Theft protection
The identity card for your car radio
contains the type, the serial number and the
code number for coding.
The serial number is identical with the num-
ber embossed in the frame of your car radio.
The Identity Card facilitates criminal investi-
gation by the police in case of radio theft and
speeds settlement of an insurance claim by
providing evidence of ownership.
í Keep the card in a safe place, out of reach
of unauthorised persons.
í If you should lose the Identity Card (code
number), only your specialzed dealer can
put the radio into operation again against
a fee after furnishing evidence of your
Serial No.
Code No.
code und erleichtert bei Verlust des Gerätes die Schadensabwicklung.
Vor fremdem Zugriff schützen.
security code and facilitates the settlement in the case of theft of the unit.
Keep the document safe.
Code labels
The code labels, placed on the inside of the
car window for high visibility, show everyone:
The car radio is worthless to thieves!
If the code is activated and the car radio is
disconnected from the car battery (or perma-
nent plus terminal 30) of your vehicle, the
radio is electronically disabled.
Only you can start it again by entering your
personal code number.
Removing the control knob
In addition to activating coding, you can
remove the left-hand control knob
of the
car radio and take it with you. This renders the
car radio worthless to thieves
Security indication
The Security LED is visible after removing the
left control knob. For activating the LED, see
page 14.
ǺǺ To ensure that your car radio remains
where it is:
– Activate the coding.
– Stick the code lables on the car windows.
– Remove the left control knob.
– Activate the Security LED.
GRUNDIG environment initiative
You must have noticed that we
have completely dispensed with
plastics in the packing material for
this car radio.
All parts are made of cardboard and paper and
can be disposed of within the existing paper
recycling system.
Please Note