8 9
1.2) The display
Diagram of the LCD display
In the display, the entry values, interim results and results of
your calculations appear. The display range for mantissa values
has 10 display digits. The display range for exponents is ±99.
-E- Error indicator (See Page 15)
INV You are using INV
M The temporary memory contains entries
(See Page 18)
HYP You are using HYP (See Page 32)
BIN, OCT, HEX BASE N mode (See Page 22)
SD Statistical calculations (See Page 37)
DEG, RAD, GRAD Radian measurement units (See Page 31)
FIX Decimal position display is being set
(See Page 34)
SCI Converts the display value into exponential
notation (See Page 34)
1.1) Operating modes
, followed by , , , or , in
order to switch the device to the required operating mode.
, , , or are secondary assignments on
the 4, 6, 5, 7 or 8 numerical keys
“SD” appears. The statistical mode of the calculator
is activated.
, in order to clear the memory and the display at any
time and in order to switch back to the decimal display mode
(Base-10) and the trigonometric display mode with DEG units.