Maxwell 10 / en / A31008-N4001-R102-1-7620 / / 8/20/14
First steps
Template A4, Version 1, 03.04.2012
Configuring Internet telephony
Before you can use the device to phone anyone you need the services of a VoIP provider.
u You have a phone system in your network that provides VoIP accounts for your device, or
u You have registered with a VoIP provider (e.g., via your PC) and set up a VoIP account.
The device searches the network for a provisioning file and checks whether VoIP accounts already
exist. If the telephone has existing VoIP accounts, these accounts are configured automatically. You
can now make calls with your phone via the Internet.
If the telephone has no existing VoIP accounts, you must configure them manually. The Web config-
urator will help you with this (£ p. 20).