When a recording is made to disc, the following additional information is also stored at the
beginning of the recording:
• Name of the recording: If the TV station does not transmit a name, only the channel number
and time will be stored as the name
• Length of the recording
• Record type (Quality)
• Date of the recording
• Index picture of the recording
Editing recording title (name): Some TV stations transmit the title (name) of a programme. In
this case, the name will be included automatically. Otherwise, the channel number and time of
the recording are stored as the name. The name of the recording can only be changed after
the recording has been completed. In the index display, find the title to be rename.
Erasing a recording/title: You can erase individual recordings from DVD+RW(not DVD+R) disc.
Follow the instructions below. In the index display, find the title to be erased.
Changing the index picture. Normally the first picture of a recording is used as the index pic-
ture. You can however choose any picture from the recording as the index picture. Press "EDIT"
button, EDIT MODE is activated. During playback, search for location of the new index picture,
press "PAUSE/STEP"button
Splitting titles. You can split a title into several sections (titles) of any size. Each of these sec-
tions (titles) is identified by its own index. NOTE: this split cannot be undone. Press "EDIT" but-
ton. During playback, search for desired location and press "PAUSE/STEP" button
5 Inserting chapter markers. During playback you can set and erase chapter markers within a
title. The maximum number of chapters per disc is 124 and 99 per title. If one of these numbers
are reached, the following message appears: 'Too many chapters'. Some markers must be era-
sed before new markers can be added.Press "EDIT" button, EDIT MODE is activated. During
playback, search for desired location and press "PAUSE/STEP " button. These chapter markers
and edits will be stored in a proprietary way on the DVD+R disc (they will be ignored by a nor-
mal DVD player). You cannot make edits compatible on a DVD+R disc. However, chapter mar-
kers that are defined during recording will be compatible with normal DVD players.
6 Hiding chapters By default all chapters are visible. Chapters (such as commercials) can be hid-
den during playback or made visible again. Press "EDIT" button. Select desired chapter.
Highlight Hide chapter and press " ENTER " button