rear edge of traction unit to rear edge of back wall
Load increased for Fiat Ducato to 3650 kg without technical changes
Load increased for Fiat Ducato to 4250 kg using a maxi chassis
Technical Data
13.4 Tyres and rims for basic motor home vehicles
No. of tyre bolts / centralising collars / bolt circle
Recommended light alloy rims for the Fiat Ducato: original FIAT rims 1352242080 (6 J x 15, ET 68) and 1352243080 (6 J x 16, ET 68) - manufacturer: Hayes Lemmerz - Brescia/I
Basic model
Perm. axle
load front
Perm. axle
load rear
Tyre size
Steel rims
Limited Edit. - Van Exclusive350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
D 650 ESC
Limited Edit. - Toskana350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
60 ES
Van Exclusive350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
60 KL
Van Exclusive350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
69 GL
Toskana Exclusive350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
69 EL
Toskana Exclusive350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
69 QS
Toskana Exclusive350018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
H69 GL
Toskana Exclusive425021002400225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
75 FL
Toskana Exclusive450021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
75 TL
Toskana Exclusive450021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
H75 FL
Toskana Exclusive450021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
H75 UC
Toskana Exclusive450021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
A77 EM
Sphinx520021003700195/75 R 16 C LI 1106 / 130 / 1705J x 16 H1, ET 108
A77 GM
Sphinx520021003700195/75 R 16 C LI 1106 / 130 / 1705J x 16 H1, ET 108
Technical Data
Tyres and rims for loaded motor homes
No. of tyre bolts / centralising collars / bolt circle
Recommended light alloy rims for the Fiat Ducato: original FIAT rims 1352242080 (6 J x 15, ET 68) and 1352243080 (6 J x 16, ET 68) - manufacturer: Hayes Lemmerz - Brescia/I
Perm. axle
load front
Perm. axle
load rear
Tyre size
Steel rims
Limited Edit. - Van Exclusive------------------
D 650 ESC
Limited Edit. - Toskana------------------
60 ES
Van Exclusive365018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
425021002400225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
60 KL
Van Exclusive365018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
425021002400225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
69 GL
Toskana Exclusive365018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
425021002400225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
69 EL
Toskana Exclusive365018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
425021002400225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
69 QS
Toskana Exclusive365018502000215/70 R 15 C5 / 71 / 1186 J x 15, ET 68
425021002400225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
H69 GL
Toskana Exclusive------------------
75 FL
Toskana Exclusive500021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
75 TL
Toskana Exclusive500021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
H75 FL
Toskana Exclusive500021002x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
H75 UC
Toskana Exclusive50002100
2x1500225/75 R 16 C5 / 78 / 1306 J x 16, ET 68
A77 EM
A77 GM
Technical Data
13.5 Accessory weights
Object Weight [kg]
HOBBY start-up package 54.5
HOBBY all-inclusive package 68.0
HOBBY all-inclusive package II 60.0
Additional belt rack for FIAT 20.0
Additional belt rack for IVECO 39.0
Additional gel battery 28.0
Additional loudspeakers in living area 2.0
Additional socket 0.5
AL-KO additional pneumatic suspension 65.0
Auxiliary heating, driver's cab 9.5
Battery sensor 0.9
Bedspread 1.5
Bicycle carrier for 2 bicycles 8.0
Bicycle carrier for 3 bicycles 9.0
Dometic air-conditioning 2200 34.0
Driver's and passenger's seats with interior upholstery 3.0
DVD/CD radio with sat-nav and rear view camera 3.2
ESP 0.5
External socket for gas 1.0
Fiat automatic air conditioning 22.0
Fiat diesel particulate lter 10.0
Fiat fog lights 3.0
Fiat manual air conditioning 18.0
Fume hood 3.0
Gas level indicator 1.0
Gas warner 1.0
Gel batteries, two 55.0
GOLDSCHMITT additional pneumatic suspension 12.0
HOBBY multimedia package 23.0
HOBBY surround sound system 4.5
Hot-water heater 40.0
IVECO air-conditioning 18.0
IVECO differential lock 10.0
IVECO pneumatic suspension 18.0
Leather upholstery 12.0
Luxury seats 4.8
Memory foam mattress 2.7
Motorcycle mount 36.0
Mud aps, rear 2.0
Outer tent socket 0.4
Outside shower 0.5
Oven with grill and light 14.5
Oven with grill and light, electric ignition 16.0
Pilot seats 4.8
Radio alarm system with gas warner 1.0
Rear ladder 13.0
Rear stanchions 6.0
Remote indicator for DuoComfort 0.3
Reverse drive video system 2.0
Roof bonnet with electric fan 8.5
Object Weight [kg]
Technical Data
Roof bonnet, Midi-Heki 4.5
Roof bonnet, Midi-Heki, electric 5.5
SAT antenna 65 cm 16.0
SAT antenna 85 cm 18.0
SAT receiver 2.0
Special metallic silver paintwork 3.0
Telescopic arm for at screen TV 3.0
Telescopic arm for at screen TV, 3-way universal hinged bracket 2.0
Telescopic ladder 2.8
Tow coupling, removable 32.0
Tow coupling, rigid 33.0
Tow coupling, rigid, for Sphinx 39.0
Tow coupling, rigid, for Toskana (Exclusive) 43.0
Truma Combi 6 E heating 1.1
Two-cylinder gas unit, DuoComfort 3.0
Winter cover for refrigerator grid 0.5
Object Weight [kg]
upkeep 11-5
Additional belt rack 06-31
Additional loads 03-3
Additional pneumatic spring 03-6
Airing 11-1
Alcove bed 06-14
Automatic transmission 03-8
Auxiliary heating in the driver's cab
Awning 05-15
Bar 06-5
Basic equipment 03-1
Battery circuit breaker 07-14
Bed conversion 06-12
Berths 06-15
Bicycle carrier 05-13
Brakes 02-6/04-8
Breakdown of devices 07-12
Built-in devices 10-1
Car jack 04-7
Carrier 05-14
Changeover valve 09-9
Changing the tire 04-7
place of installation 07-8
Charging process 07-9
deep discharge protection 07-9
protecting devices 07-9
when engine is running 07-10
Chassis 03-1
Checking the gas system 09-1
Children's bed 06-15
Chocks 02-8
Choosing a parking space 02-10
Combined sunshade 06-24
combining the shades 06-24
to shift 06-24
Condensation 11-1
Control panel 07-3
Converting the L-shaped seating arran-
gement 06-31
Converting the transverse seat 06-13
Cushion arrangements 06-19
Darkening system 06-25
Day and night positions
overview 06-37
Deep discharge protection 07-9
Distribution module 07-6
opening and closing 05-7
Doors and aps
interior 06-1
Driving 02-7
in curves 02-7
in reverse 02-6
sparing the tires 04-1
Driving economically 02-7
Electric heating 10-7
Electric power supply 07-7
Electrical devices, installation
safety tips 07-1
Electrical supply unit 07-8
Electrical system
fuse protection 07-12
Emergency equipment 02-9
rst-aid kit 02-9
high-visibility vest 02-9
warning triangle 02-9
Entrance door 05-7
Entrance step 03-5
Environment 12-1
disposal 12-3
excrements 12-2
picnic spots 12-3
rubbish 12-3
waste water 12-2
Environmental protection 12-1
Exhaust fumes 09-2
External cleaning 11-2
high-pressure cleaner 11-2
polishing 11-2
waxing 11-2
External gas connection 05-11
External socket 07-8
Fire protection 02-1
First aid kit 02-9
Fittings 03-8
opening and closing 05-10
Flush toilet 08-5
Fold-away bed 06-15
Forced ventilation 05-6
Freezer compartment 10-20
Fresh water pump
to drain 11-7
Fresh water tank 08-1
dispensing water 08-1
lling up the water 08-1
to empty 08-2
Front stowage cabinets 06-2
FrostControl 10-3
Fuel ller ap 05-1
Fume hood 10-25
Furniture doors 06-2
Furniture surfaces
upkeep 11-5
Fuse protection of electrical system
12V circuits 07-12
Gas 09-1
Gas bottle container 09-3
Gas bottle
to change 09-8
Gas cooker 10-22
initial operation 10-22
operating the cooker 10-23
Gas supply 09-3
Gas system 09-1
exhaust fumes 09-2
xtures and changes 09-1
inspection 09-1
place of installation 09-5
regulator knobs and valves 09-2
shutoff valves and valves 09-5
General inspection 02-2
Hanging table 06-11
Heating 10-2
control panel 10-2
electric heating 10-7
hot-air heating 10-2
hot-water heating 10-8
to operate 10-2
to switch off 10-6
Hinged windows 06-24
Hot water supply 08-5
Hot-air heating 10-2
Hot-water boiler 08-5
to empty 10-6
to ll 10-6
operation in summer 10-4
operation in winter 10-4
Hot-water heating system 10-8
Insect screen 06-23
Intelligent battery sensor (IBS) 07-5
Keys to the vehicle 05-7
Levelling supports 03-4
Loading 02-5/03-1
Lowering tables 06-7
Mains connection 07-7
Maintenance intervals 11-1
brake system 04-8
Mobile navigation 07-13
Modular battery 07-16
changing the battery 07-11
features 07-11
place of installation 07-16
Motorcycle carrier 03-8
Navigation 07-13
Operating the cooker 10-18
Outside shower 08-8
water supply 08-8
Oven 10-20
Overow valve fresh water tank 08-2
Petrol cap 05-12
Pillared table 06-9
Power saving 02-11
Preparing the vehicle 02-3
Prole depth 04-2
Push lock 06-4
PVC ooring 11-5
Rear external storage locker 02-6
Rear view camera 07-14
Redirecting electrical devices 02-10
Refrigerator 10-18
12V operation 10-18
air supply 05-5
door lock 10-19
to operate 10-18
types of operation 10-18
Refuelling 02-7
Registration 02-2
Regulator knobs 09-2
Remote indicator for
changeover valve 09-10
Resin stains 11-3
Rims 04-3
Roof air conditioning 10-26
Roof bonnets 06-26
Roof load 02-6
Roof rail 05-12
Safety belts
in the superstructure 06-32
in the superstructure 06-30
overview 06-33
Securing the vehicle 02-10
Service aps 05-1
Shunting 02-6
Sliding doors 06-5
Spare tire 04-3
Sunshade 06-23
Table edge, to fold down 06-10
Table extension 06-8
Tables 06-7
Taking back end-of-life vehicles 12-4
Tar stains 11-3
Technical data 13-1
Technically permissible
maximum weight 03-1
Tire pressure 04-2
Tire pressure values 13-2
Tire repair kit 04-4
Tires 04-1
Toilet ap 05-11
emptying the cassette 08-7
to use 08-5
upkeep 11-5
Tow-bar 03-7
TV mount 06-6
Upkeep 11-2
accessories 11-6
chair and cushion covers,
curtains 11-4
tted carpet 11-5
furniture surfaces 11-4
skylight, windows and doors 11-3
toilet 11-5
Valve for waste water tank 08-4
Valves 09-2
Vehicle identication number
Vehicle tool kit 02-8
Ventilation grids 05-6
VIN 03-6
Warning triangle 02-9
Wash room 10-17
Washroom with sliding elements 06-18
Waste water tank 08-3
to empty 08-4
Water ller necks 05-11
Water lter 08-3
Water system 02-10
Weights for accessories 13-9
Widening the beds 06-13
hanging table 06-11
pillared table model 06-9
Windows 06-24
Winter operation
airing 11-9
anti-freeze measures 11-9
preparations 11-9
waste water tank 11-8
Winterising 11-7
containers 11-7
external structure and the
base vehicle 11-6
interior ttings 11-8
Calculating masses for HOBBY motor homes
The following table enables you to calculate the mass of your own motor home on the basis of the mass data given in this manual.
This calculation must always result in a positive remaining load in order to full current legal requirements.
To determine your remaining load, simply subtract the "mass when the vehicle is ready to start", the "conventional load", all "additional
equipment" as well as your "personal luggage" from the "technically permissible overall mass". Simply enter the date for your personal
motor home in the table on the next page. If you have any questions or if anything is unclear, your HOBBY dealer will be pleased to
assist you.
HOBBY Motor Home Plant
Ing. Harald Striewski GmbH
Technically permissible overall mass:
Mass when the vehicle is ready to start (incl. gas, water, electricity, driver and fuel):
Conventional load (no. of seats [excl. driver] x 75 kg:
Additional equipment:
1.) -
2.) -
3.) -
7.) -
8.) -
10.) -
11.) -
12.) -
13.) -
14.) -
15.) -
Personal luggage = (10 x N) + (10 x L):
N - Total number of seats (incl. driver)
L - Length of vehicle in meters
Remaining load:
Under no circumstances may the technically permissible overall mass of neemt misbruik van zijn services uitermate serieus. U kunt hieronder aangeven waarom deze vraag ongepast is. Wij controleren de vraag en zonodig wordt deze verwijderd.
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