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eTrex Summit
personal navigator
© 2000-2001 GARMIN Corporation
GARMIN International, Inc.
1200 East 151
Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.
GARMIN (Europe) Ltd.
Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, SO51 9AQ, U.K.
GARMIN Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2
Road., Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan
Part Number 190-00193-00 Rev. D
Covers.indd 02/01/01, 12:26 PM1
©2000-2001 GARMIN Corporation
GARMIN International, Inc.
1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062 U.S.A.
Tel. 913/397.8200
Fax 913/397.8282
GARMIN (Europe) Ltd.
Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, SO51 9AQ, U.K.
Tel. 44/1794.519944
Fax 44/1794.519222
GARMIN Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road., Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan
Tel. 886/2.2642.8999
Fax 886/2.2642.9099
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual
may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in
any storage medium, for any purpose without prior written consent of GARMIN
Corporation. GARMIN Corporation hereby grants permission to download a single
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viewed for personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this
manual contains the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that
any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual is strictly prohibited.
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. GARMIN
Corporation reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make
changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of
such changes. Visit the GARMIN website for current updates and supplemental
information concerning the use and operation of this and other GARMIN products.
Website address: www.garmin.com
GARMIN is a registered trademark and eTrex is a trademark of GARMIN Corpora-
tion and may not be used without the express permission of GARMIN Corporation.
February 2001 Part Number 190-00193-00 Rev. D Printed in Taiwan
Covers.indd 02/01/01, 12:26 PM2
eTrex Summit Registration
Help us better support you by completing your
on-line registration today!
Why should you register your eTrex Summit?
• Notifi cation of Product Updates
• Notifi cation of New Products
• Lost or Stolen unit tracking
Connect to our website (www.garmin.com) and look
for the Product Registration link on the home page.
Thanks for choosing the GARMIN eTrex Summit. If
you have any questions or comments regarding the use
of the eTrex Summit you can visit our website or contact
our Customer Service Department M-F, 8:00-5:00 CST
(except holidays) at 1-800-800-1020.
If you have previously registered your GARMIN
product purchase using a mail-in registration
card, we invite you to reregister using our
NEW on-line system. Many services provided
by our new product registration system are
now being automated and reregistering your
purchase ensures you the best possible support
from GARMIN.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:07 AM1
Registration.......................................................................... 1
Warnings and Cautions........................................................ 3
FCC Statement..................................................................... 4
Features............................................................................... 5
Buttons ................................................................................ 6
Description .......................................................................... 7
Installing the Batteries.......................................................... 8
Getting Started
Calibrating the Electronic Compass .................................... 10
SkyView Page Basics ........................................................... 11
Map Page Basics.................................................................. 12
Pointer Page Basics ............................................................. 13
Elevation Page Basics .......................................................... 14
Menu Page Basics................................................................ 15
Creating a Waypoint...................................................... 16-17
Heading in the Right Direction .......................................... 18
Cancelling a GOTO ............................................................ 19
Reference Section
SkyView Page Options................................................... 20-21
Map Page Options .............................................................. 22
Pointer Page Options ..................................................... 23-25
Elevation Page .............................................................. 26-29
Mark Waypoint Page...................................................... 30-31
Waypoint Page.................................................................... 32
Review Waypoint Page................................................... 33-34
Routes ........................................................................... 35-37
Tracks ............................................................................ 38-40
Calibration..................................................................... 41-43
Setup Page ..................................................................... 43-44
Display Page ....................................................................... 45
Units Page ..................................................................... 45-48
Heading Page................................................................. 50-52
System Page................................................................... 53-55
Appendix A — Specifi cations ............................................. 56
Appendix B — What is GPS?......................................... 57-58
Appendix C — Reciption Tips ............................................ 59
Appendix D — Time Offset Chart....................................... 60
Appendix E — Accessories ................................................. 61
Appendix F — Wiring Diagram.......................................... 62
Appendix G — Troubleshooting ......................................... 63
Appendix H — FAQ’s .................................................... 64-65
Appendix I — Index...................................................... 66-69
Warranty ............................................................................ 70
Table of
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Remove the batteries from your
eTrex Summit if you don’t expect to
use it for several months. Be sure
to observe the proper polarity when
inserting the batteries. Follow the
battery manufacturer’s instructions
on the proper care and handling of
the batteries.
WARNING: If you choose to use the eTrex Summit
in a vehicle, it is the sole responsibility of the owner/
operator of the eTrex Summit to secure the GPS unit so
that it will not cause damage or personal injury in the
event of an accident. Do not mount the eTrex Summit
over airbag panels or in a place where the driver or pas-
sengers are likely to have an impact with it in an accident
or collision.
WARNING: If you choose to use the eTrex Summit in
a vehicle, it is the sole responsibility of the operator of the
vehicle to operate the vehicle in a safe manner, maintain
full surveillance of all driving conditions at all times,
and never become distracted by the eTrex Summit to the
exclusion of safe operating practices. It is unsafe to oper-
ate the eTrex Summit while you are driving. Failure by
the operator of a vehicle equipped with an eTrex Summit
to pay full attention to operating the vehicle and road
conditions while the vehicle is in motion could result
in an accident or collision with property damage and
personal injury.
CAUTION: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is
operated by the government of the United States, which is
solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The
system is subject to changes which could affect the accu-
racy and performance of all GPS equipment. Although the
eTrex Summit is a precision electronic NAVigation AID
(NAVAID), any NAVAID can be misused or misinterpreted
and, therefore, become unsafe.
Warnings and
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:07 AM3
The eTrex Summit complies with Part 15 of the FCC
limits for Class B digital devices. This equipment gener-
ates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed or used in accordance with the instructions
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
There is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular instance. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to other equipment, try to
correct the problem by relocating the equipment.
Consult an authorized GARMIN dealer or other
qualifi ed service technician if the problem cannot be cor-
rected. Operation is subject to the following conditions:
(1) This device cannot cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, includ-
ing interference that may cause undesired operation.
The eTrex Summit does not contain any user-
serviceable parts. Repairs should be made only by an
authorized GARMIN service center. Unauthorized repairs
can void the warranty.
FCC Compliance
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The eTrex Summit is a six ounce, 12 channel, hand
held GPS receiver. It has a built-in GPS antenna and only
ve user-Buttons. All Buttons are located on either side of
the unit, allowing for simple, one-handed operation that
won’t obstruct your view of the display. It runs for up to
22 hours on two AA batteries in battery save mode.
The eTrex Summit contains a full function GPS, elec-
tronic compass and barometric altimeter. The eTrex
Summit will track barometric pressure and altitude
changes, providing data never before available in such
a small package. Using the built in compass, the eTrex
Summit will provide you with a reliable heading even
while standing still. When moving, the eTrex Summit
will provide you with more data, including speed, direc-
tion of movement, time, distance to destination, and
From these basic features, your eTrex Summit can
provide one more critical benefi t; peace of mind, because,
with the combination of these technologies you’ll know
where you are, where you’ve been and where you’re
going. And since you’ll always know the way back home,
you can concentrate on what you set out to do and enjoy
the great outdoors.
Other features include:
500 with name and graphic symbol.
Automatic track log; 10 saved tracks.
20 Routes that let you navigate through a set
of 50 waypoints.
Trip Computer:
Current speed, average speed, maxi-
mum speed, bearing, elevation, location, time of sunrise/
sunset, trip timer and trip odometer.
Elevation Computer:
Total ascent, total descent,
average ascent, average descent, maximum ascent,
maximum descent, vertical speed, pressure, 12 hour
pressure trend, maximum elevation, and minimum ele-
NOTE: You should always
be prepared and capable of
navigating without the eTrex
Summit. It is designed to aug-
ment other forms of basic nav-
igation, not entirely replace
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The UP/DOWN Button:
• Select options on pages and menus
• Adjusts Contrast on SkyView Page
• Zoom in and out on Map Page
• Cycles through trip computer data
• Cycles through elevation computer data
The ENTER Button:
• Confi rms data entry or menu selections
• Displays Options on main pages
• Pressing and holding the ENTER Button
activates the ‘Mark Waypoint’ page
The PAGE Button:
• Switches display pages.
• Allows you to quit a function.
• Pressing and holding the PAGE Button
will turn on the Electronic Compass and
display the Pointer Page.
The POWER Button:
• Turns the unit on and off
• Turns the display backlight on and off
eTrex Summit
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External Power
Data Connector
GPS Antenna
LCD Display
(with backlight)
Waterproof Case
eTrex Summit
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Installing the Batteries
The eTrex Summit operates on two AA batteries (not
included), which are installed at the back of the unit.
To install the batteries, remove the battery cover by turn-
ing the D-ring at the back of the unit 1/4 turn counter-
clockwise. Insert the batteries observing proper polarity.
Attach the battery cover by turning the D-ring 1/4 turn
clockwise. The two AA batteries can last up to 16 hours
during typical use.
Battery Cover
Lanyard Installation
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Getting Started
The Getting Started Section introduces you to the
basic operation of the eTrex Summit. The Reference Sec-
tion shows you how to use all of eTrex Summit’s remain-
ing features.
The First Step
The eTrex Summit’s GPS operates using information
gathered from satellites. To Initialize the eTrex Summit’s
GPS receiver the fi rst time, take your eTrex Summit out-
side and fi nd a large, open area that has a clear view of
the sky. Press and hold the POWER Button to turn the
unit on. You’ll see the Welcome Page for a few seconds
while the eTrex Summit performs a self-test, followed by
the SkyView Page.
NOTE: When you use the eTrex Summit for the
rst time, it will take up to fi ve minutes to fi nd
your location. After the fi rst use, eTrex Summit
only needs about 15 to 45 seconds to fi nd your
The eTrex Summit needs to receive at least three
strong satellite signals to fi nd your location. The SkyView
Page shows you graphically eTrex Summit tracking satel-
lites, and the strength of the satellite signals. The status is
also displayed at the top of the page.
When you see the “READY TO NAVIGATE” message
in the status box, eTrex Summit has found your location
and the GPS receiver is initialize and ready for use.
Backlighting and Contrast
If the lighting conditions make it hard for you to see
the screen, adjust the contrast or turn on the backlight.
Press and release the POWER Button from any screen to
turn on the backlight. The backlight is timed to stay on
for 30 seconds. To adjust the screen contrast, press the
PAGE Button until you see The SkyView Page. Press the
UP Button to make the screen darker, press the DOWN
Button to make the screen lighter.
The SkyView Page
message must appear before
you can begin using your eTrex
Summit to navigate.
Here We Go
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Getting Started
Calibrating the Electronic Compass
The eTrex Summit’s Electronic Compass needs to be
calibrated outdoors after the batteries have been changed
before using the unit for navigation. Failure to calibrate
the Electronic Compass can result in gross inaccuracy of
the compass feature.
Compass Calibration:
1. Press the PAGE Button until the MENU Page is
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘Calibrate’
and press the ENTER Button.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘Compass’
and press the ENTER Button.
4. With ‘Start’ highlighted, press the ENTER Button to
begin the calibration.
5. Making sure that the unit is level, rotate the eTrex
Summit slowly two turns in the same direction. On
the display there will be a speed scale that indicates
whether you are rotating the unit ‘Too Fast’, ‘Too
Slow’ or ‘Just Right’. A message will be displayed
when the compass has been successfully calibrated.
NOTE: The eTrex Summit needs to be level
during compass calibration and use. If the unit
is tilted on either axis the compass feature will
become less accurate.
The Speed Scale indicates whether
you are ‘TOO SLOW’, ‘JUST
Helpful Compass Tips
1. The Electronic Compass will
need to be recalibrated out-
doors every time the batter-
ies are changed.
2. The Electronic Compass will
not be accurate when used in
a car or around items that
radiate a magnetic fi eld.
3. When using the compass, hold
the unit as level as possible.
The more that the unit is tilted,
the less accurate the compass
will become.
Calibrating the
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Getting Started
Selecting a Page
All of the information needed to operate the eTrex
Summit is found on fi ve main “pages” (or display screens).
These pages are The SkyView, Map, Pointer, Elevation and
Menu. Simply press the PAGE Button to switch between
SkyView Page Basics
The SkyView Page displays the eTrex Summit’s
receiver status. It also shows the strength of the satellite
signals that are being received. If the signals are weak you
may need to try a different location for better reception.
The shorter the signal strength bar, the weaker the signals.
At the top of the page the unit displays the status of the
receiver. The eTrex Summit displays the message ‘Ready
to Navigate’ when the receiver has gathered enough satel-
lite information to begin navigation.
“You”; Your
Status Message
The SkyView Page
Satellite Signal
Strength Bar
Location Accuracy
Map Pointer
Page Basics
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Getting Started
Map Page Basics
The Map Page
The Map Page shows where you are (the animated
gure) and provides a picture of where you are going.
As you travel, the animated fi gure “walks” and leaves
a “breadcrumb trail” known as a Track Log. Waypoint
names and symbols are also shown on the map.
To help you better visualize the “real world”, eTrex
Summit automatically rotates the map as you move, so
that waypoints that are ahead of you are always displayed
in front of the animated fi gure. In the upper left corner of
the screen, the Map Orientation is displayed.
To make sure you can see your entire trip, the map
scale can be changed from 200 feet to 800 miles. To
increase the map scale, press the UP Button. This will let
you view a larger area in less detail. To decrease the map
scale, press the DOWN Button. This will show a smaller
“You”; your
Path to
(track log)
On the Map Page, the UP and
DOWN Buttons are used to adjust
the map scale from 200 feet to
800 miles.
Page Basics
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Getting Started
On the Pointer Page, the UP and
DOWN Buttons are used to cycle
through different trip data.
Pointer Page Basics
The Pointer Page helps guide you to a destination.
When you’re moving towards a specifi c destination,
the Pointer Page shows you the name of the location,
the distance, time to go and displays a direction arrow
in the Compass Ring. To navigate, simply follow the
arrow. If the arrow is pointing right, turn right until
the arrow is pointing directly ahead and you will arrive
at your destination.
The Compass Ring refl ects your heading (direction
of movement). The eTrex Summit will automatically
select the correct sensor for you based on your speed.
By pressing the UP or DOWN Buttons, you can
cycle through other trip computer information such
as average speed, maximum speed, bearing, lat/lon,
elevation, time of sunrise/sunset, trip timer and trip
Compass Ring
Time to
Straight Line
Distance to the
Waypoint (Location) Name
The Pointer Page
Selectable Trip
Current Sensor
NOTE: The direction arrow and destination
symbol only appear on the Pointer Page when
you have started a GOTO.
Direction Arrow
(follow this)
Page Basics
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Getting Started
Elevation Page Basics
On the Elevation Page, the UP and
DOWN Buttons are used to cycle
through a variety of user-selectable
Profi le
Rate of
The Elevation Page
The Elevation Page will provide the user with the
current elevation, rate of ascent/descent, and a profi le
of elevation changes over distance or time. The UP or
DOWN Buttons can be used to scroll through a variety
of user selectable data including Pressure, Vertical Speed,
Max Descent, Max Ascent, Avg Descent, Avg Ascent, Total
Descent, Total Ascent, Min Elevation, Max Elevation, and
12 Hour Pressure Trend.
The Altimeter should be calibrated for the
greatest accuracy. See page 42 for more infor-
mation on calibrating the Altimeter.
Press ENTER to access the
Elevation Page ‘OPTIONS’.
Page Basics
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Getting Started
Menu Page Basics
The Menu Page gives you access to eTrex Summit’s
more advanced features. With the Menu Page you can
create and view waypoints, create a route, save and view
track logs, calibrate the electronic compass and altimeter
or access the system setup features. Information on each
of these advanced features is included in the Reference
Section of this manual.
Changing the Time Zone
Let’s practice using the Menu Page and set the eTrex
Summit to display your local time.
To change the time zone:
1. Using the PAGE Button, switch to the MENU Page.
Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SETUP’
and press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘TIME’ and
press ENTER.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the ‘TIME
ZONE’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button, scroll through the
selections, and press ENTER when you have found
your correct time zone. Press PAGE to get back to
the page of your choice.
You can select your particular
time zone on the TIME page.
The Menu Page
Backlight On
Menu Options
Time and Date
Page Basics
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Getting Started
Discovering the Fun of GPS Navigation
Discovering the fun of using your eTrex Summit is as
easy as taking a quick walk around an open outdoor area.
In this brief exercise, you’ll mark your current location
(your home for example), travel a short distance away,
and then have the eTrex Summit guide you back to where
you started (to get the most out of this exercise, make sure
to walk for at least the time noted for each step).
Creating a Waypoint
The fi rst step in the exercise is to mark your location
as a waypoint so you can return to it later.
NOTE: The eTrex Summit must be “READY TO
NAVIGATE” before you mark a waypoint.
To mark a waypoint:
1. Press and hold the ENTER Button to activate the
The waypoint is assigned a numeric name at the time
it is created. You could press ENTER and save the
waypoint now, but there are a couple of other things that
you should take a look at.
The eTrex Summit comes equipped with 29 different
waypoint symbols that can be displayed on the map to
help quickly identify the waypoints.
To change the waypoint symbol:
1. On the MARK WAYPOINT Page, using the UP or
DOWN Button, highlight the small fl ag symbol and
press ENTER. Using the UP or DOWN Button, scroll
through the symbols and highlight the house symbol.
Press ENTER.
The Latitude, Longitude and Ele-
vation are displayed along the
bottom of the MARK WAYPOINT
You can select from 29 symbols
to represent a waypoint on the
Let the Fun
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Getting Started
As mentioned earlier the eTrex Summit will assign a
numeric name at the time a waypoint is created. The
assigned name can be easily changed to something more
meaningful to help in identifying the waypoint.
To change the waypoint name:
1 On the MARK WAYPOINT Page, press the UP
or DOWN Button to highlight the Waypoint Name
Page appears.
2. Press ENTER. Using the UP or DOWN Button,
scroll through the letter selections. Select ‘H’ and
press ENTER. Repeat this process and fi nish the
word ‘HOME’.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ‘OK’
eld and press ENTER. The MARK WAYPOINT Page
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ‘OK’
eld and press ENTER. Your location, named HOME,
is now marked and stored in memory.
Now that you’ve marked your location, it’s time to
go for a walk. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the
Map Page. Walk in a straight line for 2-3 minutes at a
moderate pace and watch the Map Page.
Your location is shown by the fi gure in the middle of
the screen. As you move, watch the animated fi gure walk,
and a line—called a “track”—appear along the path you
have just covered. Now take a sharp right or left turn and
walk for another 2-3 minutes.
Edit Waypoint Name
Map Page
Edit Waypoint
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Getting Started
Guidance by GARMIN
It is time to let the eTrex Summit guide you back to
the waypoint we named ‘HOME’ using the GOTO func-
tion. The GOTO function provides you with a straight
line navigation path to your selected destination.
To Start a GOTO:
1. Using the PAGE Button switch to the MENU Page.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘WAY-
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the tab
containing ‘HOME’ and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select ‘HOME’ and
press ENTER. The REVIEW WAYPOINT Page appears.
5. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘GOTO’,
and press ENTER.3
The Compass Page appears and you’re ready to begin
Heading in the Right Direction
The eTrex Summit will guide you back to where you
started using the Pointer Page. The pointer shows the
direction of the destination waypoint. Walk in the direc-
tion the arrow is pointing until the arrow points to the top
of the compass ring. If the arrow points to the right, you
need to go to the right. If the arrow points to the left, go
left. When the arrow is pointing straight up, you are on
the correct track!
The destination name, distance to the destination and
time to reach your destination are displayed at the top
of the screen. The sensor that is being used, Compass
or GPS, to determine your heading is displayed above
the pointer. The speed you are traveling is shown at
the bottom of the screen. Once you are getting close to
your destination, eTrex Summit will give you the message
The pointer tells you what direc-
tion you should move. When the
pointer is pointing right, just
move right until the pointer is
pointing straight up and points
to the moving direction line (see
picture below).
When the pointer points straight
up as shown, you’re on track!
Follow the
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Getting Started
Cancelling a GOTO
Anytime you want to stop a GOTO:
1. Using the PAGE Button, switch to the POINTER Page.
Press ENTER.
2. Highlight ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ on the OPTIONS Page
and press ENTER.
Clearing a Cluttered Map Display
After you’ve used the eTrex Summit a few times, the
map display will become a bit messy from keeping track
of your every move. You can clean up the screen by clear-
ing the track log (the lines left on the Map Page):
To clear the track log:
1. Using the PAGE Button, switch to the MENU Page.
Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight
3. You are now on the TRACKS Page. Using the UP
Button, highlight CLEAR, and press ENTER.
4. Using the DOWN Button, highlight ‘YES’. Press
5. Press the PAGE Button to select any page.
You’ve now gone through the basic operation of eTrex
Summit and you’re ready to get out there and have
some fun! To turn eTrex Summit off, press and hold the
POWER Button.
When you clear the Track Log you also clear
the Elevation Profi le. Learn how to save the
Track Log and use it for ‘TrackbacK’ navigation
on pages 39 and 40 in the Reference Section.
and press ENTER on the Options
Page to stop a GOTO.
You’ve Made It!
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM19
SkyView Page
This section will describe the features and use of the
eTrex Summit in more detail than the Getting Started
SkyView Page Options
In addition to the functions of the default SkyView
Page as described on page 11, there is an ‘OPTIONS’
menu available. To activate the ‘OPTIONS’ menu, press
ENTER with the SkyView Page displayed. There are two
options available:
• Setup Display: The Setup Display feature allows you
to change the display contrast and set the time that the
backlight will stay on.
Changing the contrast:
1. Place the highlight over the Contrast Slider, press
ENTER to activate the slider.
2. Use the UP Button to darken the contrast or the
DOWN Button to lighten the contrast.
3. When fi nished press ENTER to save the setting.
Setting the (
) Light Timeout:
1. Place the highlight over the ‘LIGHT TIMEOUT’ fi eld
and press ENTER.
2. Choose the setting that you desire using the UP or
DOWN Button.
3. Press ENTER to save the setting.
• Advanced SkyView: When you select the Advanced
SkyView feature the eTrex Summit will display a differ-
ent SkyView Page that contains more detailed informa-
tion on the satellites including their position in relation
to you and the signal strength for each satellite that is
being received.
Selecting the Advanced SkyView Page:
1. Place the highlight over the ADVANCED SKYVIEW’ fi eld
and press
Normal SkyView Page
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Receiver Status
Signal Strength Indicators
45° Above
Directly Overhead
Advanced SkyView Page Options
The Advanced SkyView Page also has an ‘OPTIONS’
menu. To activate the ‘OPTIONS’ menu, press ENTER
with the Advanced SkyView Page displayed. There are
three options available:
• Setup Display: This is the same as on the default
SkyView Page described on page 20.
• Orient Sky Northward/Orient Sky Ahead: As set
from the factory, the eTrex Summit will orient the satel-
lite view with your current track toward the top of the
display. When you select ‘ORIENT SKY NORTHWARD’
the satellite postion will be oriented with North at the
top of the display. When ‘ORIENT SKY AHEAD’ is
active, ‘ORIENT SKY NORTHWARD’ will be the avail-
able option.
To Select Orient Sky Northward or Ahead:
1. Place the highlight over the
or ‘ORIENT SKY AHEAD’ fi eld and press ENTER.
• Normal SkyView: This options displays the default
SkyView Page.
To select Normal SkyView:
1. Place the highlight over ‘NORMAL SKYVIEW’ and
press ENTER.
Advanced SkyView Page
SkyView Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM21
Getting Started
Map Page Options
In addition to the basic aspects of the Map Page that
were covered on page 12, there is a ‘MAP OPTIONS’
feature which allows you to customize the Map Page. The
following options are available:
• Orient Map Ahead/Northwards: When ‘AHEAD’ is
selected, the top of the map is oriented in the direction
you are currently moving. When ‘NORTHWARDS’ is
selected, the map is always oriented to the north.
• Auto Zoom On/Off: When ‘AUTO ZOOM’ is turned
on, the map automatically adjusts its scale to display
your entire navigating route. When it’s turned off, you
must press the UP or DOWN Buttons to select the
appropriate map scale.
• Hide Waypoints: ‘HIDE WAYPOINTS’ will keep way-
point symbols and names from being displayed on the
Map Page.
• Stop Navigation: ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ stops any
active navigation (navigation means there is a destina-
tion waypoint or active route). This option cannot be
selected if there is no active navigation.
To select a Map Page option:
1. Press the ENTER Button on the MAP Page.
2. The Map Options Menu appears. Using the UP
or DOWN Button, highlight the desired option and
press ENTER. Once you press ENTER, the change is
made and the Options Menu disappears.
You will notice on the Map Page the little grey “man”.
The man stands still when you are not moving, he moves
when you move, and a blinking “?” means the eTrex
Summit has lost satellite reception (weak signals). You
should relocate the eTrex Summit or move to a place that
has a clear view of the sky.
Selecting ‘Orient Map Ahead’
from the Map Page options orients
the map to the direction you are
When you select ‘Orient Map
Northwards’ the figure icon is
replaced by a ‘direction’ triangle.
Map Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM22
Pointer Page Options
In addition to the Pointer Page basics that were cov-
ered on page 13, several Pointer Page options are available:
• Sight 'N Go: This feature allows the user to visually
locate a landmark and lock it’s magnetic bearing. Once
a bearing is locked you have the option of creating a
projection waypoint or navigating along the locked bear-
Projecting a waypoint using Sight ‘N Go:
1. Press ENTER to activate the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SIGHT ’N
GO’ and press ENTER.
3. Holding the eTrex Summit level, line up the sighting
marks on the case with a distant landmark.
4. Press ENTER to lock the magnetic bearing.
5. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select either ‘RE-
SIGHT’ or ‘PROJECT’. If you select ‘RE-SIGHT’ you will
return to step 3. If you selected ‘PROJECT’ proceed
to step 6.
A Projection Waypoint is a waypoint created at
a specifi ed distance from the eTrex Summit’s
current GPS location.
6. The PROJECT WAYPOINT Page will be displayed with
the Distance fi eld highlighted. Press ENTER.
7. The EDIT NUMBER Page will be displayed. Use the
UP or DOWN Button to select the desired digit. With
the desired digit selected, press ENTER to activate
the drop down number list.
8. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the correct
digit then press ENTER. When all digits are entered
correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.
9. To save the waypoint, highlight ‘OK’ and press
ENTER. To begin navigation to the waypoint, high-
light ‘GOTO’ and press ENTER.
When using the ‘Sight ‘N Go’ or
‘Set Course’ feature of the eTrex
Summit, hold the unit level and
align the Sighting Marks on the
case with a distant landmark.
Project Waypoint Page
Pointer Page
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• Set Course: The Set Course feature allows the user to
visually locate a landmark, lock in a bearing to the point
and begin navigation on that bearing.
When using the Set Course feature the Pointer will
point the direction you need to navigate, and display the
cross track or the amount you are off course from straight
line navigation.
Using the Set Course feature:
1. Press ENTER to activate the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SIGHT ’N
GO’ and press ENTER.
3. Holding the eTrex Summit level, line up the sighting
marks on the case with a distant landmark.
4. Press ENTER to lock the magnetic bearing.
5. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select ‘SET COURSE’.
Press ENTER. The eTrex Summit will begin naviga-
tion on the locked bearing
6. To end navigation, press ENTER. Using the UP or
DOWN Button, select ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ and press
• Big Heading/Compass: this allows the user to select
between seeing either large heading numbers or a large
• Reset Max Speed: this resets the Maximum Speed
achieved during a trip.
• Reset Trip: the trip time, trip distance (odometer) and
average speed are reset to zeros.
• Stop Navigation: stops any active navigation.
To select a Pointer Page option:
1. Press the ENTER Button on the POINTER Page.
2. The Options Menu appears. Press the UP or DOWN
Button, highlight the desired option, and press
ENTER. Once you press ENTER, the change is made
and the Options Menu disappears.
When using the ‘Set Course’
feature, the ‘Pointer’ indicates a
direct bearing to your destina-
tion. The center of the pointer
(D-Bar) will show your cross
track (the distance you are right
or left of the desired course).
The example above shows that
you are headed toward your
destination but have drifted off
course to the left about 50 feet.
To return to your desired course
turn toward the D-Bar (right)
until the D-Bar aligns with the
Pointer Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM24
You can also change the fi elds at the bottom of the
Pointer Page to display different data:
Speed—like the speedometer in your car, ‘SPEED’
tells you how fast you are going regardless of whether
or not you are on the right track.
Average Speed—the average speed traveled since last
trip reset.
Max Speed—the maximum speed traveled since last
Bearing—the compass direction between your loca-
tion and destination.
Elevation—the measurement of height above mean
sea level.
Location—shows your current latitude and longi-
Sunrise—the time of sunrise at your present location.
Sunset—the time of sunset at your present location.
Trip Time—the total time you have traveled since the
last trip reset.
Trip Odometer—like the odometer in your car, ‘TRIP
ODOMETER’ tells you how far you’ve gone since the
last trip reset.
To change a data fi eld:
1. On the POINTER Page, press the UP or DOWN
Button and scroll through the available options, stop-
ping on the data you want the eTrex Summit to
Pointer Page Options
User-Selectable Data Field
Pointer Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM25
Elevation Page Options
In addition to the Elevation Page basics explained on
page 14, there are several options that allow the user to
customize the elevation profi le display.
‘PLOT OVER TIME’ sets the elevation profi le to dis-
play changes over a set period of time.
To select ‘PLOT OVER TIME’:
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER
to display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘PLOT OVER
TIME’ and press ENTER.
With the elevation profi le set to ‘PLOT OVER TIME’
you can set the time duration using the ‘ZOOM TIME’
option. You can set the profi le to display 2 minutes, 5
minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or
2 hours of elevation data.
To set Zoom Time:
1. With the Elevation Page displayed, press ENTER to
display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘Zoom
Time’ and press ENTER. The display will switch back
to the elevation profi le.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, set the time scale.
4. When you have the correct time scale selected press
‘PLOT OVER DISTANCE’ sets the elevation profi le to
display changes over a set period of time.
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER
to display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘PLOT OVER
DISTANCE’ and press ENTER.
Time Scale
Set the elevation profi le to plot
over distance or time.
Elevation Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM26
With the elevation profi le set to ‘PLOT OVER
DISTANCE’ you can set the distance using the ‘ZOOM
DISTANCE’ option. You can set the profi le to display data
over .2 miles, .5 miles, 1 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles, 15
miles or 25 miles.
To set Zoom Distance:
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER to
display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘ZOOM
DISTANCE’ and press ENTER. The display will switch
back to the elevation profi le.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the time
4. When you have the desired time scale selected, press
The elevation profi les vertical distance can be changed
using the ‘ZOOM ELEVATION’ option. The vertical ele-
vation distance can be set to 200 feet, 400 feet, 600 feet,
800 feet, 1000 feet, 2500 feet, or 5000 feet.
To set Zoom Elevation:
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER to
display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘ZOOM
ELEVATION’ and press ENTER. The display will switch
back to the elevation profi le.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the vertical
4. When you have the desired vertical distance selected,
press ENTER.
Distance Scale
Vertical Distance Scale
Elevation Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM27
The ‘VIEW POINTS’ options allows you to scroll
through the stored elevation profi le and view a single
point along the profi le. When the pointer is stopped at
a location along the profi le the elevation, time of day and
date the point was created are displayed.
View Points:
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER to
display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘ZOOM
ELEVATION’ and press ENTER. The display will switch
back to the elevation profi le.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button (Up scrolls the
display left Down scrolls the display right), select the
point along the profi le.
4. When fi nished press ENTER to exit ‘VIEW POINTS’.
‘RESET MAX ELEVATION’ resets the maximum eleva-
tion data fi eld at the bottom of the page.
To reset the Maximum Elevation:
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER to
display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘RESET
‘RESET ELEVATION DATA’ resets all of the data fi elds.
To reset the Elevation Data:
1. With the ELEVATION Page displayed, press ENTER to
display the options list.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘RESET
ELEV DATA’ and press ENTER.
Using the ‘VIEW POINTS’
option you can view any point in
the elevation profi le history.
Elevation Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM28
You can also change the data fi eld along the bottom of
the Elevation Page to display different data.
TOTAL ASCENT —Total distance ascended.
TOTAL DESCENT—Total distance descended.
AVG ASCENT—Average rate of ascent.
AVG DESCENT—Average rate of descent.
MAX ASCENT RATE—Maximum Ascent Rate.
MAX DESCENT RATE—Maximum Descent Rate.
VERTICAL SPEED—Vertical Speed.
PRESSURE—Current Normalized or Ambient pres-
sure based on the pressure setting in System Setup,
see page 55.
12HRS PRESSR—Tracks pressure changes over a 12
hour period.
MAX ELEVATION—Highest elevation reached.
MIN ELEVATION—Lowest elevation.
To scroll through the user selectable data:
1. The UP or DOWN arrow will scroll through the
available data fi elds.
The Elevation Page Data Field
has 11 user selectable options.
On the Elevation Page, the UP
and DOWN Buttons are used to
scroll through the user-selectable
data fi elds.
Elevation Page
Data Fields
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM29
Remember that pressing and hold-
ing the ENTER Button gives you
where you can mark a waypoint.
Menu Page Selections
The Menu Page turns the eTrex Summit into a power-
ful navigation tool. With the Menu Page you can custom-
ize the display, transfer information from a computer to
eTrex Summit and back again, and manage and organize
all of your waypoints. Now let’s take a look at each of the
Menu Page selections.
Mark Waypoint Page
The MARK WAYPOINT Page allows you to create a
waypoint at the eTrex Summit’s current location or at a
location you enter in the position fi eld. You can also
change the symbol, name and elevation.
To change the symbol:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘MARK’. Press ENTER.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the
small fl ag and press ENTER.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, scroll through the
symbols. Press ENTER to save the selection.
To change the name:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the
numeric name and press ENTER. The EDIT WAY-
POINT NAME Page will appear.
3. Use the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the
desired letter, press ENTER. A letter selection
window appears. Press the UP or DOWN Button to
select a new letter and press ENTER. Repeat step 3
until all letters are changed.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the
‘OK’ fi eld and press ENTER. The waypoint name is
Highlight the small fl ag symbol
and press ENTER to activate
the symbol selections.
Mark Waypoint
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM30
The ‘EDIT LOCATION’ Page dis-
plays on-screen instructions on
how to edit the waypoint location.
To change the elevation:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the
‘ELEV’ fi eld and press ENTER. The ENTER CORRECT
ELEVATION Page appears.
3. Use the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the desired
digit, press ENTER. A selection window appears.
Press the UP or DOWN Button to select a new
number and press ENTER. Repeat step 3 until all
numbers are changed.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the ‘OK’
eld and press ENTER. The MARK WAYPOINT Page
appears with the corrected elevation displayed.
To change the location (latitude/longitude):
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the
‘LAT/LON’ fi eld and press ENTER. The EDIT LOCA-
TION Page appears.
3. Use the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the desired
letter or digit, press ENTER. A selection window
appears. Press the UP or DOWN Button to select a
new letter or number and press ENTER. Repeat step
3 until location is changed.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the ‘OK’
eld and press ENTER. The MARK WAYPOINT Page
5. Press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight the ‘OK’
eld and press ENTER. Your location with the new
latitude/longitude is now stored in memory.
TION’ Page allows you to change
the elevation for the waypoint.
Mark Waypoint
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM31
Waypoint Page
MAKE SURE you want to delete
all of the waypoints before you
press ENTER!
Waypoints Page
The Waypoints Page organizes all of your waypoints
in a organized alphabetical list. From the Waypoints Page
you can also locate the nine nearest waypoints or delete
all of the user waypoints.
To select a waypoint:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the
alphabetical tab containing the desired waypoint.
Press ENTER. Press the UP or DOWN Button
to select the desired waypoint. Press ENTER. The
To view the ’NEAREST’ waypoints page:
1. On the WAYPOINTS page, press the UP or DOWN
Button and highlight ‘NEAREST’. Press the ENTER
Button. The NEAREST WAYPOINTS Page appears.
The nine closest waypoints appear in a list showing
their name and distance from your location. You can
select a waypoint from this list by pressing the UP or
DOWN Button and selecting the desired waypoint.
Once selected, press ENTER. The REVIEW WAYPOINT
Page appears allowing you to edit the waypoint if
you desire.
To delete all waypoints:
1. On the WAYPOINT Page, press the UP or DOWN
Button and highlight ‘DELETE ALL’. Press the ENTER
Button. A confi rmation message box appears asking
if you really want to delete all waypoints. If you do,
press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘YES’.
Press ENTER.
2. If you change your mind and do not want to delete
the waypoint, press the UP or DOWN Button and
highlight ‘NO’. Press ENTER (or press the PAGE
Button). The confi rmation message box disappears
and all of the waypoints remain in memory.
Waypoints Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM32
Review Waypoint Page
The Review Waypoint Page allows you to change
the waypoint symbol, name, and location (covered previ-
ously). You can also delete the waypoint, display the
waypoint on the Map Page, start a GOTO or project a new
waypoint using the selected waypoint as a reference.
To delete a waypoint:
1. On the REVIEW WAYPOINT Page, press the UP or
DOWN Button and highlight ‘DELETE’. Press the
ENTER Button. A confi rmation message box appears
asking if you really want to delete the waypoint. If
you do, press the UP or DOWN Button, highlight
‘YES’ and press ENTER.
2. If you change your mind and do not want to delete
the waypoint, press the UP or DOWN Button, high-
light ‘NO’ and press ENTER. The confi rmation mes-
sage box disappears and the waypoint remains in
memory (you can also press the PAGE Button to exit).
To start a GOTO:
1. On the REVIEW WAYPOINT Page, press the UP
or DOWN Button and highlight ‘GOTO’. Press the
ENTER Button. The ‘GOTO’ is activated with the
selected waypoint as the destination.
To view the selected waypoint on the Map
1. On the REVIEW WAYPOINT Page, press the
UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘MAP’.
Press the ENTER Button. The selected waypoint
is displayed on a
map. You can use the UP/DOWN Buttons to zoom
in and out on the map. Press the PAGE Button and
switch back to the WAYPOINTS Page.
allows you to delete a waypoint.
You can start a GOTO from the
Waypoint Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM33
Using the Project feature, the eTrex Summit can create
a waypoint at a specifi ed distance and bearing using an
existing waypoint as a reference. You can change the
name, symbol and elevation on this page.
Projecting a Waypoint :
1. Select a waypoint on the WAYPOINT PAGE and press
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ‘PROJ-
ECT’ Button and press ENTER. The PROJECT WAY-
POINT Page will be displayed and a numeric name
will be assigned to the new waypoint.
3. The distance fi eld will be highlighted by default.
Press ENTER to display the EDIT NUMBER page.
4. With the EDIT NUMBER Page displayed, pressing the
DOWN Button will move the highlight to the next
number in the fi eld. With the desired digit selected,
press ENTER to activate the drop down number list.
5. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the correct
number then press ENTER. When all numbers are
entered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.
6. Using the DOWN Button, highlight the bearing fi eld
and press ENTER to display the EDIT ANGLE Page.
7. With the EDIT ANGLE Page displayed, pressing the
DOWN Button will move the highlight to the next
number in the fi eld. With the desired digit selected,
press ENTER to activate the drop down number list.
8. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the correct
number then press ENTER. When all numbers are
entered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.
9. The name, symbol and elevation can be changed
on this page as well. When all changes have been
made, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER to save the
waypoint. Highlight ‘GOTO’ and press ENTER to
save the waypoint and begin direct navigation to the
Waypoint Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM34
‘Route’ and Route Page
The eTrex Summit allows you to navigate using one
of three methods:
• Route
• TracBack
The GOTO method of navigation was briefl y dis-
cussed on page 18. This section discusses the route
method. The third method, TracBack, is discussed on
page 40. In the eTrex Summit, a route is at least two
waypoints that describe the path you are going to travel.
The route feature is very convenient because it allows the
eTrex Summit to guide you from the fi rst waypoint in the
route, to each successive waypoint until you reach your
nal destination. The route feature and the GOTO feature
are comparable in that they both guide you to destination
However, the route feature is more powerful because
it is more automatic. When you reach one waypoint,
the eTrex Summit automatically guides you to the next
waypoint on the route without needing to touch any
button. When you use the ‘GOTO’ feature you have
to stop and select the next waypoint before you start
When creating a route, you select waypoints from the
waypoint list and place them into a route in the sequence
that you want to navigate to them. Remember you need
at least two waypoints (up to a maximum of 50) linked
together to form a route. When you start your trip, you
activate the route feature and the receiver begins naviga-
tion toward the fi rst waypoint in the route. You can then
use the Pointer Page to give you steering guidance.
The ‘ROUTE’ feature is found on
the Menu Page.
You can use existing waypoints to
‘build’ the route.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM35
There are two ways to create a route:
1. Use existing waypoints that reside in the eTrex
Summit. Choose ‘ROUTE’ on the MENU Page, then
select ‘NEW ROUTE’. You can now add a waypoint
into the route from a list of available waypoints.
2. Plan a ‘ROUTE’ in MapSource on a PC, and upload
the ‘ROUTE’ to the eTrex Summit. See your GARMIN
dealer for more information on using MapSource
(Map Source is an optional accessory, and is not
included with the eTrex Summit).
In either case, you can navigate using a ‘ROUTE’ if the
route has at least two waypoints. The eTrex Summit will
not allow the ‘FOLLOW’ Button to be highlighted if there
is only one waypoint in the route. When you select the
‘FOLLOW’ Button, a list with two items is displayed let-
ting you choose where to go. The list will always show
the FIRST (BEGINNING) and the LAST (END) waypoint
in the route. The eTrex Summit will guide you to the
selected fi nal destination following each waypoint in the
route. There are two ways to insert a waypoint into a
route. One way is to insert the waypoint before an exist-
ing waypoint in a route. The other way is to insert the
waypoint at the end of the waypoint list in a route.
To insert a waypoint into a route:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. Highlight the ‘NEW ROUTE’
Button and press ENTER. The ROUTE Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button to select the way-
point of your choice and press ENTER. The waypoint
you selected is placed in the fi rst fi eld on the ROUTE
Page. Repeat this process until all of the waypoints
you want are entered into the route list. Press PAGE
to get back to the page of your choice.
You can insert a waypoint before
an existing waypoint in the list or
at the end of waypoint list.
Press ‘FOLLOW’ to activate a
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM36
To activate a route:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. The ROUTE Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the route that
you wish to follow and press ENTER.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘FOLLOW’
and press ENTER. The choices are the fi rst (begin-
ning) waypoint and the last (end) waypoint.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the desired
destination waypoint and press ENTER. The POINTER
Page appears giving you steering guidance to the fi rst
waypoint in the route list.
To remove a waypoint from the ‘ROUTE’ list:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. The ROUTE Page appears.
Using the UP or DOWN Button select a route and
press ENTER. Using the UP or DOWN Button,
highlight the waypoint you want to remove and
press ENTER. The INSERT/REMOVE window appears.
Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘REMOVE’. Press ENTER and the waypoint is
removed from the list.
To clear all route waypoints:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘ROUTE’. Press ENTER. The ROUTE Page appears.
Using the UP or DOWN Button select a route and
press ENTER.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘DELETE’ and press ENTER. The confi rmation window
appears asking you if you really want to clear all of
the route waypoints. If you do, select ‘YES’. If you
change your mind, press the UP or DOWN Button
and select ‘NO’. Press ENTER. The waypoints will
remain in the waypoint list.
The message ‘ARRIVING DES-
TINATION’ is displayed on
every page when you are 15
seconds from reaching the desti-
With the ‘CLEAR ALL Button
highlighted, press ENTER to
remove all waypoints from the
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM37
What is a Track Log?
The eTrex Summit draws an electronic breadcrumb
trail on the Map Page as you travel along. This bread-
crumb trail is the ‘Track Log’. The ‘Track Log’ contains
information about each point that it plots along the way,
including time, position and elevation. After a Track Log
is saved in the unit’s memory, the eTrex Summit can use
the Track Logs information to navigate, review the saved
Track Log on the map or to review the Track Logs eleva-
tion profi le.
‘TracBack’ allows you to return along a traveled path
without marking any waypoints. When you are ready to
return to where you started, eTrex Summit will take you
back by following the Track Log that you left behind.
You can save a total of ten Track Logs in the eTrex
Summit. The Track Log starts recording as soon as the
eTrex Summit gets a location fi x. If you want to use the
‘Tracback’ feature it is recommend that you clear the Track
Log before you start traveling. The percentage of memory
used by the current Track Log is displayed at the top
of the Tracks page. After the Track Log is ‘CLEARED’, it
will show zero percent. When the display shows 99%,
the most recent track points will start overwriting the
beginning track points, in order to avoid losing any track
points, you should save the Track Log before it reaches
99% of memory usage.
Saved tracks can be used for navigation later. After a
Track Log is saved, the saved track will have a beginning
(BEGIN) point and an ending (END) point.
Clearing the Current ‘Track Log’:
1. With the MENU page displayed, highlight ‘TRACKS’
and press ENTER. The TRACK LOG Page will appear.
2. Highlight the ‘CLEAR’ Button and press ENTER.
3. You will be asked ‘DO YOU REALLY WANT TO CLEAR
THE TRACK LOG?’. Highlight ‘YES’ and press ENTER
to clear the current Track Log.
You need to save the track log fi rst
before you can use the TracBack
NOTE: For effective use of the
‘TRACBACK’ feature, ‘CLEAR’
the track log before starting a new
trip or after saving the track log.
To clear the track log, follow the
steps given on page 19, “Clearing
a Cluttered Map Display”.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM38
Saving the Current ‘Track Log’:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, highlight ‘TRACKS’
and press ENTER. The TRACK LOG Page will appear.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
window appears giving you a time frame for saving
a track or ‘ENTIRE LOG’. Press the UP or DOWN
Button and select the desired option. Press ENTER.
The saved track appears graphically on a sub page.
Press the UP or DOWN Button and select ‘OK’. Press
3. The track is now saved and appears in the ‘SAVED
TRACKS’ list on the TRACK LOG Page.
Renaming a Saved Track Log:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, highlight ‘TRACKS’
and press ENTER. The TRACK LOG Page will appear.
2. Place the highlight on a ‘Saved Track’ and press
3. On the selection page highlight ‘SHOW MAP’ and
press ENTER. The ‘Saved Track’ will be displayed on
a map. At the top of the map is a default name.
Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight the name
and press ENTER. The EDIT TRACK NAME Page will
be displayed.
4. With the EDIT TRACK NAME Page displayed, pressing
the DOWN Button will move the highlight to the
next place in the name fi eld. When the desired place
is selected, press ENTER to activate the drop down
alpha-numeric list.
5. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the correct
character then press ENTER. When the name is
entered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.
The ‘BEGIN’ point is the point
defi ning the starting point when
saving a track log. ‘END’ is the
last point that was saved. Each
saved track will always have a
‘BEGIN’ and ‘END’ point for
navigation. The ‘BEGIN-END’
pair imply the direction of the
saved track. If you want to
retrace the track, navigate to
‘END’. If you want to track back
to the starting point, navigate
to ‘BEGIN’.
Track Logs
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM39
To delete all tracks:
1. On the TRACK LOG Page, Press the UP or DOWN
Button and highlight ‘DELETE ALL’. Press ENTER. The
verifi cation window appears.
2. If you really want to delete all saved tracks, press
the UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘YES’. Press
ENTER. If you change your mind, press the UP or
DOWN Button and select ‘NO’. Press ENTER. The
tracks remain in memory (or you can press PAGE to
exit at any time).
There are four options that can be selected for
a ‘SAVED TRACK’. These options are ‘TRACBACK’,
To start TracBack Navigation:
1. With the ‘TRACK LOG’ page displayed highlight a
‘SAVED TRACK’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘TRAC-
BACK’ and press ENTER. The direction window
appears asking you if you want the destination to
be at the beginning of the track or the end of the
track (see sidebar). Press the UP or DOWN Button
and select the desired destination point. The POINTER
Page appears guiding you to the destination you
Show Map:
1. With the TRACK LOG page displayed highlight a
‘SAVED TRACK’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘SHOW MAP’
and press ENTER. The ‘SAVED TRACK’ will be graph-
ically displayed. When fi nished highlight ‘OK’ and
press ENTER.
The ‘ELEVATION’ option displays the elevation profi le
for the entire track log graphically.
Delete All Tracks
Show Map
Track Logs
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM40
1. With the TRACK LOG Page displayed highlight a
‘SAVED TRACK’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘ELEVATION’
and press ENTER. The elevation profi le for the
‘SAVED TRACK’ will be graphically displayed. When
nished highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.
To delete a saved track:
1. With the ‘TRACK LOG’ page displayed highlight a
‘SAVED TRACK’ and press ENTER.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘DELETE’. Press ENTER. A confi rmation window
THIS TRACK?’. If you do, press the UP or DOWN
Button and highlight ‘YES’. Press ENTER. If you
change your mind, press the UP or DOWN Button
and select ‘NO’ Press ENTER (or you can press
PAGE to exit at any time). The tracks remain in
Calibrating the Compass and Altimeter
The ‘CALIBRATE’ selection on the MENU Page allows
the Electronic Compass and the Altimeter to be calibrated
for the most accurate performance.
The procedure for calibrating the Electronic Compass
was covered on page 10 but here are some helpful tips.
The Electronic Compass:
1. The compass will need to be calibrated every time
that the batteries are changed.
2. The compass will not be accurate if used in a car or
around items that radiate a magnetic fi eld.
3. When using the compass , hold the unit as level as
possible for optimum performance.
Track Log Elevation Profi le
Calibration Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:08 AM41
The eTrex Summit will calibrate the altimeter auto-
matically using GPS altitude. If you know the exact cur-
rent elevation or barometric pressure, you can calibrate
the altimeter manually.
Calibrating the Altimeter manually:
1. With the MENU Page displayed highlight ‘CALIBRATE’
and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ALTIM-
ETER’ and press ENTER.
3. You will be asked ‘DO YOU KNOW THE CORRECT
ELEVATION’? Using the UP or DOWN Button select
‘YES’ or ‘NO’ and press ENTER.
4. If you selected ‘YES’— the ENTER CORRECT ELE-
VATION Page will be displayed. Pressing the DOWN
Button will move the highlight to the next number in
the elevation fi eld. With the desired digit selected,
press ENTER to activate the drop down number list.
Using the UP or DOWN Button select the correct
number then press ENTER. When all numbers are
entered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER.
FULLY’ will be displayed, highlight ‘OK’ and press
ENTER to end the calibration.
5. If you selected ‘NO’—you will be asked ‘DO
SURE’. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select ‘YES’
or ‘NO’ and press ENTER.
6. If you selected ‘YES’— the ENTER CORRECT
PRESSURE Page will be displayed. Pressing the
DOWN Button will move the highlight to the next
number in the pressure fi eld. With the desired digit
selected, press ENTER to activate the drop down
number list. Using the UP or DOWN Button select
the correct number then press ENTER. When all
numbers are entered correctly, highlight ‘OK’ and
press ENTER. A message ‘CALIBRATION COM-
PLETED SUCCESSFULLY’ will be displayed, highlight
‘OK’ and press ENTER to end the calibration.
The eTrex Summit can auto-
matically calibrate the altim-
eter using GPS altitude. For
optimum performance of the
Altimeter, you should perform
the calibration procedure
entering either the correct
elevation or barometric pres-
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM42
The Setup Page
You can choose from eight time
zones plus ‘other’.
7. If you selected ‘NO’—and you are tracking satel-
lites, you will be asked ‘DO YOU WANT TO USE CUR-
RENT GPS ALTITUDE’? If you do highlight ‘YES’ and
SUCCESSFULLY’ will be displayed. Highlight ‘OK’ and
press ENTER. If you don’t highlight ‘NO’ and press
ENTER. You will be prompted that ‘YOU DO NOT
HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION’ and referred to this
manual. Highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER to return to
the MENU Page.
Setup Page
The Setup Page allows you to customize the eTrex
Summit. On the Setup Page you can change coordinate
systems, map datums, and distance units. You can also
change the time format, north reference, operating mode,
display contrast, and display back light timeout.
Time Format
The Time Page allows you to select a 12 hour or 24
hour time format, enter the proper time zone, and choose
Daylight Savings Time. When you select 12 hour time
formatting, the clock will read like a standard clock with
12 hour AM and 12 hour PM cycles. The 24 hour option
sets the eTrex Summit to display a 24 hour cycle (Military
To change the time format:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘SETUP’. Press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘TIME’
and press ENTER.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the ‘TIME
FORMAT’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button, select 12 or 24 hours
and press ENTER. Press PAGE to get back to the
page of your choice.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM43
Time Zone
The time zone can be set to any one of eight pre-
programmed zones or by entering the UTC Time Offset
value in the UTC offset fi eld below the time zone fi eld.
When you select the 24 hour time format, the letters ‘lcl’
(local) appear next to the time. You can fi nd time offset
values for your longitude by following instructions and
the Time Offset Chart (Appendix D). To change the time
zone, follow the steps given on page 15.
UTC Offset
When you select ‘OTHER’ for the time zone, you can
access the UTC Offset fi eld. Using the UTC Offset fi eld
you can enter a time offset from UTC time to manually set
the eTrex Summit to match any time zone in the world.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight savings time can be set to ‘Automatic’ (using
the built-in almanac to automatically change the clock
settings when daylight savings goes into or out of effect).
You can choose ‘Yes’ to manually add daylight savings or
‘No’ to remain on standard time.
To change the daylight davings fi eld:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘SETUP’. Press ENTER. The ‘SETUP’ Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘TIME’
and press ENTER.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the ‘DAY-
LIGHT SAVINGS’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button, select AUTO’, ‘YES’,
or ‘NO’ and press ENTER. Press PAGE to get back to
the page of your choice.
NOTE: The daylight savings time setting will
not afect the UTC offset number.
UTC stands for ‘Coordi-
nated Universal Time’ and
replaced Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT) as the World
standard for time in 1986. It
is based on atomic measure-
ments rather than the earth's
The eTrex Summit can auto-
matically select the Daylight
Savings Time mode.
Setup Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM44
Display Page
The Display Page allows you to set the display back-
light timeout (on all the time, 15 or 30 seconds, and 1 or
2 minutes) and the display contrast.
To change the Light Timeout:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘SETUP’. Press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘DIS-
PLAY’ and press ENTER. Press ENTER on the ‘LIGHT
TIMEOUT’ fi eld.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight your
selection and press ENTER. Press PAGE to get back
to the ‘SETUP’ page.
To adjust the display contrast:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the ‘MENU’
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘SETUP’. Press ENTER. The ‘SETUP’ Page appears.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘DIS-
PLAY’ and press ENTER. Press the UP or DOWN
Button and highlight the ‘CONTRAST’ icon and press
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button and adjust the con-
trast and ENTER. Press PAGE to get back to the
‘SETUP’ page.
Units Page
Using your eTrex Summit with a paper map increases
the navigation power of both. If you are going to use a
map in conjunction with the eTrex Summit, you must
select the position format (grid), map datum, map units,
and north reference to match the map’s units. This is the
purpose of the Units Page. Regarding position format,
the eTrex Summit allows you to choose from more than
eighteen different grids. The eTrex Summit supports the
UTM/UPS and latitude/longitude grids because together
they cover the world.
You can set the backlight
to stay on all the time,
but watch your battery
The Units Page allows you
match the units of the eTrex
Summit to the units of a
unique paper map you may
be using.
Display and
Units Pages
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM45
Position Format
The default position format (and the one most com-
monly used) for the eTrex Summit is latitude and longi-
tude in degrees and minutes (hdddº mm.mmm). You may
also choose from 17 other position formats. There is also
a “User” position format which allows you to approximate
custom-designed grids. For more information on grids
and datums we recommend you visit the National Imag-
ery and Mapping Agency at http://www.nima.mil.
To change the Position Format:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight
‘SETUP’. Press ENTER. Use the UP/DOWN Buttons
to select ‘UNITS’. Press ENTER. The UNITS Page
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the ‘POSI-
TION FRMT’ fi eld. Press ENTER.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the desired
format. Press ENTER. Press PAGE to get back to the
page of your choice.
Map Datums
A map datum is a reference model of the earth’s shape.
Every map uses a map datum. The map datum is usually
listed in the title block of the map. If you are comparing
GPS coordinates to a paper map or other reference, the
map datum in the eTrex Summit should match the hori-
zontal map datum used to generate the chart or other
The default datum in the eTrex Summit is WGS 84
(World Geodetic Survey, 1984). You should only change
the datum if you are using maps or charts that specify a
different datum than WGS 84. If no datum is specifi ed,
you can select each datum applicable to your region until
you fi nd the datum that provides the best positioning at a
known point. You may also choose the “User” datum for
use with custom-designed grids.
Data Entry Pages exist for the
User Grid Format and the User
Datum Setup. These pages allow
you to confi gure the eTrex Summit
for compatibility with custom
designed grids. We recommend
surfi ng the net for links to Garmin
user-grid and user datum informa-
tion. There are also excellent
navigation and GPS articles avail-
able on-line which will enhance
your overall knowledge of GPS.
Eighteen position formats are
available in the eTrex Summit.
Map Datums
User Datum
User Grid
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM46
To change the Map Datum:
1. With the MENU Page displayed using the UP or
DOWN Button, highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘UNITS’. Press
ENTER. The UNITS Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the ‘MAP
DATUMS’ fi eld. Press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button to select the desired
datum. Press ENTER.
Distance/Speed Units
The eTrex Summit lets you select statute (the default
setting), nautical, or metric units of measure for all speed
and distance readouts.
To change the Distance/Speed units:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, use the UP or
DOWN Button to highlight ‘SETUP’ and press
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘UNITS’. Press
ENTER. The UNITS Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the ‘UNITS’
eld. Press ENTER.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to select the desired
unit. Press ENTER. Press PAGE to select the page
of your choice.
Elevation/VSPD (vertical speed)
The eTrex Summit lets you select either feet or meters
for all elevation and vertical speed readings.
To Change the Elevation/VSPD Units:
1. With the MENU Page displayed using the UP or
DOWN Button highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘UNITS’. Press
ENTER. The UNITS Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to select ‘FEET’ or
‘METERS’. Press ENTER. Press PAGE to select the
page of your choice.
You can select statute, nautical,
or metric units of measurement
from the ‘UNITS’ page.
The ‘DEFAULTS’ setting will reset
the eTrex Summit units to all of its
factory settings.
Units of Measure
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM47
To change Pressure units:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, using the UP or
DOWN Button highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘UNITS’. Press
ENTER. The UNITS Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the ‘PRES-
SURE’ fi eld. Press ENTER.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to select ‘INCHES’ or
‘MILLIBARS’. Press ENTER. Press PAGE to select the
page of your choice.
You can set the eTrex Summit to display directional
information in ‘DEGREES’ or in ‘MILS’.
To select an Angle setting:
1. With the MENU Page displayed using the UP or
DOWN Button highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘UNITS’. Press
ENTER. The UNITS Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the ANGLE’
eld. Press ENTER.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to select ‘DEGREES’
or ‘MILS’. Press ENTER. Press PAGE to select the
page of your choice.
Units Page
Pressure Units
Angle Units
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM48
The interface options will allow you
to use a PC to download waypoints,
routes, and track logs.
NMEA stands for “National
Marine Electronics Association”
and RTCM stands for “Radio
Technical Commission for Mari-
time Services”. Both are involved in
developing technical standards for
the marine electronics industry.
Interface Page
The Interface Page allows you to connect and use
devices such as computers and differential GPS (DGPS)
beacon receivers to the eTrex Summit. Below is a descrip-
tion of the available formats.
Input/Output Formats
- the proprietary format used to exchange
waypoint, route, and track data with a PC.
• GARMIN DGPS - Allows DGPS input using a
GARMIN beacon receiver and a standard RTCM
SC-104 format and DGPS tuning.
• NMEA OUT - supports the output of standard
NMEA 0183 version 3.0 data.
TEXT OUT - allows simple ASCII text output of
location and velocity information, without any input
• RTCM IN - allows DGPS input using a standard
RTCM SC-104 format without any output capabilities.
• RTCM/NMEA- allows DGPS input using a standard
RTCM SC-104 format and supports the output of
standard NMEA 0183 version 3.0 data.
• RTCM/TEXT- allows DGPS input using a standard
RTCM SC-104 format and simple ASCII text output of
location and velocity information.
• NONE - Provides no interfacing capabilities.
Interface Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM49
If ‘GARMIN DGPS’ or ‘RTCM/NMEAformat is
selected, additional fi elds are provided to control a
GARMIN differential beacon receiver (e.g. GBR 21) directly
from your eTrex Summit. You can enter the beacon fre-
quency and bit rate when you select ‘User’ from the Beacon
pop-up list to manually tune the receiver (you can also
‘scan’ if you don’t know what the nearby station is, but
the unit could continue scanning if reception is temporar-
ily lost).
To select an I/O Format:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Use the UP and DOWN Button and highlight
the ‘SETUP’ fi eld. Press ENTER. The SETUP Page
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the
Page appears.
3. Press ENTER on the ‘I/O FORMAT’ fi eld. Press the
UP or DOWN Button to select the desired format.
Press ENTER. Press PAGE to return to the page of
your choice.
Heading Page
The eTrex Summit will automatically switch between
the Electronic Compass and GPS to determine your head-
The eTrex Summit needs to be held level for the Elec-
tronic Compass to provide an accurate heading. When
mounting the eTrex Summit in a car or on a cycle, the
unit will need to be tilted in order to see the display,
making the compass less accurate. eTrex Summit will
switch over, using GPS to track your heading when you
exceed 10 miles per hour. When you slow down, you can
press and hold the PAGE Button to switch back to using
the Electronic Compass.
While mounted in a car or on a
cycle the eTrex Summit will be
tilted enough for the Electronic
Compass to become inaccu-
rate. The eTrex Summit will
automatically switch to a GPS
heading when you exceed 10
mph. To switch back to the
compass press and hold the
PAGE key or wait 90 seconds
after slowing below 10
Heading Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM50
Setting the Switch Over Speed:
1. With the MENU Page displayed use the UP or DOWN
Button to highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button select ‘HEADING’.
Press ENTER. The HEADING Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select the USE
’ fi eld and press
ENTER. The EDIT NUMBER Page will be displayed.
4. Pressing the DOWN Button will move the highlight
to the next number in the speed fi eld. With the
desired digit selected, press ENTER to activate the
drop down number list. Using the UP or DOWN
Button select the correct number then press ENTER.
When all numbers are entered correctly, highlight
‘OK’ and press ENTER.
Setting the Switch Back Period:
1. With the MENU Page displayed using the UP or
DOWN Button highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, select ‘HEADING’
and press ENTER. The HEADING Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the USE
’ fi eld and press
ENTER. A list of selections will appear.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button will move the
highlight through the list. When the desired selection
is highlighted, press ENTER.
North Reference
‘Reference’ refers to the orientation of a map’s grid.
Map makers try to align the vertical lines on a map
with ‘True North’. True North is the direction from any
location on the earth’s surface to the “North Pole”. Maps
are typically referenced to true north. Because a compass
points to magnetic north, not true north, maps indicate
the difference between true and magnetic north with
something called ‘variation’ or ‘declination’.
The eTrex Summit can be set to
disable the Electronic Compass
above a user selected speed.
This helps to conserve battery
Set a time delay before switching
to the electronic compass when
moving at a speed slower than
the user-selectable speed.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM51
The amount of variation/declination changes as you
move around the earth. ‘Magnetic North’ is the direction
in which a compass needle points. Due to errors intro-
duced when map makers fl atten the earth’s sphere onto
paper, not all of the grid lines drawn on the map point
exactly to the north pole, so the north indicated by the
grid lines is called ‘Grid North’. But, the difference is
usually small enough that ‘Grid’ north can be considered
the same as True North for travelling on land. If necessary,
you can correct for the difference between Grid North and
True North manually. The eTrex Summit will refl ect the
North Reference setting when using the GPS or Electronic
Compass for a bearing.
The Electronic Compass will refl ect the North
Reference setting. If you have selected ‘TRUE
NORTH’ the Electronic Compass will point
‘TRUE NORTH’ not Magnetic North.
To change the North Reference:
1. With the MENU page displayed using the UP or
DOWN Button highlight ‘SETUP’ and press ENTER.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button to highlight ‘HEAD-
ING’ and press ENTER. The HEADING Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the ‘NORTH
REF’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button select the desired
reference. Press ENTER. Press PAGE to return to the
page of your choice.
When you select the ‘DEFAULTS’ fi eld and press
ENTER, the UNITS Page returns to the factory settings.
The eTrex Summit automatically
adjusts the variation/declination.
While it shold rarely be needed
the user can manually adjust the
To manually set the variation or
declination, highlight the Angle
eld, press ENTER and input
a new angle.
North Reference
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM52
Turn the GPS receiver off to con-
serve power when using as a com-
pass or developing a pressure
System Page
The System Page shows you the current GPS mode,
Compass mode, Altimeter ‘Auto Cal’ mode, and Software
Version. You can choose from four modes of GPS operation:
• Normal
• Battery Save
• Demo (Demonstration)
• Off
Normal Mode
The GPS receiver is turned on all the time when it’s in
‘NORMAL’ mode. The NORMAL mode is more sensitive
to sudden turns or change of speed/acceleration.
Battery Save
When the eTrex Summit is in ‘BATTERY SAVE’ mode,
the GPS receiver is optimized to conserve power.
Demo Mode
The ‘DEMO’ mode is designed for dealers to show the
features and functions of the eTrex Summit to potential
customers inside a closed building where satellite recep-
tion is not possible. There is no navigation possible in
‘DEMO’ mode.
If you select the ‘DEMO’ mode, a window appears at
the bottom of the screen asking you to verify that you
want to turn the GPS off (the unit will stop tracking
satellites, not power off). To do so, press ENTER.
Turning the GPS Receiver ‘Off’
Turning the GPS receiver ‘OFF’ will conserve battery
power if you want to use the eTrex Summit as a compass
or develop a ‘Pressure Trend’ on the Elevation Page.
When the unit is in ‘DEMO’
mode, a warning will appear
indicating that the GPS receiver
is turned off.
System Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM53
To Select an operating mode:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, highlight ‘SETUP’ and
press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight ‘SYSTEM’
and press ENTER. The SYSTEM Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight the ‘GPS’
eld and press ENTER. The Option List will appear.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight the desired
mode and press ENTER.
The eTrex Summit will allow you to turn the Elec-
tronic Compass on and off. Turning the compass off when
not needed will help conserve battery power.
Turning the compass On/Off:
1. With the MENU Page displayed highlight ‘SETUP’ and
press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SYSTEM’
and press ENTER. The SYSTEM Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ‘COM-
PASS’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the desired
mode and press ENTER.
The Altimeter can use GPS altitude to perform an
automatic calibration. While this is not as accurate as
the calibration procedure described on page 42, it can be
useful in the event that you do not know your current
elevation or the barometric pressure.
Turning AUTO CAL’ On/Off:
1. With the MENU Page displayed highlight ‘SETUP’ and
press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SYSTEM’
and press ENTER. The SYSTEM Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ALTIM-
ETER’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button highlight the desired
mode and press ENTER.
Press and hold the PAGE key
to activate the compass and
display the Pointer Page
Auto Calibrate
System Page
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM54
The System Page shows you the
software version, allowing you
to update from GARMIN’S web
You can set the eTrex Summit to display either nor-
malized pressure or the local ambient pressure in the
Elevation Page cycle fi eld. The normalized pressure is
referenced against the last calibrated altititude or pressure.
To select a pressure for display:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, highlight ‘SETUP’
and press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SYSTEM’
and press ENTER. The SYSTEM Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ‘PRES-
SURE’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the desired
pressure and press ENTER.
The eTrex Summit can display in 12 languages.
To select a language:
1. With the MENU Page displayed, highlight ‘SETUP’
and press ENTER. The SETUP Page appears.
2. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘SYSTEM’
and press ENTER. The SYSTEM Page appears.
3. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the ‘LAN-
GUAGE’ fi eld and press ENTER.
4. Using the UP or DOWN Button, highlight the desired
selection and press ENTER.
Software Button
The Software Page shows the eTrex Summit’s current
software version. To update the eTrex Summit’s software,
visit the GARMIN web site www.garmin.com.
Defaults Button
The ‘DEFAULTS’ Button resets all of the ‘SYSTEM’
setting to the factory defaults.
System Page
The eTrex Summit can display
in 12 different languages.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM55
Case: Fully-gasketed, high-impact plastic alloy, waterproof to IPX7 stan-
dards (waterproof to 1 meter for 30 minutes)
Size: 4.4”H x 2”W x 1.2”D
Weight: Approx. 5.3 ounces (150g) w/batteries
Temperature Range: 5° to 158°F (-15° to 70°C)
Receiver: Differential-ready, 12 parallel channel
Acquisition time: Approx. 15 seconds (warm start)
Approx. 45 seconds (cold start)
Approx. 5 minutes (First Time/AutoLocate™)
Update Rate: 1/second, continuous
Position Accuracy: 1-5 meters (3-15 ft) with DGPS corrections
15 meters (49 ft) RMS
Velocity Accuracy: 0.1 knot RMS steady state
Dynamics: Performs to specifi cations to 6 g’s
Interfaces: NMEA 0183 (versions 2.00-3.0), RTCM 104 (for DGPS corrections)
and RS-232 for PC interface
Antenna: Built-In
Compass: accuracy; ± 5 degrees
, resolution; 1 degree
Altimeter: accuracy; ± 10 feet
, resolution;1 foot
Input: Two 1.5-volt AA batteries
Battery Life: Up to 16 hours of typical use
Specifi cations subject to change without notice.
With optional GARMIN Differential Beacon Receiver Input (such as GARMIN GBR 21).
Subject to accuracy degradation to 100m 2DRMS under the U.S. DOD Selective Availability program.
Subject to proper user calibration.
The temperature rating for the eTrex Summit may exceed the usable range of some batteries. Alkaline batteries can
rupture at high temperatures. External power can only be applied using the GARMIN Auto Power Adapter (P/N
010-10203-00) or PC Interface Cable with Auto Power Adapter P/N 010-10268-00; this cable contains a voltage
regulator). Modifi cations or other applications will void the product warranty.
Alkaline batteries lose a signifi cant amount of their capacity as temperature decreases. Use lithium batteries
when operating the eTrex Summit in below-freezing conditions. Extensive use of screen backlighting
will drastically reduce battery life.
Appendix A
Specifi cations
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM56
Appendix B
What is GPS?
The global positioning system is a satellite-based navi-
gation system consisting of a network of 24 orbiting NAV-
STAR satellites that are eleven thousand nautical miles in
space and in six different orbital paths. The satellites are
constantly moving, making two complete orbits around
the Earth in less than 24 hours.
A Little Satellite Info:
The fi rst GPS satellite was launched in February, 1978.
Each satellite weighs about 2,000 pounds and is 17
feet across with the solar panels extended.
Transmitter power is only 50 watts, or less!
Each satellite transmits two signals, L1 and L2. Civilian
GPS uses the ‘L1’ frequency of 1575.42 MHz.
Each satellite is expected to last approximately 10
years. Replacements are constantly being built and
launched into orbit. The GPS program is currently
funded with replacements through 2006.
The orbital paths of these satellites take them between
roughly 60 degrees North and 60 degrees South latitudes.
What this means is you can receive satellite signals any-
where in the world, at any time.
One of the biggest benefi ts over previous land-based
navigation systems is GPS works in all weather condi-
tions. No matter what your application, when you need it
the most, your GPS receiver will keep right on working.
So what information does a GPS satellite transmit?
The GPS signal contains a ‘pseudo-random code’, ephem-
eris (pronounced: ee-fem-er-is) and almanac data. The
pseudo-random code identifi es which satellite is transmit-
ting—in other words, an I.D. code. We refer to satellites
by their PRN (pseudo-random number), from 1 through
32, and this is the number displayed on a GPS receiver
to indicate which satellite(s) we are receiving. Ephemeris
data contains important information such as satellite
status (healthy or unhealthy), and the current date and
time. The almanac data tells the GPS receiver where each
GPS satellite should be at any time throughout the day.
Each satellite transmits almanac data that provides orbital
information for all of the satellites in the GPS network.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM57
By now the overall picture of how GPS works should
be getting much clearer. Each satellite transmits a message
which essentially says, “I’m satellite #X, my position is
currently Y, and this message was sent at time Z.” Of
course, this is a gross oversimplifi cation, but you get the
idea. Your GPS receiver reads the message and saves the
ephemeris and almanac data for continual use. Now, to
determine your position, the GPS receiver compares the
time a satellite signal was transmitted with the time it was
received by the GPS. The time difference tells the GPS
receiver how far away that particular satellite is. If we
add distance measurements from a few more satellites,
we can triangulate our position. This is exactly what a
GPS receiver does. With a minimum of three or more
satellites, your GPS can determine a latitude/longitude
position—what’s called a 2D position fi x. With four or
more satellites, a GPS receiver can determine a 3D posi-
tion fi x which includes latitude, longitude, and altitude.
By continuously updating your position, a GPS receiver
can also accurately provide speed and direction of travel
(referred to as ‘ground speed’ and ‘ground track’).
How accurate is your GPS? There are several things
that can have an affect on GPS accuracy, satellite geom-
etry, multipath errors, atmospheric delay, and the United
States Department of Defense just to mention a few. The
descriptions of these items are covered in depth on our
web site www.garmin.com. In general you can expect
your GPS to be accurate from 60 to 255 feet depending
on the number of satellites available and their geometry.
Appendix B
What is GPS?
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM58
Satellite Reception Tips
If the eTrex Summit has problems receiving satellite
signals, you will be prompted to answer some questions.
A. You are using the eTrex Summit indoors:
YOU INDOORS NOW?’ will appear. Press the UP or
DOWN Button and highlight ‘YES’. Press ENTER.
The message will disappear.
2. Go outside. The eTrex Summit will keep tracking.
B. You are not indoors and you have not
moved hundreds of miles/km since you last
used your eTrex Summit:
YOU INDOORS NOW?’ will appear. Press the UP or
DOWN Button and highlight ‘NO’. Press ENTER.
2. eTrex Summit then asks: ‘HAVE YOU MOVED HUN-
UP or DOWN Button, highlight ‘NO’. Press ENTER.
3. eTrex Summit asks: ‘IS TODAY dd-mmm-yy?’ If you
answer ‘YES’ (the date matches the current date)
the eTrex Summit will continue tracking satellites and
switch to the Satellite Page.
4. If you answer NO (the date is incorrect), the eTrex
Summit will do an AUTOLOCATE’ and switch to the
Satellite Page.
C. You are not indoors and you have moved
hundreds of miles/km since you last used
your eTrex Summit:
YOU INDOORS NOW?’ will appear. Press the UP or
DOWN Button and highlight ‘NO’. Press ENTER.
2. eTrex Summit then asks: ‘HAVE YOU MOVED HUN-
UP or DOWN Button and highlight ‘YES’. Press
3. eTrex Summit will do an “AUTOLOCATE” and switch
to the Satellite Page.
Clouds and weather do not
affect the operation of the eTrex
forces the
eTrex Summit to search for any
available satellite(s) to deter-
mine its (your) location.
Appendix C
Reception Tips
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM59
The table below gives approximate UTC time offset
for various longitudinal zones. If you are in daylight
savings time, add one hour to the offset.
A simple way to determine your local time offset is how many hours you are
behind or ahead of UTC (also called ‘Greenwich’ or ‘zulu’ time) Example: EST (Eastern
Standard Time) is 5 hours behind UTC, so your offset would be -5. Adding one hour
for daylight savings would make EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) -4. Subtract an hour for
each time zone as you travel west.
Appendix D
Time Offset
Offsets for Continental U.S. would be:
EST: -5 EDT: -4
CST: -6 CDT: -5
MST: -7 MDT: -6
PST: -8 PDT: -7
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:09 AM60
*Owner’s Manual..........................Part No. 190-00193-00
*Quick Start Guide ......................Part No. 190-00193-01
Bracket Mounts
Automotive Mounting Bracket..... Part No. 010-10274-00
Can be temporarily or permanently mounted on the dash.
Handlebar Mounting Bracket........ Part No. 010-10267-00
Allows the eTrex Summit to be mounted on handle bars.
Cigarette Lighter Adapter ............. Part No. 010-10203-00
Provides power for eTrex Summit from a automobile cigarette lighter.
PC Interface Cable........................ Part No. 010-10206-00
Allows for serial transfer of data between a PC an eTrex Summit.
Data Cable (bare wires) ................Part No. 010-10205-00
Wiring harness. Connections for data input/output.
PC Cable with Cigarette Lighter ...Part No. 010-10268-00
Allows for serial transfer of data between a PC and an eTrex Summit
while providing unit power from an automobile cigarette lighter.
Carrying Case............................... Part No. 010-10266-00
Protects the eTrex Summit when not in use (nylon, neoprene).
*Lanyard ...................................... Part No. 013-00052-00
Provides convenient method for carrying the eTrex Summit.
*Battery Cover.............................. Part No. 011-00529-00
Instructional Video....................... Part No. 010-10281-00
MapSource® Map Data CD-ROMs
An excellent tool for creating waypoints and routes on your PC using a
background map and downloading them to your eTrex Summit.
* Included with unit
Automotive Mounting Bracket
Handlebar Mounting Kit
Appendix E
Cigarette Lighter Adapter
PC /Cigarette Lighter Adapter
Carrying Case
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM61
Interface formats are selected from the SETUP Page.
The input/output lines on your eTrex Summit are RS-232
compatible, allowing easy interface to a wide range
of external devices, including PC’s, differential beacon
receivers, marine autopilots and/or a second GPS receiver.
The NMEA 0183 version 2.0 interface format is sup-
ported by the eTrex Summit and enables the unit to drive
up to three NMEA devices.
NMEA 0183 Version 3.0 Approved Sentences:
GARMIN Proprietary Sentences:
PGRME (estimated error), PGRMM (map datum),
PGRMZ (altitude), PSLIB (beacon receiver control)
DGPS (Differential GPS) corrections are accepted in
RTCM SC-104 version 2.0 format through the ‘Data In’
line. The GARMIN GBR 21 is the recommended beacon
receiver for use with the eTrex Summit. Other beacon
receivers with the correct RTCM format may be used, but
may not correctly display status or allow tuning control
from the GPS unit.
The eTrex Summit may be hard-wired to a serial con-
nector using the Data Cable (see page 61 for ordering
information). Refer to the wiring diagram and the eTrex
Summit unit data connection illustrated below.
The optional PC Interface Cable (010-10206-00)
eTrex Summit Connector
Ground (-)
Data Out
Data In
Power (+)
Data Out
Data In
Appendix F
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM62
eTrex Summit does not turn on:
1. Check to see if the batteries are installed correctly
and that the battery terminals are clean.
NOTE: The Cigarette Lighter Adapter (part
number 010-10203-00) converts 12 VDC to 3
VDC output for the eTrex Summit. This adapter
is not interchangeable with the car power
adapters designed for the GARMIN VHF 720
and 725, GPS 170, 175, 190 and 195.
It takes more than 10 minutes to get a loca-
tion fi x:
1. There may be large obstacles overhead; move to a
new location with a clear view of the sky.
2. See “Satellite Reception Tips” on page 59.
eTrex Summit coordinates do not match the
location on your map:
1. Check to make sure the eTrex Summit is confi gured
to use the same datum as your map. See page 46.
The Electronic Compass heading is incorrect:
1. Have you changed batteries? Remember that the
compass needs to be recalibrated every time that the
batteries are changed. See page 10 for the compass
calibration procedure.
2. Are you inside or around a device that may radiate
a magnetic fi eld? The compass will not operate prop-
erly inside or around items that radiate a magnetic
eld like metal buildings or cars.
3. Is the eTrex Summit using the GPS to provide head-
ing information? Press and hold the PAGE key to
reactivate the Electronic Compass.
Appendix G
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM63
Can I use the eTrex Summit indoors?
No. The DEMO mode is available, but we suggest that
only dealers use it.
Do I need to subscribe to a service to use the
eTrex Summit?
No. The GPS satellites are owned by the United States
Department of Defense (DoD) and have been funded by
U.S. taxpayers’ dollars. Reception of GPS satellite signals
is free to everyone.
Does the eTrex Summit work anywhere in the world and
in any weather?
How accurate is a GARMIN GPS?
The eTrex Summit is accurate to within 100 meters under
the DoD-imposed Selective Availability (S/A). Without
S/A, the eTrex Summit is accurate to within 15 meters.
Using differential techniques, the eTrex Summit can be
as accurate as 1-5 meters.
Why can’t I see the display in the daylight?
Adjust the contrast (see page 9).
Why can’t I interface my computer with the eTrex Summit?
Make sure that you have the correct INPUT/OUTPUT
format selected on your eTrex Summit.
What Grid Formats does the eTrex Summit Support?
Appendix H
Qatar Grid
Swedish Grid
Swiss Grid
Taiwan Grid
W Mayalan R
User Grid
(degrees, decimal degrees)
British Grid
Dutch Grid
Finnish KKJ27 Grid
German Grid
Irish Grid
MGRS (Military Grid Reference System)
New Zealand
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM64
Can I turn off the Track Log?
No. You can clear the track log, but it is always activated.
Remember that if you clear the track log you are also
clearing the elevtation profi le.
What does the message "NO DGPS POSITION" mean?
eTrex Summit had a differential fi x and lost it.
Appendix H
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM65
Accessories ........................................................................... 61
Activate a Route ................................................................... 37
Activate the Compass ........................................................... 54
Altimeter .............................................................................. 54
Auto Zoom On/Off............................................................... 22
Autolocate ............................................................................ 59
Average Ascent ..................................................................... 29
Average Descent ................................................................... 29
Average Speed ...................................................................... 25
Batteries ................................................................................. 8
Battery Save .......................................................................... 53
Bearing................................................................................. 25
Big Heading/Compass .......................................................... 24
Buttons ................................................................................... 6
Calibrating the Altimeter ...................................................... 42
Calibrating the Compass ........................................................ 10
Cancelling a GOTO.............................................................. 19
Change a Data Field ............................................................. 25
Change the Elevation............................................................ 31
Change the Location ............................................................. 31
Change the Symbol .............................................................. 30
Change the Waypoint Name ................................................. 17
Clear Route Waypoints ......................................................... 37
Clear a Cluttered Map .......................................................... 19
Clear the Current ‘Track Log .......................................... 19, 38
Compass .............................................................................. 54
Creating a Waypoint............................................................. 16
Daylight Savings Time .......................................................... 44
Delete a Saved Track............................................................. 41
Delete a Waypoint ................................................................ 33
Delete all Tracks ................................................................... 40
Delete all Waypoints ............................................................. 32
Demo Mode ......................................................................... 53
DGPS ................................................................................... 49
Display Page ......................................................................... 45
Distance Scale ...................................................................... 27
Distance/Speed Units ........................................................... 47
Appendix I
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM66
Electronic Compass.............................................................. 54
Elevation ........................................................................ 25, 31
Elevation Computer ............................................................... 5
Elevation Page ...................................................................... 14
Elevation Page Options......................................................... 26
Elevation Profi le ................................................................... 41
Elevation/VSPD .................................................................... 47
FAQ’s .................................................................................... 64
Features .................................................................................. 5
Global Positioning System .................................................... 57
GOTO ...................................................................... 18, 33, 35
Heading Page ....................................................................... 50
Installing the Batteries ............................................................ 8
Interface Page ....................................................................... 50
Introduction ......................................................................... 20
Lanyard Installation.................................................................. 8
Location ............................................................................... 25
Main Pages ........................................................................... 11
Map Datums ......................................................................... 46
Map Display ......................................................................... 19
Map Page .............................................................................. 12
Map Page Option ................................................................. 22
Mark a Waypoint .................................................................. 16
Mark Waypoint Page ............................................................ 30
Max Speed............................................................................ 25
Maximum Ascent Rate .......................................................... 29
Maximum Descent Rate ........................................................ 29
Maximum Elevation ............................................................. 29
Menu Page ..................................................................... 15, 30
Minimum Elevation.............................................................. 29
Appendix I
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM67
Nearest Waypoints Page ....................................................... 32
NMEA .................................................................................. 49
Normal Mode ....................................................................... 53
North Reference ............................................................... 51-52
Orient Map........................................................................... 22
Plot Over Distance................................................................. 26
Plot Over Time ..................................................................... 26
Pointer Page ......................................................................... 13
Points ................................................................................... 28
Position Format .................................................................... 46
Pressure .......................................................................... 29, 48
Pressure Units ...................................................................... 48
Projecting a Waypoint .......................................................... 34
Reception Tips ...................................................................... 59
Renaming a Saved Track ....................................................... 39
Reset Max Speed .................................................................. 24
Reset the Elevation Data ....................................................... 28
Reset the Maximum Elevation .............................................. 28
Route .......................................................................... 5, 35-37
Satellite Page ........................................................................ 11
Saving the Tracklog .............................................................. 39
Select a Waypoint ................................................................. 32
Selecting a Page .................................................................... 11
Set Course ............................................................................ 24
Setup Page ............................................................................ 43
Show Map ............................................................................ 40
Sight 'N Go............................................................................ 23
Software Version................................................................... 55
Specifi cations ....................................................................... 56
Speed ................................................................................... 25
Stop Navigation.................................................................... 22
Sunrise ................................................................................. 25
Sunset .................................................................................. 25
Switch Back Period............................................................... 51
Switch Over Speed ............................................................... 51
Symbol........................................................................... 16, 30
System Page ......................................................................... 53
Appendix I
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM68
Time Format .................................................................. 43, 44
Time Offset Chart ................................................................. 60
Time Scale............................................................................ 26
Time Zone ...................................................................... 15, 44
Total Ascent .......................................................................... 29
Total Descent........................................................................ 29
TracBack ............................................................................... 35
TracBack Navigation............................................................. 40
Tracks ..................................................................................... 5
Track Logs......................................................................... 38-40
Trip Computer ....................................................................... 5
Trip Odometer ...................................................................... 25
Trip Time ............................................................................. 25
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 63
Turning the GPS Receiver ‘Off’ ............................................. 53
Units of Measure .................................................................. 47
Units Page ............................................................................ 45
Using Sight ‘N Go................................................................ 23
UTC Offset..................................................................... 44, 60
Vertical Distance Scale ........................................................... 27
View Points ............................................................................ 28
WaypointPage ...................................................................... 32
Waypoints .............................................................................. 5
What is a Tracklog ................................................................ 38
What is GPS .................................................................... 57-58
Wiring Diagram.................................................................... 62
Zoom Distance ..................................................................... 27
Zoom Elevation .................................................................... 27
Zoom Time........................................................................... 26
Appendix I
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM69
GARMIN Corporation warrants this product to be free from defects in materi-
als and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. GARMIN will, at
its sole option, repair or replace any components which fail in normal use. Such
repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or
labor. The customer is, however, responsible for any transportation costs. This
warranty does not cover failures due to abuse, misuse, accident or unauthorized
alteration or repairs.
To obtain warranty service, call the GARMIN Customer Service department
(913/397.8200) for a returned merchandise tracking number. The unit should
be securely packaged with the tracking number clearly marked on the outside of
the package, and sent freight prepaid and insured to a GARMIN warranty service
station. A copy of the original sales receipt is required as the proof of purchase
for warranty repairs. GARMIN retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the
unit or software or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole discretion.
190-00193-00_0D.indd 02/12/01, 10:10 AM70
eTrex Summit
personal navigator
© 2000-2001 GARMIN Corporation
GARMIN International, Inc.
1200 East 151
Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.
GARMIN (Europe) Ltd.
Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, SO51 9AQ, U.K.
GARMIN Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2
Road., Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan
Part Number 190-00193-00 Rev. D
Covers.indd 02/01/01, 12:26 PM1

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