GM Electronics Ltd.
Golden Mask Deep Hunter pro2 – Instruction Manual
Failing to work with assistant recommended "dragging" of the antenna for this
purpose can be used device type "sledge" made of non-metallic materials. This
device must provide a constant height (about 10 cm) frame above the ground.
Demand should always begin with a brief pressing the "RETUNE", which is
recommended to be carried out periodically during the search, in order to
maintain maximum sensitivity.
The movement of the antenna must be carried out in parallel strips (bands)
which overlap by up to 30% in order not to miss a portion of the field. The
speed of movement should be about 1m/s.
6. Search for metal objects with round (hand) antennas
When the terrain does not allow search "frame" Golden mask Deep Hunter
pro2 can be used with smaller (round, "hand") searching coils (antennas)
mounted on a special stick for individual work. Search with such antennas does
not differ materially search "frame".
Since the detector is not designed to detect coins and small metal objects with
"hand" antenna should not be expected to detect these objects. Its purpose is to
replace the "frame" in inaccessible areas and provide an opportunity for
individual work (without assistant).
Moving with "hand" antenna should be carried out very slowly. Unlike
traditional VLF metal detectors using the principle of inductive balance,
Golden mask Deep Hunter pro2 can detect metal objects without motion. The
movement is only necessary to identify the type of metal, such as speed of
about 1 m/s is sufficient. The search height above surface with "hand" antenna
must be 5 cm or more.
All activities recommended for use with antenna type "frame" apply to work
with "hand" antenna.