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February 2023
User Guide
Smart Living, Simply Exciting.
eQ-3 AG
Maiburger Straße 29
26789 Leer / Germany
All rights reserved. Translation from the original version in German. This manual may not be reproduced in any
format, either in whole or in part, nor may it be duplicated or edited by electronic, mechanical or chemical
means, without the written consent of the publisher.
Typographical and printing errors cannot be excluded. However, the information contained in this manual is
reviewed on a regular basis and any necessary corrections will be implemented in the next edition. We accept
no liability for technical or typographical errors or the consequences thereof.
All trademarks and industrial property rights are acknowledged.
Changes may be made without prior notice as a result of technical advances. Illustrations and diagrams are
provided without obligation. All brand and product names mentioned are used solely to clarify the compatibility
of our products with specific products made by other manufacturers and are the property of their respective
Apple, the Apple logo, iPad and iPhone are trademarks, registered by Apple Inc., in the USA an other countries.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Google, Google Play, Android and other brands are trademarks of Google Inc. / The Android robot is repro-
duced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the
Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
V1.1 (02/2023)
Table of contents
1 Current issues .............................................................6
2 Introduction ................................................................ 7
2.1 eQ-3 - a Company ........................................................... 7
2.2 Overview of HomematicIP ........................................... 7
2.3 Application areas ............................................................. 10
2.4 Summary – Discover why HomematicIP is the
first choice ........................................................................ 12
3 Components of the HomematicIP system ...... 13
3.1 HomematicIP devices .................................................. 13
3.2 HomematicIP Cloud ..................................................... 13
3.3 HomematicIP smartphone app ................................. 13
3.4 Operating principle of HomematicIP ...................... 14
4 Home control by wireless technology............... 15
4.1 Wireless range .................................................................. 15
4.2 Advanced routing ............................................................16
4.2.1 Range extension...................................................................... 16
4.2.2 Use of several Access Points/device limits ..................... 18
5.2 HomematicIP App .........................................................23
5.2.1 Home screen ...........................................................................23 Tile view ............................................................................................ 23 List view ............................................................................................. 24
5.2.2 Room menu ............................................................................ 25 Determine individually the home favourites .......................... 26 Changing room icon .................................................................... 26 Rename room ................................................................................. 26 Default view ..................................................................................... 26 Delete room .................................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Overview of symbols ............................................................. 27
5.2.4 Pairing of devices ....................................................................28
5.2.5 Location and weather information ...................................29
5.2.6 Determine system PIN ..........................................................29
6 General configuration of the system ................. 30
6.1 Main menu ....................................................................... 30
6.1.1 Device overview ...................................................................... 31
6.1.2 Multi-channel view .................................................................32
6.1.3 Configuration of individual buttons and pairs of
buttons ....................................................................................... 33
6.1.4 Managing user rights .............................................................35 Activating user rights and assigning an
administrator PIN ........................................................................... 36 Adding other administrators ........................................................37 Lost smartphone .............................................................................37 Deactivating user rights ................................................................. 37
6.1.5 Rename and delete devices ................................................38
6.1.6 Device updates ........................................................................38 Installation report for your HomematicIP system ............... 39
6.2 “General settings” ....................................................... 40
6.2.1 Replacing the Access Point ................................................ 40
6.2.2 Resetting and deleting the entire installation ................. 41
6.2.3 Multi-home management .................................................... 41
6.3 Restoring the factory settings of
the Access Point ..........................................................42
6.3.1 Resetting the Access Point ..................................................42
6.3.2 Deleting an Access Point from the installation ..............42
7 Climate Control Solution.......................................43
7.1 Configuring the climate control solution for
each room ..............................................................................44
7.1.1 Operating modes ....................................................................44
7.1.2 Room Menu .............................................................................47
7.1.3 Configuration ........................................................................... 47
7.2 System-wide settings for the climate control
solution ............................................................................. 48
7.2.1 Heating or cooling schedules .............................................48 The standard schedule ................................................................. 49 Adjusting the heating schedules ................................................ 50
7.2.2 Climate control configuration ............................................53 Eco mode configuration .............................................................. 53 Optimum start/stop function ..................................................... 54 Humidity warning ........................................................................... 55
7.2.3 Summer break for heating control ....................................55
7.3 Heating system control and hot water supply
with HmIP-MIOB / HmIP-WHS2.................................55
7.4 Floor heating control .....................................................56
7.4.1 Options for controlling the floor heating system..........56
7.4.2 Configuration options for Floor Heating Controllers... 57
7.5 Setup and configuration via the
HomematicIP app .........................................................59
8 Security Solution ..................................................... 60
8.1 Installation instructions ................................................. 60
8.2 Configuration of the HomematicIP Water
Sensor (HmIP-SWD) ...................................................... 60
8.3 Alarm messages in the app .......................................... 61
8.4 Alarms via HomematicIP devices ..............................62
8.5 Activate alarm mode ......................................................63
8.6 Configure security solution......................................... 64
8.7 Alarm configuration ...................................................... 66
9 Shutter Control ....................................................... 69
9.1 Putting shutter and blind actuators
into operation ................................................................ 69
9.1.1 Manual calibration run ...........................................................69
9.1.2 Device settings .........................................................................71
9.2 Shutter groups .................................................................72
9.2.1 Creating shutter groups ........................................................ 72
9.2.2 Manual control of shutter elements in groups ..............73
9.3 Shutter profiles .................................................................74
9.4 Shutter configuration ..................................................... 76
9.4.1 Lockout protection................................................................. 77
9.4.2 Storm protection ..................................................................... 77
9.4.3 Heat protection .......................................................................78
9.4.4 Rain protection ........................................................................ 79
10 Light ........................................................................... 80
10.1 Configuration of the light solution ........................... 80
10.2 Switching groups ........................................................... 80
10.2.1 Creating a switching group................................................. 80
10.2.2 Rename or delete switching groups .................................82
10.2.3 Selecting the dimming value ............................................... 82
10.2.4 Defining the switch-on time ................................................ 82
10.3 Create switching profile/ time profile .......................83
10.4 Special characteristics regarding switching
with motion detectors/presence sensors ...............85
10.4.1 Measuring power consumption ........................................85
10.4.2 Special characteristics regarding switching with
motion detectors/presence sensors .................................86
10.5 Configuration options for motion detectors
and presence sensors .................................................... 87
10.5.1 Brightness filter ........................................................................ 87
10.5.2 Minimum transmission interval for motion
detection ...................................................................................87
10.5.3 Buer detected movements ...............................................88
10.6 Light configuration ........................................................ 88
10.6.1 Alarm light .................................................................................88
10.6.2 Panic light ..................................................................................88
10.6.3 Coming home light ................................................................89
11 Access ....................................................................... 90
11.1 Add/startup of the HomematicIP Door Lock
Drive ................................................................................... 90
11.1.1 Closing times .......................................................................... 90
11.1.2 Access authorisations ........................................................... 90
11.1.3 Time profiles ............................................................................. 91
11.2 Pairing and tying the Key Ring Remote Control ....93
11.2.1 Assigning numerical codes for user channels ...............93
11.2.2 Incorrect code entries and permanent locking .............94
11.3 Configuration for devices with
access authorisation .................................................... 94
11.4 Device settings, door lock drive ................................ 96
11.5 PIN protection and biometrics ...................................97
11.6 Controlling garage door drives .................................. 98
11.6.1 Controlling the garage door via modules for
Hörmann or Novoferm drives ............................................99
11.6.2 Controlling the garage door with the HomematicIP
Garage Door Controller ........................................................99
11.6.3 Garage door groups............................................................. 101
12 Groups, time profiles and automation .............103
12.1 Links / groups .................................................................103
12.2 Time profiles .................................................................. 104
12.3 Automations (activation and deactivation) ........... 104
13 Voice control and additional services ..............105
13.1 Comfortable voice control for your smart
home ................................................................................105
13.2 Voice control with Amazon Alexa ........................... 106
13.2.1 Setting up Amazon Alexa ...................................................106
13.2.2 Connecting your HomematicIP smart home
system with Alexa .................................................................107
13.2.3 Setting up your HomematicIP devices .........................109
13.2.4 General information about Alexa and
HomematicIP ........................................................................ 110
13.2.5 Devices and functions supported by Amazon
Alexa ......................................................................................... 110
13.2.6 Deleting the connection between HomematicIP
and Alexa .................................................................................. 111
13.3 Voice control with Google Assistant/Home ..........111
13.3.1 Setting up Google Home .................................................... 111
13.3.2 General information about Google and
HomematicIP .........................................................................113
13.3.3 Devices and functions supported by Google ...............115
13.3.4 Deleting the connection between HomematicIP
and Google Home ................................................................115
13.4 Voice control with active protection ....................... 116
13.5 Home Connect Plus .................................................... 116
13.6 Notes on data security .................................................117
13.7 Integrating an EZVIZ camera into the
HomematicIP system ..................................................117
13.8 Widgets ............................................................................ 118
13.8.1 Active and passive widgets for devices .......................... 119
13.8.2 Active and passive widgets for groups ...........................120
13.9 Function overview for active and inactive
Internet connection .....................................................120
13.10 HomematicIP radio protocol and
receive modes ...............................................................123
13.10.1 Device software update (OTAU) ....................................... 125
13.10.2 Duty cycle ...............................................................................125
13.10.3 Lazy config..............................................................................126
13.11 Overview flashing behaviour of HomematicIP
devices .............................................................................126
Current issues
This user manual will inform you, on the one hand, about the technology, installation, commis-
sioning and functioning of HomematicIP. On the other hand, you will find numerous answers
to questions for everyone who is in home automation and HomematicIP in general.
You will furthermore be provided with basic information on the topic of smart home and
radio technology, giving you valuable tips for planning and the optimum operation of the
HomematicIP System.
A smart home oers automation of recurring day-to-day operations and tasks in houses or
flats: While using an appropriate system, dierent (technical) devices and functionalities can be
connected within one household in order to control them as comfortably as possible and for
the automation of recurring tasks.
In the following pages, you will find detailed information on HomematicIP in general, for start-up
and for the control of your system.
2.1 eQ-3 - a Company
On the smart home market, eQ-3 counts among the innovation and technology leaders, and it
is considered a pioneer especially in the home control area. In 2021, eQ-3 was thus elected -
for the fifth time running - the European market leader1by Berg Insight, the renowned Swedish
market research institute. With its own brands and OEM products, eQ-3 has a 40 % share of the
installed base of all whole-home systems in Europe. Moreover, the manufacturer has more than
200 product types and thus the broadest portfolio in the smart home sector industry-wide. More
than 2 million households were equipped to date with over 36 million radio solutions.
2.2 Overview of HomematicIP
HomematicIP helps turn your regular home quickly and easily into a smart home. The system
will win you over, in particular, with its simplicity and reliability.
The steadily increasing product range comprises the areas of indoor climate, light and shading,
safety and alarm as well as weather, environment and access. The practical starter sets oer
the easiest way to get started. They can be flexibly expanded at any time. The system is thus
suitable for any application: whether new construction or renovation, your own house or a rental
Installation of the system is fast and simple, without prior knowledge, via the free HomematicIP
smartphone app and a HomematicIP Access Point. The free of charge Cloud service enables
control of the system via one or several smartphones – even while en route. Other operating
options are directly available on HomematicIP equipment, via practical remote controls or by
voice command via Amazon Alexa/Google Assistant.
The easiest way into the smart home – set up swiftly and intuitively
HomematicIP oers various possibilities for setting up a smart home. The Cloud solution of
HomematicIP provides the ideal solution for everybody.
The easiest and most economical way of starting into the smart home is the HomematicIP
Access Point. As a gateway, it provides the connection between the HomematicIP devices and
the HomematicIP Cloud in which the setup and configuration of the system is anonymously
stored — required is only recording the IP address for technical reasons. The free HomematicIP
smartphone app is available as the operating element to download for Android operating systems
and iOS. The combination of cloud and app enables a particularly swift, simple and secure setup
and operation of the smart home.
1 Smart Homes and Home Automation Study (02/2021) Berg Insight concerning "Whole Home" systems
Single devices are configured by the free HomematicIP Cloud Service, which is run exclu-
sively on servers located in Germany and therefore complies with European and German data
protection guidelines. Furthermore, all communication between the Access Point, cloud and
app is encrypted. Neither during nor after installation of the app, you will need to provide private
data such as name, email address or mobile phone number.
All products communicate via the robust and reliable 868 MHz HomematicIP Wireless Protocol.
There are no interferences caused by WLAN, Bluetooth or other radio standards operating within
the 2.4GHz frequency band.
Anonymity for maximum data protection
Your home is the most crucial private area. This is where you want to feel not only at ease and
secure but safe as well. Accordingly, the decision for a smart home should certainly not come
at the cost of any compromises in the areas of data protection and security.
HomematicIP can also be relied upon at this point. Because your privacy is already protected in a
first step: No personal data are queried or recorded for the system setup – aside from the techni-
cally necessary IP address. Moreover, all data saved in the HomematicIP Cloud are provided on
servers in Germany and are thus subject to the German and European data protection guidelines.
HomematicIP is the only smart home system whose protocol, IT and data security has been
certified by VDE.
In addition to the security of your data, the transmission security also ranks first. The
communication of HomematicIP is secure and cannot be manipulated. Any reading or changing
of data or other kinds of attack are impossible. Approved procedures are used for it which are
also applied in online banking.
Oine operation – direct communication of devices without the internet
A cloud-based smart home does not work without the internet” – that’s just one of the
innumerable prejudices concerning smart home systems, and for some providers, this might
even be true. HomematicIP proves just the opposite: Owing to the use of the IPv6 protocol,
every HomematicIP device has its own IPv6 address for communication within the system. Thus,
storage of information and device status is enabled directly in the devices themselves – without
use of the cloud. Such direct communication among themselves results in a high fail safety and
very low latencies, thus remarkably fast execution of commands.
While an internet connection is required for the setup and control, the basic functions are
working oine anytime. This comprises the direct operation on the devices (for example, to
switch on the light), the execution of heating, time and shading schedules, as well as local alarms
in the security area.
HomematicIP received several awards already
HomematicIP is convincing in every respect and also scores all around the important security
standards. This is confirmed by independent institutes: In March 2020, the AV TEST Institute
distinguishes HomematicIP already for the third time running as a data protection-friendly,
smart home solution.
Moreover, HomematicIP is the first smart home system whose protocol, IT and data security
has been certified by VDE. In this respect, the tests concern not only the total system but also, in
detail, the Access Point, the backend version, the respectively valid iOS and Android app versions
as well as the wireless-based protocol.
In examinations by the German product testing foundation ‘Stiftung Warentest’, HomematicIP
products also achieved time and again top marks in the tests. These products include, among
others, various radiator thermostats.
Yet more possibilities thanks to open interfaces
HomematicIP covers many user wishes with the product portfolio. Moreover, the system can
be operated with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant which not only enables comfortable
voice control, but also the preparation of individual, multi-vendor scenarios. The open system
interfaces are additionally used for tying in other IoT platforms, such as Home Connect + or
mediola. That’s how the smart home will become even more individualized and more extensive.
* Smart Homes and Home Automation study (02/2021). Berg Insight on whole-home systems.
2.3 Application areas
Room climate
HomematicIP oers demand-based control of radiators room-by-room in the entire house,
enabling increased living comfort and energy savings of up to 30 %. The HomematicIP Window
/ Door Contact detects open windows and doors and automatically turns down the heating
during ventilation. In addition, ecient floor heating control that oers operation via app can
be realised with HomematicIP. The system detects the required heating demand for individual
rooms and – unlike conventional heating circuit control systems – intelligently circulates the hot
water into the dierent heating zones. This provides load balancing and ecient energy distri-
bution thanks to the continuous flow of heating water. The room temperature can be regulated
via radiator thermostats, an installed wall thermostat or simply via app. Also, individual heating
schedules can be created with HomematicIP. Afterwards, your heating is controlled automati-
cally and makes everyday life easier. However, you can still react flexibly to changed conditions
and adjust the desired temperature according to your needs.
Security and alarms
No movement goes unnoticed with HomematicIP security components. Our security and alarm
products increase the protection against break-ins and the sense of security inside one’s own
four walls.
In alarm mode, users are informed whenever windows and doors are opened. Motion detectors
oer reliable monitoring for inside and outside areas while sirens trigger an alarm in case of
Just a quick glance at the app is all it takes to see that everything is as it should be at home. So
you no longer need to worry about windows and doors being left open. And that even if you’re
thousands of miles away.
The alarm mode can be easily activated via app or HomematicIP Key Ring Remote Control. If
the presence mode is activated, the system triggers an alarm as soon as windows or doors are
opened unauthorised, for example. If the absence mode is activated, sensors for indoor areas
like the motion detectors are additionally included. In case of an alarm, an audio signal can be
triggered not only via the HomematicIP Siren; a push notification can also be sent to all regis-
tered smartphones. The event protocol provides an overview of all activities in your home at
any time.
For every application the
appropriate solution –
With HomematicIP, you can easily make your front door smart and turn your smartphone into
a digital key. The door can thus be opened at any time via the free smartphone app or via the
practical remote control.
Thanks to configurable access authorizations, access to the smart home can be individually
managed – regardless of the day of the week or the point in time. The front door can only be
opened when you want it to. Thus, for example, cleaning personnel or nursing care services can
access the house only at specific times and via Key Ring Remote Control.
Is the front door really locked? Thanks to scheduled locking and unlocking, this question is moot.
You can schedule the front door to lock automatically at any desired time (e.g. over night) This
not only increases the security of your smart home, but it also saves you from having to go check
the front door. For those who want to play it safe, you can also schedule the front door – after
each unlocking action – to automatically relock the door immediately again.
Light and shade
Comfortable switching and dimming of lights creates a sense of well-being at your home. Thus,
a comfortable atmosphere for TV evenings is created via the app as the ceiling light is dimmed
to a desired brightness level while the floor lamp is switched on. Also, the sense of security is
increased with an illuminated driveway or house façade in the evening.
Shutters and blinds darken rooms; they create a sense of privacy and increase security. With our
shutter and blind actuators, the window coverings can be set up with just a few turns of the hand
via the HomematicIP App. Afterwards, they can be raised or lowered automatically.
The actuators are conveniently controlled via individual week-long profiles that also factor in
sunrise and sunset. Furthermore, active shutters and blinds make the home look inhabited even if
you are not at home. In addition to the anti-burglary eect of shutters, our solution thus actively
increases security. Another advantage: In case of increased room temperatures due to strong
sunlight, shutters or blinds are automatically lowered to prevent the rooms from heating up.
The HomematicIP Blind Actuators also allow the exact adjustment of the slats position of
exterior and interior blinds. If necessary, awnings can also be integrated into the smart home
using our products. The automatic storm protection avoids damage to shutters, interior blinds,
or awnings during unfavourable weather conditions and thus raises or lowers the window
Weather & the environment
With the weather sensors, the HomematicIP smart home system is automatically adjusted to
the particular weather condition. In connection with other HomematicIP devices, the sensors
can automatically trigger commands for moving awnings, interior blinds or shutters up or down
in case of certain weather conditions, providing active protection of your home. In this respect,
users have almost unlimited possibilities for creating individual rules. Thus, it is possible for
example, in case of strong sunlight and inactive security mode, that the awning is automati-
cally extended to 80 % or that, with a previously defined rainfall volume, the drainage pump is
activated for a certain period of time.
2.4 Summary – Discover why HomematicIP is the first choice
The entire solution can be intuitively set up and comfortably controlled via smart-
phone app. Single devices are configured by the HomematicIP cloud service. As the
devices communicate via radio, they can be retrofitted into houses really easily and
also expanded at any time.
Interference immunity
HomematicIP is based on the 868MHz radio band. There is no interference
whatsoever from WLAN, Bluetooth, video streaming or other users of 2.4 GHz.
Superior range
Reliable communication between HomematicIP devices works even over a distance of
a few 100 meters. Even for remote places, you need not worry about the functionality
of your chosen smart home solution.
Uncompromising security
Already during installation of the system the communication of HomematicIP is secure
and cannot be manipulated. During operation, all radio packages are encrypted and
authenticated. Reading, changing or repeating data or other kind of attacks are impos-
sible. Similar to online banking, the universally accepted AES-128 and CCM standards are
used. The HomematicIP Cloud operates exclusively on German servers. HomematicIP
is the first smart home system for which VDE certified not only the IT and data security
from smartphones via the cloud all the way to a gateway inside the house, but for which
certification of security was also realised for the wireless protocol.
Battery operation
HomematicIP focusses, among others, on battery operated devices in order to enable
smart home installations also in existing buildings. The products can be easily screwed
on to radiators or stuck to walls. Thanks to the low energy consumption of the devices,
batteries usually only need to be replaced every two years, or even less frequently.
The radio communication between HomematicIP devices is always going on bidirec-
tionally. The receiver confirms every radio command that is sent to him and reports
to the sender that a command was recognised and executed. Thanks to IPv6 , the
system has a secure future and is optimally prepared for the internet of things. Bidirec-
tional communication oers increased reliability for every system. On the other hand,
and based on the type of feedback, you are informed about the current status of the
devices involved at any time (e.g. window status or switching state).
Privacy policy
For setting up the system, no personal data has to be provided, except the IP address.
The HomematicIP Cloud is only operated on servers located in Germany. The
operation does therefore comply with European and German privacy policies.
HomematicIP is the smart home solution and technology by eQ-3 AG. Based on
long-term experience in developing wireless smart home products, eQ-3 has estab-
lished itself as the European market leader*2 in home control.
2 * according to Berg-Insight (02/2021). Installed base of whole-home devices.
Components of the HomematicIP system
3.1 HomematicIP devices
The devices of the HomematicIP system are characterised by an attractive, uniform product
design. Largely determinative were the main aspects of ergonomics and usability. This applies
to the individual devices whose design and functional elements were reduced to the essentials,
which significantly simplifies the operation.
Detailed information about the single HomematicIP devices can be found in the product
datasheets of the HomematicIP devices, available for download at the website
3.2 HomematicIP Cloud
The HomematicIP Cloud enables communication between the app and the Access Point as
well as saving and managing of system relevant data. This encompasses e.g. information about
which devices have been added or connected, as well as details about the configuration.
All communication between the Access Point, cloud and app is encrypted. The system can be
put safely into operation without entering any private data – exclusively by scanning the QR
code and pressing the button at the Access Point; solely the IP address is necessary for technical
3.3 HomematicIP smartphone app
Via the HomematicIP smartphone app you can set-up your smart home solution. The app oers
step-by-step guidance through the entire installation process. All necessary links between the
devices are established automatically.
After set-up, the app takes over the function of a central control unit, enabling you to control
and configure your entire HomematicIP system. In addition, the app informs you about the
current status of your devices at all times.
No matter where you are:
With the free smartphone app, you have
everything in sight. Control your smart home
at any time from any place.
Simply comfortable.
Components of the HomematicIP system
3.4 Operating principle of HomematicIP
Homematic IP
Access Point (HmIP-HAP)
Homematic IP devices
Data connection (mobile data)
Homematic IP
All data stored in the HomematicIP Cloud are completely anonymous. That means they
do not permit any conclusions about the user’s identity and the individual user behaviour
– it is only required to record the IP address for technical reasons. The identification of
a HomematicIP user is – even theoretically – only possible as part of a criminal prose-
cution and based on a court order.
The HomematicIP smartphone app – together with the cloud and the Access Point – enables
the setup, programming and controlling of your smart home system. A scan function in the
app makes integration of individual HomematicIP components into the system very easy by
scanning the device QR code. To make sure that the system continues to run even in case of
an internet failure, all necessary links among the devices are determined by the HomematicIP
Cloud Service and created automatically. Thanks to direct links among the devices, it is ensured
that the operation still continues even during an internet failure.
All communication between the Access Point, cloud and app is encrypted. Neither during
nor after installation of the app, you will need to provide private data such as name, email
address or mobile phone number.
Home control by wireless technology
4.1 Wireless range
eQ-3 benefits from more than 40 years of experience in the field of wireless technology for
smart home applications. HomematicIP is based on particularly eective and robust wireless
technology like Homematic and has proven its market success with millions of devices.
The wireless range of HomematicIP exceeds the standard requirements of a typical installation.
Depending on the device type, a wireless range between 150 and 400 meters in the open air
can be reached. Experience shows that, in less than 1 % of the installations, repeaters are used
to extend the wireless range.
Radio waves behave in a similar way as sound waves. They can penetrate walls and spread out in
all directions. Similar to the volume of sound, the energy of radio waves decreases with distance.
Thus, the range of radio waves is limited.
In practice, there are factors that can influence the radio signal in a positive and negative way,
compared to the range in the open air.
Information on the extension of the wireless range is found in section (see section “4.2
Advanced routing” on page 16).
Information on the extension of the wireless range is found in(see section “4.2 Advanced routing”
on page 16).
The following table gives an overview of the damping eects of individual building materials:
Building material Damping
Pumice stone/autoclaved aerated concrete
Gypsum and gypsum plasterboard
Uncoated glass
Metallised glass
Metal grille (e.g. in plaster)
Press boards
Stone slabs
Home control by wireless technology
4.2 Advanced routing
Due to the extension of the HomematicIP Protocol with advanced routing, the HomematicIP
system will become even more flexible and provides the following advantages:
Extension of the wireless range via additional Access Points to practically any arbitrarily
sized buildings or in more remote living areas, such as e.g. the garden house.
Fail safety for direct links between HomematicIP devices by tying in an additional
Access Point.
Homematic IP
Access Point (HmIP-HAP)
Advanced Routing
Homematic IP devices
Data connection (mobile data)
Homematic IP
Homematic IP
Access Point (HmIP-HAP)
4.2.1 Range extension
Generally, HomematicIP wireless components communicate – owing to their open field
range of about 150 to 400 meters – trouble-free even over considerable distances within
buildings. However, it cannot be excluded that the range is impaired in case of larger buildings,
unfavourable structural conditions or non-ideal placement of components.
In order to optimise the wireless range in these cases, HomematicIP principally oers two
Range extension by an additional Access Point (HmIP-HAP)
Range extension by Pluggable Switches or Pluggable Switches and Meter, respectively Range extension by an additional Access Point
Expansion of the HomematicIP Protocol renders it possible to tie in an additional Access Point
into a HomematicIP installation. Thanks to advanced routing, the wireless range can be signifi-
cantly increased, if necessary; for example, if the optimum wireless covering over several floors
or in larger buildings is concerned.
In a comparison regarding range extension with HomematicIP Pluggable Switches or, respec-
tively, Pluggable Switches and Meter, the use of an additional HomematicIP Access Point is to be
preferred. This provides the advantage that the duty cycle3 of an installation – due to increased
radio communications – is not reached as fast if an additional Access Point is used than in case
3 The duty cycle is a legally regulated limit of the transmission time of devices in the 868 MHz range. In the 868 MHz frequency range which we use, the
maximum transmission time of any device is 1% of an hour (i.e. 36 seconds in an hour). When they reach the 1 % limit, the devices must cease transmission
until this time restriction comes to an end. During normal operation, the duty cycle is not usually reached. However, repeated and radio-intensive pairing
processes mean that it may be reached in isolated instances during start-up or initial installation of a system. The device will start working correctly again
after a short period (max. 1 hour).
Home control by wireless technology
of the use of Pluggable Switches or, respectively, Pluggable Switches and Meter.
After you set up a range extension and checked the functionality, the position of the
HomematicIP components, whose signal was to be strengthened, as well as that of the Access
Point should not be changed if at all possible.
Three direct transmission attempts
attempts with
HAP as the router
Standard wireless communication:
Wireless communication if direct communication is not possible: Range extension with HomematicIP Pluggable Switches or, respectively,
Pluggable Switches and Meter
In addition to switching connected consumers with the “range extension” function, HomematicIP
Pluggable Switches (HmIP-PS) or, respectively, Pluggable Switches and Meter (HmIP-PSM) may
also be used, if necessary, for further transmission of radio commands. In this case, after three
unsuccessful sending attempts by the sender to the receiver, the sending command is sent to
the pluggable switch and meter acting as a router; and from there, it is further transmitted to
the receiver.
Not more that two Pluggable Switches or, respectively, Pluggable Switches and Meter, that are
configured for range extension, can be used in a row as routers.
After the range extension has been set up and the functionality been verified, the position of
the HomematicIP components whose signal was to be strengthened, as well as the Pluggable
Switches or, respectively, Pluggable Switches and Meter should not be changed any more, if at
all possible. Please keep this in mind especially for mobile devices like HomematicIP Remote
Proceed as follows to activate the range extension:
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More“ and there on „Overview of devices“.
In the overview of devices, select an installed HomematicIP Pluggable Switch or
HomematicIP Pluggable Switch and Meter.
Tap on “Range extension”.
In the following screen tap on “Activate”. By tapping on “Done”, the range extension
will be activated.
Only activate the range extension if it is really required to avoid any unnecessary routing
or radio trac. You can deactivate the range extension again via the app at any time.
Home control by wireless technology
The Pluggable Switch or, respectively, the Pluggable Switch and Meter can continue to
be used for normal operation and switching of connected loads, even after activation
of the range extension.
Activation of the range extension via the HomematicIP Pluggable Dimmer is not possible.
4.2.2 Use of several Access Points/device limits
The number of possible devices which can be simultaneously operated in a HomematicIP
system is determined by the number of Access Points in the system. Operation of the first
HomematicIP Access Point (HmIP-HAP) enables the use of a maximum of 80 devices. With
an additional Access Point, another 40 devices can be added, thus increasing the number of
maximum devices per installation to 120.
The Access Points act as routers and provide for maximum fail safety in the system and practi-
cally unlimited wireless range. If several Access Points are used in an installation, HomematicIP
devices now automatically select the path with the best connection quality when sending
commands or status information. This is advantageous, for example, for installations in larger
buildings or on several floors. If the Access Point is placed on the ground floor for example,
another Access Point may be used to expand the range for communication with devices on the
upper floor or in the garden house.
Figure 1:
1x HAP
Up to 80 Homematic IP
devices per installation
2x HAP
Up to 120 Homematic IP
devices per installation
Max. 2 HAPs possible per
Combination and limits of Access Points
Home control by wireless technology
5.1 First steps
You can easily and intuitively set up your HomematicIP installation using the smartphone
app “ HomematicIP”; this was developed exclusively for the configuration and control of the
HomematicIP smart home system. Individual HomematicIP devices are started in operation as
presented in the respective operating instructions.
In just a few steps, your system is already installed:
Check the system prerequisites.
Install the free smartphone app.
Set up the Access Point.
Register the Access Point to the server.
You can now train by smartphone app all HomematicIP devices you want to use in your instal-
lation; you can subsequently configure your system.
5.1.1 System requirements
For setting up the system, you will need the following components:
HomematicIP Access Point
Smartphone with current Android or iOS version
Router with active internet connection
5.1.2 Download the free app
The free app can be downloaded in the Google Play Store (for Android smartphones) or in the
iTunes store (for iPhones) directly to your smartphone.
Start the HomematicIP App on your smartphone.
Confirm the General Terms and Conditions as well as the Data Privacy Statement via
the button “Confirm” (Android) or “Accept” (iOS).
Home control by wireless technology
5.1.3 Set up your Access Point
The following step-by-step instructions describe the startup of a HomematicIP system by means
of a HomematicIP Access Point (HmIP-HAP).
The menu item “Set up your Access Point” is displayed in the app.
Follow the instructions and connect your HomematicIP
Access Point using the supplied network cable to your router.
Provide power to your Access Point using the supplied
plug-in mains adapter.
As soon as power is supplied, the Access Point establishes a connection
to the server. Dierent flashing sequences of the device LED inform
the user during set-up about the current status of the Access Point.
During the initial startup of the system, there might possibly be a direct update of the
device software (firmware) of the Access Point. This results in a more frequent change
of the device’s flashing action.
Information regarding the LED flashing sequences of the HomematicIP devices are
found in the section “Overview flashing behaviour of HomematicIP devices” on page
In case of an active internet connection, the flashing sequence is generally as follows upon
startup of the Access Point:
Flashing code Meaning Solution
Permanent orange
HomematicIP Access Point starts up Please wait until the device has
started and observe the subse-
quent flashing behaviour.
Fast blue flashing Connection to the server is being
Wait until the connection is estab-
lished and the LED lights perma-
nently blue.
Permanent blue
Connection to the server is being
Standard mode - you can continue
Additional flashing codes which can be shown via the LED of the Access Point:
Flashing code Meaning Solution
turquoise lighting
Connection to the server is active;
display of a secondary Access Point
Standard operation upon the use of
more than one Access Point.
Fast yellow
No connection to network or router Connect the Access Point to the
network or the router, respectively.
Permanent yellow
No internet connection Please check the internet
connection and firewall settings.
Alternately long
and short orange
Update is carried out (only if required) Please wait until the update has
been completed.
Home control by wireless technology
5.1.4 Register Access Point to the server
If the connection to the server is established, you can register your
Access Point to the server.
In the app, tap on the “Scan” button.
Scan the QR code on the back of your Access Point. To this
end, position the QR code in the centre of the frame of your
QR scanner integrated in the app.
After scanning the QR code, “QR code detected” is displayed in the app for confirmation.
Alternatively, you can manually enter the individual device number (SGTIN) of your
Access Point. This can be found under the QR code on your device. To do this, tap on
the button “Enter”; enter the last four numbers of your SGTIN manually and confirm after
entering all numbers with .
Tap on “Yes” if the device LED of your Access Point lights up permanently blue.
If this is not the case, tap on “No” and follow the instructions in the app.
The Access Point is registered to the server. For confirmation, press the system button
of your Access Point.
After successful registration, the Access Point is set-up immediately ready for use. Tap
on “Done” and you will get to the homescreen of the app.
With existing installations, the Access Point appears in the app’s overview of devices in the room
Access Points” and can be moved from there into another room if necessary. The room “Access
Points” can be activated or deactivated, for presentation in the home screen, in the main menu
under settings, home screen, display of rooms. For new installations, add the Access Point to a
desired room.
You have the opportunity to adjust the brightness of the system LED on the Access Point
(0 - 100 %). To do this, go to overview of devices in the main menu and select the Access
Point there. The function “brightness system LED” is here available for configuration.
5.1.5 Adding a new smartphone
In order to add a new smartphone to an existing installation, proceed as described in the
following. Please note that the new smartphone must be close to the Access Point.
Install the HomematicIP App on your smartphone.
Open the app; follow the instructions. As soon as the app instructs you to, please
scan the QR code of the Access Point and press the system key. If a PIN was already
assigned beforehand for the installation, please enter it now.
The already installed system is displayed on the new smartphone.
Subsequently, go to settings – user overview in the main menu. You can there delete
the old smartphone, if necessary.
If you start up a new smartphone and use a backup for restoring your smartphone
profile, the HomematicIP App must first be uninstalled and subsequently reinstalled.
The data of your HomematicIP system do not get lost and, after new installation
of the app and a renewed registration with the Access Point, they will be restored.
Home control by wireless technology
5.1.6 Deleting a smartphone from the installation
Proceed as follows to delete a smartphone from your installation:
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More” at bottom right on the home screen, and
there on “Settings”.
Tap on “User overview” to view the list of all linked smartphones.
Delete the desired smartphone by swiping to the left in the relevant line (iOS) or
long-tapping on the line (Android) and then selecting “Delete”.
After deleting the smartphone, the user can no longer access the app of the HomematicIP
Home control by wireless technology
5.2 HomematicIP App
5.2.1 Home screen
Using the button top right in the home screen, you are able to select between a tile view and a
list view. Tile view
In the tile view, every room created is individually presented via a central tile which can be
individually covered with up to four Home favourites. In this view, all essential information of a
room are gathered at a glance. Using horizontal wipe gestures, you can swiftly and intuitively
change from room to room.
(A) Optional: Multi Home administration (change to
another HomematicIP system while using
several Access Points)
(B) Button for changing between the tile and the list
(C) Operating mode for heating schedules (eco,
automatic, holiday)
(D) Alarm mode (fuzzy, presence mode, absence
(E) Local and weather information as well as display
of the values of outside sensors
(F) Window status (display about opened windows)
(G) Warning and informational notes symbols
(H) Room name
(I) Current heating schedule
(J) Room icon (adjustable via room menu)
(K) Room tile
(L) Additional rooms (view by wiping to the left or
(M) Home favourites (individual adjustment for quick
access to selected functions; only available in
tile view)
(N) Home button for access to the home screen
(O) Main menu
(P) Basics (managed arrangement of basic
functions, such as PIN allocation, adjustment of
location or registering a first device)
(Q) Groups (operation of switching and shading
Home control by wireless technology
24 List view
The list view shows the rooms individually one below the other. Several rooms can be simul-
taneously clearly presented in the home screen. The nominal temperature is shown in rooms
with radiator thermostats. If a wall thermostat is installed in a room, the currently measured
actual temperature as well as the humidity are presented in addition to the nominal temperature.
Moreover, if relevant information is available, warning and information symbols are shown in
the pertinent room. Tap on the room tile to invoke other configuration settings for the room.
(A) Optional: Multi Home administration (change to
another HomematicIP system while using
several Access Points)
(B) Button for changing between the tile and the list
(C) Operating mode for heating schedules (eco,
automatic, holiday)
(D) Alarm mode (fuzzy, presence mode, absence
(E) Local and weather information as well as display
of the values of outside sensors
(F) Window status (display about opened windows)
(G) Current heating schedule
(H) Room name
(I) Room icon (adjustable via room menu)
(J) Display of nominal temperature in the room
(when using a radiator thermostat) as well as
actual temperature and humidity of the air
(when using a wall thermostat)
Status symbols as well as warning and infor
mation symbols
(L) Room tile
(M) Home button for access to the home screen
(N) Basics (managed arrangement of basic
functions, such as PIN allocation, adjustment of
location or registering a first device)
(O) Groups (operation of switching and shading
(P) Main menu
Home control by wireless technology
5.2.2 Room menu
Tapping on the room name (both in the tile and the list view) will open the room menu. Further
adjustments can here be made for the pertinent room.
The room menu is structured according to the solution areas available for the pertinent room
(e.g. here room climate, light, shading, security). For every solution, dierent settings can be
provided, such as e.g. selection of the heating schedule.
Figure 2: Screenshot room menu
It is possible – through the selection “processing” – to provide configuration settings for the
pertinent solution, to process Home favourites (only in the tile view), change the room icon,
to rename the room, to sort anew the standard view in the room menu or to delete the room.
Tapping on “devices” will show all devices allocated to the selected room.
Home control by wireless technology
26 Determine individually the home favourites
In the tile view you are able to individually determine your home
favourites for a room. Up to four favourites can be determined per room.
This enables the control of numerous room-specific functions (e.g.
switching the lights or moving shutters up and down) directly above the
tile view.
Tap on the room name to access the configuration menu.
Determine via processing – processing home favourites which information in the
pertinent tile is to be presented in the home screen.
The selection of favourites diers depending on the installed system components. In
the list view, it is not possible to determine home favourites. Changing room icon
Depending on the selected room designation, HomematicIP
allocates icons as a standard already for the various rooms. Via the
menu item “Change room icon”, you have the option to select, at
any time, its own icon for the room tile in the home screen. Rename room
Within the HomematicIP App, there are dierent possibilities to change the name of a room.
Please proceed as follows in the room menu:
Tap on the room name.
Tap on “Processing” in the room menu.
Tap on “Rename room”.
Please enter a new name. After tap on “Confirm”, the new name will be saved. Default view
You can determine under Processing – Default view which solution
is to be shown first (room climate, light, shading, security or access)
for the default view in the selected room when the room view is
opened. Delete room
Within the HomematicIP App, there are dierent possibilities to delete a room. In the room
menu, use the menu item “Delete room” under “Processing”.
If there are still devices assigned to a room, you first have to delete all devices in the
device overview of the room.
Home control by wireless technology
5.2.3 Overview of symbols
In the device overview, as well as in parts on the home screen, certain information on the devices
is indicated via symbols.
General and status symbols Warnings
Eco mode Battery voltage low
Cooling mode Water alarm
Party mode Sabotage message
Holiday mode Motion detected
Window tilted Error messages
Door locked Radio interference
Door unlocked/opened Voltage supply faulty
Garage door opened Bus connection faulty
Garage door closed Connection to cloud faulty
Garage door in ventilation
Connection to Access Point
Light on
Shutter/blind moved down (from
1 % shutter level)
A time profile has been allocated
to the device.
Shutters/blind moves or, respec-
tively, door lock drive is locked or
Slat position
Multi-channel display
The device overview additionally shows to which solution a device was added. The presentation
is provided via the blue icons on the right in the list of devices ( = climate control, = light
and shade, = security and alarms, = access control, = weather and environment).
Home control by wireless technology
5.2.4 Pairing of devices
You can integrate, without any problems, additional HomematicIP devices into your smart home
solution. To do this, you must register, i.e. pairing, the devices at the Access Point. After you add
the devices, they appear in the app and can be configured.
You are at liberty to choose the sequence of pairing the devices. In order to keep track of things,
it is recommended to:
proceed room after room;
add devices bit by bit;
install them subsequently;
configure them conclusively.
The pairing procedure is identical for all HomematicIP devices:
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More” on the bottom right in the home screen.
Tap on “Add device”.
Follow the app request “Activate device” (supply voltage to the device)
-Battery-operated devices: Insert batteries or remove insulation strips
-Power-supplied device: Plug into outlet
If the energy supply is active, the device is displayed in the app.
Follow the instructions in the app.
All devices of your HomematicIP system are registered either via scanning the QR
code or by entering the last four digits of the device number (SGTIN).
Confirm your entry with .
In the next step, allocate the just pairing device to one or more solutions (e.g.
security, room climate and/or light and shading).
QR code and SGTIN can be found on the supplied device stickers and on the back of
the Access Point. With battery supplied devices, you will additionally find the SGTIN in
the battery compartment. Please keep the stickers in a safe place.
Devices that can be used in one solution only (e.g. the HomematicIP Radiator Thermostat)
are automatically allocated to one solution (e.g. room climate). In this case, the request
for allocation is skipped. For devices with several possible solutions (e.g. HomematicIP
Window and Door Contact), please select in which applications (e.g. room climate and/
or security) you want to use the device.
Allocate the device to a room . Select a room that is already available or create a new
room by tapping on “New room” (Android) or “Create new room” (iOS).
Assign a name for the device. You can optionally supplement the device name
automatically generated by the system or assign a new name.
Select the designations for devices and rooms such that a unique and unambiguous
allocation will be subsequently possible. Via the app, you have the opportunity to rename
the devices and rooms at any time.
As soon as you add additional devices, the app will suggest already existing rooms to you. Select
one of these rooms or create a new room via “New room”. The newly added device automatically
appears in the device overview of the app under the correspondingly selected room.
Home control by wireless technology
5.2.5 Location and weather information
Query of the location is required for utilisation of the weather data as well as the
location-dependent sunrise and sunset times.
Depending on the location of the smartphone, upon the initial setup, the time zone is set and
transmitted to the system as well as to the HomematicIP components. The changeover from
summer to winter time is eected automatically.
The app obtains the values shown via the online service OpenWeatherMap or directly via
measurements of your own HomematicIP Weather Sensors and makes them available to other
functions. Shutters / blinds / awnings are thus automatically controlled.
Via the “Sort” button at the top right of the screen you can determine the weather view order.
Tap on “Determine weather location”. In the search field, enter the name of the city or
the postcode.
Select the location for your weather data and tap on the left arrow at the the top left
screen and confirm your selection (Android) or tap on “Done” (iOS).
After tapping on the weather symbol, numerous location -dependent items of information will
be available to you. This includes, aside from the outside temperature, the times of sunrise and
sunset, as well as the humidity and wind velocity including the prevailing direction of the wind.
If you have additional HomematicIP products installed from the category of weather and
environment, you will be correspondingly shown additional weather data.
5.2.6 Determine system PIN
Assign a PIN for the protection of your system. By setting up a system PIN, you protect your
HomematicIP installation from unlawful access by unauthorised persons. It is thus recom-
mended to deposit a system PIN already at the beginning of the installation.
Always keep this system PIN in a well-protected place since resetting the PIN is not possible.
You will need the PIN for the following administrative functions within the HomematicIP system:
Adding a new smartphone and deleting an existing smartphone
Changing the PIN
Deleting the event protocol
Exchanging an Access Point
Preparing couplings with additional services, such as Amazon Alexa
Setting up access authorisations in the access solution or configuration of the
HomematicIP Door Lock Drive.
In the field “Define PIN”, enter an at least 4-digit combination of digits of your choice.
Tap on the left arrow at the top left screen and confirm your selection (Android) or tap
on “Done” (iOS).
After the PIN has been provided in the setup screen, the code can also be subsequently changed
in the main menu under More, Settings, PIN.
General configuration of the system
6.1 Main menu
In the main menu you can make the settings for your HomematicIP system.
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More” on the bottom right in the home screen.
Depending on the configuration of the system, you will have the following options in the main
- Device overview
- Add device
- Device updates
- Settings
- Info and help
climate control
- Heating / cooling schedules
- Climate control configuration
- Holiday mode
- Hot water configuration
- Alarm protocol
- Alarm configuration
- Light groups
- Presence mode
Light and shade
- Links/ groups
- Time profiles
- Shutter configuration
Other information
-Voice control and additional services
-Multi home administration
Please note that only menu items are displayed for which devices are available in your
system. If, for example, you are not using devices of the security solution, the menu item
“Security” is not displayed.
General configuration of the system
6.1.1 Device overview
In the app, you manage your HomematicIP devices via the main menu symbol “... More” in the
“overview of devices”. You will find all added devices displayed, allocated according to rooms.
Devices which were paired without room allocation are displayed in a pop-up window on the
home screen.
All rooms follow in alphabetical order or in the sorting order that you specified in the settings
under the menu item “Display of rooms”.
Via a tap on “All” (Android) or “Filter” (iOS), you have the option to filter your devices according
to individual rooms.
In the overview of devices, you can adjust individual device settings. Configuration possibilities
result depending on the device. Basically, you can change – with all devices – the allocation to
a room or the name of the device.
For this, select a device in the overview of devices. Tap on the name of the device.
Select the menu item “Allocation” to push the device into another room and to
change the name.
Depending on the type of device, the dierent possibilities of settings are dierentiated. For
example, for devices with a push button or a rotary knob, an operating lock can be activated
or deactivated.
Devices for which the operating lock is activated can be operated only via the app, not,
however, via the device itself.
Deactivation of the operating lock is possible only via the app.
Moreover, you can adjust e.g. a temperature oset for radiator thermostats to balance out
temperature deviations. Should you operate a wall thermostat in a room, only the temperature
oset is to apply which was adjusted with the wall thermostat. For window contacts, an individual
message delay between 0 and 60 seconds can be defined.
A message delay can be useful if a window is opened only shortly without the heating to
be turned down with it.
By means of a tap on the device designation, you will find – via the infor-
mation icon at the top right of the edge of the screen – additional infor-
mation for every device in the following sequence:
SGTIN: Individual device number
Device type: Short designation of the device
Current firmware: Installed firmware version of the device
Update status: Availability of current updates for devices and
Connection quality: Informative bar chart about the connection
quality between Access Point and device
General configuration of the system
6.1.2 Multi-channel view
In devices with several channels, the multi-channel view enables the allocation and designation
of individual channels to individual rooms and solutions. This concerns multi-channel devices
by HomematicIP, such as floor heating controllers, contact interfaces or multi-channel switch
actuators. After adding multi-channel devices, the allocation of individual channels to rooms
will be automatically queried.
The allocation of individual channels can be eected at any time via the display of the device
Tap on the main menu symbol “...More” and there on “Device overview”.
In terms of devices whose channels can be allocated to dierent rooms, the already allocated
channels are displayed in the device overview under the pertinent room. One example for this
type of device are floor heating controllers which frequently control heating circuits in dierent
rooms. These channels are designated by the multi-channel symbol .
Figure 3: Screenshot device overview, multi-channel devices (1)
The multi channel view indicates all devices and related channels.
Tap on the device in the device overview. In case of multi-channel devices, you get
automatically into the multi-channel view – in the area “Channels” of the menu
“Device configuration“.
General configuration of the system
Moreover, non-allocated channels are here shown in grey. In the future, you can directly provide
channel-specific configurations from the multi-channel view by selecting the desired channel.
Figure 4: Screenshot device overview, multi-channel devices (2)
6.1.3 Configuration of individual buttons and pairs of buttons
As a standard, the buttons of HomematicIP remote controls and wall push buttons are defined
as pairs of buttons. That means,using one button, you can switch on / dim up /power up another
HomematicIP device, and via the second button of the pair of buttons, you can switch o /dim
down /power down that device.
The predefined button pairs of remote controls and wall push buttons can also be easily split into
individual buttons. This allows you to configure your smart home system even more individually
and use the easy-to-use toggle function, for example, to switch devices on or o using just one
In order to subdivide the pairs of buttons into individual buttons, please proceed as follows:
Tap on the main menu symbol “...More” and there on “Device overview”. Alternatively,
you can also invoice the desired device via “Devices” in the room overview.
Select the desired device from the list.
Tap on “Configuration of pairs of buttons and individual buttons”.
Figure 5: Configuration of individual buttons and pairs of buttons
General configuration of the system
If you allocated the device or, respectively, the pair of buttons before already to a group,
you cannot divide the pair of buttons into individual buttons. To this end, first delete the
allocation of the pair of buttons to the corresponding group.
The individual channels of the button pairs must be assigned to the same solution.
Select whether you want to use the buttons of the device as individual buttons or as
pairs of buttons.
Tap on “Save” to conclude the configuration.
If you defined the buttons as individual buttons, you can use the toggle function via the individual
buttons to execute two functions (e. g. switching on and o) via one button. To be able to use
the toggle function, please proceed as follows:
In the home screen, tap on “Groups” and subsequently on “Processing”.
Create a new group by means of the + symbol.
Select the type of the group to be created (e.g. “switching group” or “shading group”).
Select the devices or channels for the group and tap on “Done”.
Via the following menu, you can determine the action under “Toggle” which is to be
executed upon actuation of the button.
Figure 6: Action upon actuation of the button
Tap on “Done” to save the configuration.
6.1.4 Managing user rights
User rights management allows you to assign user roles to all users of the HomematicIP instal-
lation. There are three types of user roles: Administrators, normal users and restricted users.
Assigning user roles makes sense wherever there are several smartphones within a smart home
installation and the system users need to have dierent access rights.
For example, if you live together as a family and you would like to enable your children to
operate the smart home, you can assign the user role of restricted user to their smartphones.
General configuration of the system
This enables your children to operate the smart home (e.g. set the room temperature or switch
on the lights), but they cannot create any extensive configurations and have no access to the
PIN-protected areas, such as deleting or renaming devices.
Users with the “Administrator” user role have access to all areas within the HomematicIP smart-
phone app. Each administrator assigns their own administrator PIN and receives a recovery key.
An administrator can reassign user roles at any time. They can also name additional adminis-
trators. These must assign their own administrator PIN for the app and receive a unique recovery
key. After successfully activating their user rights and setting up the administrator PIN, new
administrators can assign user roles to the other users in the installation.
Normal users
Initially, all previous users of the installation are defined as “normal users”. This means they have
the same permissions as before the user rights were activated: only access to PIN-protected
areas (previously protected by the system PIN) is not possible.
Restricted users
Users who have been assigned the “restricted user” role have very limited access to the functions
within the HomematicIP app. The user interface no longer includes the “Basics” tab, and the
menu is also restricted in its range of functions. The user interface is also colour-coded with a
yellow stripe.
Users who are added to the installation only after the user rights have been activated are
automatically assigned the role “restricted user”.
The user role can be changed by an administrator at any time.
User overview
All the smartphones that are registered within your installation are listed under the menu item
“User overview” in the “User administration” menu. As an administrator, you can change the user
roles here.
Figure 7: User overview
General configuration of the system
36 Activating user rights and assigning an administrator PIN
Under the menu item “Settings”, you have the option of accessing the “User administration” in
order to activate user rights there and assign the corresponding user role to all users of your
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More”.
Tap on “Settings”.
Tap on “User management”.
To be able to manage the user rights, you must first activate them once.
Please note that the person who activates the user rights for the first time automatically
becomes the administrator of the installation.
Tap on “User rights” and then on “Activate”.
Enter your personal administrator PIN and repeat
Please note that the administrator PIN must have no fewer than 4 digits and no more
than 8 digits.
Save the recovery key securely.
It is essential to save the recovery key. If you lose your smartphone, you will need it to
access your installation again. And, if you forget your administrator PIN, you can assign
a new one using the recovery key.
Tap on the share symbol to the right of the recovery key and send your personal
recovery key to yourself, e.g. by email.
Figure 8: Entering the administrator PIN
The User administration now contains another menu item, “Administrator PIN”. You
can change your administrator PIN here at any time by entering the previous adminis-
trator PIN or by using the recovery key.
General configuration of the system
Figure 9: User administration after activating user rights
Please note that activating user rights immediately deletes the previous system PIN, and
you must assign your own administrator PIN linked to your smartphone. The system PIN
cannot be restored.
After the user rights are activated, all users within the installation receive a push message that
the function has been activated and naming which user (name of the smartphone logged in)
has activated them. In the app, users can navigate directly to the user administration via the
Please note that deleting or changing the user role “Administrator” is not possible if the
administrator PIN has been set up and no other administrator exists within the installation. Adding other administrators
The Administrator can appoint other users of the installation as administrators by changing
their role within the user overview. The user icon in front of the user’s name will initially have a
question mark and will not change until the user has assigned their own administrator PIN. Each
administrator assigns their own administrator PIN and receives their own recovery key. The PIN
is linked to their smartphone. Lost smartphone
If you are the administrator of an installation, and you lose your smartphone, you can recover
your role as administrator using the recovery key. Add your new smartphone to your installation
as usual and then select “Recover administrator” in the user administration. Now you can use
your personal recovery key.
Connect your new smartphone to your smart home installation
(see section 5.1.5 Adding a new smartphone, on page 30).
You now initially have the user role “restricted user”.
General configuration of the system
In the main menu, select “User administration” under “Settings” and tap on
your smartphone in the list of restricted users in the user overview.
Select “Recover administrator rights” and enter your recovery key.
You are now the administrator of your installation again. Deactivating user rights
You can deactivate the user rights for your installation if you don’t need this function.
In “User administration”, tap on “user rights” and enter your administrator-PIN.
Tap on “Deactivate” to deactivate the user rights.
After the user rights are deactivated, all users within the installation receive a push message that
the function has been deactivated and naming which user (name of the smartphone logged in)
has deactivated them. All the installation’s users now have the same user rights.
Please note that, once the user rights have been deactivated, every user is able, for
example, to create or delete access authorisations. Your system is no longer protected
by a system PIN or the administrator PIN. You can activate user rights again if necessary.
6.1.5 Rename and delete devices
All devices displayed in the device overview can be renamed or deleted here.
Rename devices
Tap and hold down the device you want to rename.
Tap on the pen symbol ( ) in the menu bar.
Enter a new name. After tapping on “Confirm”, the new name will be saved.
Select the device you want to rename, swipe from right to left and tap on “Rename”.
Enter a new name into the text box. After tapping on “Confirm”, the new name will be
Delete devices
Tap and hold down the device you want to delete.
Tap on the trash symbol ( ) in the menu bar.
Confirm by tapping on “Delete” that you really want to delete the device.
Select the device you want to delete, swipe from right to left and tap on “Delete”.
Confirm by tapping on “Delete” that you really want to delete the device.
If you delete a device, the factory settings of the device have to be restored in order to
add it again and thus continue to use it. For further information, please refer to the user
manual of the corresponding devices.
General configuration of the system
6.1.6 Device updates
In order to keep your HomematicIP devices always up to date and to be able to enjoy the
full range of functions, HomematicIP oers the opportunity to update the device software
(firmware) of the components.
As a rule, the background update is used with the HomematicIP devices. In that case, the
firmware of the device is updated in the background via radio connection. Some other devices
are brought up to date via a live update which must be performed directly in the HomematicIP
If you want to update the device software of your HomematicIP components, you can select
between two options available via the main menu under “Settings”, “General settings”, “Device
update mode”: You can select between manual and automatic updates.
Please note that the functionality of your devices is limited during the update. For some
HomematicIP devices, it is principally necessary to press the system button on the
device so that the update can be directly performed. In this case you are explicitly
informed via the app. Installation report for your HomematicIP system
The HomematicIP smartphone app oers the option of generating a detailed installation report
of the current HomematicIP installation, including all data and facts, as a PDF document.
The installation set up by the specialist company can thus be quickly and completely documented
in a matter of seconds, when handed over to the customer.
This means you can have a complete overview of your smart home installation right
from the start. The report can be regenerated at any time in the event of changes and
extensions to your HomematicIP system. It can also be printed out if required.
You require a compatible PDF reader on your smartphone to generate the report.
To create the installation report, proceed as follows:
Open the HomematicIP app.
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More”.
Tap on “Info and help” and select the menu item “Installation report”.
Tap on “Generate installation report”. For security reasons, this action is PIN protected
if you have assigned a system PIN.
After entering your system PIN, tap on “Query”. Within seconds, the PDF document
with the installation report will appear on your smartphone, and you can access it
again at any time.
General configuration of the system
Figure 10: Installation report
The installation report documents your system data but does not contain a backup of the
HomematicIP system.
If a new installation report is generated, it overwrites the last report created on your smart-
phone, so the most current status of your system is always documented. Before generating a
new report, you can save the current report as a PDF document on your smartphone, print it
out or transfer it to your PC.
For data protection reasons, the PDF document generated does not contain any data that allows
conclusions to be drawn about customers or specialist companies. For identification purposes,
it is possible to enter personal data such as name, address, system PIN, etc. afterwards using the
form fields contained in the PDF document.
Advantages of the installation report at a glance:
Complete overview of the installation data
Overview of the total number of installed units within a system
Detailed overview of the quality of the connections to the HomematicIP Cloud
The most important chapters in the installation report are:
Rooms and devices: list of all rooms and devices as well as their channels, SGTINs and
solution allocations
Heating and climate control: heating and cooling profiles for every room
Light and shade: switching and dimmer groups/profiles together with shutter groups
and time profiles
Security and alarms: information on the dierent alarm modes, arming mode, etc.
Access: information on access authorisations, access profiles, closing times, etc.
General configuration of the system
6.2 “General settings”
In the menu item “Settings”, you have the option to adjust general settings for the operation of
your system.
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More”.
Tap on “Settings”.
The following menu items are here available to you:
Change the location for weather data and time zone (see
section “5.2.5 Location and weather information” on page
PIN to be assigned or changed for the app (see section “5.2.6
Determine system PIN” on page 29)
User overview to be viewed with all smartphones registered in
the system
Device update mode to be selected (see section “6.1.5 Device
updates” on page 39)
Determine notifications and notification sounds which you
want to receive on your smartphone (see section “8.3 Alarm
messages in the app” on page 62)
Background picture, selection of the rooms as well as
sequence of rooms for presentation in the home screen
Settings for the consumption measurement
Upon the use of biometric features (e.g. touch or face ID)
instead of a PIN in the access solution, the use of biometrics
can be deleted again.
6.2.1 Replacing the Access Point
If it should be necessary to replace your HomematicIP Access Point, this can be done without
diculty. In that case, the new Access Point takes over all data of your installation. Your previ-
ously used Access Point will be put out of operation.
Please note that your new Access Point must be in factory condition. You will find
instructions on how to restore the factory settings in the user manual of your Access
Access points can only be exchanged with variants of the same type; thus, e.g. HmIP-HAP
with HmIP-HAP or HmIP-WLAN-HAP with HmIP-WLAN-HAP. If you want to exchange
your current Access Point for an Access Point of another type, the existing devices of
your installation must first be reset and subsequently paired new.
Disconnect your old Access Point from the power supply.
In the app home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More” and select “Info and
help” from the main menu.
In the menu “Info and help” tap quickly five times on the version line displayed in grey
on the bottom of the screen.
Tap “Continue” and follow the instructions in the app step by step.
After the exchange procedure is finished, your new Access Point is set up and immediately ready
for use.
General configuration of the system
6.2.2 Resetting and deleting the entire installation
When resetting, the access point must be connected to the cloud so that the data can
be completely deleted. This means that the network cable must be plugged in during
the process, and the LEDs must show a steady blue light.
To factory reset the entire installation, you must carry out the previously described process twice
within five minutes:
Reset the access point as described above.
Wait at least 10 seconds, until the LEDs show a steady blue light again.
Immediately afterwards, perform the reset for the second time by disconnecting the
access point from the power supply again and repeating all the above steps.
After this second restart, your system will be completely reset, and all settings will be deleted.
6.2.3 Multi-home management
Multi-home management gives you the option of setting up several separate HomematicIP
systems with one HomematicIP App. This allows you to control and configure your home as
well as an additional holiday home with your HomematicIP app. HomematicIP Access Points
(HmIP-HAP) as well as WLAN Access Points (HmIP-WLAN-HAP) can be used for the multi-home
Tap on the main menu symbol.
Select the menu item “Multi-home management”.
In the following window, tap on the + sign.
Select a new name for the system you want to install (for
example “holiday home“) and tap on “Confirm”.
pair your new Access Point. Follow the instructions in the app.
After adding the new Access Point, you can directly see in the home screen
which installation you are currently viewing and switch to another instal-
lation by tapping on the installation’s name (e.g. “My home”).
Alternatively, the menu item “Multi-home management” lets you select
which HomematicIP system you want to control with your HomematicIP
smartphone app.
The Access Points or installations integrated into the app can be renamed
and deleted via the menu at any time.
General configuration of the system
6.3 Restoring the factory settings of the Access Point
The factory settings of the Access Point and the entire installation can be restored. The opera-
tions dier as follows:
Resetting the Access Point:
Only the factory settings of the Access Point are restored here. The installation
remains in place, along with all the settings made.
Resetting and deleting the entire installation
This resets the entire HomematicIP installation and deletes all settings. The app must
then be uninstalled and reinstalled. The factory state of your individual HomematicIP
devices must also be restored in order to enable them to be paired again.
6.3.1 Resetting the Access Point
To restore the factory settings of the Access Point, please proceed as follows:
To restore the factory settings of the Access Point, please proceed as follows:
Disconnect the Access Point from the power supply. Therefore, unplug the mains
Plug-in the mains adapter again and press and hold down the system button for 4s at
the same time, until the LED will quickly start flashing orange.
Release the system button.
Press and hold down the system button again for 4 seconds, until the LED lights up
green. If the LED lights up red, please try again.
Release the system button again to conclude the procedure.
The device restarts and the Access Point is reset.
6.3.2 Deleting an Access Point from the installation
If you want to delete one of several Access Points from your HomematicIP installation,
proceed as follows:
In the app home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More” and then on “Overview
of devices”. The paired Access Point(s) is/are displayed in the device list..
Delete the desired Access Point by swiping to the left in the relevant line (iOS) or
long-tapping on the line (Android) and then selecting “Delete”.
If a secondary Access Point is deleted from the installation, all system data remains in
The primary Access Point cannot be deleted from the installation as previously described.
If you want to delete the primary Access Point and thus the entire installation, proceed
as described in “6.2.2 Resetting and deleting the entire installation”.
Climate Control Solution
For which heating systems can the HomematicIP climate control solution be used?
Heating system with conventional, water-based radiators
The HomematicIP climate control solution is optimised for the application
in connection with this currently still most widespread heating system. The
manually operated conventional radiator thermostats are replaced by electronic
radiator thermostats. The room temperature is regulated time-controlled via the
HomematicIP smartphone app according to individual needs.
Electric heaters
Many households additionally use one or more electric heaters to heat remote rooms
separately from central heating, such as garden houses or individual rooms which are
rarely used. For this system, the climate control solution is also ideal: In connection
with the HomematicIP pluggable switch or pluggable switch and meter and a wall
thermostat, the temperature in rooms with electric heaters can be adjusted precisely
and based on your demands. Another advantage: Thanks to the measuring function
in the device you can always use the HomematicIP smartphone app to monitor the
energy consumption and the energy costs.
Floor heating and surface heating systems
With the growing spread of alternative energy sources such as heat pumps and solar
collectors, floor heating systems are also becoming increasingly popular. Because
in this combination, it provides its full benefits, such as the possibility of operating in
the low-temperature range. Floor heating systems are often considered to be very
comfortable, and they also provide more freedom when it comes to furnishing and
designing rooms.
The HomematicIP Floor Heating Controller oers you the opportunity to control your
floor heating room by room comfortably and demand-based, thus adapting the room
temperature to your individual needs.
As a basic solution, a Floor Heating Controller is sucient already which can be
connected directly via radio – i.e. without any cable – with one or more battery-op-
erated wall thermostats (HmIP-WTH-2) for time-controlled regulation of the room
temperature. In connection with your HomematicIP Access Point, you can control
your floor heating at any time and almost anywhere via a smartphone app. If you use
a mixed heating system, the app takes control of both the floor heating and conven-
tional radiators.
The system is suitable for the first installation as well as for retrofitting an existing floor
heating system. The HomematicIP Multi IO Box or the Switch Actuator for heating
systems also provide a separate control unit for switching boilers, circulating pumps
and heat pumps.
Climate Control Solution
7.1 Configuring the climate control solution for each room
After you have installed and set-up your solution as described in section „5.2.4 Pairing of devices“
, you can configure the climate control solution and adapt it to your individual needs.
HomematicIP room climate control devices, such as a radiator thermostat, window and
door contact and wall thermostat, are automatically linked to each other after being
assigned to the same room and act with each other. An electric heater that is connected
to the HomematicIP system via a switch socket for example can also be controlled
automatically via a wall thermostat if it has been assigned to the „Room climate“ solution
and to the same room.
7.1.1 Operating modes
Automatic operation using heating schedules
You can configure individual heating schedules for each room, in order to automatically control
room temperature. Further information on this matter can be found under “Heating or cooling
schedules” on page 49
Manual operation
If you select the profile “Manual” for a room, you have the option to select a room temperature
that is kept constant within the defined minimum and maximum temperature. The stored heating
schedule of the corresponding room is not active in the meantime.
In the home screen, tap on the room for which you want to activate the profile
Tap on the currently activated profile.
In the “Delete visible schedules” pop-up window, tap “Manual” and select the desired
room temperature using the control dial.
Tap on Back to return to the home screen of the app.
Climate Control Solution
Party mode
For parties or similar events, a changed temperature can be desired for a certain period of time.
You can use the party mode to adjust the room temperature for a precisely defined period of
In the home screen, tap on the room for which you want to activate the profile “Party
Figure 11: Screenshot Selecting the party mode
Tap on the currently activated profile.
In the pop-up window “Visible schedules”, tap on “Party mode”.
Select the time for activating the party mode and tap “Continue”.
Use the control dial to select the desired room temperature.
Tap on Back to return to the home screen of the app.
After the time defined for the party mode has expired, the room temperature is controlled
according to the profile that has been selected last.
Holiday mode
By activating the holiday mode you have the option to reduce the room temperature until a
defined point in time to a freely selectable temperature value in case of longer absence and
thus to save energy.
In contrast to the eco mode, the temperature in the holiday mode is reduced in all rooms, i.e.
also in rooms which are heated exclusively with a floor or wall surface heating system.
Even after your HomematicIP device has been restarted (for example after a battery
change or device update), the device’s last profile status is now automatically restored.
For example, a radiator thermostat’s last selected heating schedule will continue to be
run after the restart.
Climate Control Solution
Activating the holiday mode
Tap the operating mode icon on the app home screen and select the operating mode
Figure 12: Screenshot Select holiday mode
Swipe to the right and select the date and the time of day.
Swipe to the right once again, to use the control dial to set the room temperature for
the holiday mode and confirm your selection with “OK”.
The set temperature is maintained until the selected time. Afterwards, the system changes back
to automatic mode with the stored heating schedule for the single rooms.
Deactivating the holiday mode
In the app home screen, tap on the operating mode icon on the top left of the screen.
When switching to a dierent operating mode (e.g. Automatic), the holiday mode will
be deactivated automatically.
If the eco mode is activated you are asked via the app to confirm the change between
the eco mode to the holiday mode. The same applies to the change from holiday mode
into eco mode.
Climate Control Solution
7.1.2 Room Menu
Select a room via the app home screen. Tap on the upper part of the room tile and
subsequently on “Edit”. Here you can choose multiple menu items, depending on your
system configuration.
Figure 13: Screenshot room menu item
7.1.3 Configuration
Via the menu item “Configuration” you can configure the rooms of your choice.
The minimum / maximum temperature configured is also valid if a higher or lower
temperature should be selected in one or more heating phases of the selected heating
Configuration option
Minimum / maximum
The "Minimum / Maximum temperature" is configured using the control
dial. After tapping on "Confirm" (Android) or "Done" (iOS) the selected
minimum / maximum temperature is stored in the system.
Open-window temperature
The "Open-window temperature" determines to which value the
temperature set on the radiator thermostat will be reduced. After tapping
on "Confirm" (Android) or "Done" (iOS), the selected open-window
temperature is stored in the system.
Boost duration
The "Boost duration" selects the duration of time for which the valve of
the radiator unit is to be fully opened. It can be configured in the app
or on the thermostat. Tap "Boost duration" and select the desired boost
duration via the control dial. After tapping on "Confirm" (Android) or
"Done" (iOS), the selected boost duration is stored in the system.
n case of rapidly decreasing temperatures (1.5 °C in 3 min) due to an open window, the
radiator thermostat will automatically reduce the temperature of the radiator to 12 °C for
15 min (“Temperature drop detection”). After 15 min, the radiator thermostat will change
back again to the current heating schedule. The installation location of the radiator
thermostat (below window sills, behind furniture or curtains) or external temperatures
may influence the open-window detection. For optimum open-window detection, it is
thus advisable to use the HomematicIP door and window contacts.
Climate Control Solution
Heating system (available when using Floor Heating Controller)
This menu item allows you to select the heating system that you want to control with your Floor
Heating Controller. You can select between the following five options:
1. Standard
Select this mode for standard floor heating systems in conventional buildings.
2. Low energy
Select this mode if you use a floor or wall surface heating system with a very low flow
temperature, for example in an energetically renovated building or new building with
low energy requirements.
The remaining three options are reserved for special areas of application and are not relevant
for floor and wall surface heating systems.
3. Radiator
With this mode, it is possible to regulate water-based radiators via a channel of the
Floor Heating Controller. For this, a wired thermal actuator on the radiator is required.
4. Passive convector
Select this mode only when using underfloor convectors, such as those used in front
of large window areas.
5. Active convector
This mode is applied only when fan coils are used, which are mainly used in oce and
industrial buildings.
Humidity limit
When using a HomematicIP Multi IO Box with connected dehumidifier, the humidity value from
which the dehumidifier is activated in order to avoid condensation problems can be set here.
In the case of floor heating systems with active cooling operation, the corresponding cooling
circuit is also closed.
7.2 System-wide settings for the climate control solution
7.2.1 Heating or cooling schedules
Heating and cooling schedules provide you with the option to tailor the heating control for each
room to your personal needs and individual routines. Automatic control of the room temperature
allows you to always have your desired temperature.
For each room, the app can define up to three dierent heating or cooling schedules (if you are
using Floor Heating Controllers). Within these heating schedules, you can set dierent minute-
to-minute switching times for each day of the week and thus regulate the room temperature in
a time-controlled manner - with up to six freely definable heating phases per day and a temper-
ature selection with a precision of up to 0.5°.
Climate Control Solution
All defined heating schedules can be selected under the corresponding rooms with a fingertip.
Figure 14: Screenshot Selection of heat profile
When using Floor Heating Controllers, it is possible to pair them with the HomematicIP Multi IO
Box in order to control the boiler and to switch from heating to cooling operation. Just as for
heating schedules, individual cooling schedules can also be created. The floor heating system
can thus even cool rooms down to a pleasant level in summer. The standard schedule
In the app, up to three heating schedules can be created and configured for each room. The
standard profile is explained in more detail below:
Specified as a default is a base temperature of 17 °C. The base temperature indicates which
constant temperature is to be kept in the room if the heating schedule is neither in a heating
nor in a lowering phase.
In addition, a room temperature of 21 °C is specified from 6:00 am to 9:00 am and from 5:00
pm to 9:00 pm for the weekdays. For Saturdays and Sundays, a room temperature of 21 °C is
pre-set from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Climate Control Solution
Figure 15: Screenshot Standard profile Adjusting the heating schedules
You have six options for adjusting the heating schedules:
Rename profiles
Changing the base temperature
Changing the predefined heating phases
Deleting and adding heating phases
Copying switching times to other weekdays
Copying profiles to other profile positions (transferring complete week profile to other
Selecting profiles
Access the main menu and tap on “Heating schedules”.
In the “Heating schedules” menu, select the schedule of the room you want to adjust
by tapping “Standard schedule” under the relevant room. The profile is loaded and the
profile overview opens with the reset heating schedules for every day of the week.
Rename profile
In the “Heating schedules” menu, mark the profile of the room you want to adjust.
-In the profile overview, select the profile that you want to rename by swiping
from right to left. Tap on “Rename”.
-Select the profile by tapping and holding.
-Tap on the pen symbol in the menu bar.
Enter a new name and confirm the entry.
After confirming the entry you will automatically get back into the “Heating schedules” menu.
Changing the base temperature
Climate Control Solution
The base temperature indicates which constant temperature is to be kept in a room, if the
heating schedule is neither in a heating phase nor in a lowering down phase.
Tap on the top profile bar (Monday).
Tap on “Base temperature”; then adjust the base temperature using the control dial.
After tapping on the left arrow in the top left corner of the screen (Android) or “Done“
(iOS), the entry will be stored.
Figure 16: Screenshot Changing the base temperature
Changing heating phases
Tap on the heating phase you want to change. You can now change the corresponding
fields beginning (left), setpoint temperature (middle) and end (right) of the selected
heating phase. For saving the changes of the profile, tap three times on “Back” ( ) and
afterwards on “Save” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
Figure 17: Screenshot changing heating phases
Climate Control Solution
Adding heating phases
In the profile overview of a room, select a day profile and tap on the + sign. A new
heating phase is opened that you can individually adjust (refer to “Changing heating
Deleting heating phases
To delete a heating phase, tap on (Android) or swipe from right to left in the field
of the selected heating phase and tap on “Delete” (iOS). The heating phase will be
Copying switching times to other weekdays
With this function, you can transfer switching times which you defined for a weekday, to one
or several additional weekdays. Subsequently, you can further adjust the heating schedules for
the selected weekdays.
Select in the profile overview the day profile you wand to copy by pressing and
holding. Tap on .
Select the desired week day and tap on “Confirm”.
Select in the profile overview the day profile you want to copy, swipe from right to left
and tap on “Copy”.
Select the desired week day and tap on “Done”.
Transferring heating schedules to other rooms.
This function enables comfortable copying of one of your defined weekly profiles to other
Select in the “Heating schedules” menu the profile that you want to copy to the other
profile positions by pressing and holding. Tap on .
Select the profile positions via the check box and tap on “OK”.
In the profile overview, select the profile that you want to copy to other profile
positions by swiping from right to left. Tap on “Copy”.
Select the desired profile position by tapping and tap on “Done”.
Creating additional heating schedules
In the app you can define up to three heating schedules for each room via the menu “Heating
Tap on the unfold icon of the desired room ( ).
In the “Visible schedules” window select at least one additional visible schedule and tap
“Confirm” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
Tap on the selected alternate profile. In the profile overview you can define this profile
and if required one additional profile as described above.
Also for this feature it is very useful to copy the switching time to other week days.
Climate Control Solution
7.2.2 Climate control configuration
Via the climate control configuration you will be able to adjust further settings for the regulation
of the room temperature. Depending on your components, dierent configuration possibilities
will be displayed.
In the app Home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More“ and select “Climate
control configuration” in the main menu.
Figure 18: Screenshot Overview climate control configuration Eco mode configuration
Click on “Eco mode“, to access the various settings pertaining to the eco mode.
Via the menu item “Rooms in eco mode” you can determine in which rooms the
temperature is to be lowered to eco temperature during the active eco mode.
The eco mode can be activated by default for all rooms, which are heated by conventional or
electric heaters. Rooms that are heated by a floor heating system only cannot be operated in
eco mode. In these rooms, temperature reduction can be configured for a certain period of
time using the holiday mode.
You can deselect single rooms by deactivating the check box.
Confirm your selection afterwards with “OK” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
Select the desired room temperature for the eco mode using the control dial in the
menu item “Eco temperature”.
After tap on “Confirm” (Android) or “Done” (iOS) the selected temperature is stored in
the system.
Use the menu item “Eco duration (for wall-mount remote control)” to determine the
duration of the eco mode after pressing the wall-mount remote control.
You can select between 2, 4 and 6 hours as well as the option “Permanent eco mode (
)” and date.
Save your selection with “Confirm”.
Climate Control Solution
If you switch from the automatic to the eco mode on the app home screen, you will be asked
automatically how long the eco mode is to be valid (2, 4, 6 hours or permanent eco mode).
Figure 19: Screenshot Eco duration via home screen
In addition, you have the option to define a period of up to one year after tapping on the time
limit for the duration of the eco mode. Optimum start/stop function
If the optimum start/stop function is activated, the required lead time for heating or cooling a
radiator heating or floor heating is calculated automatically. The selected heating schedule will
here be evaluated proactively, based on the calculations of heating lead times for the previous
days. This oers the advantage that the desired room temperature is reached already at the set
time and kept for the required period of time.
You can activate the optimum start/stop function as follows:
Tap the main menu icon on the app home screen and select “Climate control config-
uration” in the main menu.
In the “Climate control configuration” menu, tap on “Optimum start/stop function”.
Activate the function by tapping on the radio button “On” (Android) or via the slider
(iOS) and confirm your selection by tapping on “Confirm” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
The function is subsequently activated for conventional radiators or floor heating systems.
In mixed operation, the function is activated for both systems in parallel. Should you activate
this function retroactively, please keep in mind that you have to adjust your heating schedules
Please note that in the first 2-3 days following the activation of the optimum start/stop
function, the system will be “learning” your heating system’s features. During this time
the temperature setting may possibly be reached some minutes sooner or later. When
this process is completed, you no longer have to take into account any heating or
cooling lead times in the heating schedules. However, if the optimum start/stop function
is activated, a clearly noticeable reduction in temperature might already come about up
to one hour prior to the reduction specified by the heating schedule.
Climate Control Solution
56 Humidity warning
Optimum humidity in living spaces has a positive eect on one’s well-being; it also protects the
basic structure of the building and helps to prevent mould.
The “Humidity warning” function allows you to set individual threshold values for humidity in
selected rooms. If the defined values are exceeded or not reached, a humidity warning appears
on the homescreen of the HomematicIP App, optionally also as push notification on your
Moreover, you will receive a recommendation, whether or not opening a window would be
advisable to improve the room climate.
Tap the main menu icon on the app homescreen and select “Climate control configu-
ration” in the main menu.
Tap on “Humidity warning”.
Tap on the + symbol in the following window and select a room for which you want
to activate the humidity warning.
The default humidity thresholds are 40% and 60%. If necessary, you can edit these
values after tapping on the respective rooms.
Repeat this procedure to select and configure additional rooms.
Then select the data source for the weather data. This can be one of the
HomematicIP Weather Sensors, a HomematicIP Temperature and Humidity Sensor
or an online data source.
Return to the previous overview to save the settings.
7.2.3 Summer break for heating control
In the summer, the heating schedule can be switched to “manual” in the individual rooms so
that the heating schedules are no longer executed.
If the heating system is switched o in the summer, the nominal temperature is to be set to 30
°C so that the valves are fully opened. If the heating system remains switched on in the summer
(e.g. in multi-family dwellings), the room temperature should be set to 5 °C so that the valves
are fully closed.
7.3 Heating system control and hot water supply with HmIP-MIOB /
With the HomematicIP Multi IO Box (HmIP-MIOB) or the HomematicIP Switch Actuator for
heating systems - 2 channels (HmIP-WHS2), a smart active heat demand control of the boiler can
also be realised for installations with HomematicIP Radiator Thermostats and for mixed installa-
tions. The devices provide an assessment of the heat demand and control the boiler according
to the requirements. In this case, the heat demand is determined via the radiator thermostats
of one or more selected rooms or - depending on the configuration - via a room thermostat
with the option to additionally integrate rooms with radiator thermostats to determine the heat
demand. Furthermore, both devices can also be used to control hot water treatment.
Climate Control Solution
7.4 Floor heating control
With the integration of one of the Floor Heating Controllers into your system you can comfortably
configure and control your floor heating and other water-based surface heating in connection
with one or more HomematicIP wall thermostats via the HomematicIP App. In addition, several
Floor Heating Controllers can be used in the house and are integrated into the HomematicIP
The HomematicIP floor heating control can be realised using Floor Heating Controllers as well
as one or more HomematicIP wall thermostats (depending on the number of rooms equipped
with floor heating). Dierent device versions are available in this respect.
With the HomematicIP Floor Heating Controller, you can control standard floor heating systems
with 6 or 10 heating zones as well as a circulating pump. In this case, the circulating pump must
be connected directly to heating zone 1 (HZ1) of the Floor Heating Controller.
In connection with the HomematicIP Multi IO Box, additional functions and devices can be
integrated. This includes e.g. humidity and temperature limiting functions, external timers as well
as switching from heating to cooling operation for floor heating system with cooling function.
7.4.1 Options for controlling the floor heating system
Configuration and operation via app
• When using the Homematic IP Access Points, setup, configuration and temperature
setting are conveniently provided via the Homematic IP smartphone app
Needs-based regulation of the temperature in rooms with floor heating and with
conventional radiators can be provided in parallel
Smart Home Steuerung
Climate Control Solution
7.4.2 Configuration options for Floor Heating Controllers
The HomematicIP Floor Heating Controller is pre-configured in such a way that it is generally
not necessary to change the configuration settings after learning-in. If necessary, the configu-
ration options of the Floor Heating Controller allow you to edit various parameters.
Explanations about the various terms or terminology regarding floor heating control can
be found in the “Glossary” on page 132.
Figure 20: Screenshot device configuration Floor Heating Controller
Here, you can subsequently change the room allocation of the device, the device name as well
as the assignment of heating circuits.
Local pump control
In the default settings, the local pump control is deactivated, i.e. the integrated pump of your
system takes care of the circulation. If a heat pump is directly connected to the Floor
Heating Controller via heating zone 1 (HZ1), activate the local pump control.
Tap on “Local pump control”.
Tap on “On” and confirm.
Valve type
Usually, in your heating manifold valve drives of the valve type “normally closed” (NC) are
installed. This complies with the default settings.
If valve drives of the valve type “normally open” are installed in your manifold, please select the
option “NO (normally open)”. For further information, please contact your plumbing and heating
Emergency operation cooling
If the radio communication between the wall thermostat and the Floor Heating Controller fails
for a longer period of time, the cooling mode is deactivated or the valve changes back to a
defined value. In the default settings, a reduction of the cooling mode to 0 % is set.
Climate Control Solution
Emergency operation heating
The valve opening duration is recalculated every 15 minutes. If the radio communication between
the wall thermostat and the Floor Heating Controller fails for a longer period of time, e.g. if a
battery is empty, all valve are controlled automatically. In the default settings, the valve is opened
for 225 seconds (25 % for 15 minutes). When the radio communication is recovered the system
changes back to normal operation.
Frost protection temperature
To avoid freezing of the system, the Floor Heating Controller is regulated to a room temperature
of 8 °C as setpoint value (default). If required, you can use the control dial to deactivate the frost
protection (“O”) or to select a room temperature between 2 °C and 10 °C in 0.5 °C steps.
Heating zone control
When selecting “Load balancing” (default), the heating zones will be controlled in a staggered
way if possible, to provide a continuous flow of heating water.
When selecting “Load collection”, the heating zones are controlled collectively (if possible).
Valve protection function
Thanks to the valve protection function, in time periods without temperature regulation, e.g. during
the summer, the valve drives are triggered regularly to prevent the valves from sticking. Here, you
can define the time interval (o, 1-28 days) as well as the duration for triggering (0-10 minutes).
Balancing heating zones
Determines if with small openings of the valve (< 15 %), triggering is to be eected in pulse width
modulation. This allows for a uniform heating of corresponding heating zones with multiple
heating circuits, if major dierences are detected here. In order to achieve a better energy
balance, the function should be deactivated if no noticeable dierences are to be detected.
This function is only available for the motorized floor heating controller (HmIP-FAL-
Valve position switching value
Determines as of which valve position all heating zones will be switched over to pulse width
modulation, in order to reduce possible noise emission at the heating circuit distributor.
In order to achieve a better energy balance, the option should be deactivated if no noise devel-
opment is detected.
This function is only available for the motorised floor heating controller (HmIP-FAL-
Pump lead time
Here you will define the pump lead time with active local pump control.
Pump lag time/pump protection function
In case of activated local pump control - i.e. a pump is connected directly to the Floor Heating
Controller - you can adjust a switch on or switch o delay of 0 to 20 minutes in 2 minutes steps
for the circulating pump, if required. Furthermore, this allows you to activate the time interval
and the duty cycle of the pump protection function to prevent damage to the pump in case of
longer standstill periods.
You can find further information on the individual steps for the startup in the following chapters
or in our tutorial.
Climate Control Solution
7.5 Setup and configuration via the HomematicIP app
If you are using a HomematicIP Underfloor Heating Actuator in combination with a HomematicIP
Access Point, pairing and configuration are performed as usual via the HomematicIP app. For
details, refer to the operating instructions of your underfloor heating actuator.
First set up your HomematicIP Access Point via the HomematicIP app, so that you can
use other HomematicIP devices in the system. For further information, please refer to
the Access Point operating manual.
Please note that one room can be supplied via several heating circuits. For further
information, please contact your plumbing and heating installer.
Start mode is active for the first 10 minutes. All heating zones are activated, and the
device LED lights up green.
In the following 20 minutes, the setup-mode is active. The heating zones are controlled
via a two-point control response so that, when the setpoint temperature is reached, the
heating zone is switched o. If the temperature falls below the setpoint temperature,
the heating zone is switched on.
After 30 minutes, standard operation is active. The valves are then periodically switched
on and o (PWM cycle) via adaptive control (proportional integral control) to reach or
maintain the temperature setting.
Security Solution
HomematicIP will reliably alert you in case of an emergency! This is not only smart, but it also
increases the feeling of security – no matter if you are at home or on the road. Because the free
app allows you to always have an eye on your home and be alerted via push message. This is
triggered, for example, via window contacts as soon as a window is opened while the system is
in activated alarm mode. Even in the case of your home’s internet connection or power supply
being severed, local alerting via siren will be ensured by the direct link between the devices. All
devices can be installed quickly and easily and flexibly combined with products from other areas
of application.
8.1 Installation instructions
If possible, position your security components such that they are not detectable at first glance
from the outside. A motion detector for monitoring rooms should be positioned so that a burglar
is reliably recognised on his way through the house/flat, e.g. in the area of an entrance or terrace
8.2 Configuration of the HomematicIP Water Sensor (HmIP-SWD)
For the configuration of the water sensor, please proceed as follows:
Select the water sensor in the device list of the app. You can select between dierent
configuration possibilities.
Figure 21: Configuration of the HomematicIP Water Sensor (HmIP-SWD)
You have already assigned your water sensor to a room during pairing. If you want to position
the water sensor in another room, you can change the room allocation here.
Alarm signal
Via this menu item you can select between nine dierent signal tones for acoustic signalling via
the HomematicIP Water Sensor or deactivate the acoustic signalling.
In the menu, select the desired signal sound by selecting the radio button (Android)
or tapping on the desired sound (iOS). You can select “O” to deactivate the acoustic
Security Solution
Duration of the alarm signal
Use this menu item to define the duration of the alarm signal.
In the menu, select the desired duration (permanent, 3 minutes, 6 minutes or once
per minute) via the radio buttons (Android) or by tapping on the desired option (iOS).
Trigger for the acoustic alarm
Here, you can define the trigger for the acoustic alarm of the device.
No acoustic signal: When selecting this option, no acoustic signal is triggered.
Humidity detected: An acoustic signal is triggered only if humidity is detected.
Water detected: An acoustic signal is triggered only if water of at least 1.5 mm is
Water or humidity detected: An acoustic signal is triggered, if water or humidity are
Trigger for acoustic alarm via alarm siren
This menu item is only displayed when using a HomematicIP Alarm Siren (HmIP-ASIR).
In addition to alarming via the integrated siren, the water alarm can also be signaled via the
HomematicIP Alarm Siren (HmIP-ASIR) at any other location in the home. Here, you can define
the trigger for the acoustic alarm of an additional alarm siren.
Alarm in the app
In this menu item you can deactivate the alarm in the app or determine under which prerequi-
sites an alarm in the app is to be triggered.
In the menu, select the desired option via the radio buttons (Android) or by tapping on
the desired option (iOS).
Even with deactivated alarming in the app, the conditions can still be used in the
automation function.
If you deactivate alarming in the app for the HomematicIP Water Sensor, the protection
mode of the security solution (presence or absence mode) is not aected and remains
8.3 Alarm messages in the app
By sending push messages to the smartphone, the HomematicIP App oers reliable alarms –
even when you are en route. In alarm situations, the message is sent directly to the smartphones
of the users even if the app was not actively opened.
Advanced Routing oers the advantage that the system will be additionally secured.
Should a HomematicIP Access Point fail, a second Access Point within the range will
automatically take over the function of the failed one and establish the connection to
the cloud within the shortest time possible. The system’s functionality and accessibility
is ensured at any time.
Please keep in mind that your smartphone requires an active internet connection to
receive push messages. Alarm messages which are triggered while your smartphone
has no internet connection can only be delivered once your smartphone is again
connected with the internet.
Security Solution
It is distinguished between a burglar alarm and a hazard alarm.
Burglar alarms are triggered, for example, via activated motion sensors or window contacts.
For this, it is necessary to activate the protection mode, thus the absence mode or the presence
mode. If movement is detected after activation – e.g. in case of a burglary – the user immedi-
ately receives a message on the smartphone.
Hazard alarms are detected at any time and transmitted to the user. Activation of the protection
mode is not necessary for this. Hazard alarms include, for example, water occurring which is
detected by a water sensor.
You can determine individually which alarm messages you want to receive by push message.
Open the main menu and tap on Settings, Notifications, Messages.
Select among the message options for
- Battery voltage low
- Smartphone added
- Maintenance work
- Protection mode changes (will be eected when the protection mode presence
or absence is activated or deactivated)
-Alarms and activation errors for the protection mode (is eected if e.g. the
activation of a function or device settings failed)
- Humidity warning
You can individually configure the alarm sound for your smartphone upon receipt of a message
in case of an alarm.
Open the main menu and tap on Settings, Notifications, Alarm sounds. Dierent
sounds are here available to you.
8.4 Alarms via HomematicIP devices
Thanks to the direct link between the devices, HomematicIP provides the advantage that the
communication between sensors and actuators is ensured even if there might be no connection
to the internet or to the cloud. This is particularly advantageous concerning devices with security
If, for example, you have installed a HomematicIP Motion Detector and an Alarm Siren in your
system, a direct link between both devices will be automatically generated during the pairing
process. If movement is then subsequently detected by the motion detector while the protection
mode is activated (e.g. presence mode), the alarm siren will automatically trigger a loud alarm.
Even if, for example, a burglar were to destroy the Access Point or router, the link would remain
active and you would be warned in good time upon motion detection.
With security solution devices, it is recommended not to establish any links between
devices via automation, since such links always require an active connection to the
cloud as well.
Security Solution
8.5 Activate alarm mode
After you have add the devices for the security solution using the app, the symbol for the
protection mode is displayed in light blue on the app’s home screen. Via this symbol you are
able at any time to quickly select the alarm mode (disarmed, presence mode, absence mode).
Figure 22: Select alarm mode
Tap on the alarm mode symbol.
Select the desired alarm mode by tapping on the corresponding symbol.
Confirm your selection with “OK”.
Protection deactivated: The alarm mode of the system is deactivated. All security functions
are deactivated.
Presence mode: The security functions of all devices that you have selected for the
presence mode are activated.
Absence mode: The security functions of all components of the security solution are
As soon as an alarm mode is triggered during activated presence mode or absence mode, e.g.
in case of unauthorised opening of windows and doors or detected motion via the motion
detector, you are immediately informed by a push notification on your smartphone with an
alarm message. The alarm message indicates which device triggered an alarm and at what time.
It will here be distinguished whether a burglar alarm or a hazard alarm is concerned. Burglar
alarms are only detected if the protection mode was activated. Hazard alarms are detected at
any time, as, for example, in case of water damage which is detected by a water sensor.
Security Solution
Figure 23: Security mode settings
Tap on the button “Cancel” to close the alarm message and to leave the previously
selected protection mode activated.
Tap on the button “Confirm” to close the alarm message and deactivate the protection
If you tap on “Cancel” in the alarm message, the alarm will be deferred. This will block
new incoming alarm messages. You will thus receive no further push notifications and
in-app notifications in the event of a new alarm.
If you have integrated an alarm siren into your system, an additional alarm sound is
triggered via the siren in accordance with the alarm message on your smartphone.
If in a system using multiple smartphones an alarm message has already been confirmed
by another user, said alarm message will be shown with a grey background on all other
8.6 Configure security solution
After setting up the Access Point (see section “5.1.3 Set up your Access Point” on page 20)
and add the security components (see section “5.2.4 Pairing of devices” on page 28) , please
select in the next step in which application you want to use the added device. By selecting the
option “Security”, these devices are available for security functions.
Add the device in the main menu via “Adding devices”. After registration at the Access Point, the
assignment options of the device are requested.
If you are oered this option, select by tapping on one or more symbols in which
solution you want to use the device and tap on “Continue”.
For devices that are used for the security solution only, e.g. the alarm siren, this step is
skipped as the device is assigned automatically.
Security Solution
If the option is displayed, select the room in which you want to use the device.
Enter the device name and tap “Continue”. You can optionally supplement the device
name automatically generated by the system or assign a new name.
After pairing has been successful, tap “Done”.
Please provide further configuration of your security components via the main menu under
“Security” through the menu items Alarm configuration, Light configuration and Presence
mode (see below).
Some devices can be used in several applications at the same time. When correspondingly
selected, the HomematicIP door and window contact can, for example, take over functions in
heating control as well as security functions. If required, you can subsequently change or delete
again, at any time, the allocations already selected via the device overview.
For a pluggable switch or a pluggable switch and meter that you want to use for light
control within the security solution, select the option “Light and shading”
Figure 24: Selecting an application allocation
Security Solution
8.7 Alarm configuration
This menu oers an overview about the current configuration of the alarm functions of your
security solution as well as individual, demand-based configuration possibilities.
Figure 25: Screenshot Alarm configuration
Alarming mode
In the menu item ‘Alarming mode’, two options are available:
Alarming pro: This mode is set as default and should not be changed. The alarm mode
- presence as well as absence mode - can be activated only via the app or the Key
Ring Remote Control – alarm (HmIP-KRCA) – if all sensors are in normal mode (e.g.
window closed, housing cover mounted, or the like) and within the wireless range. If
the battery status of one of the devices is low - this will be displayed in the homes-
creen of the app - the batteries of the corresponding devices have to be replaced.
Moreover, the HomematicIP Access Point must be online at the time of activating the
If an alarm siren (HmIP-ASIR) is used, it will be triggered even if there is no connection
to the HomematicIP cloud (with a delay of 10 seconds). You will receive a push notifi-
cation with an alarm message on your smartphone as soon as the connection to the
HomematicIP cloud is active again.
Via the HomematicIP Key Ring Remote Control - alarm (HmIP-KRCA), it is also
possible to deactivate the alarm mode in case of an inactive connection to the Access
That means the security solution still works properly even with a non-active internet
connection – for example, during an update of the router software by the provider.
Alarming basic: The alarm mode can be activated via the app or Key Ring Remote
Control – alarm (HmIP-KRCA) if single sensors cannot be activated (e.g. if a window
is open, the device cover is not mounted or a device is not within the wireless
range, etc.). If an alarm siren (HmIP-ASIR) is used, it will be triggered only if an active
connection to the HomematicIP cloud is established. It is recommended to use the
mode “Alarming pro” as a default setting in order to ensure reliable alarming.
Security Solution
The alarm mode “Presence/Absence” can be activated using “Alarming pro” only via the
app, if all security-relevant HomematicIP devices are updated with the current firmware
versions oered. After tapping on the main menu symbol, information about the oered
device updates can be found in the menu item ‘Device updates’.
Silent alarm
If the silent alarm is activated, the indoor siren and the alarm light will not be
triggered. In case of alarm, the system does only send a push-notification to the app.
Delay in arming the alarm system
In this menu item you can define the delay for activating the protection mode of the
system. A delay in arming the alarm system makes especially sense if you leave the
house via an area that is monitored by a motion detector or where a window/door
contact is mounted on the front door.
Alarm sirens – indoors
This menu item allows you to configure the settings for your indoor siren(s).
Duty cycle of the siren: You can here determine the duty cycle of the indoor siren.
The default setting is 3 minutes; other options to choose from are 4, 5 and 6 minutes.
Alarm signal (acoustic) Under this menu item you can select from among nine
dierent signal sounds for acoustic signalling by the HomematicIP alarm siren; and
acoustic signalling can also be deactivated.
- In the menu, select the desired signal sound via the radio buttons (Android) or
by tapping on the desired sound (iOS). You can select “O” to deactivate the
acoustic signal.
- Confirm your selection by tapping on “Confirm” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
After confirmation, the app automatically returns to the menu “Alarm configuration”.
After tapping on “Test alarm” after selection of the sound, the alarm siren plays the
selected signal sound with a function check.
Alarm signal (optical) You can select between four light signal variants or deactivate
the optical alarm signal.
In the menu, select the desired light signal by selecting the radio button (Android) or
tapping on the light signal (iOS). You can select “O” to deactivate the optical signal.
- Confirm your selecting by tapping “Confirm” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
Security Solution
The app automatically returns back to the menu item “Alarm configuration”.
If you tap “Test alarm” after selecting a light signal, the alarm siren shows the selected
light signal for function check.
You have the option to configure the Alarm Sirens for inside and outside separately from
each other. You will have the same menu items at your disposal as for the Alarm Siren
- indoor.
Acoustic confirmation of the siren: After activating this option, the siren confirms the
change of the protection mode with a short sound sequence.
Figure 26: Screenshot acoustic confirmation of siren
Security Solution
9.1 Putting shutter and blind actuators into operation
After successful pairing of your Shutter/Blind Actuator, the calibration run will be performed to
finalize putting into operation.
9.1.1 Manual calibration run
You have the option of manually determining the movement times of your shutter element.
When using a HomematicIP Shutter Actuator – flush-mount (HmIP-FROLL) or HomematicIP
Blind Actuator – flush-mount (HmIP-FBL), the calibration run is carried out manually by default.
To do this, proceed as follows:
Following adding of the actuator, tap on “calibration run”.
Figure 27: Screenshot Selection manual calibration run
Tap on “Continue”. Your shutter/blind element is moved to the initial position
(completely darkened). If the initial position is reached and the motor stops, tap on
Tap on “Start”. You shutter/blind is moved up completely. If the run is finished confirm
the time that is needed for the brightening run right after the motor is switched o by
pressing the “Stop” button.
Security Solution
Figure 28: Screenshot brightening run
To detect the time needed for the darkening run, tap on “Start”. Youf shutter/blind
element is moved down completely. If the run is finished confirm the time that is
needed for the darkening run right after the motor is switched o by pressing the
“Stop” button.
The recorded movement times will then be displayed to you. Tap on “Continue”. The
movement times are transmitted to the actuator as soon as the calibration is finished
in the next window with a tap on “Done”.
You still have the option to adjust the movement times manually. The data is trans-
ferred after tap on “Done” or “Confirm”.
Figure 29: Screenshot Adjusting movement times manually
Tap on the button “Direct entry” in the menu item (manual) “Calibration run” to directly
enter the movement times for the darkening and brightening run. Tap “Confirm” to save
the selected movement times directly. In the following window, you can finish the
calibration with a tap on “Finish”.
Security Solution
9.1.2 Device settings
The device settings for shutter and blind actuators give you the option of making individual
settings for your shading control. Subsequently, please find information on the individual config-
uration options:
Figure 30: Screenshot Device settings shutter and blind actuators
Movement times
After tapping on “Direct entry”, you can here subsequently change the movement times of
the shutter/blind element. This is the time that is required for your shutter/blind element to
completely move up (brightening run) or down (darkening run).
Slats movement time
Adjust the time that is required for completely changing the slat position of the blinds. This
function is only available for blinds actuators (not for shutter actuators)
Operating mode
This function is only available for blinds actuators (not for shutter actuators) Via the operating
mode can be defined whether the display for controlling the slats positions is to be eected
with blinds actuators or not.
Compensation for the delay of motor start
This allows to set a delay time for running the motor (max. 12.6 seconds), where necessary. By
default this value will be automatically determined.
Delay for changing the movement direction
Here, you can subsequently define the delay time that is at least needed for your shutter/blind
to change the movement direction.
Selecting favourite position
This menu item allows for setting a favourite position for specific third-party remote controls
that are compatible with HomematicIP.
Security Solution
9.2 Shutter groups
With the function “Shutter groups” you can summarise Shutter Actuators in the app. All shutter/
blind elements allocated to a group controlled via the selected Shutter/Blind Actuators can
subsequently be comfortably moved to its pre-defined position (up/down) at the push of a
9.2.1 Creating shutter groups
In the main menu, select “Allocations/Groups” in the menu item “General”.
Subsequently, tap on the + symbol and select the option “Shutter group”.
Figure 31: Screenshot Select shutter group
Please enter the name of the shutter group. Tap on “Continue”.
Select the shutter/blind actuators that you want to combine to a shutter group. Tap
on “Continue”.
Select the devices this shutter group is to switch, as for example a remote control or a
wall switch. Tap on “Done” (iOS) or “Continue” (Android).
Define in the next step the upper position to which the shutter/blind is moved after
short button press of the button “Up”. Tap on “Done”.
Security Solution
Figure 32: Screenshot defining the upper position
Define in the next step the lower position to which the shutter/blind is moved after
short button press of the button “Down”. After tap on “Done”, the configuration of the
shutter group is finished.
9.2.2 Manual control of shutter elements in groups
In the home screen of the app, tap on “Groups” and select the desired shutter group.
Figure 33: Screenshot Control of groups in the home screen
Here you can define the shutter level of all shutters and blinds that are combined in
this room.
Security Solution
Figure 34: Screenshot switching the shutter group
9.3 Shutter profiles
Via the HomematicIP App you can create individual shutter profiles and control your shutters/
blinds flexibly and according to your needs - even depending on the sunrise and sunset.
Creating time profile
In the main menu under “Light and shade”, select the menu item “Time profiles”.
Subsequently, tap on the + symbol and select the option “Shutter profile”.
Figure 35: Screenshot Setting up a shutter profile
Enter the name of the shutter profile. Tap on “Continue”.
Subsequently, tap on the + symbol and select one or one after the other all shutter
and blind actuators that you want to allocate to this shutter profile. After having
finished your selection, tap on “Continue”.
Security Solution
Selection “Switching time”
In the overview, select the menu item “Time profile” and subsequently tap on the +
In the following window select “Switching time” and tap on “Switching time“ (iOS) or
“Confirm” (Android).
Select the weekday(s) for which the corresponding switching time should apply.
Figure 36: Screenshot Setting the shutter profile
Subsequently, select the switching time and the hanging level to which your shutter
or blind element should be moved at the selected switching time. If your blinds are
controlled by a blind actuator, you can also exactly adjust the slats position which
your blinds are to take at the defined switching time.
Selection “Sunrise” / “Sunset”
You can also add a time-depended condition to to your set switching times:
No condition: If you select the option “Sunrise” or “Sunset” for your shutter profile
instead of a switching time, your shutter/blind element is moved to the defined
position at sunrise/sunset if you selected the option “No condition”.
Earliest at: If you select the option “Earliest at”, your shutter/blind is moved into its
defined position at sunrise, but not earlier than the selected point in time. Alterna-
tively, you can define how many minutes before or after the sunrise your shutter/
blind element is to move into its selected position, e.g. 30 minutes before sunrise, but
earliest at 06:00 o’clock.
Latest at: If you select the option “Latest at”, your shutter/blind is moved into its
defined position at sunset, but latest at the selected point in time. Alternatively you
can define, how many minutes before or after the sunset your shutter/blind element is
to move into its selected position, e.g. 30 minutes after sunset, but latest at 21:00 hrs.
Security Solution
Figure 37: Screenshot Selection of condition
After configuration of the shutter profile you can create additional shutter profiles with a tap on
the + symbol.
Even after your HomematicIP device has been restarted (for example after a battery
change or device update), the device’s last profile status is now automatically restored.
For example, a shading actuator’s last selected time profile will continue to be run after
the restart.
9.4 Shutter configuration
After adding the Shutter and Blind Actuators (see section “5.2.4 Pairing of devices” on page 28)
you have the option to adjust the further configuration of your shutter/blind components in the
main menu under “Light and shade” via the menu item “Shutter configuration”.
Figure 38: Screenshot shutter configuration
Security Solution
Please note that for this function the HomematicIP system has to be fully operational.
This includes the HomematicIP Access Point with active connection to the HomematicIP
cloud and the corresponding HomematicIP devices that are integrated into the instal-
9.4.1 Lockout protection
The following devices are to be installed, in order to use this function: HomematicIP
Shutter or Blind Actuators, as well as HomematicIP Window and Door Contact or
Window Handle Sensor
With opened balcony or terrace door, the lockout protection will prevent unwanted automatic
downwards movement of shutters and blinds which are controlled as a functionof time or,
respectively, depending on sunrise/sunset. This can be useful, for instance, if you are on the
terrace and want to prevent any unwanted lockout.
A HomematicIP Window Contact or Window Handle Sensor mounted to the corresponding
door or window detects whether the door/window is open and ensures that your shutters or
blinds element is not moved down.
Please note that lockout protection does not prevent downward movement of shutters
and blinds, if such downward movement was triggered manually (e.g. via a switch or
remote control) or by automation.
Please note that skipped switching times are not repeated.
To activate the lockout protection, please proceed as follows:
In the menu item “Shutter configuration”, tap on “Lockout protection”.
By tapping on the + icon, select the actuator(s) controlling the shutter or blind
element for which the lockout protection is to be activated.
Tap on the +-icon and allocate the shutter or blind actuator to the window or door
contact or the window handle sensor which activates the lockout protection and thus
avoids moving down the shutter or blind element.
Tap on “Done”. The configuration of the lockout protection is thus concluded.
9.4.2 Storm protection
The following devices are to be available in order to use this function: HomematicIP
Shutter or Blind Actuator. Additionally, for the weather data, HomematicIP weather
sensors or wind data about the location in your app.
In case of strong wind, it is important to protect shutters, awnings and blinds as well as windows
eectively from any damage caused by the weather.
Depending on the wind resistance class of the blinds installed, they must be moved up
completely in case of a storm. Conventional shutters can be moved down in case of strong
wind to protect the windows from storm damage.
The storm protection function integrated in the HomematicIP App ensures that this is carried
out automatically as soon as a selected wind threshold value is exceeded. The app will gather the
current wind speed via a HomematicIP Weather sensor or alternatively via the online weather
data for the deposited location.
Security Solution
Set the location in your app to enable correct data collection for your installation. Tap
in the menu on “Settings” and there on “Location + Time zone” to adjust your location
settings by entering your town/city or postcode.
To activate the storm protection function, please proceed as follows:
In the menu item “Shutter configuration”, tap on “Storm protection”.
Tap on the +-icon to select the shutter actuator(s) that you want to activate for the
storm protection.
You can adjust further settings for the storm protection afterwards.
Via the button “Wind sensor - Online weather data” you can define the data source for
the detection of the wind threshold value. If you have installed a wind/weather sensor,
it will also be available to you as a data source.
Tap on the button “Wind threshold value”. Select the wind threshold value at which
the shutter or blind element should be moved if the threshold is exceeded. Subse-
quently, tap on “Done” or “Confirm”.
Select the movement direction. When selecting “move up”, the shutter or blind is
moved up. The same applies for the option “move down”. After tapping on “Done” or
“Confirm”, the configuration of the storm protection is finished.
If the value falls below the defined wind threshold, the shutters and blinds elements remain –
until the next switching time in the time profile – in the position it moved to during the storm
If lockout protection has been activated the storm protection cannot be activated.
Please note that the wind velocity of the online service may dier from the current
weather conditions at your location as the data is based on calculations of the nearest
measuring stations and is not updated live.
Please note that skipped switching times will not be repeated.
9.4.3 Heat protection
In order to use this function, the following devices must be installed: HomematicIP
Shutter or Blind Actuators as well as HomematicIP Wall Thermostat or Temperature
The heat protection function enables automatic control of shutters and blinds to avoid or reduce
unintended heating due to strong sunlight. When exceeding an adjustable temperature threshold
value, shutters, awnings or blinds are moved into a predefined position. In addition, it can be
defined via th app, in which time period the heat protection is to be activated, e.g. to prevent
that shutters are moved up during night.
To activate the heat protection function, please proceed as follows:
In the menu item “Shutter configuration”, tap on “Heat protection”.
Tap on the +-icon and select one or more rooms for which you want to configure
the heat protection function. Only rooms are displayed that include the necessary
devices. Tap on “Done” or “Confirm”.
Security Solution
You can adjust further settings for the heat protection afterwards.
The function “upper threshold value” can be used to define from which degree
(Celsius) the shutter or blind is moved into the position defined.
The function “lower threshold value” can be used to define at which room temper-
ature the shutter or blind is moved into the previously set normal position.
Tap “shutter position” to define the value in percent to which the shutter or blind is
In the menu item “valid from or valid until” you can define in which period of time the
heat protection is activated. You can either select “Sunrise” or “Sunset” so that the heat
protection starts with the sunrise or sunset that currently applies for your location.
Alternatively, select the desired time of day here.
After tapping on “Done” or “Confirm”, the configuration of the heat protection is
The time profile is active simultaneously and, like manual operation, has priority over the
settings of the heat protection. Settings you have configured in the app for heat
protection, will only become eective if you selected the mode “Automatic operation”
under “Time profiles” for the shutter/blind elements.
If lockout protection or storm protection have been activated, the heat protection
cannot be activated.
The heat protection can only be used in connection with indoor temperature sensors
(e.g. HmIP-WTH-2 or HmIP-STHD).
9.4.4 Rain protection
The following devices are to be installed in order to use this function: HomematicIP
Shutter or Blind Actuator as well as HomematicIP Weather sensor – plus or pro.
The rain protection function enables the automated retraction of awnings if rain starts to fall.
The awnings will be fully retracted, as soon as a rain sensor starts to detect rain. The app can be
used to determine the direction of movement in this event. After the shutter or blind actuator
has moved in the respective position following the detection of rain, the actuator will remain
in that position and will not move back automatically. Renewed extension will be prompted by
manual operation via the app.
To activate the rain protection function, please proceed as follows:
In the menu item “Shutter configuration”, tap on the button “Rain protection”.
Tap on the +-icon and select one or more shutter or blind actuators for which you
want to configure the rain protection.
In the next step, please select a rain sensor.
Tap on “Done” or “Confirm”.
Determine the desired direction of movement.
10.1 Configuration of the light solution
After adding the light components (see section “5.2.4 Pairing of devices” on page 28) select
the option “Light” to allocate your device to the light solution.
For devices that are used for the light solution only, this step is skipped as the device is
assigned automatically.
Further configuration of your light solution is possible via the main menu by selecting the menu
items links / groups and Time profiles .
Figure 39: Selecting the assignment to a solution
10.2 Switching groups
With the function “Switching groups” you can combine devices like the HomematicIP Pluggable
Switches, Motion Detectors or Switch Actuators and Meter into groups. All devices that are
allocated to a group can subsequently be comfortably switched on and o at the push of a
button. Additionally, light sources that are controlled with the HomematicIP Dimming Actuators
can be dimmed to a certain dimming level.
The group symbol in the home screen of the app allows you quick access to all switching,
shutters, as well as garage door groups of your system. Via this menu item, you can switch on
and o all devices of your switching group at the same time.
10.2.1 Creating a switching group
In the app home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More“ and select the menu
item “Allocations /Groups” under “General” in the main menu.
Tap on the +-symbol and select the option “Switching group”. Enter the name of the
switching group.
Figure 40: Screenshot creating a switching group
Tap on “Return” (iOS) or “Enter” (Android) and afterwards on “Continue”.
Tap on the +-icon and select one after the other all devices you want to allocate to
this switching group (receiver).
After finishing your selection, tap on “Continue”.
Subsequently, select the devices for switching your switching group (trigger, e.g.
motion detector).
Figure 41: Screenshot Selecting trigger for switching group
Each device and button pair can be assigned to one switching group only.
Confirm the system button of all triggering devices to confirm the configuration.
Afterwards, tap on OK.
10.2.2 Rename or delete switching groups
In the app home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More“ and select “Allocations /
Groups” in the main menu.
Subsequently, select the switching group by pressing the switching group for a longer
time (Android) or swipe from right to left (iOS).
Tap the pen icon in the headline (Android) or “Rename” (iOS), enter the new name of
the switching group and tap “Confirm”.
For deleting a switching group, tap on “Delete” and subsequently confirm the deletion
10.2.3 Selecting the dimming value
If one or more dimming actuators are integrated into a switching group, you can use the menu
item “Dimming value” to adjust the dimming value for all dimming devices of this group.
In the menu “Allocations / Groups” select the desired switching group by tapping on it.
Tap on “Dimming value” and select the dimming value using the control dial.
Furthermore, you can switch the actuators to the last dimming value used.
Tap on “OK” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
10.2.4 Defining the switch-on time
In the menu “Allocations / Groups” select the desired switching group by tapping on it.
Tap “Switch-on time” and select the switch-on time (1 second to 30 hours or
Tap on “OK” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
Figure 42: Screenshot Select trigger for switching group
10.3 Create switching profile/ time profile
With the “Time profiles” function you can set up switching profiles for your light control You can
thus switch on and o e.g. switch actuators at certain periods of time or depending on sunrise
and sunset. Or you can use dimming actuators to dim lights for defined periods of time to a
desired brightness value.
In the app home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More“ and select the menu
item “Time profiles” under “Light and shade” in the main menu.
Tap on the + symbol and select the option “Switching profile”. Enter the name of the
switching profile.
Tap on “Return” (iOS) or “Enter” (Android) and then on “Continue”.
Tap on the +-icon and select one after the other all devices you want to allocate to
this switching profile.
After finishing your selection, tap on “Continue”.
Each device and button pair can be assigned to only one switching profile.
You can now adjust further settings for your time profile. Tap on “Time profile” to
set-up the switching times and dimming values.
Selection “Switching time”
In the overview, select the menu item “Time profile” an tap on the + sign afterwards.
In the following window select “Switching time” and tap on “Switching time“ (iOS) or
“Confirm” (Android).
Select the weekday(s) to which to the corresponding switching time should be
Figure 43: Screenshot Adjusting the switching profile
Afterwards, select the switching time and the switching status (on/o) of your
actuator to the selected switching time.
Selection “Sunrise” / “Sunset”
You can also add a time-depended condition to to your set switching times:
No condition: If you select the option “Sunrise” or “Sunset” for your switch actuator
instead of a switching time, your actuator is switched into the defined status at
sunrise/sunset, if you have selected the option “No condition”.
Earliest at: If you select the option “Earliest at”, your actuator is switched to sunrise; at
the earliest, however, to the selected point in time in your defined status. Additionally,
you can define via “Time shift”, by how many minutes before or after the sunrise your
actuator is to start switching, e.g. 30 minutes before sunrise, but at the earliest at
06:00 o’clock.
Latest at: If you select the option “Latest at”, your actuator is switched at sunset; at
the latest, however, to the selected point in time in your defined status. Additionally,
you can define via “Time shift”, by how many minutes after or before the sunset your
actuator is to start switching, e.g. 30 minutes after sunset, but at the latest at 21:00
The following example presents a switching profile for outdoor lighting which is switched on
from Monday to Friday from sunset to 23:00 o’clock, but not before 19:00 o’clock:
Figure 44: Screenshot Example outdoor lighting
After configuration of the switching profile you can create additional time profiles by tapping
on the + symbol.
Even after your HomematicIP device has been restarted (for example after a device
update), the device’s last profile status is now automatically restored. For example, a
switching or dimming actuator’s last selected time profile will continue to be run after
the restart.
Note that a switch actuator’s last switching state (on/o) is not automatically restored
after a restart. You can define the actuator’s behaviour after power is restored in the the
respective device’s settings under “Action on power supply”.
10.4 Special characteristics regarding switching with motion detectors/
presence sensors
Motion detectors and presence sensors are available as triggering devices for switching
groups only if the device allocation of the device the application “Light and shade” has
(also) been selected.
If the switching group is switched via a motion detector or presence sensor, the
switch-on time should be at least 4 minutes.
Owing to the dusk sensor integrated into the motion detector or presence sensor, you can select
– in the configuration of a switching group – two brightness threshold values for triggering the
detector/sensor. You can individually determine a value between 0 and 255. In general, a low
preset value means that the motion detector or presence sensor will react in darkness. In case of
a higher preset value, it will also react in case of brighter lighting conditions. In addition, you can
take over the current brightness value of the surroundings as brightness threshold for the sensor.
The first brightness threshold value indicates the brightness setting at which the sensor is
to be triggered. The second value indicates when the sensor is to remain active, i.e. should
continue triggering if the light is already switched on. This is to ensure that the motion detector
or presence sensor will not be deactivated by the light that it has switched on, and that the light
will remain switched on for as long as the detector detects movements.
Figure 45: Screenshot Configuration group with motion detector / presence sensor
10.4.1 Measuring power consumption
Devices such as the HomematicIP Pluggable Switch and Meter allow both switching on and o
as well as the display of the consumed energy costs of connected devices (“consumers”), for
example via the HomematicIP smartphone app.
Setting the consumption parameters
So that the energy costs of your connected device will be displayed correctly and in the desired
it is necessary to first enter the price
per kilowatt-hour applicable for your household. You will receive the relevant information on
your current rates by your energy provider.
Optionally, you can also adjust the currency. To do this, proceed as follows:
Tap on the main menu symbol “... More” and there on “Settings”.
Select the menu item “Consumption metering” in the “General settings” menu.
Under “Price / kWh”, enter your current rate in Euro per kilowatt hour.
After tapping on the left arrow in the top left corner of the screen, the entry will be stored.
You can adjust the currency if required following “Settings”, via “Consumption metering”
“Currency”. In the default settings, the energy costs are displayed in Euro (EUR).
You can display the measured consumption values via the room in which the device is
located. Under the menu item “Consumption metering” you will see the consumed
energy in kWh as well as the energy costs in the selected currency – individually and in
You can reset the measured consumption values in the device view at any time. Please
note that consumption values will no longer be available after such a reset.
10.4.2 Special characteristics regarding switching with motion detectors/presence
Motion and presence sensors are available as triggering devices for switching groups only if the
application “Light and shade” for the device was (also) selected in its device allocation.
If a switching group is to be switched via a motion detector or presence sensor, the
switch-on time should be at least 4 minutes.
Owing to the integrated twilight sensor, the brightness threshold value of the motion
or presence sensor can be adjusted in the app to a value between 0 and 255. A low
value means that the motion or presence sensor switches on only during darkness. In
case of higher values, it also reacts during daylight. In addition, you have the option of
taking over the current brightness value of the sensor as brightness threshold.
10.5 Configuration options for motion detectors and presence sensors
Figure 46: Screenshot Setting options, motion detector and presence sensor
10.5.1 Brightness filter
If the motion detector/presence sensor detects movement, current brightness is also simulta-
neously determined. If no motion is detected over a longer period of time, the lowest value of
several measurements is ascertained for a determination of the brightness value. In the app, the
number of measurements can be specified via the device configuration of the motion detector in
the menu item “Brightness filter”. The brightness filter has the function to determine the current
brightness value as realistically as possible. The more measured values are used, the larger will
be the period for determination of the brightness value. The default are “8 measured values”.
With a non-detected movement, a measurement is taken at an interval of about 6 minutes; in
that case, the smallest value determined over a period of about 48 minutes is transmitted as the
brightness value. For 7 measured values, the period of time would be about 42 minutes, etc. This
has the advantage that short-term brightness fluctuations (e.g. headlights of a passing car) only
have a very low impact on the determination of the brightness value. For the use of a motion
detector/presence sensor, it is recommended, for instance, to set fewer measured values to
keep the period of time for measurement as low as possible and thus taking faster into account
any shutters moving upwards, for example.
10.5.2 Minimum transmission interval for motion detection
The motion detector/presence sensor immediately reports the first detected movement. After
that, the motion detector remains in the status “motion detected” for a certain period of time.
If motion occurs again within that period of time, this motion does not trigger any reporting.
Default setting is a transmission interval of 4 minutes which is sucient for most applications
and, at the same time, goes easy on the batteries of the device. The transmission interval should
always be smaller than the duty cycle of the lighting. However, for special cases, the transmission
interval can be adjusted in the app via the device configuration of the motion detector – under
the menu item “Minimum transmission interval for motion detection”. This may be, for example,
very short desired operating times for lighting. However, it is to be noted here that a reduction
of the transmission interval might have a considerable impact on the battery life.
10.5.3 Buer detected movements
If you control the light exclusively with a motion detector/presence sensor, it is reommended to
activate the function “Buer detected movements” in the device configuration of your motion
detector. In this setting, the sensor of the motion detector still continues to be active after
a detected movement and will report any further movement independent of the selected
minimum transmission interval.
Use a motion detector/presence sensor to control light in combination with remote controls by
means of which you can manually switch o the light should this function be deactivated. This
prevents the light from being switched on again unintentionally.
10.6 Light configuration
10.6.1 Alarm light
In this menu item you can define, if and which light source is switched on in case of alarm.
In the “Light configuration” menu, tap on “Alarm light”.
Select the devices listed under the individual rooms for switching on connected light
sources in case of alarm.
Tap on “OK” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
You can activate one or more devices for this function.
Figure 47: Screenshot alarm light
10.6.2 Panic light
Here you can select the light source(s) that are switched after pressing the Wall-Mount Remote
In the “Light configuration” menu, tap on “Panic light”.
Select the devices listed under the individual rooms which are to switch on connected
light sources upon pressing the wall-mount remote control.
Tap on “OK” (Android) or “Done” (iOS).
You can activate one or more devices for this function.
Figure 48: Screenshot panic light
10.6.3 Coming home light
The coming home light which provides e.g. light for dark spots in the entrance area is switched
via the light button of a HomematicIP Key Ring Remote Control.
In the “Light configuration” menu, tap on “Coming home light”.
Select the devices listed under the individual rooms which are to switch on connected
light sources after pressing the light button of the Key Ring Remote Control.
Tap on “Done”.
You can activate one or more devices for this function. The coming home light is switched o
again by a long button press of the remote control light button.
Figure 49: Screenshot Coming home light
11.1 Add/startup of the HomematicIP Door Lock Drive
To integrate the device into your system and to enable control via the HomematicIP App, the
device must first be paired to the HomematicIP Access Point.
Open the HomematicIP App on your smartphone.
Add the HomematicIP Door Lock Drive as usual on the HomematicIP App. For
further information, please refer to the section „5.2.4 Pairing of devices“ or to the
operating manual of the device.
The app automatically queries whether the device was already installed or not. If the device was
not yet installed, the installation wizard starts in the app with step-by-step instructions for the
installation on the cylinder lock of the door.
As the following is concerned with security-relevant functions, the system PIN is
requested before certain steps are taken (pairing, deleting or editing of access authori-
zations); i.e. the PIN which you had assigned upon setting up the HomematicIP App on
your smartphone.
Enter the system PIN and confirm your entry.
Allocate the device in the app to a room and give the device a name. Tap on
Select the closing direction of the door. Take care that the position of door lock and
door lock drive determines the closing direction when you look onto the door from
the inside. Tap on “Continue”.
In the next window, select the type of door handle on the outside of the door. The
choice of door handle also has its eect on the function of the door lock drive.
Accordingly, please note diligently the explanations in the app.
Make your choice and tap on “Continue”.
In the following window, select the neutral position of your key. This is the position in
which the key can be inserted or, respectively, removed.
In the following step, you will check how many full turns are required to completely
lock the door from an originally unlocked position.
11.1.1 Closing times
By defining closing times, you are able to determine points in time as of which the door is
automatically locked (e.g. over night):
Tap on “Add new point in time”.
Select one or several day(s) of the week as well as the closing time and confirm your
selection with “OK”. You can define, at any time, additional points in time and change
or delete closing times.
11.1.2 Access authorisations
By awarding access authorisations, you tie in the door lock drive with smartphones trained in
the HomematicIP system and with HomematicIP devices, such as Key Ring Remote Control –
access. That means, the control of door look drive – i.e. opening, unlocking and locking of the
door – is exclusively possible with devices for which an access authorisation had been awarded.
Limits per access authorisation Maximum number
Door lock drives in access authorisation 3
Key ring remote controls for controlling a door lock drive * 18 (Buttons / button pairs)
Smartphones for controlling an access authorisation 42
* Pushbutton, remote control or user channels for controlling a door lock drive
Up to 8 access authorisations per door lock drive may be created per door lock drive.
Preparation of access authorisations
In the pairing menu, tap on “Preparation of access authorisations” to prepare an
access authorisation.
If you already prepared an access authorisation, use the menu item “Add to existing
access authorisation”.
You may subsequently create or edit additional access authorisations at any time via the
main menu and the menu item “Access authorisations”.
Provide a meaningful name for the access authorisation, e.g. “access authorisation,
family” or “iPhone Max”. Tap on “Continue”.
Did you prepare already an access authorisation via the main menu, select the door
lock drive(s) to be controlled.
Select in the following window which smartphones or devices are to control the door
lock drive and tap on “Continue”.
Award an access authorisation PIN to protect the control of the door lock drive.
Without awarding an access authorisation PIN, even unauthorised persons are able
to control the door lock drive via the corresponding smartphone. The PIN moreover
prevents the accidental operation via the app. Choose a PIN with 4 – 10 digits and
keep the PIN in a safe place.
11.1.3 Time profiles
By default, any newly defined device with access authorisation has temporarily unlimited access
to the door lock drive. Accordingly, anybody with such a device is able to access your home
around the clock. However, you can limit the access possibility in time through the definition of
a time profile. As is the case e.g. with time profiles in light and shading control, the time profiles
can be deleted, changed or copied to other weekdays at any time via the main menu under
access authorisations – time profile.
As an example, brief instructions are here presented for access, limited in time, in the morning
and in the evening:
Tap on the menu item “Edit time profile” and select Monday in this case.
After tapping on the plus symbol on the lower right corner of the screen, select the
starting point and the end point of the first block of time (e.g. mornings from 06:30 to
08:30 hrs) and tap on “Save”.
After tapping again on the plus symbol in the lower right corner of the screen, select
the starting point and the end point of the second block of time (e.g. evenings from
18:30 to 20:30 hrs) and tap again on “Save”.
Go back to the time profile. By swiping the Monday profile to the right, you have the
option to copy the before defined time profile to one, several or all weekdays or to
individually determine times for every weekday.
Figure 50: Screenshot time profile – copy/delete point in time
After your selection, tap on “Save”.
If you scroll down in the menu “Time profile”, you can activate or deactivate the
access to the door lock drive for all days by tapping on one of the buttons. In that
case, the adjusted time profile will be deleted.
After setting a time profile, tap on “Done”.
The door lock drive was added and the access authorisation for the device was
successfully deposited
Tap on “Done” to conclude the setting.
Alternatively, tap on “Jump to the menu item Access authorisation” to edit access
authorisations or to set up additional ones.
Figure 51: Screenshot paired Door Lock Drive
11.2 Pairing and tying the Key Ring Remote Control
The Key Ring Remote Control – access, optimised for the HomematicIP Door Lock Drive is
paired as any other HomematicIP device. Detailed information in this respect is found here in
the instruction manual of the device. In order to use the Key Ring Remote Control for controlling
the Door Lock Drive, an access authorisation must be established for the remote control, as also
for a smartphone, for example. To do this, proceed as follows:
In the pairing menu, tap on “Preparation of access authorisation”.
If you already prepared an access authorisation, use the menu item “Add to existing
access authorisation”.
You may subsequently create or edit additional access authorisations at any time via the
main menu and the menu item “Access authorisations”.
Award a meaningful name for the new access authorisation, for example “Key Ring
Remote Control, Max”.
Select the door lock drive(s) which are to be controlled. Tap on “Continue”.
Select the desired Key Ring Remote Control for controlling the door lock drive.
Alternatively, the door lock drive can also be controlled via a smartphone, wall
pushbutton, contact interface or input module. In order to be able to use the devices in
the access authorisation, they must first be assigned to the access solution.
After tapping on “Continue”, the access authorisation will be prepared.
In the following window, you can prepare, if necessary, a time profile for remote control access
to the Door Lock Drive (see section “11.1.3 Time profiles” on page 92).
The Key Ring Remote Control was successfully added and the access authorisation
for the device was successfully deposited.
Tap on “Done” to conclude the setting.
Alternatively, tap on “Jump to the menu item Access authorisation” to edit access
authorisations or to set up additional ones.
11.2.1 Assigning numerical codes for user channels
After you have successfully paired a keypad or a Wiegand interface, you can assign the corre-
sponding numerical codes – you can define up to 8 numerical codes. These can be assigned to
the solutions “Access control”, “Light and shade” and “Security”. When assigning the channels,
you can choose between “Light and shade” for controlling light and shutter actuators, “Security”
for activating or deactivating active presence or absence protection, and “Access control” for
locking/unlocking the door or controlling the garage door.
A code must consist of no fewer than 4 digits and no more than 8 digits.
Eight user channels are available for the Wiegand interface, to which twenty Wiegand
codes (e.g. numerical codes, transponders or fingerprint sensors) can be assigned.
If a channel is assigned to the “Access control” solution, the “Security” solution can be
assigned to the same channel. This means that, when leaving the house, for example,
the alarm mode is activated by entering a numerical code, and this also locks the front
Entering the numerical code and subsequently pressing the “Lock” or “Unlock” button
is confirmed by the keypad with a green (OK) or red (incorrect code entry) flashing light.
For more information on the flashing signals, please refer to the unit’s operating instruc-
Numerical codes for up to 8 user channels can be created in the device overview of the keypad.
Tap on the channel that you want to assign a numerical code to.
Assign the channel to the desired solution (e.g. access) and tap on “next”.
Enter the channel name, e.g. “Family access”.
Enter the desired numerical code. You can enter 4 to 8 digits.
Confirm the entry by pressing “Done”.
Repeat the procedure for each additional channel.
Figure 52: Screenshots – Keypad channel assignment and code allocation
11.2.2 Incorrect code entries and permanent locking
You have the option of setting up a lock after incorrect code entries for the keypad and the
Wiegand interface. You can define the number of incorrect code entries after which the keypad
or Wiegand interface device is to be temporarily or permanently blocked. For example, you can
define that the device is temporarily blocked after three incorrect entries. The locking time is 15
seconds the first time and doubles automatically after repeated incorrect entries. In addition, you
can define the number of incorrect entries that must be made before the device is permanently
locked and can only be unlocked using the app and the system PIN.
For each incorrect code entry, you will receive a push notification on your smartphone and a
message in the app that the device has been locked.
To set up the temporary or permanent lock, proceed as follows:
Navigate to the device overview via the “More” tab and select the keypad.
Use the menu item “Incorrect entries until temporary blocking” or “Incorrect entries
until permanent blocking” to set the maximum number of incorrect entries until
temporary/permanent blocking.
Figure 53: Screenshots – Keypad locking: temporary and permanent
No information on the numerical codes is output when an installation report is created.
All events that are triggered when operating the keypad or Wiegand interface device are
registered and displayed in the event log.
The integrated proximity sensor illuminates the keypad when someone approaches, so
that you can see the keypad even in poor lighting conditions.
11.3 Configuration for devices with access authorisation
In the main menu under “access authorisations”, you can see for which smartphones and devices
access authorisations had already be prepared. The system PIN is required for access to this
menu item. By tapping on a corresponding smartphone or device you get to the settings options
for the pertinent access authorisation. The following settings can there be adjusted:
Figure 54: Screenshot Configuration access authorisations
In the menu item “Door lock drives”, select the door lock drives which are to be
-Tap on one or several of the listed door lock drives and confirm the selection
with “Done”.
Under the item “Smartphone/device allocation” you have the option to select or
deselect individual devices and voice assistants which are to control the door lock
drive. In order to enable the allocation, devices such as e.g. Key Ring Remote Controls
must be add as usual. For the selection of smartphones, those smartphones are
available which are connected with your HomematicIP System. Selected additional
smartphones are designated with a key symbol in the menu “access authorisations”
under the devices with access authorisation.
In the menu item “PIN”, you can assign for the users of this access authorisation at any
time a new access authorisation PIN to protect the control of the door lock drive. The
PIN must comprise a total of 4 to 10 digits. If you want to eliminate this combination
of numbers, leave the fields unfilled when the PIN is to be entered and tap on “Done”.
You will find further information regarding the PIN in the section „11.5 PIN protection
and biometrics“.
Under “Time profile”, a time limit is created for access by users of this access author-
isation, if necessary. You will find details on setting up the time profile in the section
„11.1.3 Time profiles“.
11.4 Device settings, door lock drive
Via the overview of devices and after selection of the Door Lock Drive, you will get to the device
settings. Numerous options are here available to you:
Open the main menu under “More...”, tap on “Device overview” and select the Door
Lock Drive.
Enter the system PIN. The device settings are displayed.
Figure 55: Screenshot Device settings, door lock drive
Under “Allocation”, you can select or subsequently change a room as well as a device
name for your door lock drive. Additionally, after a quick access to the menu item
Access authorisations” (see above), you have the option to create, extend or delete
access authorisations.
In case of an activated “Key lock”, the door lock drive can no longer be directly
operated on the device by means of the two keys. Manual operation via the
handwheel remains possible.
Via the menu “Closing times”, you can establish closing times for door lock drives
(see section “11.1.1 Closing times” on page 91) as of which it is to be automatically
locked, for example every evening at 22:00 hrs.
Via the menu item “Auto relock”, you can deposit a time span for automatic locking of
the door lock drive. With activated Auto relock, a selected door will be automatically
relocked again after having been opened – following a delay period between one
minute and up to 30 minutes which you had specified. The standard setting is
-a delay period of five minutes and
-all weekdays are deactivated.
Starting from the standard setting, you can
-change the delay period of 5 minutes to a value of between 1 minute and 30
minutes, and you can also
-specify individually on which weekdays and at which times of the day the “auto
relock” function is to be active.
The determination of active times is eected analogously with the preparation of time
profiles (see section “11.1.3 Time profiles” on page 92).
Scroll down in the menu “Auto relock” and you can – by tapping on one of the buttons
– activate or deactivate the function for all weekdays, or you can restore the standard
settings. In all cases, the time profile set beforehand will be deleted.
If you are not personally on location to check whether your door stands open – upon
locking via a door lock drive – you may use the “Secured locking” in combination
with a door and window contact or with an entrance module configured as such. The
contact is simply installed on the same door as the door lock drive and thus checks
upon locking whether the door is open or closed. In case of an opened door, you
will receive a push message on your smartphone as well as an alarm message in the
HomematicIP App.
The contact mounted on the door must be allocated, in the app, to the room in
which the door lock drive is also located and must be allocated the function via
the before explained menu entry of the door lock drive.
For the door and window contact, you must not activate any message delay
since the message delay impacts the secured locking.
The secured locking is compatible with the following types of devices:
You already specified the other parameters – closing direction, door handle, neutral
position and revolutions – in the course of the pairing process of the door lock drive.
Here, you have the opportunity to change these parameters if necessary.
11.5 PIN protection and biometrics
For entering the area of “Access authorisations”, it is recommended to enter the system PIN
which was attributed upon setting up the smartphone app. A special access authorization PIN
prevents unauthorised persons from controlling the door lock drive via your smartphone. The
access authorization PIN protects the control of the door lock drive via smartphone. This is to
ensure that unauthorized opening, unlocking or locking is only possible if you know the appro-
priate PIN. This makes it impossible for unauthorized persons to control the front door.
The access authorization PIN is not to be confounded with the system PIN. You will find
details on the system PIN in the section „5.2.6 Determine system PIN“. There can only
be one system PIN, but multiple access authorization PINs.
If an access authorization PIN was deposited, you will be asked to enter it in the home screen
when opening the door lock drive via smartphone.
Upon the initial request of the access authorization PIN, a special window is opened by means
of which you can enter and confirm the PIN. As a second option you can “Connect PIN with
Biometrics“. With smartphones supporting this function, you can here tie in the Touch ID or Face
ID here and quite comfortably control the door via Touch or FaceID.
Figure 56: Screenshot PIN query prompt door control
If you have connected the access authorization PIN with biometric functions of a smartphone,
the menu item “Settings” in the main menu of the HomematicIP smartphone app will be
expanded by the menu item “Biometrics”. Here you can delete again the biometric link if you
prefer again the use of an access authorization PIN.
11.6 Controlling garage door drives
In connection with the modules for Hörmann or Novoferm drives or the HomematicIP Garage
Door Controller, it is quite simple to integrate the smart control of garage door drives into the
HomematicIP system. The garage or entrance door can be easily opened, closed, stopped or
moved to a ventilation position when using the app, the garage door controller or a remote
control. Controlling with the app allows for flexibility, via home favourites, in the room view
under “Access” or via garage door groups.
Garage doors can currently not be controlled by voice commands.
You have two options regarding the smart control of garage doors in the HomematicIP system:
11.6.1 Controlling the garage door via modules for Hörmann or Novoferm drives
Many dierent models of Hörmann or Novoferm garage door drives can be controlled with the
HomematicIP App or with a HomematicIP remote control in connection with a HomematicIP
Hörmann or Novoferm module. These modules can be integrated into the door drives without
the need for tools due to the use of plug connectors and will be supplied with power by the
drive. You will find further information in the operating manual of the corresponding module.
The garage door status (moving, open, closed, partial opening, e.g. for ventilation) can be seen
any time in the HomematicIP App. Additionally, the light integrated in the garage door drive can
be comfortably switched on or o via the app as well.
Figure 57: Screenshots Garage door drive and status display via Hörmann or Novoferm module
11.6.2 Controlling the garage door with the HomematicIP Garage Door Controller
The HomematicIP Garage Door Controller can easily be retrofitted to comfortably open and close
the garage door or to stop it in motion with the push of a button. The controller can be directly
connected to all regular garage door drives via the integrated switching contact, thus replacing the
conventional button for manual garage door control. Depending on the installation environment,
voltage is supplied by batteries, a plug-in power supply unit or directly from the garage door drive,
if necessary. For further information, please refer to the operating manual of the garage door
controller. On-site, the garage door can be controlled directly by using the garage door controller,
via a remote control or you can control it any time en route via the HomematicIP App.
Figure 58: Screenshots garage door control by garage door controller
By default, the pulse duration for closing the contact at the garage door drive, and thus
for controlling the garage door, is set to 0.4 s. If a dierent pulse duration should be
necessary for controlling your garage door drive, you can easily edit the value in the
device settings of the garage door controller’s output.
Figure 59: Screenshot garage door controller pulse duration
The garage door controller is not able to detect the garage door’s current status (moving,
open, closed). The garage door can be controlled by using buttons in the app, but it
cannot be moved in a specific direction or stopped via the app.
11.6.3 Garage door groups
Please note: Update the chapter on groups (shutter groups, switching groups) in the manual!
By using the garage door groups, the relevant devices for controlling the garage door can be
combined quickly and easily. The group function allows it to combine in a group for example
garage door controllers or modules for Hörmann or Novoferm drives with remote controls or
controllers for garage door opening and closing. Due to the direct links between the devices,
the door drives can be reliably controlled via remote control or controller, even without active
internet connection.
Figure 60: Screenshot groups overview
To create a garage door group, proceed as follows:
In the app home screen, tap on the main menu icon “... More“ and select the menu
item “Allocations /Groups” under “General” in the main menu.
Tap on the + symbol and select the option “Garage door group”.
Figure 61: Screenshot selection “Garage door group“
Please enter the name of the garage door group.
Tap on “Return” (iOS) or “Enter” (Android) and subsequently on “Continue”.
Tap on the +-icon and select one after the other all devices you want to allocate to
this group (receiver, e.g. module for garage door drives or garage door controller).
After finishing your selection, tap on “Continue”.
Subsequently, select the devices that are to be switched by this group (trigger, e.g.
controller or remote control) and tap on “Done”.
Please select which action (e.g. opening or closing of the door) is to be performed
when pushing the button. This selection depends on the type of triggering device.
Confirm the system buttons of all battery-operated triggering devices to transmit the
configuration. Subsequently, tap on “OK”.
Groups, time profiles and automation
Apart from the basic functions, your HomematicIP system oers a wide range of possibilities
for facilitating the control of components. The selection of menu items Groups, Time profiles
and Automations allow for the connection of HomematicIP devices with each other or the
performance of automatic actions.
In contrast to time profiles and groups that remain activated even without internet connection,
active internet and cloud connection is required for proper performance of the “Automation”
function as the automation rules are verified via the HomematicIP cloud.
12.1 Links / groups
With the “Links / groups” function, you can use the app to create direct links between devices.
Direct links means, that even if at some point in time there is no connection to the internet or
the cloud, the communication between the devices remains guaranteed.
It is possible to create switching, shutter, or garage door groups; all depending on the available
components. In this way you can combine for example HomematicIP Pluggable Switches,
Motion Detectors, or Switch Actuator and meters into a switching group, thereby triggering the
switching on and o of lights via motion detection. You can also group shutters and blinds into
shutter groups and comfortably control your actuators at the push of a button.
Controlling and editing previously created groups can be done in the home screen via the tab
“Groups” (at the bottom).
Figure 62: Screenshot groups in the home screen
Groups, time profiles and automation
12.2 Time profiles
With the “Time profiles” function for light and shutter control, you can switch on and o e.g.
switch actuators at certain points of time or depending on the sunrise and sunset. Furthermore,
you can use dimming actuators to dim lights for defined duration to a desired brightness value.
The similar case also applies for the “Shutter profiles” function
Details on the creation of a time profile for switching or shutter actuators can be found in section
“Create switching profile/ time profile” on page 84 or “Creating time profile” on page 75.
12.3 Automations (activation and deactivation)
For all functionalities that can neither be set up via groups nor via time profiles, the automation
function can be used. You can use the “Automation” function of the HomematicIP App to
automate numerous tasks within your HomematicIP system. Additionally, operations can be
connected across all solution variants (light control, heating control, security, etc.).
For the automation of tasks for automatic execution, it is necessary to create rules. These rules
always include at least one trigger and one action that starts if the condition for the trigger(s) is/
are fulfilled, e.g. if a room temperature falls below a certain threshold value. Furthermore, the
function oers the possibility to define additional conditions that must be fulfilled to introduce
the action desired.
Activation and deactivation of automations
In the default settings, all automations defined by you are activated and will be executed in case
of an active Internet connection. However, you can deactivate and deactivate the automations
at any time if required.
To activate or deactivate the automation, open the corresponding automation. Use
the controller “Active” to activate the automation or to deactivate the execution of
your automation.
Figure 63: Activation and deactivation of automation
Voice control and additional services
13.1 Comfortable voice control for your smart home
The connection of Amazon Alexa or Google accounts with your HomematicIP smart home
system provides the possibility to control a large number of HomematicIP devices and functions
via voice commands in connection with a compatible loudspeaker with integrated voice assistant.
Apart from this, you can also use smartphone apps like Google Assistant for controlling your
smart home system via voice commands - even without a Google Home loudspeaker.
The functionalities supported by Amazon Alexa so far include heating control and the activation
of alarm functions as well as light control (switching on/o and dimming) and shutter control
(moving shutters up and down). Also activation and deactivation of the eco mode and controlling
of switching groups is supported. Due to security reasons, alarm functions can be activated
but not deactivated via voice commands. The system is already preconfigured such that voice
command devices do not even execute any voice commands concerning further HomematicIP
functions during activated absence mode and activated presence mode. Via the Homematic
app you can configure your system such that voice commands can still be executed for
HomematicIP functions also during active presence mode or active absence mode.
Also the Google Assistant app oers various functionalities. In connection with the HomematicIP
App, Google allows for the switching on and o of light control switching and dimming actuators,
the dimming and switching of light groups, heating control including selection of the desired
room temperature, as well as querying of current settings and the current room temperature,
or activating and deactivating the eco mode. Finally, also the absence and presence mode can
be activated. Also in this case, deactivation is not possible in the standard settings for security
Requirements for using the voice control
Amazon Alexa:
HomematicIP system with HomematicIP Access Point and devices that support
language control
Compatible smartphone (Android or iOS) with the current version of the
HomematicIP App
Amazon user account
A loudspeaker supporting the Amazon voice service (e.g. Amazon Echo Dot, Amazon
Echo, Amazon Echo Plus or Amazon Echo Show)
An active internet and cloud connection
Google Home:
HomematicIP system with HomematicIP Access Point and devices that support
language control
Compatible smartphone (Android or iOS) with the current version of the
HomematicIP App
Current version of the Google Home app or alternatively the latest version of the
Google app (only Android)
Google account
Voice control and additional services
Compatible smartphone or tablet (the minimum requirements to the operating system
for running the Google Home app must be fulfilled)
An active internet and cloud connection
Google Home device (optional)
Voice control services always require an active internet and cloud connection as well and
thus should be complemented by additional direct links with HomematicIP devices, in
order to guarantee device control in the event of an internet failure for example.
13.2 Voice control with Amazon Alexa
13.2.1 Setting up Amazon Alexa
Connect your Alexa-enabled loud speaker via the mains cable to the power supply.
Download the free Alexa app to your smartphone.
Start the Alexa app and log into your Amazon account with your login data.
Figure 64: Screenshot Amazon Alexa login
Tap on the device symbol .
Tap on the + symbol in the upper right corner of the screen and subsequently on “Add
Tap on “Amazon Echo”, select the Echo device you want to set up and connect your
Amazon Alexa-enabled loud speaker with your WiFi. Follow the instructions in the
This will be followed by the message: “You are now connected. Please go back to the
Alexa app.“
Tap on “Continue”.
Choose the WiFi and tap on “Connect”.
Tab the “Continue” button if the setup is completed.
Voice control and additional services
13.2.2 Connecting your HomematicIP smart home system with Alexa
Automatic procedure (recommended)
Open the HomematicIP App. Under “More...” in the app’s main menu, select the menu
item “Voice control and additional services” and select “Amazon Alexa”.
Tap on “Link Alexa (automatic procedure)”.
Figure 65: Automatic linking procedure screenshot
Tap on “Link to Alexa app” to create the link.
If links with Alexa have already been made, you can delete them if necessary by clicking
on the button “Cancel all Alexa links”.
If you have assigned a system PIN, you must enter it. Then tap on “Query”.
Activate the Alexa Skill by tapping on “Link”.
Figure 66: Link with Alexa Skill screenshot
A notice appears that the link was successful.
Voice control and additional services
Manual procedure (alternative)
Open the HomematicIP App.
In the app’s main menu, under “More...” select the menu item “Voice control and
additional services” and access the menu item “Amazon Alexa”.
Tap on “Coupling”. Get the activation key for connecting the Amazon Alexa app with
the HomematicIP smart home skill and copy said key.
Figure 67: Screenshot Copy the activation key
Tap on “Copy” (iOS) or the icon (Android).
Activation the HomematicIP smart home skill in the Amazon Alexa app:
In the Alexa app, tap on the main menu symbol in the upper left corner of the screen
and select “Skills and games”.
Tap on the magnifying glass symbol and enter “ HomematicIP” into the search bar.
Choose the HomematicIP skill by tapping, and tap the “Activate for use” button.
Figure 68: Screenshot searching the HomematicIP skill
Voice control and additional services
Figure 69: Screenshot Enter the activation key
Enter the activation key into the request field. Therefore, keep the entry field pressed
and tap on “Enter”.
Press the “Send” button to establish the account linking.
13.2.3 Setting up your HomematicIP devices
Close the window and open the Alexa app.
Tap on the main menu icon and there on “Add device”.
Under the menu item “Which type of device are you setting up?”, select the option
“Other” and tap on “Scan for devices”. This will start the scanning process.
Figure 70: Screenshot scanning for devices and device overview
In the Alexa app, you will find in the menu item “Smart Home” all groups, devices
and scenes that Alexa has found and can control. The descriptions of devices and
functions are automatically adopted from the HomematicIP App.
Voice control and additional services
You will now be able to control a large number of functions and devices of your HomematicIP
smart home system via voice control.
13.2.4 General information about Alexa and HomematicIP
Amazon Alexa-enabled devices only react to voice commands if you say the wake word. The
wake word “Alexa” can be changed in the Alexa app if necessary.
, set bathroom to 29 degrees.”
You should use unique names for all HomematicIP devices, functions and switching groups
as well as groups in the Alexa app. Only in this way Alexa will be able to assign them correctly.
Avoid descriptions with a similar beginning. For example, the description “Bedroom light”
can be interpreted by Alexa as voice command for a similar heating group that is named
“Bedroom” and can thus not correctly allocate the command. In contrary, if you select a
description like “Lights bedroom”, this will cause less errors by Alexa.
To avoid confusion with voice commands, you can adjust the device and group names in the
HomematicIP App. Update device list in the Alexa app afterwards.
Word-letter combinations like “Guest WC” or word-number combinations like “Kitchen
1” may under certain conditions not be processed correctly by Alexa.
13.2.5 Devices and functions supported by Amazon Alexa
The following HomematicIP devices and functions are currently supported:
Device/function On/
Lock /
Switch actuators
Dimming actuators
Shutter and
blind actuators
Temperature sensors
Weather sensors
Door lock drives
Module for garage
door drive
Switching groups
Heating groups *
Shutter groups
Presence mode
Absence mode
Eco mode
* Setpoint and actual temperatures
Voice control and additional services
The deactivation of presence mode and absence mode via voice commands is only
possible if the option “In every mode” is selected under “Settings”, “Voice control”, “Control
with active protection” in the HomematicIP App.
13.2.6 Deleting the connection between HomematicIP and Alexa
The connection between your HomematicIP App and the Alexa app can be deleted as follows:
Open the HomematicIP App and in the menu, tap “Settings” in the “General” section.
Select “User overview”. In the next window, choose the “Amazon Alexa Client”.
With a swipe to the left (iOS) or long press on the name (Android) a window is opened
for deleting the client. Tap on “Delete” (iOS) or the icon (Android). The connection
between HomematicIP and Amazon Alexa is deleted.
Open the Alexa app and deactivate the HomematicIP skill here:
Open the left navigation area in the Alexa app and tap on “Smart Home”. Scroll
to the bottom of the screen and tap on “MY SMART HOME SKILLS”. Tap on the
HomematicIP button and on “DEACTIVATE SKILL” in the following window. This will
delete the account linking.
Tap on the button “ HomematicIP” and subsequently on “Deactivate skill”.
13.3 Voice control with Google Assistant/Home
13.3.1 Setting up Google Home
Connect your Google Home-enabled loud speaker via the mains cable to the power
Download the free Google Home app to your smartphone.
Open the Google Home app and tap on “Start now”.
Select the Google account you want to use with the Google Home app and confirm
your selection. This will prompt a scan for Google Home-enabled loud speakers.
Connect your Google compatible loud speakers with your Google account and set up
your Google Home compatible loud speakers. Follow the instructions in the app.
To connect Google Home with your HomematicIP system, proceed as follows:
Open the HomematicIP App and tap in the main menu on “Settings”, “Voice control
and additional services” and there select “Google Assistant/Home” and “Coupling”.
After tapping on “Retrieve”, the next window will show you the activation key.
Voice control and additional services
System limits:
max. 80 devices
- max. 20 rooms
- max. 15 smartphones
Switching groups in the solution "Light and shading":
- max. 10 sensors or 5 push-button pairs in one switching group
- max. 10 actuators in one shading group
- max. 10 sensors or push-button pairs in one shading group
- max. 10 actuators in one shading group
Range extension with pluggable switch or, respectively, pluggable switch and
- max. 2 in one system
Solution Maximum number of devices in a room / system
Room climate
within a room
1 Wall Thermostat
8 Radiator thermostats
8 Switch actuators for two-point control
10 Floor heating controller (channels)
8 Door/window contacts
within a system
2 Push-button pairs for eco function
2 Heating demand function (e.g. output at MIOB)
1 Dehumidifier function (e.g. connection to MIOB)
2 Multi IO box or, respectively, switch actuator for heating systems
within a room
8 Door/window contacts
8 Motion detector
within a system
2 Push-button pair for panic light
4 Alarm Siren
4Pluggable switches or, respectively, pluggable switches and
8 Key Ring Remote Control - alarm
Light and
shade within a room
8 Motion detector
8Switch actuators / Switching and meter actuators/ Dimming
8 Shutter and blind actuators
8 Push-button pairs of remote controls
within a room 10 Light sensors – outdoors
within a system
10 Weather sensors
10 Temperature and humidity sensors – outdoors
Voice control and additional services
Figure 71: Screenshot copying the activation key
Tap on the icon (Android) or “Copy” (iOS).
Tap on the “+” symbol in the upper left corner of the Google Home app. In the next
window tap on “Set up device”.
Tap on “You already have set up devices?” in the setup menu and select
HomematicIP” from the list of services.
Under certain circumstances, you have to log-in with your Google account infor-
mation again.
In the next window you will have to enter the previously copied HomematicIP
Activation Key.
Figure 72: Screenshot entering the activation key
Enter the activation key into the request field. Therefore, keep the entry field pressed
and tap on “Enter”.
Press the “Send” button to establish the account linking.
Your HomematicIP service will be connected with Google Home and all available
devices currently supported by Google Home will be shown in the next window.
Voice control and additional services
Figure 73: Screenshot devices overview
You will now be able to control a large number of functions and devices of your HomematicIP
smart home system via voice control. First, assign the devices and functions to rooms, in order
to make later allocation easier.
13.3.2 General information about Google and HomematicIP
Google-enabled devices only react to voice commands if you say the wake word, e.g.:
Ok Google
, set bathroom to 29 degrees.”
You should use unique names for all HomematicIP devices, functions and HomematicIP
switching groups. Only in this way Google will be able to assign them correctly.
If voice commands are not executed correctly you can adjust device and group names in the
Google Home app with the function “Set a nickname” or “Nickname”, to optimize the detection
and allocation of voice commands.
Voice control and additional services
13.3.3 Devices and functions supported by Google
The following HomematicIP devices and functions are currently supported:
Set % Raise % Lower
Set °C
Raise °C
Shutter and
blind actuators
Door lock
Module for
garage door
Heating groups
Absence mode *
mode *
Eco mode * *
13.3.4 Deleting the connection between HomematicIP and Google Home
It may be or become necessary to cancel to account linking between HomematicIP and Google
Home. To do this, proceed as follows:
Open the HomematicIP App and in the menu, tap “Settings” in the “General” section.
Select “User overview”. In the next window, choose the user “Google Assistant Client”.
With a swipe to the left (iOS) or long press on the name (Android) a window is opened
for deleting the client. Tap on “Delete” (iOS) or the waste basket icon (Android).
Open the Google Home App .
Tap on the account symbol in the lower right corner of the main screen .
Please ensure that the listed Google account is connected to your device. Click on
the downwards arrow, if you wish to switch to another account.
In the Google Homes app, tap on “Settings”.
Under Google Assistant services, please select “Other settings”.
Tap on the “Assistant” tab and select “Smart home control”.
In the “Devices” tab, tap on the ‘kebab’ [three vertical dots] menu in the upper right
corner and select “Manage accounts”.
Under “Linked” select “ HomematicIP”, tap on “Unlink account” and confirm the
account’s unlinking.
The connection between HomematicIP and Google Assistant/Home is deleted.
Voice control and additional services
13.4 Voice control with active protection
For security reasons, alarm functions can be activated but not deactivated via voice commands.
The system is already preconfigured such that voice command devices do not even execute any
voice commands concerning further HomematicIP functions during activated absence mode
and activated presence mode. However, via the app, you can configure your system such that
voice commands can still be executed for HomematicIP functions even during active presence
mode/absence mode. To do this, proceed as follows:
Open the HomematicIP App.
Tap on “Settings” in the menu, and under the menu item “Voice control and additional
services”, tap on “Control during active protection”.
Here you can select between three options:
Protection deactivated: When selecting this option, voice control is enabled only
during active alarm mode “protection deactivated”.
Protection deactivated and presence mode When selecting this option, voice control
is enabled in alarm modes “protection deactivated” and “presence mode”.
in every mode Voice control is enabled in each alarm mode.
13.5 Home Connect Plus
Home Connect Plus is a cloud-based smart living platform, enabling you to link with each other
– entirely individually – your HomematicIP devices as well as devices from other manufacturers,
and to also control them centrally. In addition to HomematicIP, numerous products and services
by other manufacturers can already be integrated into the Home Connect Plus platform.
In order to be able to use the scope of functions of the Home Connect Plus platform, it is
necessary to link your HomematicIP System with Home Connect Plus.
Install the app “Home Connect Plus” on the smartphone on which you also have the
HomematicIP smartphone app installed. Please follow the instructions on the screen.
Please note that prior to first use of the app you must register for SingleKeyID. You only
need a valid email address for this.
After conclusion of the registration and acceptance of the Terms of Use as well as the
Privacy Protection Policy, you get into the main menu of the “Home Connect Plus”
Open the HomematicIP App.
In the app homescreen, tap on the main menu symbol ( ) and select under
“Miscellaneous” the menu item “Voice control and additional services”.
Tap on “Home Connect Plus”.
Tap on status reports and agree with the transmission of status reports to the Home
Connect Plus online service. This is necessary for use of the full scope of functions in
connection with Home Connect Plus.
Tap on “Done”.
Tap on “Coupling”. Query the activation key for coupling with Home Connect Plus and
copy or, respectively, note the key.
In the menu “My board” of the “Home Connect Plus” app, tap on “Devices” at the
lower right edge of the screen.
Tap on the button “Connect new devices” and in the following window on “Further”.
Voice control and additional services
In the following window, enter the before noted HomematicIP Activation Key and
click on “Send”.
The menu “Devices” shows a list with all your HomematicIP devices which you can
now use for connecting them with other supported devices from other manufac-
13.6 Notes on data security
In what concerns HomematicIP as a stand-alone system, all of the data saved in the
HomematicIP Cloud do not allow any conclusions regarding the identity of the user and the
individual user behaviour. There is principally no transmission of data to third parties. In linking
HomematicIP with Home Connect Plus, selected data are transmitted which are, however, also
completely anonymised. For connecting HomematicIP with the IoT-Plattform Home Connect
Plus, a temporary activation key (i.e. limited in time) is required which can be generated in the
HomematicIP App. After successful activation, an individual authentification key is generated by
means of which certain data can be gathered by Residential IoT Services GmbH, to convert your
applied control commands when using IoT Plattform Home Connect Plus Further information
can be found in the privacy statementAppendix
13.7 Integrating an EZVIZ camera into the HomematicIP system
Benefit from reliable camera surveillance and more security within your own home: Combining
HomematicIP and EZVIZ camera solutions enables you to connect smart cameras to your
HomematicIP system. This way, you can always keep an eye on your home even when you’re
out and about, and be informed immediately via the app in the event of an alarm.
To integrate the EZVIZ camera into your HomematicIP system, you need to create an
account with EZVIZ and download the EZVIZ app.
Proceed as follows to pair the EZVIZ app with your HomematicIP app:
Tap on the main menu symbol “… More” and then on “Cameras”.
Select “EZVIZ” to pair the camera app with the HomematicIP app.
Tap on “Activate camera” to switch directly to the EZVIZ app.
Tapping on “Activate camera” will automatically take you to the App Store if you have
not yet downloaded the EZVIZ app. In the App Store, you can download the EZVIZ app
for free.
Enter your access data and select the corresponding country, e.g. Germany.
Voice control and additional services
Figure 74: Registering the EZVIZ app
If you have not previously created an account for EZVIZ use, tap on “Create new account”
and follow the instructions in the app.
Enter the verification code that appears.
Now you can add your EZVIZ camera to the app and connect it to your network. To
do this, follow the instructions in the user manual for setting up the camera.
After successful pairing, you can switch from the HomematicIP app to the EZVIZ app at any time.
Tap on the main menu symbol “… More” and then on “Cameras”.
Select “EZVIZ” and tap on “Open EZVIZ app”.
Figure 75: Switching to the EZVIZ app
Another advantage: If an alarm is triggered by your HomematicIP system when absence mode is
activated, you can access the camera in the EZVIZ app directly via the camera icon in the alarm
Voice control and additional services
message and thus have an immediate view of your home.
Figure 76: Alarm message with camera link
13.8 Widgets
You can easily add widgets to your smartphone screen for even faster and easier access to the
HomematicIP system with the most important functions and devices.
Widgets are elements that you can operate with the touch of a finger. A widget creates an
interface between your smartphone and the HomematicIP app. You can use the widget to
conveniently control the desired functions in the app – without having to open the app itself.
Figure 77: Screenshot – HomematicIP widgets: active and passive widgets
HomematicIP widgets are divided into “active” and “passive” widgets:
A) Active widgets allow you to control devices and groups in the system directly via your
smartphone – without having to open the HomematicIP app. For example, you can use a
widget to switch on a light via a switch actuator or lower a shutter.
Voice control and additional services
B) Passive widgets take you directly to a desired area in the HomematicIP app. For example,
you can quickly access the menu item for controlling groups.
C) For the HomematicIP Door Lock Actuator or the module for garage door actuators, all
three control options are combined in a single widget.
HomematicIP widgets are available for iOS and Android. Check beforehand whether
your smartphone’s operating system supports the use of widgets.
With Android operating systems, there is no dierentiation between active and passive
HomematicIP widgets are currently available for lighting control (devices/channels and
groups), for shutter and blind control (devices/channels and groups) and for access
control (door lock actuator and module for garage door actuator).
To set up HomematicIP widgets on your smartphone, proceed as follows:
From your smartphone’s home screen, press and hold an existing widget or an empty
area. The app icons will start to wiggle.
Figure 78: Screenshot – Creating widgets
Tap the “+”-sign at the top left to add a new widget.
Enter “ HomematicIP” in the search or select the app from the list that appears.
Select the desired widget from the list. The following selection options are available:
Active widget for devices: e.g. to control a light (switch on/o) via a switch actuator
or a shutter (raise/ lower) via a shutter or blind actuator.
You can create an active widget for the HomematicIP Garage Door Controller. However,
please note that the garage door controller cannot transmit the status of the garage
door and therefore the status is not displayed via the widget.
Passive widget for devices: This takes you directly to the control (e.g. switch on/o or
up/down) of an actuator in the app.
Active widget for groups: e.g. to control several lights in a switching group or several
shutters or blinds in a shutter group.
Voice control and additional services
Passive widget for groups: this takes you directly to the control of a switching or
shutter group within the app.
Active widget for door lock actuator: controls (locking, unlocking and opening) a
door via a door lock actuator. The individual control elements for locking, unlocking
and opening the door are combined in a single widget.
Garage door widget: controls (opening, closing and ventilation position) a garage
door via a module for garage door actuators. The individual control elements for
opening and closing the door and moving it to the ventilation position are combined
in a single widget.
Active widget for groups of garage door operators: controls (opening, closing and
ventilation position) a garage door group. The individual control elements for opening
and closing the door and moving it to the ventilation position are combined in a single
13.8.1 Active and passive widgets for devices
To create active or passive widgets for devices, proceed as follows:
Figure 79: Screenshot – Adding widgets for devices
Tap on “Add widget” below the desired device widget. The widget is added directly to
the home screen.
Edit the widget, or delete it if necessary, using the “-” sign.
Tap on the widget to configure it further.
Under “Installation”, select the desired HomematicIP installation from the list
Select the room you want to configure.
Then, within the room, select the device you want to create a widget for.
Select the action (e.g. switch on or o) for the device.
Tap in the empty area next to the configuration field to return to the home screen.
Add more widgets via the “+” sign, or tap on “Done” to finish configuring the widgets.
For each widget for switching on a device, we recommend adding another widget for
switching o the same device. On iOS, you always define a single action for each widget.
Voice control and additional services
With widgets on Android smartphones, a function (e.g. switching a light) can be switched on
and o again via the same button (toggle). This function is available when you minimise the
widget size.
You can edit each widget or move it around the home screen by tapping and holding
the corresponding widget.
If you use devices with multiple channels, widgets can only control the channels that
have been assigned to a light and shade solution in the app.
13.8.2 Active and passive widgets for groups
To create active or passive widgets for groups, proceed as follows:
Figure 80: Screenshot – Adding widgets for groups
Tap on “Add widget” below the desired group widget. The widget is added directly to
the home screen.
Edit the widget, or delete it if necessary, using the “-” sign.
Tap on the widget to configure it further.
Under “Installation”, select the desired HomematicIP installation from the list
Select the group you want to control via the widget.
Select the action (e.g. switch on or o) for the group.
Tap in the empty area next to the configuration field to return to the home screen.
Add more widgets via the “+” sign, or tap on “Done” to finish configuring the widgets.
For each widget for switching on a device, we recommend adding another widget for
switching o the same device. On iOS, you always define a single action for each widget.
With widgets on Android smartphones, a function (e.g. switching a light) can be switched
on and off again via the same button (toggle). This function is available when you
minimise the widget size.
You can edit each widget or move it around the home screen by tapping and holding
Voice control and additional services
the corresponding widget.
13.9 Function overview for active and inactive Internet connection
Room climate With Internet
Change settings via the HomematicIP App X
Heating schedule is active
Reduction of the room temperature by window contacts when
opening windows
Transmission of room temperature settings from radiator thermostats
or wall thermostats to devices in the room
Activation of eco mode via wall-mount remote control X
Activation of manual mode
Activation of boost function
Activation of party mode for one room X
Deactivation of operating lock via app X
Security and alarms
Change settings via the HomematicIP App X
Changing the alarm status (absence mode, presence mode, not
Switching the coming home light via the Key Ring Remote Control
Alarming via app X
Alarming via alarm siren
Switching panic light
Switching alarm light X
Shutter control
Change settings via the HomematicIP App X
Switching of shutter groups via a remote control or push-button
Executing time profiles for shutters and blinds
Shutter functions lockout protection, storm protection, heat
protection, rain protection X
Change settings via the HomematicIP App X
Switching of switching groups on and o via a remote control or
Switching of switching groups via motion detectors
Dimming of dimming actuators via a button pair of a switching group
Executing time profiles for switch actuators
Additional functions
Execution of functions prepared via automations X
Voice control and additional services
Voice control via Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant/home X
Voice control and additional services
Troubleshooting check-list
We have created the following check-list to find out possible malfunctions and its trouble-
shooting based on a list of questions.
Check box
Internet connection
For setup and operation of your HomematicIP system, active Internet connection between
the Access Point and the HomematicIP cloud is required.
Note: If the HomematicIP Access Point should not be able to connect to the Internet for a
longer period of time, disconnect the device for more than 10 seconds from the power supply
and try again.
Have you verified if your Internet connection is working correctly?
Is the Access Point connected to the router using the supplied network
Does the system button of your Access Point light permanently blue?
Power supply
For all HomematicIP devices, correct power supply has to be established. In case of problems
with single or several devices, please check the following:
Is your Access Point plugged into a socket with the plug-in mains
Are all mains operated HomematicIP devices of your system voltage-sup-
plied (e.g. pluggable switches correctly plugged into the socket)?
Did you make sure, that the batteries of battery operated devices have
been inserted the right way around?
Did you remove the insulation strip between the battery and the battery
contact of the corresponding devices, e.g. window / door contacts or
radiator thermostats?
Are all batteries working correctly?
To make sure that your HomematicIP system is working correctly, your HomematicIP Access
Point and other components must be registered to the HomematicIP server first. Please check
the following indications for incorrect or not (yet) performed registration:
Does an error message appear in the app and did you follow the instruc-
tions for troubleshooting?
The registration has not been finished successfully. For devices with
display this is indicated by a flashing radio signal symbol ( ). Did you
remove all sources for radio interferences (see section “4.1 Wireless range”
on page 15)?
Voice control and additional services
The registration has not been finished successfully. For devices without
display this is indicated by long red lighting of the device LED. Did you
remove all sources for radio interferences (see section “4.1 Wireless range”
on page 15)?
Radio problems
In case of unfavourable locations for radio components (see section “4.1 Wireless range” on
page 15) , reception problems may be caused by disturbed radio communication. Please
check the following indications for reception problems:
The radio signal has not been transferred successfully. For devices with
display, this is indicated by a flashing radio signal symbol ( ). Did you
remove all sources for radio interferences (see section “4.1 Wireless range”
on page 15)?
The radio signal has not been transferred successfully. For devices without
display this is indicated by long red lighting of the device LED. Did you
remove all sources for radio interferences(see section “4.1 Wireless range”
on page 15)?
Does an error message appear in the app and did you follow the instruc-
tions for troubleshooting?
Reception problems can be avoided from the very beginning if you verify the signal transmission
quality with a test setup. Often, it is caused by building materials with high attenuation values.
Also active sources of interference like microwave ovens and wireless phones close to radio
components can influence on the radio communication. Important information for remedying
radio problems by means of Advanced Routing can be found in section Advanced routing” on
page 1616.
Voice control and additional services
13.10 HomematicIP radio protocol and receive modes
Your privacy is already protected in a first step: For setting up the system, no personal data has
to be queried or recorded, except the technically required IP address. Moreover, all data saved in
the HomematicIP Cloud are provided on servers in Germany and are thus subject to the German
and European data protection guidelines. HomematicIP is the only smart home system whose
protocol, IT and data security has been certified by VDE.
In addition to the security of your data, the transmission security also ranks first. The commu-
nication of HomematicIP is secure and cannot be manipulated. Any reading or changing of
data or other kinds of attack are impossible. Approved procedures are used for it which are also
applied in online banking.
Optimising the battery operation
If HomematicIP devices are not directly triggered, they remain in “sleep mode” or stand-by-mode,
which has positive influence on the battery consumption.
The system works with to different frequencies. For normal radio operation between
HomematicIP device, the 868.3 MHz band is used. Special functions like wake on radio – thus
"waking" of battery operated devices – and updates of the device software update (OTAU) use
an additional frequency (869.525 MHz) (see section “14.2.1 Device software update (OTAU)” on
page 116)
The range of devices based on radio communication depends on numerous factors, especially in
buildings. This is why radio signals can be attenuated by special local structures, high humidity,
barriers like inappropriately positioned furniture or metal covered surfaces. These are called
attenuation. For indicating the range of radio signals, the so called open area radio frequency
has been established. It describes the range of radio signals outside, i.e. without interfering
influences, and with HomematicIP, it is at 150m to 600 m depending on the device. The range
in buildings is smaller due to the attenuation ; however, it is sucient in most cases to ensure
reliable radio communication. This especially applies, if the instructions of chapter „4.1 Wireless
range“ are considered for positioning the radio components.
Receive modes
HomematicIP dierentiates three dierent receive modes:
Always listening is a mode in which the devices are listening permanently, i.e. they
are ready to receive radio signals at any time. This is the case for all HomematicIP
devices that are connected to the mains voltage. The low energy that is required for
permanent reception of radio signals, plays a subordinated role in comparison the
battery operated devices. Examples are pluggable switches and pluggable switch and
Cyclical reception describes a receive mode for battery-powered devices, where a
radio connection is established at regular intervals. For instance, the HomematicIP
Radiator Thermostat is changing to receiving mode on a regular basis, e.g. to recall
the current temperature from the HomematicIP Wall Thermostat.
Voice control and additional services
Another receive mode, especially for battery operated HomematicIP devices is called
wake on radio. In this case, the receiver is “woken up” to receive radio data. During
the remaining time, the receiver stays in energy saving “sleeping mode”. Due to this
function, e.g. the HomematicIP Window / Door Contact can immediately reduce
the temperature of radiator thermostat, if an open window has been detected. If the
signals are directed to another HomematicIP device, the receiver will go back to the
energy saving “sleeping mode”.
During the development of HomematicIP, the wake on radio function of Homematic
has been further improved. In Homematic, all devices “wake up” as soon as the radio
communication is active on the 868.3 MHz band. For HomematicIP, this function
has been moved to another frequency (869.525 MHz). However, devices that support
wake on radio are woken up from “sleeping mode” only if this is really required.
Another advantage is that this function does not influence on the duty cycle limit of
the corresponding device.
All three methods are proven in millions of devices by eQ-3 and protected by patents for devices
with battery operation.
13.10.1 Device software update (OTAU)
To keep your HomematicIP devices up to date, HomematicIP oers the opportunity to update
the device software (firmware) of the components. The device firmware controls all function-
alities of your HomematicIP devices. The OTAU method (Over The Air Update) is an especially
comfortable method to provide new firmware to single devices, e.g. radiator thermostats, via
radio communication.
In a HomematicIP solution, the devices software updates are performed in the background
(background OTAU). In the server ( HomematicIP cloud) a device list with the relevant serial
numbers and firmware versions is provided. If for one or more of your HomematicIP devices
a new device software is available, the HomematicIP cloud forwards this information to your
HomematicIP Access Point. This transfers with every send radio telegram a part of the new
firmware file into the memory of the device.
13.10.2 Duty cycle
Like various other radio based devices, also HomematicIP components are subject to legal
regulations regarding the transmission time of radio signals (Duty cycle limit). The aim of this
regulation is to ensure a high level of transmission security of all devices working in a defined
frequency range using the short transmission times. HomematicIP devices operate in the 868.3
MHz and 869.525 MHz frequencies. The second frequency is mainly used for Wake On Radio
(see section “14.2 HomematicIP radio protocol and receive modes” on page 115).114
In the 868.3 MHz frequency range that is used for radio transmission of HomematicIP devices,
the maximum transmission time of any device is 1 %, i.e. 36 seconds in an hour. If this limit is
exceeded, the corresponding device may transmit only after the maximum transmission time
falls below the limit, for example after the hour expired.
The relatively low duty cycle value of 1 % oers the benefit that the radio channels are not
continuously occupied due to the short transmission times. Thus, there is a very high security
level at all times. This also has positive eect on the radio wave impact (see section “4.1 Wireless
range” on page 15).
Voice control and additional services
During normal operation, the duty cycle is not usually reached. However, during setup or
first installation of a system, repeated and wireless-intensive pairing processes mean that the
duty cycle limit can be exceeded. This is usually indicated by the device temporarily working
incorrectly and the flashing code of the device LED, as further transmission by the devices is
prevented. The devices start working correctly again after a short period (max. 1 hour).
13.10.3 Lazy config
Due to the ‘lazy config’ function, configuration of HomematicIP devices is particularly easy. If
configuration data is changed in the app, the HomematicIP Access Point “remembers” the data.
Upon the next operation of the device, e.g. pressing the wall-mount remote control or – in case
of an installed windows and door contact – upon opening the window, the data is transmitted
automatically. Manual operation of the system button is not required.
Voice control and additional services
13.11 Overview flashing behaviour of HomematicIP devices
Flashing code Meaning Comment
Short orange flashing (followed
by green or red lighting)
Attempting to transmit, e.g.
on button press of a remote
Please wait, until transmission has been
confirmed (long green lighting)
If the LED lights up long red, the radio
transmission failed.
1 x long green lighting
Transmission confirmed You can continue operation.
1 x long red lighting
Transmission failed (e.g. device
can not be accessed or duty
cycle limit is reached)
Please try again.
Short orange lighting (after
green or red confirmation)
Low battery Replace the batteries.
Fast orange flashing
Configuration data is trans-
Wait until the transmission is
Short orange flashing
(every 10 seconds)
Pairing mode active
(for 3 minutes)
Add the device.
Long and short orange flashing
Software update (OTAU) Wait until the update is completed.
Fast orange flashing
(after long button-press)
Stage before resetting to
factory settings
To start reset, press and hold down the
system button again until the LED starts
flashing green.
Short button press will cancel reset.
6 x long red flashes
Device defective Please see your app for error message
or contact your retailer.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an established, globally valid standard for
the encryption of important information. The numbers indicate the used length of
keys in bits.
Always Listening Receiving mode in which the devices are listening permanently, i.e. they are
ready to receive radio signals at any time. This is the case for all HomematicIP
devices with their energy provided by the mains supply.
Automatic operation Operating mode in which the room temperature is controlled – as opposed to
the eco operation – in accordance with the heating schedule selected in the
HomematicIP smartphone app.
Voice control and additional services
Base temperature A base temperature of 17 °C is specified as a default. The base temperature
indicates which constant temperature is to be kept in the room when the heating
schedule is neither in a heating nor in a lowering phase.
Boost function The boost function enables quick, short-term heating up of the radiator by
opening the valve. This provides immediately a pleasant feeling of warmth in the
Cloud Cloud: Virtual storage space where dierent users can access data and programs
after he or she has been authorised via an internet browser or software, such as
the HomematicIP smartphone app for example.
CO (Changeover) Change between the operating mode heating/cooling.
In heating systems with a cooling function, CO provides the option of changing
between the cooling and heating operation via an external switch connected to
the Multi IO Box.
Damping Dierently pronounced attenuation of radio signals due to obstacles within
buildings – such as walls and ceilings – depending on forward angle, material
thickness and materials used.
Duty cycle limit Statutory limitations of the air time of radio-based devices to increase their trans-
mission safety.
Eco mode Contrary to automatic operation, an operating mode in which the room tempe-
rature for all or for selected rooms is lowered down for either a short term, for a
scheduled period or permanently in order to save energy.
Eco function The eco function can be activated per zone. For heating, the eco temperature is
19 °C as a standard. For cooling, the eco temperature is 23 °C as a standard. You
have the option of changing between automatic mode and eco temperature, e.g.
by an external timer connected to the Multi IO Box. The wall thermostat mode
has no impact in this respect.
function of the Multi
IO Box
The humidity can be influenced by the Multi IO Box. With the dehumidifier
function, a threshold value can be defined as of which the Multi IO Box controls
a fan or a dehumidifier device.
If a window is open, e.g. during ventilation, the HomematicIP system automa-
tically reduces the temperature to save heating energy and costs. In connection
with a HomematicIP window contact, opening is detected at the precise time
and it will be regulated accordingly. After closing the window, the HomematicIP
radiator thermostat changes back to the original mode. When changing into auto
mode, the temperature is regulated according to the desired temperature set in
the program for the week.
Humidity input Only in cooling operation – when the input is active, all zones stay closed and
the pump remains o. For signalling, the device LED of the Multi IO Box starts
flashing or the drop/cooling symbol appears on the wall thermostat.
Heating phase A heating phase designates a period of time within a day for which a specific
setpoint temperature is defined. HomematicIP can realise up to six freely
definable heating phases per day.
Heating schedule With freely programmable heating schedules, you can define the desired
temperature per room at any time. Per room, up to three heating schedules can
be set up with up to six heating and cooling phases per day.
Presence mode The security functions of all devices that you have selected for the presence
mode are activated.
Interference Failure in radio communication in which two or more radio waves are super-
Voice control and additional services
IPv6 The Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the successor of the widespread Internet
protocol IPv4 for transmission of data packages across dierent networks. Aside
from the extension of the address space, the new protocol provides numerous
technical improvements.
Actual temperature Shows the current temperature measured by the wall thermostat in the room.
LAN The Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the successor of the widespread Internet
protocol IPv4 for transmission of data packages across dierent networks. Aside
from the extension of the address space, the new protocol provides numerous
technical improvements.
Load balancing Shows the current temperature measured by the wall thermostat in the room.
Load collection As far as possible, the heating zones are collectively controlled for load
collection. This increases the probability that the boiler is switched o at the end
of a PWM cycle.
Lazy config Function facilitating the configuration of HomematicIP devices. If the configu-
ration data of a certain device is changed in the app, the HomematicIP Access
Point “remembers” the data. Such data are automatically transmitted when the
device is operated the next time. Manual operation of a system button is not
Message delay The message delay for HomematicIP window / door contacts enables a delayed
transmission of radio control commands. This function is suitable e.g. for the
installation of window contacts on terrace doors which are used as passages
and, at the same time, as windows for ventilation. During that time, the tempe-
rature of radiators is not regulated down.
Emergency operation The duration of the valve opening is recalculated every 15 minutes. If the radio
communication between the wall thermostat and the floor heating control
fails for a longer period of time – for instance due to an empty battery – valves
will be controlled automatically. In default setting, the valve is opened for 225
seconds (25 % of 15 minutes). When radio communication is restored, the system
changes back to normal operation.
OTAU ‘Over the Air Update’: Particularly convenient method to update the device
software via radio connections.
Powerline Technology which uses existing power lines for data transmission.
Primary Access Point The primary Access Point establishes communication with the HomematicIP
cloud server. If the primary Access Point fails, a secondary Access Point (if
available) automatically takes over this role (see also “Secondary Access Point”).
Pump, local A pump is connected to heating zone 1. Thus, heating zone 1 can no longer be
used for controlling a heating zone.
Pump protection
Activation of the pump every 14 days for 1 minute
PWM cycle Time for controlling the active valves. The cycle time is 15 minutes.
Secondary Access
A secondary Access Point is any additional Access Point that is added to the
system. It is normally used as a range extender (router). If the primary Access
Point cannot be reached, the secondary Access Point steps in and takes over the
task of the primary Access Point (see also “Primary Access Point”).
Router Network device connecting several networks with each other. Collects status
information about the network and uses this in
Setpoint temperature Defines the temperature which is to be kept in a room.
Silent alarm If the silent alarm is activated, the indoor siren and the alarm light will not be
triggered. In case of alarm, the system only sends a push message to the app.
Voice control and additional services
Summer break In the summer, you can switch the heating schedule in the rooms to "manual"
so that the heating schedules are no longer executed. If the heating system is
switched o in the summer, the nominal temperature is to be set to 30 °C to fully
open the valves. If the heating system remains switched on in the summer (e.g.
in multi-family dwellings), you should set the room temperature to 5 °C to fully
close the valves.
Sources of interfe-
Factors which can attenuate radio signals.
Temperature limiter Only in heating operation – if the input is active, all zones stay closed and the
pump remains o. For signalling, the device LED of the Multi IO Box flashes.
Temperature oset If the radiator thermostat is installed at a disadvantageous place (e.g. behind a
curtain or cupboard), the temperature measured on location may deviate slightly
from that in the room. The thermostat is possibly unable to compensate for it so
that a general adjustment by means of temperature oset must be made. This
oset can be individually adjusted for every thermostat in the room in a range
between +/- 3.5 °C. For example, if 18 °C are measured instead of the set 20 °C,
an oset of -2.0 °C is to be set. An oset temperature of 0.0° is set in the factory
Detection of tempe-
rature drop
If a window is opened, e.g. for ventilation, in a room without window contact,
the radiator thermostat automatically detects the sharply declining temperature.
In that case, the room temperature is automatically turned down for 15 minutes
to the set open-window temperature in order to save heating energy and costs.
After the window is closed, the radiator thermostat is switched back to the
original mode (manual operation or the active heating schedule).
Valve protection
The radiator thermostats have a decalcifying run once a week to protect against
the calcification of valves.
Absence mode The security functions of all components of the security solution are activated.
Lead time For this time, output is actively switched with a delay for when there is any
heating/cooling demand.
Wake on radio Receive mode especially for battery operated devices; the receiver is woken up
from ‘sleep mode’ to receive radio data. During the remaining time, the receiver
stays in energy-saving sleep mode.
Cyclical reception Describes a receive mode for battery-powered devices, where a radio
connection is established at regular intervals.
HomematicIP is a brand of eQ-3 AG.
eQ-3 AG
Maiburger Straße 29
26789 Leer, Germany
Phone: +49 491 600 8 600
Fax: +49 491 600 899 600
Subject to changes without notice. Errors and printing
errors excepted.

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