Watch out, a bear falls over!
The turn at stacking is immediately over if whilst piling, one
or more bears fall over.The unsuccessful player receives a
bear as punishment. The remaining bears are put in a circle
again, as at the beginning of the game and it’s the turn of
the next player to roll the die!
Important: If one or more bears tumble over while nobody
tries to pile them, they simply are placed back
in position.
What appears on the die?
• A color
Take a bear of that color and pile it on the next bear in a
clockwise direction. If no bear of this color is left, you can
choose any bear.
If no bear falls off it’s the turn of the next player in a
clockwise direction to roll the die and stack a bear into
the pile.
• A bear
You have free bears’ choice! Choose any bear and pile it
on the next one in a clockwise direction.