9 For help, go to getconnected.honeywell.com
The detector is connected.
The detector is designed to “sleep” most of the time, only “waking up” when it senses
water or indoor temperature or humidity that could be harmful to the building.
Follow instructions in the app to configure your detector. You can set the high and
low levels for humidity and temperature warnings, and identify the people you want
notified in case of an alarm.
If you remove and replace the detector batteries, the detector will reconnect to your
Wi-Fi network automatically when you install new batteries.
In case of an alert
To preserve battery life, it can take up to 1minute for the detector to sense a leak.
You can mute the detector by pressing the Mute button in the app or removing the
batteries or cable sensor from the detector. The mute command may take up to
1minute to reach the detector.
After you’ve addressed the cause of the alert, wipe dry the detector and cable sensor
and put them back in place. Replace batteries if they were removed.