error Report
button or leave the dialog box by clicking the Dont Send button. The error report helps the developer to
improve the software application.

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