4. Detective Duel
A guessing game for two smart detectives.
Preparation of the Game
Choose a side of the game board and place it face up in the center of the
You also need the corresponding search cards and the decorations.
Shuffle the search cards and place them in a pile face down next to the
game board and place the decorations next to the game board.
The remaining material is not needed and is kept in the box.
How to Play
Both players each take a card from the pile and secretly look at it. Now
the players have to find out with specific questions what is shown on the
card of the other.
The smallest sharp tracker starts and may ...
• either ask a question, or
• make a guess
Asking a Question
If it’s your turn you can ask a question in order to obtain some infor-
mation about the person, animal or object shown on the card of the
other player.
You have to put the question in such a way that it can be answered with
a “yes” or a “no”. The other player has to answer and then can also ask
a question or have a guess.
Making a Guess:
If you think you know what is shown on the card of the other player, you
can guess.
To do so you have to point at the object, animal or person on the game
board or name it.
• If the guess is wrong, nothing happens. It’s the turn of the other player
to ask a question or have a guess.
• If your guess was right, you get a decoration.
The other player draws a new card from the pile and is the next one to
ask a question or have a guess.
choose side of game
board and place on
table, shuffle cor-res-
ponding search cards
and pile them up,
get decorations
both players draw a
search card
put question
referring to
search card ...
... or have a guess
guess wrong = turn
of next player
guess right = player
gets decoration
3. Quick Detectives
A lightning quick searching game for 2 - 5 detectives ages 4+.
Preparation of the Game
Choose which side of the game board is to be played and place it face up
in the center of the table.
Shuffle the corresponding search cards and place them in a pile face
down next to the game board. Also place the decorations next to the
game board.
The remaining material is kept in the box.
How to Play
The oldest detective turns round the top card of the pile, in such a way
that everybody can see the card at the same time.
Now all the players search.
Whoever finds the corresponding illustration on the game board first,
quickly puts their finger on it. The quickest player gets a decoration as a
reward and may turn the next card round.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as a detective has collected four decorations,
becoming the fastest detective and of course the winner.
choose side of
game board and
place on table,
shuffle correspon-
ding search cards
and pile them up
get decorations
uncover card on
top of pile
all players search
simultaneously for
illustration and put
finger on it
quickest one gets
fourth decoration =
game won and