• Neverleavesmallchildrenunsupervisedwiththeapplianceorthepartsoftheappliance!
Always make sure that the appliance is properly and fully assembled before you plug the
power cord into the outlet and turn on the appliance.
• Do
not remove the steam wand out of the milk, as long as steam escapes. Otherwise
hot milk may splash out of the frothing jug. Turn the steam dial always back to the starting
position (standby(O) position) before you remove the frothing jug from the steam wand. Se-
veral seconds after turning off the steam function a short burst of steam from the steam wand
occurs. Be careful not to scald yourself on the hot steam.
• Themetalpartsoftheportafilter will be very hot during and after operation. Grasp the
hot portafilter only on the black handle. Cool the portafilter and the filter insert in cold water,
before you touch the metal parts.
• Thesteamwandisveryhotafteruseforsometime.Alwayscheckfirstthatthecomponent
has cooled down before touching the steam wand .
• Hotsteamescapesfromthesteamwand.Neverplaceyourhandsorotherbodyparts
onto or under the steam wand if the selection switch is in the steam position. Hold the
frothing jug under the steam wand before you turn the selection switch to the steam position.
• Hotsteamescapesfromthesteamwand.Thiscomponentisveryhot.Alwaysbesurenot
to scald on the hot steam. During steam generation never grasp the steam wand. Touch the
steam wand during operation only by the dark plastic handle.
• Neverremovethesteamwandfromthemilk,aslongassteamescapes.Otherwise,hot
milk may splash out of the frothing jug. Always turn the selection switch to the standby (O)
position back, before removing the frothing jug from the steam wand.
• Alwaysswitchoffbeforecleaningthetheppliance,disconnecttheplugfromthewall
outlet and let the appliance cool down.
• Thewatertankshouldnotberemovedduringdescaling.