GM Electronics Ltd.
Golden Mask Deep Hunter pro2 – Instruction Manual
1. In "manual ground balance" the value of potentiometer "GROUND
Man/AUTO", in which achieved initial setting, may be increased to one - two
graduations on the scale. This setting is made more "rough" sensitivity of the
device and depth decreases slightly, but achieved greater stability and higher
accuracy readings of the system to recognize the type of metal.
In areas where previously performed initial setting of "ground balance" and / or
known its value, the potentiometer "GROUND Man/AUTO" can be set this
value and demand to start without starting setup.
2. During the initial setup in "manual ground balance" do not switch the
detector in "silent" mode!
3. Use the further gain of the received signal "BOOST" in "manual ground
balance" requires mandatory doing a new initial setup.
4. If at work appear random disturbances or prolonged change the frequency of
the sound signal (false signals) - must be pressed briefly "RETUNE".
This action can be repeated several times until no interference to carry out a
new initial setting in "manual ground balance" or reduce the sensitivity and/or
exclude additional signal amplification "BOOST" in "automatic ground
balance" (ie. 4).
5. When switch "Off" detector can be observed for some time lights LED
"Battery!". This is not a problem with the battery. Only when this indicator
lights up when turned "On" (running) machine, then you should proceed to
charge the built-in battery.