• Constant movement and vibration due to constantly holding
the heart rate handlebars while exercising. If you are receiving
erratic heart rate readouts, try to only hold the grips long
enough to monitor your heart rate.
• When you are breathing heavily during a workout.
• When your hands are constricted by wearing a ring.
• When your hands are dry or cold. Try to moisten your palms
by rubbing them together to warm.
• Anyone with heavy arrhythmia.
• Anyone with arteriosclerosis or peripheral circulation disorder.
• Anyone whose skin on the measuring palm is especially thick.
PROBLEM: There is no heart rate reading.
SOLUTION: If you are using the chest strap, there may be a poor connection
between the electrodes and the skin. Remoisten the electrodes with water.
SOLUTION: The chest strap may not be positioned properly. Reposition the chest
strap. It may be necessary to experiment with the fit and position of the chest strap.
SOLUTION: Verify that the distance between the chest strap and the console is not
beyond the recommended range of 36 inches.
SOLUTION: The battery in the chest strap may be dead. Take the chest strap to a
jewellery store or return to Horizon Fitness for a battery replacement.
PROBLEM: Erratic or inconsistent readout.
SOLUTION: This is often caused by dry electrodes or a loose chest strap. Moisture
on the rubber electrodes is required for proper operation. Try a more generous
coating of water on the electrodes and tightening the chest strap.
If the above troubleshooting section does not remedy the
problem, discontinue use and turn the power off.
Please consult your local dealer for further assistance.