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2000 years ago, long before the Inkas, northwestern South America was populated by many tribes rich with culture and
creativity. These kingdoms fell; other tribes rose. New tribes adopted or adapted the culture of the vanished peoples and
flourished. But these too passed away and gave way to new tribes. In the 15th century CE, the Inkas finally stepped on histo-
ry’s stage. They subdued all competing tribes and founded a huge empire that reached from today’s Ecuador in the north to
the middle of today’s Chile in the south. See the accompanying Almanac for more information about the Inkas.
In Catan: Rise of the Inkas
, you each begin with a tribe of an early cultural era. You must bring that tribe to its cultural
apex. If you succeed, you take over the leadership of a new tribe of the middle cultural era. Again, your goal is to lead this
tribe to its cultural apex. Finally, you take over the fortunes of your third tribe. If you lead this tribe to its apex before your
opponents lead their third tribe to theirs, you win the game! Your tribe has prevailed over all others. It has reached its
zenith. You usher in the Rise of the Inkas!
To make getting into the game as easy as possible, we use the multi-part CATAN rules system:
If you know the rules of CATAN already: Then, right after the construction (page 2-3) and the preparation (page 4) you
can read the special rules “The Tribes” (page 7). Further important changes to the well-known Catan rules can be found in
the Almanac on pages 22-23.
If you don’t know the rules of CATAN: Then, after setting up the game, first read the short introductory game overview
on pages 2 and 3. Second, read the basic game rules (pages 4-6) and start the game. We recommend starting the game with
these rules only, until a player successfully completes their first tribe. Third, read the special rules “The Tribes” on page 7 to
finish the game.
This guide contains all the important information you need for the game.
If any details or questions arise, you can consult the Almanac. There you
will find further explanations for all keywords marked with
Game Board Preparation........................... 2
Game Overview and Game Summary .............. 2–3
Game Preparation ................................ 4
Game Play ................................... 4–6
The Tribes ................................... 7–8
Game End....................................... 8
Number Token
Starting Set-up
for Beginners
Catan – Rise of the Inkas
In front of you is a stretch of land in western South America. It is surrounded by water in
the west and jungle in the east. It consists of 27 hexes. Your task is to successfully
complete 3 stages of cultural development with your tribes.
There are 8 different types of hexes in the game. Each type of hex creates a different kind
of resource or good. These resources and goods are represented by cards—resource
) and goods cards
), respectively. The hexes produce the following things:
The game board roughly represents the area of today‘s Peru. In the west you have
the Pacific coastline and in the east you have the surrounding jungle. This is where
the Inka Empire developed.
For Beginners
For your first game we recommend that you set up the game board exactly as shown
here. First, assemble the 8 frame parts. Second, place the hexes inside the
frame. Third, place the number tokens on the hexes.
For Experienced Players
Once you have played Catan Rise of the Inkas several times, you may wish to build
the game board variably. The rules can be found in the almanac under Set Up,
Variable .
produces wood
produce ore
produce stone
produces wool
produce feathers
Jungle Plantations
produce coca
Fishing Grounds
produce fish
produces potato
You start the game with 2 settlements and 2 roads. With these 2 settlements you
already have 2 culture points (because each settlement you build earns you 1 culture
point). The first player to lead three successive tribes to their cultural apex,
(11 culture points total) wins the game.
Game Overview
To get culture points, you have to build new settlements and/or upgrade settlements
to cities. To build new settlements, you must build roads. If you want to build
anything, you need resources.
How do you get resources? Each turn you determine which hexes produce resources
by rolling 2 dice. If, for example, you roll an “11”, all hexes with an “11” number
token produce. In the picture on the left, a mountain (ore), a quarry (stone) and a
jungle plantation (coca) all have “11” number tokens.
You may also buy resources with goods: feathers, fish, and coca. You generate goods
the same way you do resources—by building beside hexes that produce goods.
You only receive income if you own a settlement or city adjacent to the hex that
produces. In the picture, a red settlement (A) borders the “11” mountains and an
orange settlement (B) borders the “11” jungle. So, when you rolled that “11” Red
gets 1 ore resource card and Orange gets 1 coca goods card.
Most settlements and cities border on several hexes (maximum 3). Settlements and
cities “harvest” the hexes adjacent to which they are built. So, you might produce
up to 3 different types of resources/goods from the same settlement or city
(depending upon the die rolls in the game, of course). In our example, the blue
settlement (C) borders 3 hexes: quarry, jungle, and mountains. These hexes can
produce stone, feathers, and ore, respectively.
You cannot build settlements adjacent to every hex. So, your tribes may produce
some resources or goods very rarely, if at all. But to build new things you need very
specific combinations of resources. Therefore, you probably need to trade.
You can trade with other players. Make them an offer or listen to theirs. A successful
trade leads to success in building. You can also trade with the supply, but this is
generally less efficient.
You can only build a new settlement on an unoccupied intersection. However, you
must have one of your roads leading to that intersection, and the new settlement
must be at least 2 intersections away from ANY other settlement or city.
Think carefully about where you are going to build your settlements! The
numbers on the tokens vary in size. They also have pips (dots) below the numbers.
The larger the number (and the more pips it has), the higher the probability that
the number will be rolled. The red numbers (“6” and “8”) are the most likely to
be rolled. The more frequently a number is rolled, the more frequently the hexes
bearing that number produce resources and goods.
Catan – Rise of the Inkas
Game Summary
Catan – Rise of the Inkas
Catan: Rise of the Inkas
Player Pieces
Player pieces: Take all of the player pieces in a color of your choice
(if you are playing with 3 players, leave the gray pieces in the box):
8 settlements , 2 cities , 7 roads .
Thicket: Each player takes 4 thickets
Player Aids
Trading & Building Tile: Give 1 trading &
building tile to each player.
Culture Board and Markers: Give 1 Culture
11 culture markers to each player.
Each player puts their culture markers
beside their culture board.
Communal Pieces
Advantage cards: Place the Longest Trade
Route and Mightiest Combat Arts
advantage cards next to the game board.
Robber: Place the robber
anywhere on
the frame covered with jungle.
Dice: Place the 2 dice beside the board.
Resource Cards
& Good Cards
There are 2 types of resource/goods cards : resource cards and
goods cards (they all have the same type of card back). Separate
the 5 types of resource cards and 3 types of goods cards and
place them face up into the card trays. This forms the supply.
Place the supply next to the game board.
Development Cards
There are two types of development cards . They have different
backs. Some have a “1” and the others have a “2” on the back.
Development Cards “1”: Shuffle the cards with the “1” on the
back and place this stack of development cards face down
into the last free slot of the supply (see above).
Development Cards “2”: Shuffle the cards with the “2” on the
back and place them face down next to the supply (see above).
These cards come into play later in the game.
Starting Settlements: Place 2 roads and 2 settlements on the board as
shown on pages 2 and 3. Note: If you are playing with 3 players, ignore the
starting position for the gray pieces.
Culture points: Each settlement you place on the game board earns you
1 culture point
. Therefore, you must place 2 culture markers on the
lowest two spaces of the 1st tribe portion of your culture board.
First Production: Each player takes their first production from their
settlement marked with a letter (see p. 2/3). For each hex adjacent to your
settlement, take the corresponding resource/goods cards from the supply.
Example: Blue receives 1 ore, 1 stone, and 1 feather for his settlement (C).
Important: Keep your resource/goods cards in your hand secret.
Starting Player: Each player rolls the dice. The highest roller goes first.
If you have played Catan: Rise of the Inkas several times, we recommend
that players place their starting settlements according to the rules for
starting settlements in Set-Up Phase (Initial Placement) in the Almanac.
When it’s your turn, take the following actions in the following order:
1.) Production Phase
You must roll the 2 dice to determine which hex(es) produce this turn.
All players can earn resource/goods cards from your production roll.
2.) Trade and Build Phase
You are allowed to trade and build as much as you like in any order.
During your turn, you may play 1 of your development cards.
You can play it before (but not during) the production phase, or during the
combined trade/build phase.
After you complete your actions, pass the dice to the player on your left. It is
now that player’s turn. That player begins their Phase 1.
Roll the Dice & Receive Income
On your turn, roll both dice: Add the result of both dice to determine
which numbers on the board produce. The hexes with number tokens that
match the production roll produce resource/goods cards!
If you have a settlement
or a city
on an intersection of a hex with
the number rolled, that settlement/city earns you income.
Production from Settlements
If you own 1 settlement adjacent to a hex affected by the dice roll, take
1 resource/goods card of the type that hex produces. If you own 2 or 3
settlements around that hex, take 1 resource/goods card of the
appropriate type for each of your settlements.
Production from Cities
For each city around a hex affected by the dice roll, take 2 resource/
goods cards of the appropriate type.
Example: If anyone rolls a “6”, Red gets 2 wood resource cards for her
2 settlements. Blue gets 1 wood resource card for his 1 settlement. Using the
same example, if anyone rolls a “4”, Blue gets 1 feather goods card.
If Blue’s settlement was a city, that city would produce 2 feathers whenever
anyone rolls a “4”.
Preparation & Game Play
Catan – Rise of the Inkas
Catan: Rise of the Inkas
After you complete the production phase, you may trade and build. You
may trade and build in any order (for example, you can trade, then build,
then trade and build again).
On your turn, you may trade resource and/or goods cards (but never
development cards). You may trade as long and as often as you like and
your resource/goods cards allow.
There are 2 types of trade in the game. They are described below and can be
performed in any order:
Trade with Players :
During your turn, you can trade with all players. During another player’s
turn, you can only trade with that player. Traders declare what resources
and/or goods they need. They offer resources/goods for exchange. Counter
offers might follow.
Important: When it is not your turn, you can only trade with the player
that rolled the dice. He/she controls trade during his/her turn. You cannot
trade with the supply or another player.
Trade with the Supply :
During your turn, you may elect to trade directly with the supply. You then
bypass other players. There are 3 different player-supply trade options:
3:1 for matching resources: Return
3 identical resource cards to the supply
and take 1 different resource or goods
card of your choice from the supply.
2:1 for matching goods: Return 2 identical
goods cards to the supply and take any
1 resource or different goods card from
the supply.
3:2 for different goods: Return a set
of 3 different goods cards to the
supply and take any 2 resource/
goods cards from the supply.
Note: The combinations shown in the examples above are illustrations of
the many possible trade combinations.
Each settlement/city you build earns you a culture point . You need
culture points to win. Settlements/city also increase the possibility of
resource/goods card production. You can also purchase useful
development cards .
In order to build, you must place certain resource card combinations
back into the supply (summarized on your trading & building tile).
Take corresponding roads, settlements, or cities from your supply and place
them on the board.
Road : Requires 1 wood + 1 stone
to build a road.
On Paths: You must build a road on a
. Only 1 road can occupy a given path at any given time.
Important: There are no paths between the jungle or the sea hexes or
between these hexes and the frame. Therefore, you may not build a road
between these hexes or between them and the frame.
At an intersection: You may build a road on any path as long as the
new road is adjacent to 1 of your own roads or 1 of your own settlements/
city. You may not build a road past an intersection
that contains an
opponent’s settlement/city.
Example: Blue may build a new
road on the paths marked in
green. Blue may not build on the
paths marked in red.
Longest Trade Route :
As soon as you have a connected
group of at least 3 individual roads (branches do not count) that is not
interrupted by an opponent’s settlement/city, take the
Longest Trade Route advantage card. If another player
succeeds in building a longer road than the current one,
that player immediately takes the advantage card.
If you possess the advantage card, you may exchange any 2
resource and/or goods cards of your choice for any 1 different resource or
goods card of your choice from the supply. You can only do this 1 time per
turn. You can only do it during your own trade and build phase.
Example: Red has continuous trade route that is 4 roads long (the branch on
the NW path of the “6” hex does not count). Red has the Longest Trade Route
advantage card. Red’s settlement splits Blue’s roads into 2 separate trade
routes (one is 2 roads long; the other is 3 roads long).
Selement : Requires 1 wood + 1 stone + 1 potato + 1 wool
At an intersection: You must build settlements on intersections. Also, you
must build them adjacent to at least one of your own roads. You must
always respect the distance rule when you build a settlement.
The Distance Rule: You may only build a settlement on an intersection if
the 3 adjacent intersections are unoccupied (no settlements or cities
belonging to any player).
Example: Red may build a settlement on the intersection marked with a green
circle. She may not build on the red “X”-marked intersections because of the
distance rule.
Production: For each new settlement, the owner may receive income from
adjacent hexes: 1 card per settlement when that hex’s number gets rolled.
Culture point: Each settlement you build earns you 1 additional culture
. As soon as you place a settlement on the board, place 1 culture
marker on the next empty space of your culture board.
Game Play
Catan – Rise of the Inkas
Catan: Rise of the Inkas
City : Spend 2 potato + 3 ore to build a city.
Expansion: A city represents the development of a settlement. When you
build a city, return 1 of your settlement pieces from the board to your
supply and replace it with your city piece.
Important: A city can only be built by replacing its own settlement.
Production: Your cities produce twice as much income from adjacent
hexes as settlements. Take 2 resources or goods per city when that hex’s
number gets rolled.
Culture point: A city is worth 2 culture points. Since a city replaces a
settlement, place only 1 culture marker on the next empty space on your
culture board.
Important: A player may only build 1 city for each tribe
Development Cards : Spend 1 potato + 1 wool + 1 ore to build
a development card.
Buy: When you buy a development card, draw the top development card
from the supply.
Keep secret: Keep your development cards secret from your opponents
until you play them. They do not count towards your hand size. You may
not trade them.
Development Cards “2”: The cards marked with a “2” on the back only
come into play as soon as ALL players have begun their 2nd tribe. So as
soon as all players have placed their 1st settlement of their 2nd tribe, add
these development cards to the supply. Place the “2” cards under any
remaining “1” cards.
If You Roll a “7”, Activate the Robber
No Production: When you roll a “7” , all players receive no income.
Then proceed as follows:
Any Player(s) May Lose Cards: If you have 8+ resource/goods cards in
hand, you must choose half of those cards and return them to the supply.
If you have an odd numbers of cards, round it off in your favor. For
example, if you have 9 cards, you must lose 4 of them.
Move the Robber:
If you rolled the “7”, you must move the robber
piece to another hex
or to the jungle frame. Important: The robber may not be placed on a
hex that produces goods (so, not on a jungle hex, nor on a fishing
ground hex).
After you move the robber, you must rob 1 card from an opponent who
owns a settlement/city that earns resources from the hex where you just
placed the robber. You rob the card at random. You can only rob resource
or goods cards (not development cards).
Continue your turn with the trade and build phase as normal.
Important: The robber blocks all production from a hex where he
stands. So, if that hex’s number is rolled on a future turn, settlements/
cities adjacent to it receive no income.
Play a Development Card:
You may play exactly 1 development card per turn. You may play it
anytime during your turn, even before your dice roll. You may not play a
development card during the turn you purchased it.
Combat Arts Cards :
Move the Robber: If you play a Combat Arts card, move the
robber as described in the “If you roll a 7” section. You also get to
rob a card as described in that section.
After Use: Place any Combat Arts cards you play face up in front of you.
They protect your resource/goods cards when a “7” is rolled. Each face-up
Combat Arts card you have increases your hand limit by 1.
For example, if you have 3 face-up Combat Arts cards, and a “7” is rolled,
you only need to discard half of your resource/goods cards if you have
10 or more resource/goods cards.
Mightiest Combat Arts Advantage Card:
If you are the first player to have 2 Combat Arts cards face
up on front of you, take the Mightiest Combat Arts
advantage card. If another player ever places more
Combat Arts cards face up in front of them, that player
immediately takes the card from you (and so on).
As the owner of this advantage card, you may remove the robber piece
from the board and return it to the jungle frame. You may do this one
time on your turn. There are 2 prerequisites that you must satisfy to
make this move. First, it must be your turn. Second, the robber must be
on a hex that blocks production to one of your settlements/cities.
When you return the robber to the jungle frame, take 1 resource card of
the type produced by the hex the robber left.
Important: You are allowed to use the advantage of the Mightiest
Combat Arts card before you roll the dice on your turn.
Progress Cards:
Use: Reveal the card and follow the instructions
described on the card.
After Use: Discard the card. Remove it from the game.
We recommend that you begin playing the game using all of the rules
described up to this point. Once a first player reaches 4 culture points
(there are 4 culture markers on their culture board), continue the game by
adding the rules that start on page 7.
Game Play
Catan – Rise of the Inkas
Catan: Rise of the Inkas
Stages of
It is your task to grow and develop 3 successive tribes so that they reach
their cultural goal. If you do that faster then your opponents, you win.
The construction of settlements and cities represents this cultural
development. Each settlement and each city you build adds 1 cultural
milestone (called a culture point) to your tribe. Mark this progression on
your individual culture board.
Once 1 of your tribes attains its cultural goal, its decline naturally follows.
To indicate this decline, your tribe’s settlements/city are covered with
thickets, and the cycle begins anew. You immediately start a new tribe by
placing its first settlement.
Cultural Goal of Your 1st & 2nd Tribe
Once your 1st and 2nd tribes each earn 4 culture points
(a total of 8), they
reach their apex and go into decline. To earn 4 culture points, you need to
build either 2 settlements and 1 city or 4 settlements
Cultural Goal of Your 3rd Tribe
If you are the first player to reach 3 culture points with your third tribe,
you win the game.
To earn 3 culture points, you need to build
1 settlement and 1 city or 3 settlements.
Culture Board
Your culture board summarizes goals
for each tribe, including the effects of
goal completion.
Stages of Cultural Development:
Each time you place a settlement or
a city on the game board, you must
place 1 culture marker (representing
1 culture point
on the next
available space of your active tribe.
Place the markers from bottom to top.
Decline: The rules for transitioning from one tribe to the next are
described below and summarized on your culture board.
Your tribe in decline can no longer develop or expand. The settlements and
cities remain (surrounded by thickets
and produce for you. However,
these settlements and cities are vulnerable. Any player may remove a
settlement/city in decline to build a new settlement on its location.
Decline of Your 1st Tribe
Once you achieve 4 culture points with your 1st tribe, you must put that tribe
into decline. Perform the following actions in the exact order described.
Roads: Remove all of your roads from the board and put them in your supply.
Longest Trade Route Advantage Card: If you possessed this advantage
card, you immediately lose it. Give the card to the player who owns the
longest continuous route (with at least 3 individual roads) at this time. If
there is now a tie for longest trade route, place the advantage card beside
the board until 1 player alone has the longest continuous trade route (with
at least 3 roads).
City and Settlements: Cover each of your settlements and/or city
with a thicket
Example: (A) Blue built 2 settlements and 1 city. His first tribe is at its apex.
(B) Blue removes all of his roads and covers every settlement and city of his 1st
tribe with a thicket piece.
Decline of Your 2nd Tribe
Once you achieve 4 culture points with your 2nd tribe, you must put that
tribe into decline.
Perform the following actions in the exact order described.
Settlements/city from your 1st tribe: First, remove any settlements/city
belonging to your 1st tribe that remain on the board (remove the thicket
as well) and return them to your supply.
City, Settlements, Roads, Longest Trade Route: Once you have removed
all of your 1st tribe pieces, put your 2nd tribe into decline using the same
procedure described in Decline of Your 1st tribe.
Consequences of Decline
Apply the following rules to all tribes in decline:
No further Expansion: You may not add any roads, settlements, or cities
to a tribe in decline.
Adjacent paths: You can build a road up to, but not past, a settlement/city
in decline. You must first build over the declining settlement/city (by
building a new settlement) before you can build past that settlement/city
(see Fig. “A below).
Rebuilding: You can build over any declining settlement/city (your own
or an opponent’s) on the board. If you build a road up to a declining
settlement/city, you can pay the necessary construction costs for a
settlement and remove the declining settlement/city and replace it with a
settlement of your own. Return the old piece and the thicket to its owner’s
Example: (A) Red is still expanding her 1st tribe. She is not allowed to build a
road on the paths beyond Blue’s declining settlement.
(B) Red replaces one of Blue’s declining settlements. She returns the old
settlement and thicket to Blue, pays the construction costs for a new settlement to
the supply, and builds a new red settlement on that intersection. Now she can
build her road.
Production: Settlements/cities in decline still produce resource/goods
cards for their owners when anyone rolls the number of an adjacent hex.
Robber: If you place the robber on a hex with a declining settlement/city
adjacent to it, you may rob the owner of that settlement/city as usual.
Active Tribes: In contrast to declining (thicket-covered) tribes, all other
tribes are referred to as “active tribes.
The Tribes
Founding Your 1st Tribe
Your 1st tribe starts with the 2 settlements and 2 roads you placed on the
board during the initial set-up. Remember to put your 2 culture markers
onto your culture board when you place your 2 starting settlements.
Founding Your 2nd Tribe
Once your 1st tribe reaches its apex and you initiate its decline, you must
found your 2nd tribe. Now, place 1 new settlement (the “founding
settlement”) onto the board for free. Your turn ends immediately after
you place this new settlement (and its corresponding culture marker).
New Founding Settlement: You may place the founding settlement on
any unoccupied intersection (so, not on a declining settlement/city), with
the following conditions:
A. It must respect the distance rule, and that rule applies to both active
and declining settlements/cities.
B. You may not place it on a settlement site belonging to an active tribe.
A settlement site is defined as an intersection that is beside a road
belonging to an active tribe (see note and example below).
D. You may not place it in the jungle, nor in the sea.
Important: You do not place a free road with a founding settlement, nor
do you receive any starting resource/goods cards.
Note: As stated in “B” above, you may not place a founding settlement on
a settlement site belonging to active tribe. However, you may place a
founding settlement on an intersection next to a settlement site of a
opponent. This would prevent that player from building a settlement on
this intersection because of the distance rule.
Example: Orange places the founding settlement for his 2nd tribe (see the
green arrow). He cannot place the founding settlement on the intersection
marked with a red “X”, for this intersection is a settlement site of Gray’s active
tribe. The intersection marked with a green circle is also a legal location for
Orange to place this founding settlement.
End of Turn: Your turn ends immediately after you place a founding
settlement (remember to add a culture marker to your culture board).
You may not trade, build, play a development card, or use an advantage
card. Just pass the dice to the next player.
Founding Your 3rd Tribe
Once your 2nd tribe reaches its apex and you initiate its decline, you must
found your 3rd tribe. Now, place 1 new settlement onto the board for free.
The rules for this founding are the same as for the 2nd founding.
Very Important Strategy Note:
The placement of your 3rd
tribe’s founding settlement is particularly crucial! You should think
very carefully about the intersection you choose for your 3rd tribe
to begin.
This is especially true if you are the first or second player to place to your
3rd tribe. The third and fourth players could place their 3rd tribe’s
founding settlement in a way that blocks you in. You could be put in a
position where you cannot build to an intersection to build your second
settlement. This will prevent you from winning the game. It is advisable
place your 3rd tribe’s founding settlement in the vicinity of settlements/
cities belonging to declining tribes. That way you can build over them
without the competition of the other players’ active tribes.
If you reach 3 culture point with your third tribe (a total of 11 culture
markers on your culture board), you win the game!
You are the Great Inka—the tribal leader that successfully launched the
rise of the mighty Inkan Empire some 130 years before the arrival of the
Authors: Klaus and Benjamin Teuber
License: Catan GmbH © 2018, catan.de
Development Team: Arnd Beenen, Coleman Charlton,
Morgan Dontanville, Pete Fenlon, Arnd Fischer, Ron Magin,
Martin Pflieger, Guido Teuber
Thanks to: Ian Birdsall, Michael Hurley, Donna Prior, Awa
Melba LSKC 223-223, and the crew at Asmodee North America
Illustration: Claus Stephan, Martin Hoffmann
Original Layout: Michaela Kienle
English Layout: Ron Magin
Game Piece Design: Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan
3D-Graphics: Andreas Resch
Technical Product Development: Monika Schall
Editorial Staff (Germany): Arnd Fischer, Martin Pflieger
Editorial Staff (English): Catan Studio
Copyright © 2018 Catan GmbH and Catan Studio. Catan:
Rise of the Inkas, Catan, The Settlers of Catan, the Catan
Sun logo, the Glowing Yellow Sun mark, the Catan Board
mark, and all other marks herein are trademark properties of
Catan GmbH. Catan Studio is a trading name of Asmodee
North America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published in conjunction with: KOSMOS Verlag
The Tribes & Game End
Catan – Rise of the Inkas

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U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

U heeft geen emailadres opgegeven

Als u de handleiding per email wilt ontvangen, vul dan een geldig emailadres in.

Uw vraag is op deze pagina toegevoegd

Wilt u een email ontvangen bij een antwoord en/of nieuwe vragen? Vul dan hier uw emailadres in.
