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Installation and operating manual
Wood stoves EN13240 / RLU-C DIN 18897 / EASY CONTROL
Installation and operating manual
Wood stoves EN13240 / RLU-C DIN 18897 / EASY CONTROL GB
Wood stoves EN13240 / RLU-C DIN 18897 / EASY
Please read through these operating instructions carefully. You will be informed about the function and
handling of this stove and you will also save fuel and conserve the environment by heating correctly.
The attached equipment sheet is part of these operating instructions.
Notes in the text
Of utmost importance there are the notes entitled WARNING. The notes entitled WARNING advise you on
serious danger of damage to the heating device or of an injury.
The note entitled Notice advises you on possible damage to your heating device.
The note itself calls your attention to the information important for the operation of your heating device in
1. General instructions .................................................................................................................. 1
2. Safety instructions ..................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. Safety instructions without RLU............................................................................................... 1
2.2. Safety instructions with RLU .................................................................................................... 1
2.3. Proper conduct in case of a fire in the chimney!.................................................................... 2
3. Chimney ........................................................................................................................................ 2
3.1. Weather conditions.................................................................................................................... 2
3.2. The draft of the chimney at nominal heating output of the stove ........................................ 2
3.3. Connection to the chimney....................................................................................................... 2
4. Emplacement ............................................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Minimum distances from inflammable construction parts:................................................... 3
4.2. Inlet of combustion air ............................................................................................................... 4
4.3. Input connection of external air(provided it is installed) ....................................................... 4
5. Operation of the fireplace stove.............................................................................................. 4
5.1. Suitable fuels .............................................................................................................................. 4
5.2. Unsuitable fuels.......................................................................................................................... 4
5.3. First putting in operation ........................................................................................................... 4
5.4. Ignition ......................................................................................................................................... 5
5.4.1. Ignition with the air control EASY CONTROL .................................................................... 5
5.4.2. Ignition without the air control EASY CONTROL............................................................... 6
5.5. Stoking of fuel............................................................................................................................. 6
5.5.1. Chimney stove with EASY CONTROL................................................................................ 6
5.5.2. Chimney stove without EASY CONTROL .......................................................................... 7
5.6. Overheating ................................................................................................................................ 7
5.7. Removal of ashes ...................................................................................................................... 7
6. Cleaning and servicing.............................................................................................................. 7
7. Defects, reasons ......................................................................................................................... 8
8. Guarantee ..................................................................................................................................... 9
9. Orders of spare parts / questions of the service / complaints ...................................... 10
9.1. Orders of spare parts .............................................................................................................. 10
1. General instructions
When unpacking the appliance, please check whether it has not suffered harm during transport. Report
possible faults to your specialised vendor of stoves immediately!
Note: The return draft boards which are loose or which loosened from their embedding etc. do not constitute
defects (see Specification –First putting into service).
During the installation, connection and putting in operation there must be observed national and European
standards, local and building regulations, as well as the Building Order of the respective country, or the
Decree of fire-boxes.
The fireplace stove, described in this Manual, has been checked according to DIN EN13240. The door of
the combusting space must be closed during the heating always.
The fireplace stove is a fire box for interrupted combustion, and is suitable for multiple employment of a
chimney. Please observe the international regulations.
2. Safety instructions
With the stoves equipped with an intake of external air, the orifice must not be closed during operation of the
During operation of the stove, the installed orifice for the intake of combustion air must not be closed,
partially closed, straitened, covered or blocked.
During the operation, the fireplace stove warms up intensely. Therefore, the stove is attended employing a
protecting glove which is included in the scope of the delivery.
Alert children to this danger, and take care that they may not linger in the vicinity of the stove when it is in
2.1. Safety instructions without RLU
If the combustion air is taken from the living room, a sufficient input of fresh air must be secured in any case.
The appliances for suction of air, such as ventilation appliances, fume hoods, laundry driers with discharge
of waste air etc., or other fire boxes must not exert a negative impact on the supply of air to the stove.
The fireplace stove must not be brought into operation at the same time with the controlled ventilation
appliances in the flat.
2.2. Safety instructions with RLU
For a tight chimney design (therefore, in the case of multiple recess of the chimney, it is not possible), the
stove match the FC41x type (for LAS system) and FC51C type, according to the approval criteria for solid
fuel heaters, independent of the room air of the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) and to the DIN
18897-1 standard.
In combination with technical devices for ambient air (controlled ventilation and exhaust ventilation devices,
kitchen hoods, exhaust fans, etc.) in Germany, the Section 4 of the Heaters Decree (FeuVo) is decisive.
2.3. Proper conduct in case of a fire in the chimney!
If employing improper or wet fuel, a fire can be produced in the chimney due to the accretions in the
Proper conduct:
Shut all the air orifices of the stove immediately.
Inform the fire brigade and the chimneysweep.
Provide access to cleaning orifices.
Once the fire is over, have the chimney inspected by an expert in fissures and leaks.
Ascertain the reason of the fire in the chimney.
3. Chimney
3.1. Weather conditions
For safe operation of the fire box, it is always necessary to secure that the chimney may have a sufficient draft.
In particular, this issue must be taken in consideration in transition seasons (e.g. in the spring, in the autumn
3.2. The draft of the chimney at nominal heating output of the stove
min. draft of the
chimney (from type): 11-12 Pa
If the minimum draft of the chimney is not achieved, a proper operation of
the stove is not possible.
At a low draft of the chimney, we recommend to connect the chimney by
a vertical tube, 1 m long at least.
max. draft of the
chimney: 20 Pa
If surpassing the maximum admissible draft of the chimney, there in-
creases the consumption of fuel, the temperature in the combustion
space and consequently, the heating output.
There arises the danger of overheating, and consequently, excessive
load on construction parts.
In case of excessive draft of the chimney, we recommend to install a
draft controller or a draft limiter.
Prior to the installation, it is always necessary to calculate the chimney according to the standard.
3.3. Connection to the chimney
The tube of the smoke flue must be mounted on the neck of the discharge of combustion products.
The tube of the smoke flue must not be installed with a gradient towards the chimney.
There must be paid attention unconditionally that the tube of the smoke flue may not protrude into clear
diameter of the chimney; it would disturb the upward lift of the combustion products and would make an
optimum cleaning of the chimney more difficult.
Longer horizontal sections of smoke flue tubes reduce the necessary draft of the chimney.
Al the orifices mouthed into the same chimney, such as cleaning orifices of the stove and of the chimney,
must be shut.
In case of multiple employment of the chimney, the minimum vertical distance of two chimney connections
ought to be 30 cm at least. As a matter of principle, the fire places must be suitable and approved for
multiple employment of the chimney.
4. Emplacement
4.1. Minimum distances from inflammable construction parts:
As a matter of principle, the emplacement of a fireplace stove must observe the valid official fire-fighting
In this respect, please observe the international regulations.
Caution! As minimum distances from inflammable materials or materials sensitive to heat (e. g. furniture,
wallpapers, wooden linings), or load-bearing walls respectively, there must be respected the distances shown
in the type plate.
In case of inflammable floorings or the flooring sensitive to heat, the appliance must be placed on an
incombustible floor plate (e. g. a glass panel) (see the drawing).
Recommended protection of the floor:
A 50 cm in the front
B 30 cm from the inside edge of the combustion space
C see the type plate extent of radiation from the window
Safety distances from inflammable construction parts:
In the rear - see the type plate
On the side - see the type plate
In the front in the extent of radiation - see the type plate
4.2. Inlet of combustion air
It is necessary to ensure that in the place of location of the stove there would be available sufficient
combustion air.
4.3. Input connection of external air(provided it is installed)
We recommend to employ an input connection of external
air for the supply of combustion air, so that precious air
from the living room might not be consumed during
We do not recommend to bring cold air from outside to the
room by means of direct conduction; it could bring about
formation of condensate.
5. Operation of the fireplace stove
5.1. Suitable fuels
The fuels approved for combustion and the maximum stoking amounts of fuel are shown in the specification of
the appliance.
The length of the fuel varies from 29 cm to 33 cm, depending on the combustion chamber.
Orientating value (depending on the type of the wood):
1 kg of fire wood = about 4 kW
1 kg of wood briquettes = about 5 kW
Wood briquettes expand during combustion, and therefore, they ought to be broken to pieces.
5.2. Unsuitable fuels
Never use for heating any waste, wallpapers, rests of chipboards, plastics or impregnated wood! When
combusting such materials, the appliance can suffer damage, by the consequence of which any guarantee
ceases to exist.
5.3. First putting in operation
Prior to first putting in operation, it is necessary
To remove stickers, if there are any.
To take out all accessories from the ash-pan or from the combustion space.
Check whether the return draft boards (see the specification of the appliance spare part combustion
space, figure A) are mounted in their embeddings. These can shift during the transport or installation of the
fireplace stove.
During the first putting in operation, a stench can be produced for a short time. Please provide for this time
sufficient ventilation of the room where the stove has been installed, and avert direct inhalation.
The varnish is prone to scratches and damage before commissioning, but hardens after repeated heating.
5.4. Ignition
5.4.1. Ignition with the air control EASY CONTROL
First of all, lay logs according to their size (about 1.5 2.0 kg) on the bottom of the combustion space or on
the grate, lay on them a block of solid fire-brand, and on the top, sufficient amount of kindling chip (for
ignition). The indicated amount of wood refers to the first ignition ONLY.
The lever must be set up to "Ignition "ON". After the ignition, the door of the combustion chamber is to be
The course of ignition depends on the draft of the chimney. As soon as complete fuel starts burning lively,
the lever is to be re-set to "Heating operation regime".
Ignition Heating Closed input of air
V16 E20 5
4.3. Außenluftanschluss (wenn vorhanden)
Wir empfehlen für die Verbrennungsluftversorgung den
Außenluftanschluss zu verwenden, um nicht die wertvolle Wohnraumluft
beim Heizen zu verbrauchen.
Es ist nicht empfehlenswert, die kalte Luft über eine direkte
Leitung von außen in den Raum zuzuhren, da dies zur Bildung von
Kondenswasser hren kann.
5. Betrieb des Kaminofens
5.1. Geeignete Brennstoffe
Die zur Verbrennung zugelassenen Brennstoffe sowie die max. Brennstoffauflage sind auf dem Geräteblatt
Die Brennstofflänge variiert je nach Brennkammer zwischen 29 cm-33 cm.
Richtwert (Abhängig von der Holzart):
1kg Brennholz = ca. 4kW
1kg Holzbrikett = ca. 5kW
Holzbriketts dehnen sich bei der Verbrennung aus und sollten daher in Scke gebrochen werden.
5.2. Ungeeignete Brennstoffe
Niemals Ablle, wie Tapeten, Spanplattenreste, Kunststoffe oder getränktes Holz zum Heizen verwenden! Bei der
Verbrennung dieser Stoffe können Schäden am Gerät entstehen, wodurch jegliche Gewährleistung erlischt.
5.3. Erste Inbetriebnahme
Vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme sind eventuell
vorhandene Aufkleber zu entfernen.
alle Zubehörteile aus dem Aschekasten bzw. dem Feuerraum zu entnehmen.
Überprüfen Sie, ob die Zugumlenkplatten (siehe Geräteblatt - Ersatzteil Brennraum Bild A) in ihren
Verankerungen liegen. Diese könnten durch den Transport bzw. die Aufstellung des Kaminofens
verschoben sein.
Während der Erstinbetriebnahme kann es kurzzeitig zu Geruchsbildung kommen. Bitte sorgen Sie während
dieser Zeit für ausreichende Lüftung des Aufstellraumes und vermeiden Sie ein direktes Einatmen!
5.4. Anheizen mit EASY-CONTROL Luftregelung
Legen Sie zuerst Holzscheite je nach Größe (ca. 1,5 bis 2,0 kg) auf den Feuerraumboden bzw. Rost und
darüber einen Anzündwürfel, hierauf reichlich Kleinholz (Anndholz). Die genannte Holzmenge bezieht
sich NUR auf den ersten Anndvorgang.
Der Hebel ist auf Anheizen ON zu stellen. Nach dem Annden ist die Feuerraumr zu schließen.
Zuluft verschlossen
During the operation regime of heating, the lever must not be set to "Shut input of air" "0"; it could bring about
a sudden inflammation of fuel. Ignition - London II, Hillington, Kensington, Fulham, Westminster
First of all, lay logs according to their size (about 1.5 2.0 kg) on the bottom of the combustion space or on
the grate, lay on them a block of solid fire-brand, and on the top, sufficient amount of kindling chip (for
ignition). The indicated amount of wood refers to the first ignition ONLY.
The lever must be set up to "Ignition "START". After the ignition, the door of the combustion chamber is to
be closed.
The course of ignition depends on the draft of the chimney. As soon as complete fuel starts burning lively,
the lever is to be re-set to "Heating".
Ignition Heating Shut input of air
During the operation regime of heating, the lever must not be set to "Shut input of air" "0"; it could bring about
a sudden inflammation of fuel.
5.4.2. Ignition without the air control EASY CONTROL
First, insert chunks onto the bottom of combustion chamber or onto the grid, by size (approx. 1.5 to 2.0 kg).
Then, put a solid fire-lighter cube on the chunks, and a small amount of fine wood onto the top. The above
mentioned amount of the wood is ONLY for heating.
All air slide valves (primary and secondary air regulators) must be fully opened. After flooding, the
combustion chamber door must be closed. The heating process depends on the draft of the chimney. Once
the complete fuel starts to burn, the "Primary Air Regulator" slide valve must be closed.
Combustion air
1- Primary air controller
2- Secondary air controller
3- Tertiary air
5.5. Stoking of fuel
The fuel should be laid on live embers only (without flame).
5.5.1. Chimney stove with EASY CONTROL
Before opening the door of the fire box, the lever should be brought to the position "Input of air closed" 0", in
order to avoid the escape of combustion products to the living room.
After stoking of fuel, close the door of the fire box again.
Next, set the lever to the position "Ignition" again ON, so that the time interval to the inflammation of fuel
might be as short as possible.
As soon as fuel starts burning lively, the lever is to be re-set again to "Heating operation regime".
5.5.2. Chimney stove without EASY CONTROL
Before opening the firebox door, all registers should be closed, in order to minimize the escape of flue gases
into the living space.
After having added fuel (concerning the max. admissible quantity), close the firebox door shut again.
Next, the regulation of primary and secondary air must be opened to maximum.
Once the fuel starts to burn, the primary air regulator must be closed - the secondary air regulator remains
open. Exception for secondary air control: In the case of the Auto Air device function, eventually in the case
of Auto Air coal, the air regulation cannot be adjusted manually, because it works automatically.
5.6. Overheating
In order to avoid damage to the appliance due to overheating, there must not be exceeded the maximum
oneshot stoking amount of fuel (see specification of the appliance). It can bring about damage to fire clay,
grate, pile grating, formation of fissures in tiles, tinting of parts of the casing, heat accumulating bricks and
glass, deformation of metal sheet parts, destruction of sealing and of the glass board of the cover etc. All the
rights arising from the guarantee cease to exist.
5.7. Removal of ashes
After longer heating, but once a week at least, it is necessary to rake out ashes into the ash-pan by means of a
poker, and to empty the ash-pan. Please mind to empty the ash-pan meanwhile it is approximately half-full, so
that the layer of ashes may not touch the grate.
There is a danger that the circulation of air might be interrupted, and of insufficient cooling as the
consequence, which can bring about overheating and damage to the grate.
Before removal of ashes, check always whether there are no remains of live fuel in the ashes. Even in cold
ashes, there may possibly remain rests of live fuel, and bring about fire in the waste bin.
6. Cleaning and servicing
Once in a year at least, or more often in case of need, you should clean the fireplace stove in cold state, and
service it. During the servicing, it is necessary to remove accumulated ashes from the tube of the smoke
flue and from boards changing the smoke direction or from the return draft boards. The return draft boards
can be taken out for cleaning (see the specification of the appliance).
Glass of the door: For ecological cleaning, we dip a wet dishcloth in wood ashes, and clean the glass with it.
Also, it is possible to employ special cleaning agents for the glasses of fireplace stoves, or regular agents
for cleaning of glass (without caustic acids and solvents).
It is also necessary to have the chimney cleaned by a chimneysweep. The respective chimneysweep will
give you information of the necessary intervals.
A fireplace stove ought to be checked by a professional every year.
7. Defects, reasons
Defect: Reason: Suppression:
The stove heats poorly or it
The draft of the chimney is too low
(min. 10 Pa. in the neck of com-
bustion products)
Seal the chimney cleaning orifices
that are not tight.
Have the draft of the chimney
measured by the chimneysweep
in charge.
The stove or the smoke flue tubes
are clogged with soot
The stove and the smoke flue
tubes are to be cleaned in time
The connection tube of the stove
to the chimney is not tight
Check the connection tube and
seal it
The amount of fuel in the stove is
Use the amount of fuel as per the
The stove has not been con-
nected properly, or the chimney is
Consult the chimneysweep
The input of external air is missing Day-to-day shock ventilation
Bad weather conditions (transition
Set up the lever of air control to
Too large wood logs Use smaller logs (max. 0.7 kg/
The fuel is burning too fast:
Appliance not tight (sealing of the
door, of the glass)
Replace the sealing
The draft of the chimney too big
(min. 20 Pa. in the neck of com-
bustion products)
Have a draft limiter installed
The glass of the door gets soiled
Wet wood stock Check up, max. 17 % of residual
Too large wood logs Use smaller logs (max. 0,7 kg/
The draft of the chimney is too low
(min. 10 Pa. in the neck of com-
bustion products)
Seal the chimney cleaning orifices
that are not tight.
Have the draft of the chimney
measured by the chimneysweep
in charge.
Air slider for ignition open Position
When the fuel starts burning lively,
set the slider for ignition to the po-
sition "Heating operation
The draft of the chimney too big
(min. 20 Pa. in the neck of com-
bustion products)
Have a draft limiter installed
The door glass has milky colour: Overheating New glass
Bothering smoke:
The fuel has not burned down
Stoke new fuel on live embers on-
ly (no flame)
The draft of the chimney is too low
(min. 10 Pa. in the neck of com-
bustion products)
Seal the chimney cleaning orifices
that are not tight.
Have the draft of the chimney
measured by the chimney sweep
in charge.
8. Guarantee
HAAS + SOHN gives the buyer a guarantee in the frame of valid legal regulations. The two-year guarantee
runs from the moment of the actual hand-over.
As a document, the respective invoice is to be presented.
In case that a defect comes up in your appliance during the guarantee period, HAAS + SOHN eliminates
(repairs) the defect in the shortest possible time, or replaces the faulty thing as per your choice. Cancellation
of the contract/ reduction of price are ruled out, unless it contradicts legal regulations. There can be employed
only the spare parts that have been approved by the manufacturer expressly, or are offered by him.
Replacement parts that are covered by the warranty and which the customer can replace himself are provided
free of charge during the warranty period. Replacement parts are provided without service intervention.
However, if the customer requires assembly of replacement parts by a service technician, this service is
The changes of the object of the purchase, which are due to its habitual use are excluded from the guarantee.
Not executed or incorrect maintenance or cleaning, the draft of the chimney adjusted improperly with
reference to the appliance, insufficient or too big, unprofessional handling, negligence or alterations of the
appliance exclude guarantee claims, too.
In case of any alteration in the construction of the stove, as well as of its use contrary to the determined
purpose, all the rights arising from the guarantee cease to exist.
9. Orders of spare parts / questions of the service / complaints
In case of ordering spare parts, or with questions concerning the repairs and service, or when lodging a
complaint, address always directly your Haas+Sohn vendor, from whom you have bought the appliance.
In order to allow fast processing of your query, the data from the type plate of the appliance are
necessary unconditionally:
Exact designation of the type (execution, model)
Serial number
The type plate is situated on the rear side of the stove and on the title page of the Operation Manual.
9.1. Orders of spare parts
Moreover, please pay attention to technical drawings and tables in the specification of the appliance, where
you will find the correct denomination of the required spare part.

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