Your telephone base includes a telephone answ ering machine that records unanswered
calls w hen it is on. The answ ering machine can store up to 59 messages w ithin the
maximum recording time of approximately 15 minutes. As w ell as recording incoming
messages, you can record memos for other users of your phone.
9.1 Switching Answering Machine On/Off
Using the base direct key:
You can sw itch on / sw itch off the TAM function by pressing ANS ON/OFF.
Using the base menu:
Alternatively, you can switch the TAM on or off using the base menu.
1. Press MENU/OK and / to select ANS. MACHINE.
2. Press MENU/OK and / to go to TAM ON/OFF.
3. Press MENU/OK and / to select ON or OFF.
4. Press MENU/OK to confirm.