How to Play:
Each player secretly chooses one of their bottle cards and
puts it face down in front of them. Then the smallest player
takes the cow-patch die and tries to knock over wooden
bottles with it.
Try to make the die roll against the bottles so that no more
than five bottles fall over.
How many wooden bottles have fallen over?
• None!
Pity – next time you will no doubt do better! No cow is
moved ahead in this round.
• More than five bottles!
That was a stake too high! The cows of the other players
each move on one square and unfortunately your cow has
to stay where it is.
• Up to five wooden bottles!
MOO – very well done! All players uncover
their bottle cards and compare.
Each player compares their color with the
bottles fallen over and may move their cow
ahead as many squares as bottles of that
color which have fallen over.