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great masters of magic!“
Jeu Habermaaß n° 4474
Hokus pokus
Un jeu avec une bouteille ensorcelée pour 2 à 4 apprentis
magiciens de 6 à 99 ans.
Idée : Hajo Bücken & Dirk Hanneforth
Illustration : Sabine Kraushaar
Durée de la partie : env. 15 minutes
« Bienvenue aux apprentis magiciens !
Aujourd’hui, vous allez faire un voyage
au pays de la magie, au cours duquel vous
allez démontrer vos talents de magicien.
Mais faites bien attention : seul le meilleur
apprenti magicien sera initié par moi-même
aux tours de magie ».
« Pour le voyage, nous aurons besoin
des ustensiles de magicien suivants : »
1 bouteille magique
1 fond à insérer dans la bouteille
4 apprentis magiciens
12 billes magiques (de quatre couleurs différentes)
player has already used their master card, the cards in the
hand are topped up to 4 cards.
The magic bottle is emptied and passed on to the next player
in a clockwise direction. A new conjuring round begins ...
Important: As soon as a player is left with only the toad
card in their hand, they have employed all their magic power
and can no longer go on doing magic. They put the toad card
face up in front of them and watch the other apprentices do
magic. Nevertheless, they can still win the magic competition.
“Hokus Pokus! An apprentice
reaches the magic castle.“
The game ends immediately as soon as an apprentice reaches
the castle (any remaining star dots are not used). They win
the game and will be introduced into the secret tricks of
magic. If various apprentices reach the castle at the same
time, they win together.
The game also ends if there is only one apprentice left with
apprentice cards in their hand. For each card left, they move
one card on the path towards the castle. If they reach the
castle, they win the game. Otherwise it’s the apprentice who
is closest to the castle who wins the game.
“Finally a triple Hokus Pokus to our