security cable slot, identifying 8
security, wireless 14
serial number, computer 65
setting password protection on
wakeup 30
setting power options 28
setup of WLAN 13
setup utility
navigating and selecting 59
restoring factory settings 60
sharing optical drives 42
shutdown 28
exiting 29
initiating 29
slot-load optical drive 39
security cable 8
SoftPaqs, downloading 53
antivirus 50
critical updates 50
Disk Cleanup 38
Disk Defragmenter 38
rewall 50
speaker grill, identifying 5
Startup Repair, using 56
switch, power 28
buttons 3
using 16
TouchPad gestures
pinching 18
rotating 19
scrolling 18
zooming 18
TouchPad light, identifying 4
TouchPad zone
identifying 3
traveling with the computer 66, 68
tray-load optical drive 39
disc burning 73
disc play 72
external display 72
optical disc tray 71
optical drive detection 72
turning o the computer 28
unresponsive system 28
USB cable, connecting 34
USB devices
connecting 34
description 34
removing 35
USB hubs 34
USB legacy support 59
USB ports, identifying 7, 8
user password 44
external AC power 32
power-saving states 28
VGA port, connecting 24
video 23
adjusting 22
buttons 22
keys 22
volume keys, identifying 19, 20
identifying 9
using 23
webcam light, identifying 9
Windows 7 operating system DVD
creating 54
using for restore 57
Windows 7 operating system media
creating 54
using for restore 57
Windows button, identifying 6
Windows Startup Repair, using 56
wireless button 11
wireless certication label 66
wireless controls
button 11
operating system 11
wireless key, identifying 20
wireless light 4, 11
wireless network (WLAN)
connecting 14
corporate WLAN connection 14
equipment needed 13
functional range 14
public WLAN connection 14
security 14
using 12
WLAN antennas, identifying 9
WLAN device 12, 66
WLAN label 66
writable media 28
zooming TouchPad gesture 18
Index 77