• Mijn Hero+ blijft aan en uitschakelen tot de accu leeg is.
    Heeft iemand anders dat ook en is dat eenvoudig zelf op te lossen?

    Gesteld op 12-8-2016 om 00:12 in forum GoPro Hero Plus LCD Misbruik melden
    • Van de customer service het antwoord:
      Thanks for reach out GoPro Support.

      I am sorry to hear about the battery drain. I´ll be glad to help you out.

      There are a lot of variables that can affect the expected battery life, like Wi-Fi, video resolution, Protune on or off, and any BacPacs that might be attached.

      So let's test for that by doing the following:
      1. Turn Wi-Fi off (if applicable)
      2. Disconnect any BacPacs (if applicable)
      3. Fully charge the camera battery - To ensure that the camera is being charged correctly, see this FAQ: How to Charge the Camera Battery.
      4. Reformat the SD card using the camera (HERO+ LCD). Be sure to save any wanted footage prior to doing so.
      5. Set the camera to 1080-30
      6. Make sure Protune is turned off (if applicable)
      7. Then record one long video file and check what kind of runtime you get
      Please note that it is normal for the camera to divide longer videos into multiple files, so if you are determining the length of the recording by looking at the file length, you will need to add the length of each of the files recording during the test together to get the complete duration.

      Please report back with the results of your run time test. With that we should know whether there might be an issue with the battery or possibly with the camera itself.

      Also, when you pair your camera with GoPro App on your mobile, it connect with your camera´s WiFi and disconnect from other WiFi it could possibly be connected with.
      Geantwoord op 24-8-2016 om 19:51

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