• gigaset e630 nieuwe batterijen geplaatst, display geeft vol aan,na op enkele cijfer toetsen te hebben gedrukt , valt beeld geheel weg, hoe kan dit?

    Gesteld op 30-9-2016 om 20:10 in forum Gigaset E630 Misbruik melden
    • Hallo,
      Ook ik heb nu het gelijke probleem. Bent u al achter de oorzaak en hoe het opgelost kan worden?
      Zou u e.e.a. met mij willen delen; alvast bedankt voor uw reactie.

      Groet, Sylvia Geantwoord op 30-9-2016 om 20:43

      Waardeer dit antwoord (7) Misbruik melden
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      Also, to ensure the correct battery status is displayed, it is very important that the following procedure is followed every time new batteries are inserted or batteries are re-inserted after having been removed momentarily:

      1. Place the handset on the charger and charge the batteries until full. In the case of new batteries, this may take up to three hours.

      2. Once the batteries are fully charged, remove the handset and use it to make calls, etc. until the handset shuts down due to the batteries being discharged. Do not place the handset on the charger until the batteries are fully discharged.

      3. Once batteries are empty, place the handset back on the charger and start using as normal. You can either put the handset back on the charger after every call or you can leave it off the charger for a while. There is no need to run the battery down before re-charging. You will not damage the battery by leaving the handset permanently on the charger.

      If this procedure is not followed, a situation may arise where the batteries are showing full whereas in reality they are empty or nearly empty. When this occurs, the charger will not charge as, as far as it is concerned, the batteries are already full and do not need further charging. You may then conclude that your batteries have had it whereas, in reality, this is not the case.
      Geantwoord op 12-11-2016 om 17:55

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