G0536 Scroll Saw
Sharp edges on metal
parts may cause person-
al injury. Examine the
edges of all metal parts
before handling.
This section covers the basic assembly and adjust-
ment instructions needed to begin operation.
Complete the assembly in the order provided in this
manual and then read the remaining portion of the
manual before attempting any type of operation.
Your safety is important! Please follow the
warnings below during this entire section:
Disconnect power to
the machine during the
entire assembly
process. Failure to do
this may result in seri-
ous personal injury.
Mount Scroll Saw
To attach the scroll saw to a solid surface:
1. Locate a rectangular piece of
⁄4" plywood
that is at least 20"W x 16"D.
2. Mount the base of the scroll saw to the cen-
ter of the plywood with
⁄4" x 1" lag bolts and
⁄4" washers.
3. Clamp the plywood securely to a workbench.
4. To permanently mount the scroll saw to the
workbench, screw
⁄4" x 1" (or longer) lag bolts
⁄4" washers directly to the workbench.
To attach the blade guard:
1. Set the blade guard on the scroll saw table
and position it around the upper arm.
2. Thread the bolt through the blade guard
components as shown in Figure 4, and
screw it into the knurled nut.
Figure 4. Blade guard assembly.
Figure 5. Blade guard adjustment.
Attach Blade GuardBeginning Assembly
3. Adjust the dust blower mounting plate and
the blade guard so that they ride just above
the workpiece, and tighten the knurled nut
shown in Figure 5.
Knurled Nut