Aim of the Game
Whoever can hold the magic cube with a steady hand and skillfully let
the objects fall inside, will be left at the end of the game with the fewest
objects in front of them.
Preparation of the Game
Put the pedestal in the center of the table and place the cube on top.
Important! The magic cube must always be well aligned on the
The 20 magic objects are kept in the lid of the game box.
The die with symbols is placed next to the pedestal.
How to Play
Whoever can think of the weirdest magic spell, gets the die with the
symbols. If you cannot agree which is the strangest magic spell, the
oldest player gets the die first and rolls it.
What appears on the die?
• One of the four magic objects (book, ring, hat, stick)
With one hand, take the object out of the box. Then pick the magic
cube up with the other hand and turn it so that the side of the cube
corresponding to the object, shows up.
You will be able to recognize the corresponding side of the cube by its
color: as it always coincides with the color of your object.
Carefully throw the object into the cube. You don’t have to keep the
cube horizontal, you can tilt it and therefore avoid things falling out.
But you may not cover a hole with your hands.
left with
fewest objects
pedestal in the
center of table, cube
on pedestal
all magic objects into
lid of box,
get die ready
roll die
magic object = take
cube with one hand,
look for correspon-
ding side of cube,
throw corresponding
object inside cube
magic cube positioned correctly magic cube in the wrong position