Understanding your test results
The smartLAB
nG blood glucose test strips are plasma referenced
and calibrated for easier comparison to lab results. The unit of
blood glucose test results displayed on the screen is either mg/
dL or mmol/L, depending on which unit of measurement you have
selected. The mmol/L results will always include a decimal point;
mg/dL results do not include a decimal point.
Expected results for non-diabetic adults:
The normal fasting glucose range is 70 to 100 mg/dL (3.9 to 6.1
mmol/L). Two hours after meals, normal glucose values should be
less than 120 mg/dL (6.7 mmol/L).
Expected results for diabetic adults:
The normal fasting blood glucose range for an adult with diabetes is
70-130 mg/dL (3.9
7.2 mmol/L)*. Two hours after meals, the blood
glucose range for an adult with diabetes is less than 180 mg/dL
(10.0 mmol/L). For further queries about diabetes: please consult
your healthcare professional for the blood glucose range
appropriate for you.
Unusual test results:
If your blood glucose result doesn‘t match the way you feel, follow
these steps, and then repeat the test:
1. Check if the strips are within the expiration date.
2. Be sure that the drop of blood completely filled the reaction zone
of the test strip