Always turn the appliance off (power button), remove the power cord from the outlet and
clean the appliance and all parts and tools if you do not want to use the appliance for a
long time (see: ›Care and Cleaning‹).
Empty the water tank and drip tray.
Make sure that the appliance has cooled down, is clean and dry. Stow all accessories with
the appliance.
Store the appliance standing upwards. Place no other objects on the appliance.
If the appliance is not used for a longer period, we recommend a cleaning the grouphead.
Do not insert portafilter afterwards into the grouphead.
Store the appliance only in a clean, dry and frost-free place, where it is protected from
excessive strain (fall, shock, moisture, frost, direct sunlight) and out of reach of small child-
ren. Do not place heavy or hard objects on the appliance or its components.
Handle the power cable with care. Do not bend the power cord, squeeze or tie. Never pull
or tear the power cord.
Never use any parts or tools of the appliance for other purposes than to work with the
appliance. Keep parts and tools of the appliance always with the appliance.
Assemble the appliance after cleaning. Keep parts and tools of the appliance always with
the appliance. Store the appliance out of the reach of small children and where it is pro-
tected from excessive strain. Never any place hard, sharp or heavy objects on the appliance
or the warming plate or grate, not to damage the appliance.