2.1. Requirement on your mobile phone
SIM card
€ PIN code is unlocked before the SIM card is inserted to the tracker.
€ GPRS function is enabled.
2.2. Requirement on your PC
PC Utility
€ Install device driver “USBToCOM” before you use the PC utility program.
The PC utility program enables you to:
get all settings in device;
set tracker phone number into device;
set password to avoid unauthorized access;
Set reporting phone numbers. The set reporting phone number 1 will be SOS
reporting phone number automatically.
Enable EPO function for better GPS performance.
2.3. Possible Additional Fee
Position request and position response sent by SMS will be charged.
Each zoom operation will be charged according to data quantity transferred.
2.4. About GPS
GPS signals are incapable of penetrating solid objects that are non-transparent. The
signals will be also affected by surface cover such as tall buildings, tunnels, elevated
expressways, forests etc., or weather conditions such as overcast and rain. If the
vehicle is poorly insulated against heat and contains metal parts, GPS signals will not
be able to penetrate.
All wireless communication devices such as cell phones, or traffic police speed
detectors can interfere with the reception of GPS signals and results in unstable
To get position fix successfully, please hold the Holux logo up for better signal
There is no guaranty that SOS message will be successfully sent at distressed
environment where GPS or GSM signals are weak.
2.5. About SIM PIN Code & GPRS
Note: the SIM PIN should be unlocked before it is inserted into device. SIM PIN can be