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EDGE® 1040
Owner’s Manual
© 2022 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to change
or improve its products and to make changes in the content of this manual without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Go to
www.garmin.com for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use of this product.
Garmin®, the Garmin logo, ANT+®, Auto Lap®, Auto Pause®, Edge®, Forerunner®, inReach®, VIRB®, and Virtual Partner® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in
the USA and other countries. Connect IQ, Firstbeat Analytics, Garmin Connect, Garmin Express, HRM-Dual, HRM-Pro, Rally, tempe, Varia, and Vector are trademarks
of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Apple® and Mac® are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The BLUETOOTH® word mark and logos are
owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Garmin is under license. The Cooper Institute®, as well as any related trademarks, are the property of The Cooper
Institute. Di2 and Shimano STEPS are trademarks of Shimano, Inc. Shimano® is a registered trademark of Shimano, Inc. Training Stress Score (TSS), Intensity Factor (IF), and
Normalized Power (NP) are trademarks of Peaksware, LLC. STRAVA and Strava are trademarks of Strava, Inc. WiFi® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance Corporation.
Windows® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their
respective owners.
This product is ANT+® certified. Visit www.thisisant.com/directory for a list of compatible products and apps.
M/N: A04211, AA4211
Table of Contents
Device Overview...................................... 1
Home Screen Overview....................... 3
Viewing Widgets.................................. 3
Viewing Glances.................................. 4
Using the Touchscreen....................... 4
Locking the Touchscreen................ 4
Acquiring Satellite Signals...................... 4
Going for a Ride....................................... 5
Evaluating an Activity.......................... 5
Unified Training Status........................... 6
Training Plans..........................................6
Using Garmin Connect Training
Viewing the Training Calendar............6
Power Guide............................................ 7
Creating a Power Guide...................... 7
Starting a Power Guide....................... 7
Creating a Workout..............................8
Repeating Workout Steps................... 8
Editing a Workout................................ 8
Creating a Custom Workout on Garmin
Connect................................................ 9
Following a Workout From Garmin
Connect............................................ 9
Following a Daily Suggested
Workout................................................ 9
Turning Daily Suggested Workout
Prompts On and Off.........................9
Starting a Workout...............................9
Stopping a Workout...........................10
Deleting Workouts............................. 10
Strava™ Segments............................. 10
Using the Strava Segment Explore
Widget............................................ 10
Following a Segment from Garmin
Connect.............................................. 11
Enabling Segments........................... 11
Racing a Segment............................. 11
Viewing Segment Details.................. 12
Segment Options............................... 12
Deleting a Segment........................... 12
Training Indoors.................................... 12
Pairing Your Indoor Trainer...............12
Using an Indoor Trainer.................... 13
Setting Resistance.........................13
Setting Target Power.....................13
Interval Workouts.................................. 13
Creating an Interval Workout............ 14
Starting an Interval Workout............. 14
Racing a Previous Activity.................... 14
Training for a Race Event..................... 14
Race Calendar and Primary Event.... 15
Setting a Training Target...................... 15
My Stats......................................... 15
Performance Measurements............... 16
Training Status Levels.......................17
Tips for Getting Your Training
Status............................................. 17
About VO2 Max. Estimates...............17
Getting Your VO2 Max. Estimate.. 18
Tips for Cycling VO2 Max.
Estimates....................................... 19
Heat and Altitude Performance
Acclimation.................................... 19
Acute Load.........................................19
Viewing Your Acute Load.............. 19
Training Load Focus......................... 20
Viewing Cycling Ability...................... 20
About Training Effect........................ 21
Recovery Time................................... 21
Viewing Your Recovery Time........ 22
Getting Your Exercise Load
Estimate............................................. 22
Getting Your FTP Estimate............... 23
Conducting an FTP Test............... 23
Automatically Calculating FTP..... 24
Viewing Your Real-Time Stamina..... 25
Viewing Your Stress Score............... 26
Viewing Your Power Curve............... 26
Syncing Activities and Performance
Measurements.................................. 26
Turning Off Performance
Notifications...................................... 26
Pausing Your Training Status........... 26
Resuming Your Paused Training
Status............................................. 27
Table of Contents i
Viewing Your Fitness Age..................... 27
Viewing Intensity Minutes.................... 27
Personal Records.................................. 27
Viewing Your Personal Records....... 27
Reverting a Personal Record............ 27
Deleting a Personal Record.............. 27
Training Zones...................................... 28
Navigation...................................... 28
Locations............................................... 28
Marking Your Location...................... 28
Saving Locations from the Map....... 28
Navigating to a Location................... 29
Navigating Back to Start................... 29
Stopping Navigation..........................29
Editing Locations...............................30
Deleting a Location........................... 30
Courses.................................................. 30
Planning and Riding a Course.......... 30
Creating and Riding a Round-Trip
Course................................................ 31
Creating a Course from a Recent
Ride.................................................... 31
Following a Course From Garmin
Connect.............................................. 32
Tips for Riding a Course................... 32
Viewing Course Details..................... 32
Displaying a Course on the Map... 33
Course Options.................................. 33
Rerouting a Course............................33
Stopping a Course............................. 33
Deleting a Course.............................. 33
Trailforks Routes............................... 33
Using ClimbPro..................................... 34
Using the Climb Explore Widget....... 34
Climb Categories............................... 35
Map Settings......................................... 35
Map Appearance Settings................ 35
Changing the Map Orientation......... 35
Map Themes...................................... 36
Route Settings....................................... 36
Selecting an Activity for Route
Calculation......................................... 36
Connected Features....................... 36
Pairing Your Phone............................... 36
Bluetooth Connected Features............ 37
Safety and Tracking Features...........37
Incident Detection......................... 38
Assistance..................................... 38
Adding Emergency Contacts........ 38
Viewing Your Emergency
Contacts......................................... 38
Requesting Assistance................. 39
Turning Incident Detection On and
Off................................................... 39
Cancelling an Automated
Sending a Status Update After an
Incident.......................................... 39
Turning On LiveTrack.................... 39
Starting a GroupTrack Session..... 40
Live Event Sharing......................... 40
Spectator Messaging.................... 41
Setting the Bike Alarm...................41
Playing Audio Prompts on Your
Phone............................................. 41
Listening to Music............................. 42
Wi‑Fi Connectivity Features.................. 42
Setting Up Wi‑Fi Connectivity........... 42
Wi‑Fi Settings..................................... 42
Wireless Sensors............................43
Putting On the Heart Rate Monitor.......44
Setting Your Heart Rate Zones......... 45
About Heart Rate Zones................45
Fitness Goals................................. 45
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data....... 45
Installing the Speed Sensor.................. 46
Installing the Cadence Sensor............. 47
About the Speed and Cadence
Sensors.............................................. 47
Data Averaging for Cadence or
Power................................................. 47
Pairing Your Wireless Sensors............. 48
Wireless Sensor Battery Life................ 48
Training with Power Meters................. 48
Setting Your Power Zones................ 48
Calibrating Your Power Meter.......... 49
Pedal-Based Power........................... 49
Cycling Dynamics.............................. 49
Using Cycling Dynamics................50
Updating the Rally System Software
Using the Edge Bike Computer......... 50
Situational Awareness.......................... 51
ii Table of Contents
Using the Varia Camera Controls..... 51
Enabling the Green Threat Level
Tone................................................... 51
Using Electronic Shifters...................... 51
The Edge 1040 Bike Computer and Your
eBike...................................................... 51
Viewing eBike Sensor Details........... 51
inReach Remote.................................... 52
Using the inReach Remote............... 52
History........................................... 52
Viewing Your Ride................................. 52
Viewing Your Time in Each Training
Zone................................................... 52
Deleting a Ride...................................52
Viewing Data Totals.............................. 53
Deleting Data Totals............................. 53
Garmin Connect.................................... 53
Sending Your Ride to Garmin
Connect.............................................. 53
Data Recording...................................... 54
Data Management................................ 54
Connecting the Device to Your
Computer........................................... 54
Transferring Files to Your Device..... 54
Deleting Files..................................... 54
Disconnecting the USB Cable........... 55
Customizing Your Device................55
Connect IQ Downloadable Features.... 55
Downloading Connect IQ Features
Using Your Computer........................ 55
Profiles................................................... 55
Setting Up Your User Profile............. 55
Training Settings................................... 56
Updating Your Activity Profile...........56
Adding a Data Screen........................57
Editing a Data Screen........................ 57
Rearranging Data Screens................ 57
Alerts and Prompts Settings............ 58
Setting Range Alerts...................... 58
Setting Recurring Alerts................ 58
Setting Smart Eat and Drink
Alerts.............................................. 59
Auto Lap............................................. 59
Marking Laps by Position............. 59
Marking Laps by Distance.............59
Marking Laps by Time................... 60
Customizing the Lap Banner........ 60
Using Auto Sleep............................... 60
Using Auto Pause.............................. 60
Using Auto Scroll............................... 61
Starting the Timer Automatically..... 61
Changing the Satellite Setting.......... 61
Phone Settings...................................... 61
System Settings.................................... 62
Display Settings................................. 62
Using the Backlight........................62
Customizing the Glances.................. 62
Customizing the Widget Loop.......... 62
Data Recording Settings................... 63
Changing the Units of Measure........ 63
Turning the Device Tones On and
Changing the Device Language........ 63
Time Zones........................................ 63
Setting Up Extended Display Mode...... 63
Exiting Extended Display Mode........ 63
Device Information......................... 64
Charging the Device.............................. 64
About the Battery.............................. 64
Installing the Standard Mount.............. 65
Installing the Out-Front Mount............. 66
Releasing the Edge............................ 66
Installing the Mountain Bike Mount..... 67
Attaching a Tether.................................69
Product Updates................................... 69
Updating the Software Using the
Garmin Connect App......................... 70
Updating the Software Using Garmin
Express.............................................. 70
Edge Specifications.......................... 70
HRM-Dual Specifications.................. 70
Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2
Specifications.................................... 71
Viewing Device Information................. 71
Viewing Regulatory and Compliance
Information........................................ 71
Device Care............................................71
Cleaning the Device...........................71
Caring for the Heart Rate Monitor.... 72
User Replaceable Batteries.................. 72
Table of Contents iii
Replacing the Heart Rate Monitor
Battery................................................ 72
Replacing the Speed Sensor
Battery................................................ 73
Replacing the Cadence Sensor
Battery................................................ 74
Replacing the Cadence Sensor
Battery................................................ 75
Troubleshooting............................. 75
Resetting the Device............................. 75
Restoring the Default Settings......... 75
Clearing User Data and Settings...... 75
Maximizing Battery Life........................ 76
Turning On Battery Saver Mode....... 76
My phone will not connect to the
device..................................................... 76
Tips for Using the Edge 1040 Solar Bike
Computer............................................... 77
Improving GPS Satellite Reception...... 77
My device is in the wrong language.....77
Setting Your Elevation...........................77
Temperature Readings......................... 78
Replacement O-rings............................ 78
Getting More Information..................... 78
Appendix........................................ 79
Data Fields............................................. 79
VO2 Max. Standard Ratings................. 87
FTP Ratings........................................... 87
Heart Rate Zone Calculations.............. 88
Wheel Size and Circumference............ 88
iv Table of Contents
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other
important information.
Always consult your physician before you begin or modify any exercise program.
Device Overview
Introduction 1
Press to enter sleep mode and wake the device.
Hold to turn the device on and off and lock the touchscreen.
Press to mark a new lap.
USB port (under weather
Lift the weather cap to charge the device or connect it to a computer.
Replace the weather cap to prevent damage to the USB port.
Press to start and stop the activity timer.
Select to open the main menu.
Swipe up or down on the home screen to view the glances.
Select to open the glance or menu.
Activity profile
Swipe left or right to change the activity profile.
Select to open the activity profile.
Swipe down from the top of the screen to view the widgets, then swipe left or
right to view more widgets.
Electrical contacts
Charge using an external power accessory.
NOTE: Go to buy.garmin.com to purchase optional accessories.
2 Introduction
Home Screen Overview
The home screen gives you quick access to all the features of the Edge bike computer.
Battery status
GPS signal strength
Bluetooth® status
Sync in progress
Select to go for a ride.
Use the arrows to change the biking profile.
Navigation Select to browse the map, mark a location, search for locations, and create or navigate a course.
Training Select to access your segments, workouts, and other training options.
History Select to access your previous rides and totals.
Select to access connected features, personal records, contacts, and settings.
Select to access your Connect IQ apps, widgets, and data fields.
Viewing Widgets
Your device is preloaded with several widgets, and more are available when you pair your device with a phone or
other compatible device.
1From the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
The settings widget appears. A flashing icon means the device is searching for a signal. A solid icon means
the signal was found or the sensor is connected. You can select any icon to change the settings.
2Swipe left or right to view more widgets.
The next time you swipe down to view the widgets, the last widget you viewed appears.
Introduction 3
Viewing Glances
Glances provide quick access to health data, activity information, built-in sensors, and more.
From the home screen, swipe up or down.
The device scrolls through the glances.
Select a glance to view additional information.
Select to customize the glances (Customizing the Glances, page62).
Using the Touchscreen
When the timer is running, tap the screen to view the timer overlay.
The timer overlay allows you to return to the home screen during a ride.
Select to return to the home screen.
Swipe or select the arrows to scroll.
Select to open a menu.
Select to return to the previous page.
Select to save your changes and close the page.
Select to close the page and return to the previous page.
Select to search near a location.
Select to delete an item.
Select for more information.
Locking the Touchscreen
You can lock the screen to prevent inadvertent screen touches.
Hold , and select Lock Screen.
During an activity, select .
Acquiring Satellite Signals
The device may need a clear view of the sky to acquire satellite signals. The time and date are set automatically
based on the GPS position.
TIP: For more information about GPS, go to www.garmin.com/aboutGPS.
1Go outdoors to an open area.
The front of the device should be oriented toward the sky.
2Wait while the device locates satellites.
It may take 30–60 seconds to locate satellite signals.
4 Introduction
Going for a Ride
If you are using a wireless sensor or accessory, it can be paired and activated during initial setup (Pairing Your
Wireless Sensors, page48). If your device was packaged with a wireless sensor, they are already paired and
can be activated during initial setup.
1Hold to turn on the device.
2Go outside, and wait while the device locates satellites.
The satellite bars turn green when the device is ready.
3From the home screen, select or to change the biking profile.
4Press to start the activity timer.
NOTE: History is recorded only while the activity timer is running.
5Swipe left or right to view additional data screens.
You can swipe down from the top of the data screens to view the widgets.
6If necessary, tap the screen to view status overlay data (including battery life) or return to the home screen.
7Press to stop the activity timer.
TIP: Before you save this ride and share it on your Garmin Connect account, you can change the ride type.
Accurate ride type data is important for creating bike friendly courses.
8Select Save.
9Select .
Evaluating an Activity
You can customize the self-evaluation setting for your activity profiles (Training Settings, page56).
1After you complete an activity, select Save.
2Select or to choose a number that corresponds with your perceived effort.
NOTE: You can select Skip to skip the self evaluation.
3Select how you felt during the activity.
4Select Accept.
You can view evaluations in the Garmin Connect app.
Training 5
Unified Training Status
When you use more than one Garmin® device with your Garmin Connect account, you can choose which device
is the primary data source for everyday use and for training purposes.
From the Garmin Connect app menu, select Settings.
Primary Training Device: Sets the priority data source for training metrics like your training status and load
Primary Wearable: Sets the priority data source for daily health metrics like steps and sleep. This should be the
watch you wear most often.
TIP: For the most accurate results, Garmin recommends that you sync often with your Garmin Connect account.
Training Plans
You can set up a training plan in your Garmin Connect account and send the training plan workouts to your
device. All scheduled workouts sent to the device appear in the training calendar.
Using Garmin Connect Training Plans
Before you can download and use a training plan, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin Connect,
page53), and you must pair the Edge device with a compatible phone.
1From the Garmin Connect app, select or .
2Select Training & Planning > Training Plans.
3Select and schedule a training plan.
4Follow the on-screen instructions.
5Review the training plan in your calendar.
Viewing the Training Calendar
When you select a day in the training calendar, you can view or start the workout. You can also view saved rides.
1Select Training > Training Plan.
2Select .
3Select a day to view a scheduled workout or a saved ride.
6 Training
Power Guide
You can create and use a power strategy to plan your effort on a course. Your Edge device uses your FTP, the
course elevation, and the projected time it will take you to complete the course to create a customized power
One of the most important steps in planning a successful power guide strategy is choosing your effort level.
Putting a harder effort into the course will increase the power recommendations, while choosing an easier effort
will reduce them (Creating a Power Guide, page7). The primary goal of a power guide is to help you complete
the course based on what is known about your ability, not to achieve a specific target time. You can adjust the
effort level during your ride.
Power guides are always associated with a course and cannot be used with workouts or segments. You can
view and edit your strategy in Garmin Connect and sync it with compatible Garmin devices. This feature requires
a power meter, which must be paired with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48). After the
devices are paired, you can customize the optional data fields (Data Fields, page79).
Creating a Power Guide
Before you can create a power guide, you must pair a power meter with your device (Pairing Your Wireless
Sensors, page48).
1Select Training > Power Guide > .
2Select an option:
Select Use Saved Course to use a saved course, and select the course.
Select Course Creator to create a new course, and select > Create Power Guide.
3Enter a name for the power guide, and select .
4Select a riding position.
5Select a gear weight.
6Select Save.
Starting a Power Guide
Before you can start a power guide, you must create a power guide (Creating a Power Guide, page7).
1Select Training > Power Guide.
2Select a power guide.
3Select Ride.
4Press to start the activity timer.
Training 7
You can create custom workouts that include goals for each workout step and for varied distances, times, and
calories. You can create workouts using Garmin Connect, and transfer them to your device. You can also create
and save a workout directly on your device.
You can schedule workouts using Garmin Connect. You can plan workouts in advance and store them on your
Creating a Workout
1Select Training > Workouts > .
2Select > Rename, enter a workout name, and select (optional).
3Select Add New Step.
4Select the type of workout step.
For example, select Rest to use the step as a rest lap.
During a rest lap, the activity timer continues to run and data is recorded.
5Select the workout step duration.
For example, select Distance to end the step after a specific distance.
6If necessary, enter a custom value for the duration.
7Select the workout step target type.
For example, select Heart Rate Zone to maintain a consistent heart rate during the step.
8If necessary, select a target zone or enter a custom range.
For example, you can select a heart rate zone. Each time you exceed or drop below the specified heart rate,
the device beeps and displays a message.
NOTE: You can also select a secondary target. For example, you can ride for five minutes in a power zone as
your primary target, with a cadence rate as your secondary target.
9Select to save the step.
10 Select Add New Step to add additional steps to the workout.
11 Select Add New Step > Repeat > to repeat a step.
12 Select to save the workout.
Repeating Workout Steps
Before you can repeat a workout step, you must create a workout with at least one step.
1Select Add New Step.
2Select an option:
Select Repeat to repeat a step one or more times. For example, you can repeat a 5-mile step ten times.
Select Repeat Until to repeat a step for a specific duration. For example, you can repeat a 5-mile step for
60 minutes or until your heart rate reaches 160bpm.
3Select Back To Step, and select a step to repeat.
4Select to save the step.
Editing a Workout
1Select Training > Workouts.
2Select a workout.
3Select .
4Select a step.
5Change the step attributes, and select .
6If necessary, select > Delete > to delete the step.
7Select to save the workout.
8 Training
Creating a Custom Workout on Garmin Connect
Before you can create a workout on the Garmin Connect app, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin
Connect, page53).
1From the Garmin Connect app, select or .
2Select Training & Planning > Workouts > Create a Workout.
3Select an activity.
4Create your custom workout.
5Select Save.
6Enter a name for your workout, and select Save.
The new workout appears in your list of workouts.
NOTE: You can send this workout to your device (Following a Workout From Garmin Connect, page9).
Following a Workout From Garmin Connect
Before you can download a workout from Garmin Connect, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin
Connect, page53).
1Select an option:
Open the Garmin Connect app.
Go to connect.garmin.com.
2Select Training & Planning > Workouts.
3Find a workout, or create and save a new workout.
4Select or Send to Device.
5Follow the on-screen instructions.
Following a Daily Suggested Workout
You must ride with heart rate and power for one week to get workout recommendations.
1Select Training > Workouts > Daily Suggested Workout.
2Select Ride.
Turning Daily Suggested Workout Prompts On and Off
Daily suggested workouts are recommended based on your previous activities saved to your Garmin Connect
1Select Training > Workouts > Daily Suggested Workout > .
2Select Enable.
Starting a Workout
1Select Training > Workouts.
2Select a workout.
3Select Ride.
4Select to start the activity timer.
After you begin a workout, the device displays each step of the workout, the target (if any), and current workout
data. An audible alarm sounds when you are about to finish a workout step. A message appears, counting down
the time or distance until a new step begins.
Training 9
Stopping a Workout
At any time, select to end a workout step and begin the next step.
From the workout screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and select an option:
Select to pause the current workout step.
Select to end a workout step and repeat the previous step.
Select to end a workout step and begin the next step.
At any time, select to stop the activity timer.
At any time, swipe down from the top of the screen, and on the controls widget, select Stop Workout > to
end the workout.
Deleting Workouts
1Select Training > Workouts > > Delete Multiple.
2Select one or more workouts.
3Select .
Following a segment: You can send segments from your Garmin Connect account to your device. After a
segment is saved to your device, you can follow the segment.
NOTE: When you download a course from your Garmin Connect account, all segments in the course are
downloaded automatically.
Racing a segment: You can race a segment, trying to match or exceed your personal record or other cyclists
who have ridden the segment.
Strava Segments
You can download Strava segments to your Edge 1040 device. Follow Strava segments to compare your
performance with your past rides, friends, and pros who have ridden the same segment.
To sign up for a Strava membership, go to the segments menu in your Garmin Connect account. For more
information, go to www.strava.com.
The information in this manual applies to both Garmin Connect segments and Strava segments.
Using the Strava Segment Explore Widget
The Strava Segment Explore widget allows you to view and ride nearby Strava segments.
1From the Strava Segment Explore widget, select a segment.
2Select an option:
Select to star the segment in your Strava account.
Select Download > Ride to download a segment to your device and ride it.
Select Ride to ride a downloaded segment.
3Select or to view your segment times, the best times of your friends, and the time of the segment leader.
10 Training
Following a Segment from Garmin Connect
Before you can download and follow a segment from Garmin Connect, you must have a Garmin Connect
account (Garmin Connect, page53).
NOTE: If you are using Strava segments, your starred segments are transferred automatically to your device
when it syncs with the Garmin Connect app.
1Select an option:
Open the Garmin Connect app.
Go to connect.garmin.com.
2Select a segment.
3Select or Send to Device.
4Follow the on-screen instructions.
5On the Edge bike computer, select Training > Segments.
6Select the segment.
7Select Ride.
Enabling Segments
You can choose which segments currently loaded on the device are enabled.
1Select Training > Segments > > Enable/Disable > Edit Multiple.
2Select the segments to enable.
Racing a Segment
Segments are virtual race courses. You can race a segment, and compare your performance to past activities,
other riders' performance, connections in your Garmin Connect account, or other members of the cycling
community. You can upload your activity data to your Garmin Connect account to view your segment position.
NOTE: If your Garmin Connect account and Strava account are linked, your activity is automatically sent to your
Strava account so you can review the segment position.
1Select to start the activity timer, and go for a ride.
When your path crosses an enabled segment, you can race the segment.
2Start racing the segment.
The segment data screen appears automatically.
3If necessary, use the arrows to change your goal during your race.
You can race against the segment leader, your past performance, or other riders (if applicable). The goal
automatically adjusts based on your current performance.
A message appears when the segment is complete.
Training 11
Viewing Segment Details
1Select Training > Segments.
2Select a segment.
3Select an option:
Select Map to view the segment on the map.
Select Elevation to view an elevation plot of the segment.
Select Leaderboard to view the ride times and average speeds for the segment leader, group leader or
challenger, your personal best time and average speed, and other riders (if applicable).
TIP: You can select a leaderboard entry to change your segment race goal.
Select Enable to enable segment racing and prompts that alert you to approaching segments.
Segment Options
Select Training > Segments > .
Turn Guidance: Enables or disables turn prompts.
Auto Select Effort: Enables or disables automatic goal adjustment based on your current performance.
Search: Allows you to search for saved segments by name.
Enable/Disable: Enables or disables the segments currently loaded on the device.
Default Leader Priority: Allows you to select the order for goal targets while racing a segment.
Delete: Allows you to delete all or multiple saved segments from the device.
Deleting a Segment
1Select Training > Segments.
2Select a segment.
3Select > .
Training Indoors
The device includes an indoor activity profile where GPS is turned off. When GPS is turned off, speed and
distance are not available unless you have a compatible sensor or indoor trainer that sends speed and distance
data to the device.
Pairing Your Indoor Trainer
1Bring the Edge bike computer within 3m (10ft.) of the indoor trainer.
2Select the indoor biking profile.
3Select the indoor trainer to pair with your Edge bike computer.
4Follow the on-screen instructions.
When the indoor trainer is paired with your Edge bike computer using ANT+® technology, the indoor trainer
appears as a connected sensor. You can customize your data fields to display sensor data.
12 Training
Using an Indoor Trainer
Before you can use a compatible indoor trainer, you must pair the trainer with your device using ANT+
technology (Pairing Your Indoor Trainer, page12).
You can use your device with an indoor trainer to simulate resistance while following a course, activity, or
workout. While using an indoor trainer, GPS is turned off automatically.
1Select Training > Smart Trainer.
2Select an option:
Select Free Ride to manually adjust the resistance level.
Select Follow a Course to follow a saved course (Courses, page30).
Select Follow an Activity to follow a saved ride (Going for a Ride, page5).
Select Follow a Workout to follow a saved workout (Workouts, page8).
NOTE: The trainer resistance changes based on the course or ride information. Some compatible trainers
allow you to set the grade and target power.
3Select a course, activity, or workout.
4Select Ride.
5Press to start the activity timer.
Setting Resistance
1Select Training > Smart Trainer > Set Resistance.
2Select or to set the resistance force applied by the trainer.
3Select to start the activity timer.
4If necessary, select or to adjust the resistance during your activity.
Setting Target Power
1Select Training > Smart Trainer > Set Target Power.
2Set the target power value.
3Select to start the activity timer.
The resistance force applied by the trainer is adjusted to maintain a constant power output based on your
4If necessary, select or to adjust the target power during your activity.
Interval Workouts
You can create interval workouts based on distance or time. The device saves your custom interval workout
until you create another interval workout. You can use open intervals when you are riding a known distance.
When you select , the device records an interval and moves to a rest interval.
Training 13
Creating an Interval Workout
1Select Training > Intervals > > Intervals > Target Type.
2Select an option.
TIP: You can create an open-ended interval by setting the type to Open.
3If necessary, enter a high and low value for the interval.
4Select Duration, enter a time interval value, and select .
5Select .
6Select Rest > Target Type.
7Select an option.
8If necessary, enter a high and low value for the rest interval.
9Select Duration, enter time value for the rest interval, and select .
10 Select .
11 Select one or more options:
To set the number of repetitions, select Repeat.
To add an open-ended warm up to your workout, select Warm Up > On.
To add an open-ended cool down to your workout, select Cool Down > On.
Starting an Interval Workout
1Select Training > Intervals > Do Workout.
2Press to start the activity timer.
3When your interval workout has a warm up, press to begin the first interval.
4Follow the on-screen instructions.
When you complete all of the intervals, a message appears.
Racing a Previous Activity
You can race a previously recorded activity or saved course.
1Select Training > Race an Activity.
2Select an option:
Select Ride History.
Select Saved Courses.
3Select the activity or course.
4Select Ride.
5Press to start the activity timer.
Training for a Race Event
Your Edge bike computer can suggest daily workouts to help you train for a cycling event, if you have a VO2
max. estimate (About VO2 Max. Estimates, page17) and ride with heart rate and power for one week.
1On your phone or computer, go to your Garmin Connect calendar.
2Select the day of the event, and add the race event.
You can search for an event in your area or create your own event.
3Add details about the event, and add the course if it's available.
4Sync your device with your Garmin Connect account.
5On your device, scroll to the primary event glance to see a countdown to your primary race event.
14 Training
Race Calendar and Primary Event
When you add a race event to your Garmin Connect calendar, you can view the event on your Edge bike
computer by adding the primary event glance (Customizing the Glances, page62). The event date must be in
the next 365 days. The device displays a countdown to the event, event time and location, course details (if
available), and weather information.
NOTE: Historical weather information for the location and date is available right away. Local forecast data
appears approximately 14 days before the event.
From the primary event glance, swipe to view course information and weather details. Depending on the
available course data for your event, you can view elevation data, the course map, course demands, and climb
Setting a Training Target
The training target feature works with the Virtual Partner® feature so you can train toward a set distance,
distance and time, or distance and speed goal. During your training activity, the device gives you real-time
feedback about how close you are to achieving your training target.
1Select Training > Set a Target.
2Select an option:
Select Distance Only to select a preset distance or enter a custom distance.
Select Distance and Time to select a distance and time target.
Select Distance and Speed to select a distance and speed target.
The training target screen appears, indicating your estimated finish time. The estimated finish time is based
on your current performance and the time remaining.
3Select .
4Press to start the activity timer.
5After you complete your activity, press , and select Save.
My Stats
The Edge 1040 bike computer can track your personal statistics and calculate performance measurements.
Performance measurements require a compatible heart rate monitor, power meter, or smart trainer.
My Stats 15
Performance Measurements
These performance measurements are estimates that can help you track and understand your training activities
and race performances. The measurements require a few activities using wrist-based heart rate or a compatible
chest heart rate monitor. Cycling performance measurements require a heart rate monitor and a power meter.
These estimates are provided and supported by Firstbeat Analytics. For more information, go to www.garmin
NOTE: The estimates may seem inaccurate at first. The device requires you to complete a few activities to learn
about your performance.
Training status: Training status shows you how your training affects your fitness and performance. Your
training status is based on changes to your training load and VO2 max. over an extended time period.
VO2 max.: VO2 max. is the maximum volume of oxygen (in milliliters) you can consume per minute per kilogram
of body weight at your maximum performance. Your device displays heat and altitude corrected VO2 max.
values when you are acclimating to high heat environments or high altitude.
Training load: Training load is the sum of your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) over the last 7
days. EPOC is an estimate of how much energy it takes for your body to recover after exercise.
Training load focus: Your device analyzes and distributes your training load into different categories based on
the intensity and structure of each activity recorded. Training load focus includes the total load accumulated
per category, and the focus of the training. Your device displays your load distribution over the last 4 weeks.
Recovery time: The recovery time displays how much time remains before you are fully recovered and ready for
the next hard workout.
Functional threshold power (FTP): The device uses your user profile information from the initial setup to
estimate your FTP. For a more accurate rating, you can conduct a guided test.
HRV stress test: The HRV (heart rate variability) stress test requires a Garmin chest heart rate monitor. The
device records your heart rate variability while standing still for 3 minutes. It provides your overall stress level.
The scale is 1 to 100, and a lower score indicates a lower stress level.
Performance condition: Your performance condition is a real-time assessment after 6 to 20 minutes of activity.
It can be added as a data field so you can view your performance condition during the rest of your activity. It
compares your real-time condition to your average fitness level.
Power curve: The power curve displays your sustained power output over time. You can view your power curve
for the previous month, three months, or twelve months.
16 My Stats
Training Status Levels
Training status shows you how your training affects your fitness level and performance. Your training status is
based on changes to your VO2 max., acute load, and HRV status over an extended time period. You can use
your training status to help plan future training and continue improving your fitness level.
No Status: The device needs you to record multiple activities over two weeks to determine your training status.
Detraining: You have a break in your training routine or you are training much less than usual for a week
or more. Detraining means that you are unable to maintain your fitness level. You can try increasing your
training load to see improvement.
Recovery: Your lighter training load is allowing your body to recover, which is essential during extended periods
of hard training. You can return to a higher training load when you feel ready.
Maintaining: Your current training load is enough to maintain your fitness level. To see improvement, try adding
more variety to your workouts or increasing your training volume.
Productive: Your current training load is moving your fitness level and performance in the right direction. You
should plan recovery periods into your training to maintain your fitness level.
Peaking: You are in ideal race condition. Your recently reduced training load is allowing your body to recover
and fully compensate for earlier training. You should plan ahead, since this peak state can only be maintained
for a short time.
Overreaching: Your training load is very high and counterproductive. Your body needs a rest. You should give
yourself time to recover by adding lighter training to your schedule.
Unproductive: Your training load is at a good level, but your fitness is decreasing. Try focusing on rest, nutrition,
and stress management.
Strained: There is imbalance between your recovery and training load. It is a normal result after a hard training
or major event. Your body may be struggling to recover, so you should pay attention to your overall health.
Tips for Getting Your Training Status
The training status feature depends on updated assessments of your fitness level, including at least one VO2
max. measurement per week. Your VO2 max. estimate is updated after both indoor and outdoor rides with
power during which your heart rate reached at least 70% of your maximum heart rate for several minutes.
To get the most out of the training status feature, you can try these tips.
At least one time per week, ride with a power meter, and reach a heart rate higher than 70% of your maximum
heart rate for at least 10 minutes.
After using the device for one week, your training status should be available.
Record all of your fitness activities on your primary training device, allowing your device to learn about your
performance (Syncing Activities and Performance Measurements, page26).
About VO2 Max. Estimates
VO2 max. is the maximum volume of oxygen (in milliliters) you can consume per minute per kilogram of body
weight at your maximum performance. In simple terms, VO2 max. is an indication of athletic performance and
should increase as your level of fitness improves. VO2 max. estimates are provided and supported by Firstbeat.
You can use your Garmin device paired with a compatible heart rate monitor and power meter to display your
cycling VO2 max. estimate.
My Stats 17
Getting Your VO2 Max. Estimate
Before you can view your VO2 max. estimate, you must put on the heart rate monitor, install the power meter,
and pair them with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48). If your device was packaged with a
heart rate monitor, the device and sensor are already paired. For the most accurate estimate, complete the user
profile setup (Setting Up Your User Profile, page55), and set your maximum heart rate (Setting Your Heart Rate
Zones, page45).
NOTE: The estimate may seem inaccurate at first. The device requires a few rides to learn about your cycling
1Ride at a steady, high intensity for at least 20 minutes.
2After your ride, select Save.
3Select > My Stats > Training Status.
4Swipe to view your VO2 max.
Your VO2 max. estimate appears as a number and position on the color gauge.
Purple Superior
Blue Excellent
Green Good
Orange Fair
Red Poor
VO2 max. data and analysis is provided with permission from The Cooper Institute®. For more information,
see the appendix (VO2 Max. Standard Ratings, page87), and go to www.CooperInstitute.org.
18 My Stats
Tips for Cycling VO2 Max. Estimates
The success and accuracy of the VO2 max. calculation improves when your ride is a sustained and moderately
hard effort, and where heart rate and power are not highly variable.
Before your ride, check that your device, heart rate monitor, and power meter are functioning properly, paired,
and have good battery life.
During your 20 minute ride, maintain your heart rate at greater than 70% of your maximum heart rate.
During your 20 minute ride, maintain a fairly constant power output.
Avoid rolling terrain.
Avoid riding in groups where there is a lot of drafting.
Heat and Altitude Performance Acclimation
Environmental factors such as high temperature and altitude impact your training and performance. For
example, high altitude training can have a positive impact on your fitness, but you may notice a temporary
VO2 max. decline while exposed to high altitudes. Your Edge 1040 device provides acclimation notifications and
corrections to your VO2 max. estimate and training status when the temperature is above 22ºC (72ºF) and when
the altitude is above 800 m (2625 ft.). You can keep track of your heat and altitude acclimation in the training
status glance.
NOTE: The heat acclimation feature is available only for GPS activities and requires weather data from your
connected phone.
Acute Load
Acute load is a weighted sum of your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) for the last several
days. The gauge indicates whether your current load is low, optimal, high, or very high. The optimal range is
based on your individual fitness level and training history. The range adjusts as your training time and intensity
increase or decrease.
Viewing Your Acute Load
Before you can view your acute load estimate, you must put on the heart rate monitor, install the power meter,
and pair them with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
If your device was packaged with a heart rate monitor, the device and sensor are already paired. For the
most accurate estimate, complete the user profile setup (Setting Up Your User Profile, page55), and set your
maximum heart rate (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones, page45).
NOTE: The estimate may seem inaccurate at first. The device requires a few rides to learn about your cycling
1Ride at least once during a seven day period.
2Select > My Stats > Training Status.
3Swipe to view your acute load.
My Stats 19
Training Load Focus
In order to maximize performance and fitness gains, training should be distributed across three categories: low
aerobic, high aerobic, and anaerobic. Training load focus shows you how much of your training is currently in
each category and provides training targets. Training load focus requires at least 7 days of training to determine
if your training load is low, optimal, or high. After 4 weeks of training history, your training load estimate will
have more detailed target information to help you balance your training activities.
Below targets: Your training load is lower than optimal in all intensity categories. Try increasing the duration or
frequency of your workouts.
Low aerobic shortage: Try adding more low aerobic activities to provide recovery and balance for your higher
intensity activities.
High aerobic shortage: Try adding more high aerobic activities to help improve your lactate threshold and VO2
max. over time.
Anaerobic shortage: Try adding a few more intense, anaerobic activities to improve your speed and anaerobic
capacity over time.
Balanced: Your training load is balanced and provides all-around fitness benefits as you continue training.
Low aerobic focus: Your training load is mostly low aerobic activity. This provides a solid foundation and
prepares you for adding more intense workouts.
High aerobic focus: Your training load is mostly high aerobic activity. These activities help to improve lactate
threshold, VO2 max., and endurance.
Anaerobic focus: Your training load is mostly intense activity. This leads to rapid fitness gains, but should be
balanced with low aerobic activities.
Above targets: Your training load is higher than optimal, and you should consider scaling back the duration and
frequency of your workouts.
Viewing Cycling Ability
Before you can view your cycling ability, you must have a 7-day training history, VO2 max. data recorded in your
user profile (About VO2 Max. Estimates, page17), and power curve data from a paired power meter (Viewing
Your Power Curve, page26).
Cycling ability is a measurement of your performance across three categories: aerobic endurance, aerobic
capacity, and anaerobic capacity. Cycling ability includes your current rider type, such as climber. Information
you enter in your user profile, such as body weight, also helps determine your rider type (Setting Up Your User
Profile, page55).
1From the home screen, swipe to view the cycling ability glance.
NOTE: You may need to add the glance to your home screen (Viewing Glances, page4).
2Select the cycling ability glance to view your current rider type.
3Select View Analysis to view a detailed analysis of your cycling ability (optional).
20 My Stats
About Training Effect
Training Effect measures the impact of an activity on your aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Training Effect
accumulates during the activity. As the activity progresses, the Training Effect value increases. Training Effect
is determined by your user profile information and training history, and heart rate, duration, and intensity of your
activity. There are seven different Training Effect labels to describe the primary benefit of your activity. Each
label is color coded and corresponds to your training load focus (Training Load Focus, page20). Each feedback
phrase, for example, "Highly Impacting VO2 Max." has a corresponding description in your Garmin Connect
activity details.
Aerobic Training Effect uses your heart rate to measure how the accumulated intensity of an exercise affects
your aerobic fitness and indicates if the workout had a maintaining or improving effect on your fitness level.
Your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) accumulated during exercise is mapped to a range of
values that account for your fitness level and training habits. Steady workouts at moderate effort or workouts
involving longer intervals (>180 sec) have a positive impact on your aerobic metabolism and result in an
improved aerobic Training Effect.
Anaerobic Training Effect uses heart rate and speed (or power) to determine how a workout affects your ability
to perform at very high intensity. You receive a value based on the anaerobic contribution to EPOC and the
type of activity. Repeated high-intensity intervals of 10 to 120 seconds have a highly beneficial impact on your
anaerobic capability and result in an improved anaerobic Training Effect.
You can add Aerobic Training Effect and Anaerobic Training Effect as data fields to one of your training screens
to monitor your numbers throughout the activity.
Training Effect Aerobic Benefit Anaerobic Benefit
From 0.0 to 0.9 No benefit. No benefit.
From 1.0 to 1.9 Minor benefit. Minor benefit.
From 2.0 to 2.9 Maintains your aerobic fitness. Maintains your anaerobic fitness.
From 3.0 to 3.9 Impacts your aerobic fitness. Impacts your anaerobic fitness.
From 4.0 to 4.9 Highly impacts your aerobic fitness. Highly impacts your anaerobic fitness.
5.0 Overreaching and potentially harmful without
enough recovery time.
Overreaching and potentially harmful without
enough recovery time.
Training Effect technology is provided and supported by Firstbeat Analytics. For more information, go to www
Recovery Time
You can use your Garmin device with wrist-based heart rate or a compatible chest heart rate monitor to display
how much time remains before you are fully recovered and ready for the next hard workout.
NOTE: The recovery time recommendation uses your VO2 max. estimate and may seem inaccurate at first. The
device requires you to complete a few activities to learn about your performance.
The recovery time appears immediately following an activity. The time counts down until it is optimal for you to
attempt another hard workout. The device updates your recovery time throughout the day based on changes in
sleep, stress, relaxation, and physical activity.
My Stats 21
Viewing Your Recovery Time
Before you can use the recovery time feature, you must have a Garmin device with wrist-based heart rate or a
compatible chest heart rate monitor paired with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48). If your
device was packaged with a heart rate monitor, the device and sensor are already paired. For the most accurate
estimate, complete the user profile setup (Setting Up Your User Profile, page55), and set your maximum heart
rate (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones, page45).
1Select > My Stats > Recovery > > Enable.
2Go for a ride.
3After your ride, select Save.
The recovery time appears. The maximum time is 4 days, and the minimum time is 6 hours.
Getting Your Exercise Load Estimate
Before you can view your exercise load estimate, you must put on the heart rate monitor, install the power
meter, and pair them with your device (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
If your device was packaged with a heart rate monitor, the device and sensor are already paired. For the
most accurate estimate, complete the user profile setup (Setting Up Your User Profile, page55), and set your
maximum heart rate (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones, page45).
NOTE: The estimate may seem inaccurate at first. The device requires a few rides to learn about your cycling
1Ride at least once during a seven day period.
2Select > My Stats > Training Status.
3Swipe to view your exercise load.
22 My Stats
Getting Your FTP Estimate
The device uses your user profile information from the initial setup to estimate your functional threshold power
(FTP). For a more accurate FTP value, you can conduct an FTP test using a paired power meter and heart rate
monitor (Conducting an FTP Test, page23).
Select > My Stats > Power > FTP.
Your FTP estimate appears as a value measured in watts per kilogram, your power output in watts, and a
position on the color gauge.
Purple Superior
Blue Excellent
Green Good
Orange Fair
Red Untrained
For more information, see the appendix (FTP Ratings, page87).
Conducting an FTP Test
Before you can conduct a test to determine your functional threshold power (FTP), you must have a paired
power meter and heart rate monitor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
1Select > My Stats > Power > FTP > > FTP Test > Ride.
2Select to start the activity timer.
After you begin your ride, the device displays each step of the test, the target, and current power data. A
message appears when the test is complete.
3Select to stop the activity timer.
4Select Save.
Your FTP appears as a value measured in watts per kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on
the color gauge.
My Stats 23
Automatically Calculating FTP
Before the device can calculate your functional threshold power (FTP), you must have a paired power meter and
heart rate monitor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
NOTE: The estimate may seem inaccurate at first. The device requires a few rides to learn about your cycling
1Select > My Stats > Power > FTP > > Auto Detect FTP.
2Ride at a steady, high intensity for at least 20 minutes outdoors.
3After your ride, select Save.
4Select > My Stats > Power > FTP.
Your FTP appears as a value measured in watts per kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on
the color gauge.
24 My Stats
Viewing Your Real-Time Stamina
Your device can provide real-time stamina estimates based on your heart rate data and VO2 max. estimate
(About VO2 Max. Estimates, page17). How hard you are working during an activity affects how quickly your
stamina drains. Real-time stamina tracking works by combining your physiological metrics with your recent
and long-term activity history, such as training duration, distance covered, and training load accumulation
(Performance Measurements, page16).
NOTE: For best results, record cycling activities with a power meter consistently for 2 to 3 weeks and with
different intensity levels and duration.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a biking profile.
3Select Data Screens > Stamina.
4Select Show Screen to view the data screen during your ride.
5Select Show Current Effort.
6Select Show Distance or Show Time as the primary data field.
7Select Layout and Data Fields.
8Select or to change the layout.
10 Go for a ride (Going for a Ride, page5).
11 Swipe left or right to view the data screen.
Primary stamina data field. You can view the estimated time or distance remaining until you will reach
exhaustion at your current effort level.
Potential stamina estimate. Think of potential stamina as the total capacity of your fuel tank. It will
decrease quickly if you are riding at a high effort level. Reducing your effort or resting results in a
slower decline of your potential stamina.
Current stamina estimate. Your current stamina reflects how much you have left in the tank at your
current level of effort. This estimate combines general fatigue with anaerobic cycling activities, such
as sprints, climbs, and attacks.
Red: Stamina is depleting.
Orange: Stamina is steady.
Green: Stamina is recharging.
My Stats 25
Viewing Your Stress Score
Before you can view your stress score, you must put on a chest heart rate monitor and pair it with your device
(Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
Stress score is the result of a three-minute test performed while standing still, where the Edge device analyzes
heart rate variability to determine your overall stress. Training, sleep, nutrition, and general life stress all impact
how an athlete performs. The stress score range is 1 to 100, where 1 is a very low stress state, and 100 is a very
high stress state. Knowing your stress score can help you decide if your body is ready for a tough workout or
TIP: Garmin recommends that you measure your stress score at approximately the same time and under the
same conditions every day.
1Select > My Stats > Stress Score > Measure.
2Stand still, and rest for 3 minutes.
Viewing Your Power Curve
Before you can view your power curve, you must pair your power meter with your device (Pairing Your Wireless
Sensors, page48).
The power curve displays your sustained power output over time. You can view your power curve for the
previous month, three months, or twelve months.
1Select > My Stats > Power > Power Curve.
2Select or to select a time period.
Syncing Activities and Performance Measurements
You can sync activities and performance measurements from other Garmin devices to your Edge 1040 bike
computer using your Garmin Connect account. This allows your device to more accurately reflect your training
status and fitness. For example, you can record a run with a Forerunner® watch, and view your activity details
and overall training load on your Edge 1040 bike computer.
Sync your Edge 1040 bike computer and other Garmin devices to your Garmin Connect account.
TIP: You can set a primary training device and primary wearable in the Garmin Connect app (Unified Training
Status, page6).
Recent activities and performance measurements from your other Garmin devices appear on your Edge 1040
bike computer.
Turning Off Performance Notifications
Performance notifications are turned on by default. Some performance notifications are alerts that appear upon
completion of your activity. Some performance notifications appear during an activity or when you achieve a
new performance measurement, such as a new VO2 max. estimate.
1Select > My Stats > Performance Notifications.
2Select an option.
Pausing Your Training Status
If you are injured or sick, you can pause your training status. You can continue to record fitness activities,
but your training status, training load focus, recovery feedback, and workout recommendations are temporarily
Select an option:
From your Edge bike computer, select > My Stats > Training Status > > Pause Training Status.
From your Garmin Connect settings, select Performance Stats > Training Status > > Pause Training
TIP: You should sync your device with your Garmin Connect account.
26 My Stats
Resuming Your Paused Training Status
You can resume your training status when you are ready to start training again. For best results, you need at
least two VO2 max. measurements each week (About VO2 Max. Estimates, page17).
Select an option:
From your Edge bike computer, select > My Stats > Training Status > > Resume Training Status.
From your Garmin Connect settings, select Performance Stats > Training Status > > Resume Training
TIP: You should sync your device with your Garmin Connect account.
Viewing Your Fitness Age
Before the device can calculate an accurate fitness age, you must complete the user profile setup in the Garmin
Connect app.
Your fitness age gives you an idea of how your fitness compares with a person of the same sex. Your device
uses information, such as your age, body mass index (BMI), resting heart rate data, and vigorous activity history
to provide a fitness age. If you have a Garmin Index scale, your device uses the body fat percentage metric
instead of BMI to determine your fitness age. Exercise and lifestyle changes can impact your fitness age.
Select > My Stats > Fitness Age.
Viewing Intensity Minutes
Before the device can calculate your intensity minutes, you must pair your device and go for a ride with a
compatible heart rate monitor (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
To improve your health, organizations such as the World Health Organization recommend at least 150 minutes
per week of moderate intensity activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous intensity activity. The Edge device,
when paired with a heart rate monitor, tracks your time spent participating in moderate to vigorous activities,
your weekly intensity minutes goal, and progress toward your goal.
Select > My Stats > Intensity Minutes.
Personal Records
When you complete a ride, the device displays any new personal records you achieved during that ride. Personal
records include your fastest time over a standard distance, longest ride, and most ascent gained during a ride.
When paired with a compatible power meter, the device displays the maximum power reading recorded during a
20-minute period.
Viewing Your Personal Records
Select > My Stats > Personal Records.
Reverting a Personal Record
You can set each personal record back to the one previously recorded.
1Select > My Stats > Personal Records.
2Select a record to revert.
3Select Previous Record > .
NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.
Deleting a Personal Record
1Select > My Stats > Personal Records.
2Select a personal record.
3Select > .
My Stats 27
Training Zones
Heart rate zones (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones, page45)
Power zones (Setting Your Power Zones, page48)
Navigation features and settings also apply to navigating courses (Courses, page30) and segments
(Segments, page10).
Locations and finding places (Locations, page28)
Planning a course (Courses, page30)
Route settings (Route Settings, page36)
Map settings (Map Settings, page35)
You can record and store locations in the device.
Marking Your Location
Before you can mark a location, you must locate satellites.
If you want to remember landmarks or return to a certain spot, you can mark a location.
1Go for a ride.
2Select Navigation > > Mark Location > .
Saving Locations from the Map
1Select Navigation > Browse Map.
2Browse the map for the location.
3Select the location.
Location information appears at the top of the map.
4Select the location information.
5Select > Save Location > .
28 Navigation
Navigating to a Location
TIP: You can use the Location Search glance to perform a quick search from the home screen. If necessary, you
can add the glance to the glance loop (Customizing the Glances, page62).
1Select Navigation.
2Select an option:
Select Browse Map to navigate to a location on the map.
Select Courses to navigate using a saved course (Courses, page30).
Select MTB Trail Navigation to navigate to a mountain bike trail network.
Select Search to navigate to a point of interest, city, address, intersection, or known coordinates.
TIP: You can select to enter specific search information.
Select Saved Locations to navigate to a saved location.
Select Recent Finds to navigate to one of the last 50 locations you have found.
Select > Searching near: to narrow your search area.
3Select a location.
4Select Ride.
5Follow the on-screen instructions to your destination.
Navigating Back to Start
At any point during your ride, you can return to the starting point.
1Go for a ride.
2At any time, swipe down from the top of the screen, and on the controls widget, select Back to Start.
3Select Along Same Route or Most Direct Route.
4Select Ride.
The device navigates you back to the starting point of your ride.
Stopping Navigation
1Scroll to the map.
2Tap the screen.
3Select Stop Navigation > .
Navigation 29
Editing Locations
1Select Navigation > Saved Locations.
2Select a location.
3Select the information bar at the top of the screen.
4Select .
5Select an attribute.
For example, select Change Elevation to enter a known altitude for the location.
6Enter the new information, and select .
Deleting a Location
1Select Navigation > Saved Locations.
2Select a location.
3Select the location information at the top of the screen.
4Select > Delete Location > .
You can send a course from your Garmin Connect account to your device. After it is saved to your device, you
can navigate the course on your device. You can also create a custom course on your device.
You can follow a saved course simply because it is a good route. For example, you can save and follow a
bike friendly commute to work. You can also follow a saved course, trying to match or exceed previously set
performance goals.
Planning and Riding a Course
You can create and ride a custom course. A course is a sequence of waypoints or locations that leads you to
your final destination.
TIP: You can also create a custom course in the Garmin Connect app and send it to your device (Following a
Course From Garmin Connect, page32).
1Select Navigation > Courses > > Course Creator.
2Select to add a location.
3Select an option:
To select your current location on the map, select Current Location.
To select a location on the map, select Use Map, and select a location.
To select a saved location, select Saved & Recent > Saved Locations, and select a location.
To select a saved segment, select Saved & Recent > Segments, and select a segment.
To select a location for which you recently searched, select Saved & Recent > Recent Finds, and select a
To browse for and select a point of interest, select Points of Interest, and select a nearby point of interest.
To select a city, select Cities, and select a nearby city.
To select an address, select Search Tools > Addresses, and enter the address.
To select an intersection, select Search Tools > Intersections, and enter the street names.
To use coordinates, select Search Tools > Coordinates, and enter the coordinates.
4Select Add to Course.
TIP: From the map, you can select another location, and select Add to Course to continue adding locations.
5Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have selected all locations for the route.
6If necessary, select an option:
Hold on a location and drag it reorder the list.
Swipe left and select to remove a location.
30 Navigation
7Select an option:
To calculate the route, select View Map.
To calculate the route with the same route back to the start location, select > Out and Back.
To calculate the route with a different route back to the start location, select > Loop to Start.
A map of the course appears.
8Select Save.
9Enter a name for the course.
10 Select > Ride.
Creating and Riding a Round-Trip Course
The device can create a round-trip course based on a specified distance, starting location, and direction of
1Select Navigation > Courses > > Round-Trip Course.
2Select Distance, and enter the total distance for the course.
3Select Start Location.
4Select an option:
To select your current location, select Current Location.
To select a location on the map, select Use Map, and select a location.
To select a saved location, select Saved Locations, and select a location.
To select a location for which you recently searched, select Recent Finds, and select a location.
To browse for and select a point of interest, select Points of Interest, and select a nearby point of interest.
To select an address, select Search Tools > Addresses, and enter the address.
To select an intersection, select Search Tools > Intersections, and enter the street names.
To use coordinates, select Search Tools > Coordinates, and enter the coordinates.
5Select Start Direction, and select a direction heading.
6Select Search.
TIP: You can select to search again.
7Select a course to view it on the map.
TIP: You can select and to view the other courses.
8Select Save > Ride.
Creating a Course from a Recent Ride
You can create a new course from a ride you saved on this Edge device.
1Select History > Rides.
2Select a ride.
3Select > Save Ride as Course.
4Enter a name for the course, and select .
Navigation 31
Following a Course From Garmin Connect
Before you can download a course from Garmin Connect, you must have a Garmin Connect account (Garmin
Connect, page53).
1Select an option:
Open the Garmin Connect app.
Go to connect.garmin.com.
2Create a new course, or select an existing course.
3Select an option:
On the Garmin Connect app, select > Send to Device.
On the Garmin Connect website, select Send to Device.
4Select your Edge device.
5Select an option:
Sync your device with the Garmin Connect app.
Sync your device using the Garmin Express application.
On the Edge device, the course appears on the home screen.
6Select the course.
NOTE: If necessary, you can select Navigation > Courses to select a different course.
7Select Ride.
Tips for Riding a Course
Use turn guidance (Course Options, page33).
If you include a warmup, select to begin the course, and warm up as normal.
Stay away from your course path as you warm up.
When you are ready to begin, head toward your course. When you are on any part of the course path, a
message appears.
NOTE: As soon as you select , your Virtual Partner starts the course and does not wait for you to warm up.
Scroll to the map to view the course map.
If you stray from the course, a message appears.
Viewing Course Details
1Select Navigation > Courses.
2Select a course.
3Select an option:
Tap the course to view the course on the map.
Select Summary to view details about the course.
Select Climbs to view details and elevation plots for each climb.
Select Course Demands to view an analysis of your cycling ability for the course.
Select Power Guide to view an analysis of your effort for the course.
32 Navigation
Displaying a Course on the Map
For each course saved to your device, you can customize how it appears on the map. For example, you can
set your commute course to always display on the map in yellow. You can have an alternate course display in
green. This allows you to see the courses while you are riding, but not follow or navigate a particular course.
1Select Navigation > Courses.
2Select the course.
3Select .
4Select Always Display to make the course appear on the map.
5Select Color, and select a color.
6Select Course Points to include course points on the map.
The next time you ride near the course, it appears on the map.
Course Options
Select Navigation > Courses > .
Turn Guidance: Enables or disables turn prompts.
Off Course Warnings: Alerts you if you stray from the course.
Search: Allows you to search for saved courses by name.
Filter: Allows you to filter by course type, such as Strava courses.
Sort: Allows you to sort saved courses by name, distance, or date.
Delete: Allows you to delete all or multiple saved courses from the device.
Rerouting a Course
You can choose how the device recalculates the route when you go off course.
When you go off course, select an option:
To pause navigation until you get back on course, select Pause Navigation.
To choose from rerouting suggestions, select Re-route.
NOTE: The first rerouting option is the shortest route back to the course and starts automatically after 10
Stopping a Course
1Scroll to the map.
2Swipe down from the top of the screen, and scroll to the controls widget.
3Select Stop Course > .
Deleting a Course
1Select Navigation > Courses.
2Swipe left on a course.
3Select .
Trailforks Routes
With the Trailforks app, you can save your favorite trail routes or browse for routes nearby. You can download
Trailforks mountain bike trail routes to your Edge bike computer. Downloaded routes appear in the saved
courses list.
To sign up for a Trailforks membership, go to www.trailforks.com.
Navigation 33
Using ClimbPro
The ClimbPro feature helps you manage your effort for upcoming climbs. You can view details about the climbs,
including when they occur, average gradient, and total ascent. The climb scores, based on length and gradient,
are indicated by color (Climb Categories, page35).
1Enable the ClimbPro feature for the activity profile (Training Settings, page56).
2Select Climb Detection.
3Select an option:
Select All Climbs to show climbs with a climb score of 1,500 or greater.
Select Medium to Large Climbs to show climbs with a climb score of 3,500 or greater.
Select Only Large Climbs to show climbs with a climb score of 8,000 or greater.
4Select Mode.
5Select an option:
Select When Navigating to use ClimbPro only when you are following a course (Courses, page30) or
navigating to a destination (Navigating to a Location, page29).
Select Always to use ClimbPro with all rides.
6Select Terrain Type, and select an option.
7Review the climbs in the climb explore widget.
TIP: Climbs also appear in the course details (Viewing Course Details, page32).
8Go for a ride.
At the start of a climb, the ClimbPro screen appears automatically.
After you save the ride, you can view the climb splits in your ride history.
Using the Climb Explore Widget
1Scroll to the climb explore widget.
TIP: You can add the climb explore widget to the widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page62).
2Select .
3Select an option:
Select Search Radius to enter the distance to search for climbs.
Select Min Difficulty to set the minimum climb category (Climb Categories, page35).
Select Max Difficulty to set the maximum climb category (Climb Categories, page35).
Select Terrain Type to indicate what type of terrain you will be riding on.
Select Sort by to sort the climbs by distance, ascent, length, or grade.
Select Sort Order to sort the climbs in ascending or descending order.
34 Navigation
Climb Categories
Climb categories are determined by climb score, which is calculated using the grade multiplied by the length of
the climb. A climb must have a length of at least 500 meters and an average grade of at least 3 percent to be
considered a climb.
Category Climb Score Color
Hors Category (HC) Greater than 80,000
Category 1 Greater than 64,000
Category 2 Greater than 32,000
Category 3 Greater than 16,000
Category 4 Greater than 8,000
Uncategorized Greater than 1,500
Map Settings
Select > Activity Profiles, select a profile, and select Navigation > Map.
Orientation: Sets how the map is shown on the page.
Auto Zoom: Automatically selects a zoom level for the map. When Off is selected, you must zoom in or out
Guide Text: Sets when the turn-by-turn navigation prompts are shown (requires routable maps).
Appearance: Customizes the appearance settings on the map (Map Appearance Settings, page35).
Map Information: Enables or disables the maps currently loaded on the device.
Map Appearance Settings
Select > Activity Profiles, select a profile, and select Navigation > Map > Appearance.
Map Theme: Adjusts the appearance of the map for your ride type. (Map Themes, page36)
Popularity Map: Highlights popular roads or trails for your ride type. The darker the road or trail, the more
Map Detail: Sets the level of detail shown on the map.
History Line Color: Allows you to change the line color of the path you have traveled.
Advanced: Allows you to set zoom levels and text size, and enable shaded relief and contours.
Reset Map Default: Resets the map appearance to the default settings.
Changing the Map Orientation
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Navigation > Map > Orientation.
4Select an option:
Select North Up to show north at the top of the page.
Select Track Up to show your current direction of travel at the top of the page.
Navigation 35
Map Themes
You can change the map theme to adjust the appearance of the map for your ride type.
Select > Activity Profiles, select a profile, and select Navigation > Map > Appearance > Map Theme.
Classic: Uses the classic Edge map color scheme, with no additional theme applied.
High Contrast: Sets the map to display data with higher contrast, for better visibility in challenging
Mountain Biking: Sets the map to optimize trail data in mountain biking mode.
Route Settings
Select > Activity Profiles, select a profile, and select Navigation > Routing.
Popularity Routing: Calculates routes based on the most popular rides from Garmin Connect.
Routing Mode: Sets the transportation method to optimize your route.
Calculation Method: Sets the method used to calculate your route.
Lock on Road: Locks the position icon, which represents your position on the map, onto the nearest road.
Avoidance Setup: Sets the road types to avoid while navigating.
Course Recalculation: Automatically recalculates the route when you deviate from the course.
Route Recalculation: Automatically recalculates the route when you deviate from the route.
Selecting an Activity for Route Calculation
You can set the device to calculate the route based on activity type.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Navigation > Routing > Routing Mode.
4Select an option to calculate your route.
For example, you can select Road Cycling for on-road navigation or Mountain Biking for off-road navigation.
Connected Features
While cycling, do not interact with the display to enter information or to read or reply to messages, because
doing so can cause a distraction that could lead to an accident causing serious personal injury or death.
Connected features are available for your Edge bike computer when you connect the bike computer to a Wi‑Fi®
network or to a compatible phone using Bluetooth technology.
Pairing Your Phone
To use the connected features of the Edge device, it must be paired directly through the Garmin Connect app,
instead of from the Bluetooth settings on your phone.
1Hold to turn on the device.
The first time you turn on the device, you will select the device language. The next screen prompts you to pair
with your phone.
TIP: You can swipe down on the home screen to view the settings widget, and select Phone > Pair
Smartphone to manually enter pairing mode.
2Scan the QR code with your phone, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the pairing and setup
NOTE: Setting up Wi‑Fi and sleep mode usage on your device enables the device to sync with all your data
such as training stats, course downloads, and software updates.
After you pair successfully, a message appears, and your device syncs automatically with your phone.
36 Connected Features
Bluetooth Connected Features
The Edge device has several Bluetooth connected features for your compatible phone using the Garmin
Connect and Connect IQ apps. Go to www.garmin.com/intosports/apps for more information.
Activity uploads to Garmin Connect: Automatically sends your activity to Garmin Connect as soon as you finish
recording the activity.
Audio prompts: Allows the Garmin Connect app to play status announcements on your phone during a ride.
Bike alarm: Allows you to enable an alarm that sounds on the device and sends an alert to your phone when the
device detects motion.
Connect IQ downloadable features: Allows you to download Connect IQ features from the Connect IQ app.
Course, segment, and workout downloads from Garmin Connect: Allows you to search for activities on Garmin
Connect using your phone and send them to your device.
Course and segment downloads from Garmin Connect: Allows you to search for courses and segments on
Garmin Connect using your phone and send them to your device.
Find my Edge: Locates your lost Edge device that is paired with your phone and currently within range.
Messages: Allows you to reply to an incoming call or text message with a preset text message. This feature is
available with compatible Android phones.
Music controls: Allows you to use your device to control music playback on your phone.
Notifications: Displays phone notifications and messages on your device.
Safety and tracking features: (Safety and Tracking Features, page37)
Social media interactions: Allows you to post an update to your favorite social media website when you upload
an activity to Garmin Connect.
Weather updates: Sends real-time weather conditions and alerts to your device.
Safety and Tracking Features
The safety and tracking features are supplemental features and should not be relied on as a primary method to
obtain emergency assistance. The Garmin Connect app does not contact emergency services on your behalf.
To use these features, the Edge 1040 device must have GPS enabled and be connected to the Garmin Connect
app using Bluetooth technology. You can enter emergency contacts in your Garmin Connect account.
The Edge 1040 device has safety and tracking features that must be set up with the Garmin Connect app.
For more information about safety and tracking features, go to www.garmin.com/safety.
Assistance: Allows you to send a message with your name, LiveTrack link, and GPS location (if available) to
your emergency contacts.
Incident detection: When the Edge 1040 device detects an incident during certain outdoor activities, the device
sends an automated message, LiveTrack link, and GPS location (if available) to your emergency contacts.
LiveTrack: Allows friends and family to follow your races and training activities in real time. You can invite
followers using email or social media, allowing them to view your live data on a web page.
GroupTrack: Allows you to keep track of your connections using LiveTrack directly on screen and in real time.
Connected Features 37
Incident Detection
Incident detection is a supplemental feature available only for certain outdoor activities. Incident detection
should not be relied on as a primary method to obtain emergency assistance. The Garmin Connect app does not
contact emergency services on your behalf.
Before you can enable incident detection on your device, you must set up emergency contact information in
the Garmin Connect app. Your paired phone must be equipped with a data plan and be in an area of network
coverage where data is available. Your emergency contacts must be able to receive text messages (standard
text messaging rates may apply).
When an incident is detected by your Edge device with GPS enabled, the Garmin Connect app can send an
automated text message and email with your name and GPS location, if available, to your emergency contacts.
A message appears on your device and paired phone indicating your contacts will be informed after 30 seconds
have elapsed. If assistance is not needed, you can cancel the automated emergency message.
Assistance is a supplemental feature and should not be relied on as a primary method to obtain emergency
assistance. The Garmin Connect app does not contact emergency services on your behalf.
Before you can enable the assistance feature on your device, you must set up emergency contact information
in the Garmin Connect app. Your paired phone must be equipped with a data plan and be in an area of network
coverage where data is available. Your emergency contacts must be able to receive text messages (standard
text messaging rates may apply).
When your Edge device with GPS enabled is connected to the Garmin Connect app, you can send an automated
text message with your name and GPS location, if available, to your emergency contacts.
A message appears on your device indicating your contacts will be informed after a countdown has elapsed. If
assistance is not needed, you can cancel the message.
Adding Emergency Contacts
Emergency contact phone numbers are used for the safety and tracking features.
1From the Garmin Connect app, select or .
2Select Safety & Tracking > Safety Features > Emergency Contacts > Add Emergency Contacts.
3Follow the on-screen instructions.
Your emergency contacts receive a notification when you add them as an emergency contact, and can accept or
decline your request. If a contact declines, you must choose another emergency contact.
Viewing Your Emergency Contacts
Before you can view your emergency contacts on your device, you must set up your rider information and
emergency contacts in the Garmin Connect app.
Select > Safety & Tracking > Emergency Contacts.
Your emergency contacts' names and phone numbers appear.
38 Connected Features
Requesting Assistance
Before you can request assistance, you must enable GPS on your Edge device and set up emergency contact
information in the Garmin Connect app. Your paired phone must be equipped with a data plan and be in an area
of network coverage where data is available. Your emergency contacts must be able to receive emails or text
messages (standard text messaging rates may apply).
1Hold for five seconds to activate the assistance feature.
The device beeps and sends the message after the five-second countdown is complete.
TIP: You can select before the countdown is complete to cancel the message.
2If necessary, select Send to send the message immediately.
Turning Incident Detection On and Off
NOTE: Your paired phone must be equipped with a data plan and be in an area of network coverage where data
is available.
1Select > Safety & Tracking > Incident Detection.
2Select the activity profile to enable incident detection.
NOTE: Incident detection is enabled by default for certain outdoor activities. Depending on the terrain and
your riding style, false positives can occur.
Cancelling an Automated Message
When an incident is detected by your device, you can cancel the automated emergency message on your device
or your paired phone before it is sent to your emergency contacts.
Before the end of the 30-second countdown, hold Press and hold to cancel.
Sending a Status Update After an Incident
Before you can send a status update to your emergency contacts, your device must detect an incident and send
an automated emergency message to your emergency contacts.
You can send a status update to your emergency contacts informing them you are not in need of assistance.
1Swipe down from the top of the screen, and swipe left or right to view the controls widget.
2Select Incident Detected > I'm Okay.
A message is sent to all emergency contacts.
Turning On LiveTrack
Before you can start your first LiveTrack session, you must set up contacts in the Garmin Connect app.
1Select > Safety & Tracking > LiveTrack.
2Select an option:
Select Auto Start to start a LiveTrack session each time you start this type of activity.
Select LiveTrack Name to update the name of your LiveTrack session. The current date is the default
Select Recipients to view recipients.
Select Course Sharing if you want your recipients to see your course.
Select Spectator Messaging if you want to allow your recipients to send you text messages during your
cycling activity (Spectator Messaging, page41).
Select Extend LiveTrack to extend viewing of the LiveTrack session for 24 hours.
3Select Start LiveTrack.
Recipients can view your live data on a Garmin Connect tracking page.
Connected Features 39
Starting a GroupTrack Session
Before you can start a GroupTrack session, you must have a phone with the Garmin Connect app paired to your
device (Pairing Your Phone, page36).
During a ride, you can see the riders in your GroupTrack session on the map.
1On the Edge bike computer, select > Safety & Tracking > GroupTrack to enable viewing connections on
the map screen.
2From the Garmin Connect app, select or .
3Select Safety & Tracking > LiveTrack > > Settings > GroupTrack > All Connections.
4Select Start LiveTrack.
5On the Edge bike computer, press , and go for a ride.
6Scroll to the map to view your connections.
You can tap an icon on the map to view location and heading information for other riders in the GroupTrack
7Scroll to the GroupTrack list.
You can select a rider from the list, and that rider appears centered on the map.
Tips for GroupTrack Sessions
The GroupTrack feature allows you to keep track of other riders in your group using LiveTrack directly on the
screen. All riders in the group must be your connections in your Garmin Connect account.
Ride outside using GPS.
Pair your Edge 1040 device with your phone using Bluetooth technology.
In the Garmin Connect app, select or , and select Connections to update the list of riders for your
GroupTrack session.
Make sure all of your connections pair to their phones and start a LiveTrack session in the Garmin Connect
Make sure all your connections are in range (40km or 25mi.).
During a GroupTrack session, scroll to the map to view your connections.
Stop riding before you attempt to view location and heading information for other riders in the GroupTrack
Live Event Sharing
Live event sharing allows you to send messages to friends and family during an event, providing real-time
updates including cumulative time and last lap time. Before the event, you can customize the list of recipients
and the message content in the Garmin Connect app.
40 Connected Features
Turning On Live Event Sharing
Before you can use live event sharing, you must set up the LiveTrack feature in the Garmin Connect app.
NOTE: LiveTrack features are available when your device is connected to the Garmin Connect app using
Bluetooth technology, with a compatible Android phone.
1Turn on your Edge bike computer.
2In the Garmin Connect app, from the settings menu, select Safety & Tracking > Live Event Sharing.
3Select Devices, and select your Edge bike computer.
4Select the toggle switch to enable Live Event Sharing.
5Select Done.
6Select Recipients to add people from your contacts.
7Select Message Options to customize the message triggers and options.
8Go outside, and select a GPS biking profile on your Edge 1040 bike computer.
Live event sharing is enabled for 24 hours.
Spectator Messaging
NOTE: Your paired phone must be equipped with a data plan and be in an area of network coverage where data
is available.
Spectator messaging is a feature that allows your LiveTrack followers to send you text messages during your
cycling activity. You can set up this feature in the LiveTrack settings of the Garmin Connect app.
Blocking Spectator Messages
If you want to block spectator messages, Garmin recommends turning them off before you start the activity.
Select > Safety & Tracking > LiveTrack > Spectator Messaging.
Setting the Bike Alarm
You can turn on the bike alarm when you are away from your bike, such as on a stop during a long ride. You can
control the bike alarm from your device or the device settings in the Garmin Connect app.
1Select > Safety & Tracking > Bike Alarm.
2Create or update your passcode.
When you disable the bike alarm from your Edge device, you are prompted to enter the passcode.
3Swipe down from the top of the screen, and on the controls widget, select Set Bike Alarm.
If the device detects motion, it sounds an alarm and sends an alert to your connected phone.
Playing Audio Prompts on Your Phone
Before you can set up audio prompts, you must have a phone with the Garmin Connect app paired to your Edge
You can set the Garmin Connect app to play motivational status announcements on your phone during a ride or
other activity. Audio prompts include the lap number and lap time, navigation, power, pace or speed, and heart
rate data. During an audio prompt, the Garmin Connect app mutes the primary audio of the phone to play the
announcement. You can customize the volume levels on the Garmin Connect app.
1From the Garmin Connect app, select or .
2Select Garmin Devices.
3Select your device.
4Select Audio Prompts.
Connected Features 41
Listening to Music
Do not listen to music while cycling on public roadways, as this can cause distraction leading to an accident
resulting in personal injury or death. It is the user's responsibility to know and understand local laws and
regulations relating to headphone usage while cycling.
1Go for a ride.
2While stopped, swipe down from the top of the screen to view the widgets.
3Swipe left or right to view the music controls widget.
NOTE: You can add options to the widget loop (Customizing the Widget Loop, page62).
4Start listening to music from your paired phone.
You can control music playback on your phone from your Edge bike computer.
WiFi Connectivity Features
Activity uploads to your Garmin Connect account: Automatically sends your activity to your Garmin Connect
account as soon as you finish recording the activity.
Audio content: Allows you to sync audio content from third-party providers.
Software updates: You can download and install the latest software.
Workouts and training plans: You can browse for and select workouts and training plans on the Garmin Connect
site. The next time your device has a Wi‑Fi connection, the files are sent to your device.
Setting Up WiFi Connectivity
You must connect your device to the Garmin Connect app on your phone or to the Garmin Express application
on your computer before you can connect to a Wi‑Fi network.
1Select an option:
Download the Garmin Connect app, and pair your phone (Pairing Your Phone, page36).
Go to www.garmin.com/express, and download the Garmin Express application.
2Follow the on-screen instructions to set up Wi‑Fi connectivity.
WiFi Settings
Select > Connected Features > Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi: Enables Wi‑Fi wireless technology.
NOTE: Other Wi‑Fi settings appear only when Wi‑Fi is enabled.
Auto Upload: Allows you to upload activities automatically over a known wireless network.
Add Network: Connects your device to a wireless network.
42 Connected Features
Wireless Sensors
Your Edge bike computer can be paired and used with wireless sensors using ANT+ or Bluetooth technology
(Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48). After the devices are paired, you can customize the optional data
fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57). If your device was packaged with a sensor, they are already paired.
For information about specific Garmin sensor compatibility, purchasing, or to view the owner's manual, go to
buy.garmin.com for that sensor.
Sensor Type Description
eBike You can use your device with your eBike and view bike data, such as battery and shifting
information, during your rides (Viewing eBike Sensor Details, page51).
Edge Remote You can control your Edge bike computer with the Edge remote, including starting the activity
timer, marking laps, and scrolling through data screens.
You can use the Extended Display mode to display data screens from your compatible Garmin
watch on a compatible Edge bike computer during a ride or triathlon.
Heart Rate You can use an external sensor, such as the HRM-Pro or HRM-Dual heart rate monitor, to
view heart rate data during your activities.
inReach The inReach® remote function allows you to control your inReach satellite communicator using
your Edge bike computer (Using the inReach Remote, page52).
Lights You can use Varia smart bike lights to improve situational awareness.
You can use the Rally or Vector power meter bike pedals to view power data on your device.
You can adjust the power zones to match your goals and abilities (Setting Your Power Zones,
page48), or use range alerts to be notified when you reach a specified power zone (Setting
Range Alerts, page58).
You can use a Varia rearview bike radar to improve situational awareness and send alerts
about approaching vehicles. With a Varia radar camera tail light, you can also take photos and
record video during a ride (Using the Varia Camera Controls, page51).
Shifting You can use electronic shifters to display shifting information during a ride. The Edge 1040
device displays current adjustment values when the sensor is in adjustment mode.
Shimano Di2 You can use Shimano® Di2 electronic shifters to display shifting information during a ride. The
Edge 1040 device displays current adjustment values when the sensor is in adjustment mode.
You can use your device with your Shimano STEPS eBike and view bike data, such as battery
and shifting information, during your rides (Viewing eBike Sensor Details, page51).
Smart Trainer You can use your device with an indoor bike smart trainer to simulate resistance while
following a course, ride, or workout (Using an Indoor Trainer, page13).
You can attach speed or cadence sensors to your bike and view the data during your ride. If
necessary, you can manually enter your wheel circumference (Wheel Size and Circumference,
Tempe You can attach the tempe temperature sensor to a secure strap or loop where it is exposed to
ambient air, so it provides a consistent source of accurate temperature data.
VIRB The VIRB® remote function allows you to control your VIRB action camera using your device.
Wireless Sensors 43
Putting On the Heart Rate Monitor
NOTE: If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you can skip this task.
You should wear the heart rate monitor directly on your skin, just below your sternum. It should be snug enough
to stay in place during your activity.
1Snap the heart rate monitor module onto the strap.
The Garmin logos on the module and the strap should be right-side up.
2Wet the electrodes and the contact patches on the back of the strap to create a strong connection
between your chest and the transmitter.
3Wrap the strap around your chest, and connect the strap hook to the loop .
NOTE: The care tag should not fold over.
The Garmin logos should be right-side up.
4Bring the device within 3m (10ft.) of the heart rate monitor.
After you put on the heart rate monitor, it is active and sending data.
TIP: If the heart rate data is erratic or does not appear, see the troubleshooting tips (Tips for Erratic Heart Rate
Data, page45).
44 Wireless Sensors
Setting Your Heart Rate Zones
The device uses your user profile information from the initial setup to determine your heart rate zones. You can
manually adjust the heart rate zones according to your fitness goals (Fitness Goals, page45). For the most
accurate calorie data during your activity, you should set your maximum heart rate, resting heart rate, and heart
rate zones.
1Select > My Stats > Training Zones > Heart Rate Zones.
2Enter your maximum, lactate threshold, and resting heart rate values.
You can use the auto detect feature to automatically detect your heart rate during an activity. The zone
values update automatically, but you can also edit each value manually.
3Select Based On:.
4Select an option:
Select BPM to view and edit the zones in beats per minute.
Select % Max. to view and edit the zones as a percentage of your maximum heart rate.
Select % HRR to view and edit the zones as a percentage of your heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate
minus resting heart rate).
Select %LTHR to view and edit the zones as a percentage of your lactate threshold heart rate.
About Heart Rate Zones
Many athletes use heart rate zones to measure and increase their cardiovascular strength and improve their
level of fitness. A heart rate zone is a set range of heartbeats per minute. The five commonly accepted
heart rate zones are numbered from 1 to 5 according to increasing intensity. Generally, heart rate zones are
calculated based on percentages of your maximum heart rate.
Fitness Goals
Knowing your heart rate zones can help you measure and improve your fitness by understanding and applying
these principles.
Your heart rate is a good measure of exercise intensity.
Training in certain heart rate zones can help you improve cardiovascular capacity and strength.
If you know your maximum heart rate, you can use the table (Heart Rate Zone Calculations, page88) to
determine the best heart rate zone for your fitness objectives.
If you do not know your maximum heart rate, use one of the calculators available on the Internet. Some gyms
and health centers can provide a test that measures maximum heart rate. The default maximum heart rate is
220 minus your age.
Tips for Erratic Heart Rate Data
If the heart rate data is erratic or does not appear, you can try these tips.
Reapply water to the electrodes and contact patches (if applicable).
Tighten the strap on your chest.
Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes.
Follow the care instructions (Caring for the Heart Rate Monitor, page72).
Wear a cotton shirt or thoroughly wet both sides of the strap.
Synthetic fabrics that rub or flap against the heart rate monitor can create static electricity that interferes
with heart rate signals.
Move away from sources that can interfere with your heart rate monitor.
Sources of interference may include strong electromagnetic fields, some 2.4GHz wireless sensors, high-
voltage power lines, electric motors, ovens, microwave ovens, 2.4GHz cordless phones, and wireless LAN
access points.
Wireless Sensors 45
Installing the Speed Sensor
NOTE: If you do not have this sensor, you can skip this task.
TIP: Garmin recommends you secure your bike on a stand while installing the sensor.
1Place and hold the speed sensor on top of the wheel hub.
2Pull the strap around the wheel hub, and attach it to the hook on the sensor.
The sensor may be tilted when installed on an asymmetrical hub. This does not affect operation.
3Rotate the wheel to check for clearance.
The sensor should not contact other parts of your bike.
NOTE: The LED flashes green for five seconds to indicate activity after two revolutions.
46 Wireless Sensors
Installing the Cadence Sensor
NOTE: If you do not have this sensor, you can skip this task.
TIP: Garmin recommends you secure your bike on a stand while installing the sensor.
1Select the band size that fits your crank arm securely.
The band you select should be the smallest one that stretches across the crank arm.
2On the non-drive side, place and hold the flat side of the cadence sensor on the inside of the crank arm.
3Pull the bands around the crank arm, and attach them to the hooks on the sensor.
4Rotate the crank arm to check for clearance.
The sensor and bands should not contact any part of your bike or shoe.
NOTE: The LED flashes green for five seconds to indicate activity after two revolutions.
5Take a 15minute test ride and inspect the sensor and bands to ensure there is no evidence of damage.
About the Speed and Cadence Sensors
Cadence data from the cadence sensor is always recorded. If no speed and cadence sensors are paired with the
device, GPS data is used to calculate the speed and distance.
Cadence is your rate of pedaling or “spinning” measured by the number of revolutions of the crank arm per
minute (rpm).
Data Averaging for Cadence or Power
The non-zero data-averaging setting is available if you are training with an optional cadence sensor or power
meter. The default setting excludes zero values that occur when you are not pedaling.
You can change the value of this setting (Data Recording Settings, page63).
Wireless Sensors 47
Pairing Your Wireless Sensors
Before you can pair, you must put on the heart rate monitor or install the sensor.
The first time you connect a wireless sensor to your device using ANT+ or Bluetooth technology, you must pair
the device and sensor. If the sensor has both ANT+ and Bluetooth technology, Garmin recommends that you
pair using ANT+ technology. After they are paired, the Edge bike computer connects to the sensor automatically
when you start an activity and the sensor is active and within range.
NOTE: If your device was packaged with a sensor, they are already paired.
1Bring the device within 3m (10ft.) of the sensor.
NOTE: Stay 10m (33ft.) away from other riders' sensors while pairing.
2Select > Sensors > Add Sensor.
3Select an option:
Select a sensor type.
Select Search All to search for all nearby sensors.
A list of available sensors appears.
4Select one or more sensors to pair with your device.
5Select Add.
When the sensor is paired with your device, the sensor status is Connected. You can customize a data field
to display sensor data.
Wireless Sensor Battery Life
After you go for a ride, battery life levels for the wireless sensors that were connected during the activity appear.
The list is sorted by battery level.
Training with Power Meters
Go to www.garmin.com/intosports for a list of power meters that are compatible with your Edge bike
computer (such as Rally and Vector systems).
For more information, see the owner's manual for your power meter.
Adjust your power zones to match your goals and abilities (Setting Your Power Zones, page48).
Use range alerts to be notified when you reach a specified power zone (Setting Range Alerts, page58).
Customize the power data fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
Setting Your Power Zones
The values for the zones are default values and may not match your personal abilities. You can manually adjust
your zones on the device or using Garmin Connect. If you know your functional threshold power (FTP) value, you
can enter it and allow the software to calculate your power zones automatically.
1Select > My Stats > Training Zones > Power Zones.
2Enter your FTP value.
3Select Based On:.
4Select an option:
Select watts to view and edit the zones in watts.
Select % FTP to view and edit the zones as a percentage of your functional threshold power.
Select Configuration to edit the number of power zones.
48 Wireless Sensors
Calibrating Your Power Meter
Before you can calibrate your power meter, you must install it, pair it with your device, and begin actively
recording data with it.
For calibration instructions specific to your power meter, see the manufacturer's instructions.
1Select > Sensors.
2Select your power meter.
3Select Calibrate.
4Keep your power meter active by pedaling until the message appears.
5Follow the on-screen instructions.
Pedal-Based Power
Rally measures pedal-based power.
Rally measures the force you apply a few hundred times every second. Rally also measures your cadence or
rotational pedaling speed. By measuring the force, the direction of force, the rotation of the crank arm, and time,
Rally can determine power (watts). Because Rally independently measures left and right leg power, it reports
your left-right power balance.
NOTE: The single-sensing Rally system does not provide left-right power balance.
Cycling Dynamics
Cycling dynamics metrics measure how you apply power throughout the pedal stroke, and where you apply
power on the pedal, allowing you to understand your particular way of riding. Understanding how and where you
produce power allows you to train more efficiently and evaluate your bike fit.
NOTE: You must have a compatible, dual sensing power meter connected using ANT+ technology to use cycling
dynamics metrics.
For more information, go to www.garmin.com/performance-data.
Wireless Sensors 49
Using Cycling Dynamics
Before you can use cycling dynamics, you must pair the power meter with your device using ANT+ technology
(Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
NOTE: Recording cycling dynamics uses additional device memory.
1Go for a ride.
2Scroll to the cycling dynamics screen to view your power phase data , total power , and platform center
offset .
3If necessary, hold a data field to change it (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
NOTE: The two data fields at the bottom of the screen can be customized.
You can send the ride to the Garmin Connect app to view additional cycling dynamics data (Sending Your Ride to
Garmin Connect, page53).
Power Phase Data
Power phase is the pedal stroke region (between the start crank angle and the end crank angle) where you
produce positive power.
Platform Center Offset
Platform center offset is the location on the pedal platform where you apply force.
Customizing Cycling Dynamics Features
Before you can customize Rally features, you must pair a Rally power meter with your device.
1Select > Sensors.
2Select the Rally power meter.
3Select Sensor Details > Cycling Dynamics.
4Select an option.
5If necessary, select the toggle switches to turn on or off torque efficiency, pedal smoothness, and cycling
Updating the Rally System Software Using the Edge Bike Computer
Before you can update the software, you must pair your Edge bike computer with your Rally system.
1Send your ride data to your Garmin Connect account (Sending Your Ride to Garmin Connect, page53).
Garmin Connect automatically looks for software updates and sends them to your Edge bike computer.
2Bring your Edge bike computer within range (3m) of the power meters.
3Rotate the crank arm a few times. The Edge bike computer prompts you to install all pending software
4Follow the on-screen instructions.
50 Wireless Sensors
Situational Awareness
The Varia line of cycling awareness products can improve situational awareness. They are not a replacement
for cyclist attentiveness and good judgment. Always maintain awareness of your surroundings, and operate the
bicycle in a safe manner. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Your Edge bike computer can be used with the Varia line of cycling awareness products (Wireless Sensors,
page43). See the owner's manual for your accessory for more information.
Using the Varia Camera Controls
Some jurisdictions may prohibit or regulate the recording of video, audio, or photographs, or may require that
all parties have knowledge of the recording and provide consent. It is your responsibility to know and follow all
laws, regulations, and any other restrictions in jurisdictions where you plan to use this device.
Before you can use the Varia camera controls, you must pair the accessory with your bike computer (Pairing
Your Wireless Sensors, page48).
1Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the widgets.
2Scroll to the Varia camera controls widget, and select an option:
Select Radar Camera to view the camera settings.
Select to take a photo.
Select to save a clip.
Enabling the Green Threat Level Tone
Before you can enable the green threat level tone, you must pair the device with a compatible Varia rearview
radar device and enable tones.
You can enable a tone that plays when your radar transitions to the green threat level.
1Select > Sensors.
2Select your radar device.
3Select Sensor Details > Alert Settings.
4Select the Green Threat Level Tone toggle switch.
Using Electronic Shifters
Before you can use compatible electronic shifters, such as Shimano Di2 shifters, you must pair them with
your Edge bike computer (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48). You can customize the optional data fields
(Adding a Data Screen, page57). The Edge bike computer displays current adjustment values when the shifters
are in adjustment mode.
The Edge 1040 Bike Computer and Your eBike
Before you can use a compatible eBike, such as a Shimano STEPS eBike, you must pair it with your Edge bike
computer (Pairing Your Wireless Sensors, page48). You can customize the optional eBike data screen and data
fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
Viewing eBike Sensor Details
1Select > Sensors.
2Select your eBike.
3Select an option:
To view eBike details, such as the odometer or travel distance, select Sensor Details > eBike Details.
To view eBike error messages, select .
See the eBike owner's manual for more information.
Wireless Sensors 51
inReach Remote
The inReach remote function allows you to control your inReach device using your Edge device. Go to buy
.garmin.com to purchase a compatible inReach device.
Using the inReach Remote
1Turn on the inReach satellite communicator.
2On your Edge bike computer, select > Sensors > Add Sensor > inReach.
3Select your inReach satellite communicator, and select Add.
4From the home screen, swipe down, and swipe left or right to view the inReach remote widget.
5Select an option:
To send a preset message, select > Send Preset, and select a message from the list.
To send a text message, select > Start Conversation, select the message contacts, and enter the
message text or select a quick text option.
To view the timer and distance traveled during a tracking session, select > Start Tracking.
To send an SOS message, select SOS.
NOTE: You should only use the SOS function in a real emergency situation.
History includes time, distance, calories, speed, lap data, elevation, and optional information about sensors
using ANT+ technology.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the activity timer is stopped or paused.
When the device memory is full, a message appears. The device does not automatically delete or overwrite your
history. Upload your history to your Garmin Connect account periodically to keep track of all your ride data.
Viewing Your Ride
1Select History > Rides.
2Select a ride.
3Select an option.
Viewing Your Time in Each Training Zone
Before you can view your time in each training zone, you must pair your device with a compatible heart rate
monitor or power meter, complete an activity, and save the activity.
Viewing your time in each heart rate and power zone can help you adjust your training intensity. You can adjust
your power zones (Setting Your Power Zones, page48) and your heart rate zones (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones,
page45) to match your goals and abilities. You can customize a data field to display your time in training zones
during your ride (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
1Select History > Rides.
2Select a ride.
3Select Summary.
4Select an option:
Select HR Zones.
Select Power Zones.
Deleting a Ride
1Select History > Rides.
2Swipe a ride to the left and select .
52 History
Viewing Data Totals
You can view the accumulated data you have saved to the device, including the number of rides, time, distance,
and calories.
Select History > Totals.
Deleting Data Totals
1Select History > Totals.
2Select an option:
Select to delete all data totals from the history.
Select an activity profile to delete accumulated data totals for a single profile.
NOTE: This does not delete any saved activities.
3Select .
Garmin Connect
You can connect with your friends on Garmin Connect. Garmin Connect gives you the tools to track, analyze,
share, and encourage each other. Record the events of your active lifestyle including runs, walks, rides, swims,
hikes, triathlons, and more.
You can create your free Garmin Connect account when you pair your device with your phone using the Garmin
Connect app, or you can go to connect.garmin.com.
Store your activities: After you complete and save an activity with your device, you can upload that activity to
Garmin Connect and keep it as long as you want.
Analyze your data: You can view more detailed information about your activity, including time, distance,
elevation, heart rate, calories burned, cadence, an overhead map view, pace and speed charts, and
customizable reports.
NOTE: Some data requires an optional accessory such as a heart rate monitor.
Plan your training: You can choose a fitness goal and load one of the day-by-day training plans.
Share your activities: You can connect with friends to follow each other's activities or post links to your
activities on your favorite social networking sites.
Sending Your Ride to Garmin Connect
Sync your Edge bike computer with the Garmin Connect app on your phone.
Use the USB cable that came with your Edge bike computer to send ride data to your Garmin Connect
account on your computer.
History 53
Data Recording
The device records points every second. It records key points where you change direction, speed, or heart rate.
Recording points every second provides an extremely detailed track and uses more of the available memory.
For information about data averaging for cadence and power, see Data Averaging for Cadence or Power,
Data Management
NOTE: The device is not compatible with Windows® 95, 98, Me, Windows NT®, and Mac® OS 10.3 and earlier.
Connecting the Device to Your Computer
To prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry the USB port, the weather cap, and the surrounding area before charging or
connecting to a computer.
1Pull up the weather cap from the USB port.
2Plug the small end of the USB cable into the USB port.
3Plug the large end of the USB cable into a computer USB port.
Your device appears as a removable drive in My Computer on Windows computers and as a mounted volume
on Mac computers.
Transferring Files to Your Device
1Connect the device to your computer.
On Windows computers, the device appears as a removable drive or a portable device. On Mac computers,
the device appears as a mounted volume.
NOTE: Some computers with multiple network drives may not display device drives properly. See your
operating system documentation to learn how to map the drive.
2On your computer, open the file browser.
3Select a file.
4Select Edit > Copy.
5Open the portable device, drive, or volume for the device.
6Browse to a folder.
7Select Edit > Paste.
The file appears in the list of files in the device memory.
Deleting Files
If you do not know the purpose of a file, do not delete it. Your device memory contains important system files
that should not be deleted.
1Open the Garmin drive or volume.
2If necessary, open a folder or volume.
3Select a file.
4Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
NOTE: If you are using an Apple® computer, you must empty the Trash folder to completely remove the files.
54 History
Disconnecting the USB Cable
If your device is connected to your computer as a removable drive or volume, you must safely disconnect your
device from your computer to avoid data loss. If your device is connected to your Windows computer as a
portable device, it is not necessary to safely disconnect the device.
1Complete an action:
For Windows computers, select the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the system tray, and select your
For Apple computers, select the device, and select File > Eject.
2Disconnect the cable from your computer.
Customizing Your Device
Connect IQ Downloadable Features
You can add Connect IQ features to your device from Garmin and other providers using the Connect IQ app.
Data Fields: Allow you to download new data fields that present sensor, activity, and history data in new ways.
You can add Connect IQ data fields to built-in features and pages.
Widgets: Provide information at a glance, including sensor data and notifications.
Apps: Add interactive features to your device, such as new outdoor and fitness activity types.
Downloading Connect IQ Features Using Your Computer
1Connect the device to your computer using a USB cable.
2Go to apps.garmin.com, and sign in.
3Select a Connect IQ feature, and download it.
4Follow the on-screen instructions.
The Edge bike computer has several ways for you to customize the device, including profiles. Profiles are a
collection of settings that optimize your device based on how you are using it. For example, you can create
different settings and views for training and mountain biking.
When you are using a profile and you change settings such as data fields or units of measurement, the changes
are saved automatically as part of the profile.
Activity Profiles: You can create activity profiles for each type of biking. For example, you can create a separate
activity profile for training, for racing, and for mountain biking. The activity profile includes customized data
pages, activity totals, alerts, training zones (such as heart rate and speed), training settings (such as Auto
Pause® and Auto Lap® features), and navigation settings.
TIP: When you sync, activity profiles are saved in your Garmin Connect account and can be sent to your
device at any time.
User Profile: You can update your sex, age, weight, and height settings. The device uses this information to
calculate accurate ride data.
Setting Up Your User Profile
You can update your sex, age, weight, and height settings. The device uses this information to calculate
accurate ride data.
1Select > My Stats > User Profile.
2Select an option.
Customizing Your Device 55
Training Settings
The following options and settings allow you to customize your device based on your training needs. These
settings are saved to an activity profile. For example, you can set time alerts for your road profile and you can
set an Auto Lap position trigger for your mountain biking profile.
TIP: You can also customize the activity profiles from the device settings in the Garmin Connect app.
Select > Activity Profiles, and select a profile.
Alerts and Prompts: Sets how laps are triggered, and customizes the training or navigation alerts for the activity
(Alerts and Prompts Settings, page58).
Auto Sleep: Enables the device to automatically enter sleep mode after five minutes of inactivity (Using Auto
Sleep, page60).
Climbs: Enables the ClimbPro feature and sets which types of climbs the device detects (Using ClimbPro,
Data Screens: Enables you to customize data screens and add new data screens for the activity (Adding a Data
Screen, page57).
MTB/CX: Enables grit, flow, and jump recording.
Navigation: Sets navigation messages, and customizes the map and routing settings (Map Settings, page35)
(Route Settings, page36).
Nutrition/Hydration: Enables food and drink consumption tracking.
Satellite Systems: Allows you to turn off GPS (Training Indoors, page12), or set the satellite system to use for
the activity (Changing the Satellite Setting, page61).
Segments: Turns on your enabled segments (Enabling Segments, page11).
Self Evaluation: Sets how often you evaluate your perceived effort for the activity (Evaluating an Activity,
Timer: Sets timer preferences. The Auto Pause option allows you to set when the activity timer automatically
pauses (Using Auto Pause, page60). The Timer Start Mode option enables you to set how the device
detects the start of a ride and automatically starts the activity timer (Starting the Timer Automatically,
Updating Your Activity Profile
You can customize your activity profiles. You can customize your settings and data fields for a particular
activity or trip (Training Settings, page56).
TIP: You can also customize the activity profiles from the device settings in the Garmin Connect app.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select an option:
Select a profile.
Select Create New to add or copy a profile.
3If necessary, select to edit the name, color, and default ride type for the profile.
TIP: After a ride that is not typical, you can manually update the ride type. Accurate ride type data is
important for creating bike friendly courses.
56 Customizing Your Device
Adding a Data Screen
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Data Screens > Add New > Data Screen.
4Select a category, and select one or more data fields.
TIP: For a list of all the available data fields, go to (Data Fields, page79).
5Select .
6Select an option:
Select another category to select more data fields.
Select .
7Select or to change the layout.
8Select .
9Select an option:
Tap a data field, then tap another data field to rearrange them.
Double-tap a data field to change it.
10 Select .
Editing a Data Screen
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Data Screens.
4Select a data screen.
5Select Layout and Data Fields.
6Select or to change the layout.
7Select .
8Select an option:
Tap a data field, then tap another data field to rearrange them.
Double-tap a data field to change it.
9Select .
Rearranging Data Screens
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Data Screens > > Reorder.
4Hold on a data screen and drag it to a new location.
5Select .
Customizing Your Device 57
Alerts and Prompts Settings
You can use alerts to train toward specific time, distance, calorie, heart rate, cadence, and power goals. You can
also set up navigation alerts. Alert settings are saved with your activity profile (Training Settings, page56).
Select > Activity Profiles, select a profile, and select Alerts and Prompts.
Sharp Bend Warnings: Enables safety warning messages for difficult turns.
High Traffic Road Warnings: Enables safety warning messages for high traffic areas.
Workout Target Alerts: Enables an alert when you reach a target during your workout.
Lap: Sets how laps are triggered (Marking Laps by Position, page59).
Time Alert: Sets an alert for a specified time (Setting Recurring Alerts, page58).
Distance Alert: Sets an alert for a specified distance (Setting Recurring Alerts, page58).
Calorie Alert: Sets an alert when you have burned a specified number of calories.
Heart Rate Alert: Sets the device to alert you when your heart rate is above or below a target zone (Setting
Range Alerts, page58).
Cadence Alert: Sets the device to alert you when your cadence is above or below a custom range of reps per
minute (Setting Range Alerts, page58).
Power Alert: Sets the device to alert you when your power threshold is above or below a target zone (Setting
Range Alerts, page58).
Turn Around Alert: Sets an alert to indicate when you should turn around during your ride.
Eat Alert: Sets an alert to notify you to eat at a specified time, distance, or strategic interval during your ride
(Setting Smart Eat and Drink Alerts, page59).
Drink Alert: Sets an alert to notify you to drink at a specified time, distance, or strategic interval during your ride
(Setting Smart Eat and Drink Alerts, page59).
Connect IQ Alerts: Enables alerts that have been set up in Connect IQ apps.
Setting Range Alerts
If you have an optional heart rate monitor, cadence sensor, or power meter, you can set up range alerts. A range
alert notifies you when the device measurement is above or below a specified range of values. For example,
you can set the device to alert you when your cadence is below 40RPM and over 90RPM. You can also use a
training zone for the range alert (Training Zones, page28).
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts.
4Select Heart Rate Alert, Cadence Alert, or Power Alert.
5Select the minimum and maximum values, or select zones.
Each time you exceed or drop below the specified range, a message appears. The device also beeps if audible
tones are turned on (Turning the Device Tones On and Off, page63).
Setting Recurring Alerts
A recurring alert notifies you each time the device records a specified value or interval. For example, you can set
the device to alert you every 30 minutes.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts.
4Select an alert type.
5Turn on the alert.
6Enter a value.
7Select .
Each time you reach the alert value, a message appears. The device also beeps if audible tones are turned on
(Turning the Device Tones On and Off, page63).
58 Customizing Your Device
Setting Smart Eat and Drink Alerts
A smart alert notifies you to eat or drink at strategic intervals based on current ride conditions. Smart alert
estimates for a ride are based on the temperature, elevation gain, speed, duration, and heart rate and power
data (if applicable).
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts.
4Select Eat Alert or Drink Alert.
5Turn on the alert.
6Select Type > Smart.
Each time you reach the estimated smart alert value, a message appears. The device also beeps if audible tones
are turned on (Turning the Device Tones On and Off, page63).
Auto Lap
Marking Laps by Position
You can use the Auto Lap feature to mark the lap at a specific position automatically. This feature is helpful for
comparing your performance over different parts of a ride (for example, a long climb or training sprints). During
courses, you can use the By Position option to trigger laps at all of the lap positions saved in the course.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts > Lap.
4Turn on the Auto Lap alert.
5Select Auto Lap Trigger > By Position.
6Select Lap At.
7Select an option:
Select Lap Press Only to trigger the lap counter each time you press and each time you pass any of
those locations again.
Select Start and Lap to trigger the lap counter at the GPS location where you press and at any location
during the ride where you press .
Select Mark and Lap to trigger the lap counter at a specific GPS location marked before the ride and at
any location during the ride where you press .
8If necessary, customize the lap data fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
Marking Laps by Distance
You can use the Auto Lap feature to mark the lap at a specific distance automatically. This feature is helpful for
comparing your performance over different parts of a ride (for example, every 10 miles or 40 kilometers).
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts > Lap.
4Turn on the Auto Lap alert.
5Select Auto Lap Trigger > By Distance.
6Select Lap At.
7Enter a value.
8Select .
9If necessary, customize the lap data fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
Customizing Your Device 59
Marking Laps by Time
You can use the Auto Lap feature to mark the lap at a specific time automatically. This feature is helpful for
comparing your performance over different parts of a ride (for example, every 20 minutes).
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts > Lap.
4Turn on the Auto Lap alert.
5Select Auto Lap Trigger > By Time.
6Select Lap At.
7Select the hours, minutes, or seconds value.
8Select or to enter a value.
9Select .
10 If necessary, customize the lap data fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
Customizing the Lap Banner
You can customize the data fields that appear in the lap banner.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Alerts and Prompts > Lap.
4Turn on the Auto Lap alert.
5Select Custom Lap Banner.
6Select a data field to change it.
Using Auto Sleep
You can use the Auto Sleep feature to automatically enter sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity. During sleep
mode, the screen is turned off and sensors, Bluetooth technology, and GPS are disabled.
Wi‑Fi continues to run while the device is asleep.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Auto Sleep.
Using Auto Pause
You can use the Auto Pause feature to pause the timer automatically when you stop moving or when your speed
drops below a specified value. This feature is helpful if your ride includes stop lights or other places where you
need to slow down or stop.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the activity timer is stopped or paused.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Timer > Auto Pause.
4Select an option:
Select When Stopped to pause the timer automatically when you stop moving.
Select Custom to pause the timer automatically when your speed drops below a specified value.
5If necessary, customize optional time data fields (Adding a Data Screen, page57).
60 Customizing Your Device
Using Auto Scroll
You can use the Auto Scroll feature to automatically cycle through all of the training data screens while the
timer is running.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Data Screens > > Auto Scroll.
4Select a display speed.
Starting the Timer Automatically
This feature automatically detects when your device has acquired satellites and is moving. It starts the activity
timer or reminds you to start the activity timer so you can record your ride data.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Timer > Timer Start Mode.
4Select an option:
Select Manual, and select to start the activity timer.
Select Prompted to display a visual reminder when you reach the start notice speed.
Select Auto to start the activity timer automatically when you reach the start speed.
Changing the Satellite Setting
For increased performance in challenging environments and faster GPS position location, you can enable Multi-
GNSS or Multi-GNSS Multi-band. Using GPS and another satellite together reduces battery life more quickly than
using only GPS.
1Select > Activity Profiles.
2Select a profile.
3Select Satellite Systems.
4Select an option.
Phone Settings
Select > Connected Features > Phone.
Enable: Enables Bluetooth.
NOTE: Other Bluetooth settings appear only when you enable Bluetooth technology.
Friendly Name: Allows you to enter a friendly name that identifies your devices with Bluetooth.
Pair Smartphone: Connects your device with a compatible Bluetooth enabled phone. This setting allows you to
use Bluetooth connected features, including LiveTrack and activity uploads to Garmin Connect.
Sync Now: Allows you to sync your device with your compatible phone.
Smart Notifications: Allows you to enable phone notifications from your compatible phone.
Missed Notifications: Displays missed phone notifications from your compatible phone.
Text Reply Signature: Enables signatures in your text message replies. This feature is available with compatible
Android phones.
Customizing Your Device 61
System Settings
Select > System.
Display Settings (Display Settings, page62)
Widget Settings (Customizing the Widget Loop, page62)
Data Recording Settings (Data Recording Settings, page63)
Unit Settings (Changing the Units of Measure, page63)
Tone Settings (Turning the Device Tones On and Off, page63)
Language Settings (Changing the Device Language, page63)
Display Settings
Select > System > Display.
Auto Brightness: Automatically adjusts the backlight brightness based on the ambient light.
Brightness: Sets the backlight brightness.
Backlight Timeout: Sets the length of time before the backlight turns off.
Color Mode: Sets the device to display day or night colors. You can select the Auto option to allow the device to
set day or night colors automatically based on the time of day.
Screen Capture: Allows you to save the image on the device screen when you press .
Using the Backlight
You can tap the touchscreen to turn on the backlight.
NOTE: You can adjust the backlight timeout (Display Settings, page62).
1From the home screen or a data screen, swipe down from the top of the screen.
2Select an option:
To manually adjust the brightness, select , and use the slider bar.
To allow the device to automatically adjust the brightness based on the ambient light, select Auto.
Customizing the Glances
1Scroll to the bottom of the home screen.
2Select .
3Select an option:
Select to add a glance to the glance loop.
Select to drag the glance up or down to change the location of the glance in the glance loop.
Swipe left on a glance, and select to remove the glance from the glance loop.
Customizing the Widget Loop
You can change the order of widgets in the widget loop, remove widgets, and add new widgets.
1Select > System > Widgets.
2Select an option:
Select to add a widget to the widget loop.
Select to drag the widget up or down to change the location of the widget in the widget loop.
Swipe left on a widget, and select to remove the widget from the widget loop.
62 Customizing Your Device
Data Recording Settings
Select > System > Data Recording.
Cadence Averaging: Controls whether the device includes zero values for cadence data that occur when you are
not pedaling (Data Averaging for Cadence or Power, page47).
Power Averaging: Controls whether the device includes zero values for power data that occur when you are not
pedaling (Data Averaging for Cadence or Power, page47).
Log HRV: Sets the device to record your heart rate variability during an activity.
Changing the Units of Measure
You can customize units of measure for distance and speed, elevation, temperature, weight, position format,
and time format.
1Select > System > Units.
2Select a measurement type.
3Select a unit of measure for the setting.
Turning the Device Tones On and Off
Select > System > Tones.
Changing the Device Language
Select > System > Language.
Time Zones
Each time you turn on the device and acquire satellites or sync with your phone, the device automatically
detects your time zone and the current time of day.
Setting Up Extended Display Mode
You can use your Edge 1040 device as an extended display to view data screens from a compatible Garmin
multisport watch. For example, you can pair a compatible Forerunner device to display its data screens on your
Edge device during a triathlon.
1From your Edge device, select > Extended Display > Connect New Watch.
2From your compatible Garmin watch, select Settings > Sensors & Accessories > Add New > Extended
3Follow the on-screen instructions on your Edge device and Garmin watch to complete the pairing process.
The data screens from your paired watch appear on the Edge device when the devices are paired.
NOTE: Normal Edge device functions are disabled while using Extended Display mode.
After pairing your compatible Garmin watch with your Edge device, they connect automatically the next time you
use Extended Display mode.
Exiting Extended Display Mode
While the device is in Extended Display mode, tap the screen, and select Exit Extended Display Mode > Yes.
Customizing Your Device 63
Device Information
Charging the Device
To prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry the USB port, the weather cap, and the surrounding area before charging or
connecting to a computer.
The device is powered by a built-in lithium-ion battery that you can charge using a standard wall outlet or a USB
port on your computer.
NOTE: The device will not charge when outside the approved temperature range (Edge Specifications,
1Pull up the weather cap from the USB port .
2Plug the small end of the USB cable into the USB port on the device.
3Plug the large end of the USB cable into an AC adapter or a computer USB port.
4Plug the AC adapter into a standard wall outlet.
When you connect the device to a power source, the device turns on.
5Charge the device completely.
After you charge the device, close the weather cap.
About the Battery
This device contains a lithium-ion battery. See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product
box for product warnings and other important information.
64 Device Information
Installing the Standard Mount
For the best GPS reception and screen visibility, position the bike mount so the device is horizontal to the
ground and the front of the device is oriented toward the sky. You can install the bike mount on the stem or the
NOTE: If you do not have this mount, you can skip this task.
1Select a secure location to mount the device where it does not interfere with the safe operation of your bike.
2Place the rubber disk on the back of the bike mount.
Two rubber disks are included, and you can select the disk that best fits your bike. The rubber tabs align with
the back of the bike mount so it stays in place.
3Place the bike mount on the bike stem.
4Attach the bike mount securely using the two bands .
5Align the tabs on the back of the device with the bike mount notches .
6Press down slightly and turn the device clockwise until it locks into place.
Device Information 65
Installing the Out-Front Mount
NOTE: If you do not have this mount, you can skip this task.
1Select a secure location to mount the Edge bike computer where it does not interfere with the safe operation
of your bike.
2Use the hex key to remove the screw from the handlebar connector .
3Place the rubber pad around the handlebar:
If the handlebar diameter is 25.4mm or 26 mm, use the thicker pad.
If the handlebar diameter is 31.8mm, use the thinner pad.
If the handlebar diameter is 35 mm, do not use a rubber pad.
4Place the handlebar connector around the rubber pad.
5Replace and tighten the screw.
NOTE: Garmin recommends tightening the screw so the mount is secure, with a maximum torque
specification of 7lbf-in. (0.8N-m). You should check the tightness of the screw periodically.
6Align the tabs on the back of the Edge bike computer with the bike mount notches .
7Press down slightly and turn the Edge bike computer clockwise until it locks into place.
Releasing the Edge
1Turn the Edge clockwise to unlock the device.
2Lift the Edge off the mount.
66 Device Information
Installing the Mountain Bike Mount
NOTE: If you do not have this mount, you can skip this task.
1Select a secure location to mount the Edge device where it does not interfere with the safe operation of your
2Use the 3 mm hex key to remove the screw from the handlebar connector .
3Select an option:
If the handlebar diameter is 25.4mm or 26 mm, place the thicker pad around the handlebar.
If the handlebar diameter is 31.8mm, place the thinner pad around the handlebar.
If the handlebar diameter is 35 mm, do not use a rubber pad.
4Place the handlebar connector around the handlebar, so that the mount arm is above the bike stem.
5Use the 3 mm hex key to loosen the screw on the mount arm, position the mount arm, and tighten the
NOTE: Garmin recommends tightening the screw so the mount arm is secure, with a maximum torque
specification of 20lbf-in. (2.26N-m). You should check the tightness of the screw periodically.
6If necessary, use the 2 mm hex key to remove the two screws on the back side of the mount , remove and
rotate the connector, and replace the screws to change the orientation of the mount.
7Replace and tighten the screw on the handlebar connector.
NOTE: Garmin recommends tightening the screw so the mount is secure, with a maximum torque
specification of 7lbf-in. (0.8N-m). You should check the tightness of the screw periodically.
Device Information 67
8Align the tabs on the back of the Edge device with the bike mount notches .
9Press down slightly and turn the Edge device clockwise until it locks into place.
68 Device Information
Attaching a Tether
You can use the optional tether to secure the Edge device to your bike handlebar.
1Pull up the weather cap from the USB port.
2Starting from the back of the device, insert the loop of the tether through the slot in the device.
3Thread the other end of the tether through the loop, and pull it tight.
4Close the weather cap, making sure that it does not close directly on the tether .
Product Updates
Your device automatically checks for updates when connected to Bluetooth or Wi‑Fi. You can manually check
for updates from the system settings (System Settings, page62). On your computer, install Garmin Express
(www.garmin.com/express). On your phone, install the Garmin Connect app.
This provides easy access to these services for Garmin devices:
Software updates
Map updates
Data uploads to Garmin Connect
Product registration
Device Information 69
Updating the Software Using the Garmin Connect App
Before you can update your device software using the Garmin Connect app, you must have a Garmin Connect
account, and you must pair the device with a compatible smartphone (Pairing Your Phone, page36).
Sync your device with the Garmin Connect app.
When new software is available, the Garmin Connect app automatically sends the update to your device.
Updating the Software Using Garmin Express
Before you can update your device software, you must have a Garmin Connect account, and you must download
the Garmin Express application.
1Connect the device to your computer using the USB cable.
When new software is available, Garmin Express sends it to your device.
2Follow the on-screen instructions.
3Do not disconnect your device from the computer during the update process.
NOTE: If you have already set up your device with Wi‑Fi connectivity, Garmin Connect can automatically
download available software updates to your device when it connects using Wi‑Fi.
Edge Specifications
Battery type Rechargeable, built-in lithium-ion battery
Battery life Edge 1040 : Up to 35 hr.
Edge 1040 Solar: Up to 45 hr. with solar1
Operating temperature range From -20º to 60ºC (from -4º to 140ºF)
Charging temperature range From 0º to 45ºC (from 32º to 113ºF)
Wireless frequencies Edge 1040 : 2.4 GHz @ 12.7 dBm maximum
Edge 1040 Solar: 2.4 GHz @ 12.0 dBm maximum
Water rating IEC 60529 IPX72
HRM-Dual Specifications
Battery type User-replaceable CR2032, 3V
Battery life Up to 3.5yr. at 1hr./day
Operating temperature range From 0° to 40°C (from 32° to 104°F)
Wireless frequency 2.4GHz @ 2 dBm maximum
Water rating 1ATM3
NOTE: This product does not transmit heart rate data while swimming.
1 With use in 75,000 lux conditions
2 The device withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1m for up to 30min. For more information, go to www.garmin.com/waterrating.
3 The device withstands pressure equivalent to a depth of 10m. For more information, go to www.garmin.com/waterrating.
70 Device Information
Speed Sensor 2 and Cadence Sensor 2 Specifications
Battery type User-replaceable CR2032, 3V
Battery life Approximately 12 mo. at 1hr./day
Speed sensor storage Up to 300 hr. of activity data
Operating temperature range From -20º to 60ºC (from -4º to 140ºF)
Wireless frequency 2.4 GHz @ 4 dBm maximum
Water rating IEC 60529 IPX74
Viewing Device Information
You can view device information, such as the unit ID, software version, and license agreement.
Select > System > About > Copyright Info.
Viewing Regulatory and Compliance Information
The label for this device is provided electronically. The e-label may provide regulatory information, such as
identification numbers provided by the FCC or regional compliance markings, as well as applicable product and
licensing information.
1Select .
2Select System > Regulatory Info.
Device Care
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can occur, because it can cause
permanent damage.
Never use a hard or sharp object to operate the touchscreen, or damage may result.
Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, sunscreen, and insect repellents that can damage plastic components and
Secure the weather cap tightly to prevent damage to the USB port.
Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can degrade the life of the product.
Cleaning the Device
Even small amounts of sweat or moisture can cause corrosion of the electrical contacts when connected to a
charger. Corrosion can prevent charging and data transfer.
1Wipe the device using a cloth dampened with a mild detergent solution.
2Wipe it dry.
After cleaning, allow the device to dry completely.
4 The device withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1m for up to 30min. For more information, go to www.garmin.com/waterrating.
Device Information 71
Caring for the Heart Rate Monitor
You must unsnap and remove the module before washing the strap.
A build up of sweat and salt on the strap can decrease the ability of the heart rate monitor to report accurate
Go to www.garmin.com/HRMcare for detailed washing instructions.
Rinse the strap after every use.
Machine wash the strap after every seven uses.
Do not put the strap in a dryer.
When drying the strap, hang it up or lay it flat.
To prolong the life of your heart rate monitor, unsnap the module when not in use.
User Replaceable Batteries
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other
important information.
Replacing the Heart Rate Monitor Battery
1Use a small Phillips screwdriver to remove the four screws on the back of the module.
2Remove the cover and battery.
3Wait 30 seconds.
4Insert the new battery with the positive side facing up.
NOTE: Do not damage or lose the O-ring gasket.
5Replace the back cover and the four screws.
NOTE: Do not overtighten.
After you replace the heart rate monitor battery, you may need to pair it with the device again.
72 Device Information
Replacing the Speed Sensor Battery
The device uses one CR2032 battery. The LED flashes red to indicate a low battery level after two revolutions.
1Locate the circular battery cover on the front of the sensor.
2Twist the cover counter-clockwise until the cover is loose enough to remove.
3Remove the cover and the battery .
4Wait 30 seconds.
5Insert the new battery into the cover, observing polarity.
NOTE: Do not damage or lose the O-ring gasket.
6Twist the cover clockwise so that the marker on the cover aligns with the marker on the case.
NOTE: The LED flashes red and green for a few seconds after battery replacement. When the LED flashes
green and then stops flashing, the device is active and ready to send data.
Device Information 73
Replacing the Cadence Sensor Battery
The device uses one CR2032 battery. The LED flashes red to indicate a low battery level after two revolutions.
1Locate the circular battery cover on the back of the sensor.
2Twist the cover counter-clockwise until the marker points to unlocked and the cover is loose enough to
3Remove the cover and the battery .
4Wait 30 seconds.
5Insert the new battery into the cover, observing polarity.
NOTE: Do not damage or lose the O-ring gasket.
6Twist the cover clockwise until the marker points to locked.
NOTE: The LED flashes red and green for a few seconds after battery replacement. When the LED flashes
green and then stops flashing, the device is active and ready to send data.
74 Device Information
Replacing the Cadence Sensor Battery
NOTE: Use these instructions for product models that have a coin slot on the battery door.
The device uses one CR2032 battery. The LED flashes red to indicate a low battery level after two revolutions.
1Locate the circular battery cover on the back of the sensor.
2Twist the cover counter-clockwise until the marker points to unlocked and the cover is loose enough to
3Remove the cover and the battery .
4Wait 30 seconds.
5Insert the new battery into the cover, observing polarity.
NOTE: Do not damage or lose the O-ring gasket.
6Twist the cover clockwise until the marker points to locked.
NOTE: The LED flashes red and green for a few seconds after battery replacement. When the LED flashes
green and then stops flashing, the device is active and ready to send data.
Resetting the Device
If the device stops responding, you may need to reset it. This does not erase any of your data or settings.
Hold for 10 seconds.
The device resets and turns on.
Restoring the Default Settings
You can restore the default configuration settings and activity profiles. This will not remove your history or
activity data, such as rides, workouts, and courses.
Select > System > Device Reset > Reset Default Settings > .
Clearing User Data and Settings
You can clear all user data and restore the device to its initial setup. This removes your history and data, such as
rides, workouts, and courses, and resets the device settings and activity profiles. This will not remove any files
you added to the device from your computer.
Select > System > Device Reset > Delete Data and Reset Settings > .
Troubleshooting 75
Maximizing Battery Life
Turn on Battery Saver (Turning On Battery Saver Mode, page76).
Decrease the backlight brightness or shorten the backlight timeout (Display Settings, page62).
Turn on the Auto Sleep feature (Using Auto Sleep, page60).
Turn off the Phone wireless feature (Phone Settings, page61).
Select the GPS setting (Changing the Satellite Setting, page61).
Remove wireless sensors that you no longer use.
Turning On Battery Saver Mode
Battery saver mode allows you to adjust the settings to extend the battery life for longer rides.
1Select > Battery Saver > Enable.
2Select an option:
Select Reduce Backlight to reduce the backlight brightness.
Select Hide Map to hide the map screen.
NOTE: When this option is enabled, navigation turn prompts still appear.
Select Satellite Systems to change the satellite setting.
The estimated battery life remaining appears at the top of the screen.
After your ride, you should charge your device and disable battery saver mode to use all the device features.
My phone will not connect to the device
If your phone will not connect to the device, you can try these tips.
Turn off your phone and your device, and turn them back on again.
Enable Bluetooth technology on your phone.
Update the Garmin Connect app to the latest version.
Remove your device from the Garmin Connect app and the Bluetooth settings on your phone to retry the
pairing process.
If you bought a new phone, remove your device from the Garmin Connect app on the phone you intend to
stop using.
Bring your phone within 10m (33ft.) of the device.
On your phone, open the Garmin Connect app, select or , and select Garmin Devices > Add Device to
enter pairing mode.
Swipe down on the home screen to view the settings widget, and select Phone > Pair Smartphone to
manually enter pairing mode.
76 Troubleshooting
Tips for Using the Edge 1040 Solar Bike Computer
Solar charging is designed to optimize and extend the battery life of the device. Solar charging occurs even
when the device is in sleep mode or turned off.
NOTE: This feature is not available on all models.
When you are not using the device, point the display toward sunlight to extend the battery life.
During an activity, scroll to the solar data page.
The solar data page highlights the intensity of the current light conditions and the accumulated ride time
gained from the solar energy, taking into account the current usage and battery consumption of the device.
Improving GPS Satellite Reception
Frequently sync the device to your Garmin account:
Connect your device to a computer using the USB cable and the Garmin Express application.
Sync your device to the Garmin Connect app using your Bluetooth enabled phone.
Connect your device to your Garmin account using a Wi‑Fi wireless network.
While connected to your Garmin account, the device downloads several days of satellite data, allowing it to
quickly locate satellite signals.
Take your device outside to an open area away from tall buildings and trees.
Remain stationary for a few minutes.
My device is in the wrong language
1Select .
2Scroll down to the second-to-last item in the list, and select it.
3Scroll down to the seventh item in the list, and select it.
4Select your language.
Setting Your Elevation
If you have accurate elevation data for your present location, you can manually calibrate the altimeter on your
1Select Navigation > > Set Elevation.
2Enter the elevation, and select .
Troubleshooting 77
Temperature Readings
The device may display temperature readings that are higher than the actual air temperature if the device is
placed in direct sunlight, held in your hand, or is charging with an external battery pack. Also, the device will take
some time to adjust to significant changes in temperature.
Replacement O-rings
Replacement bands (O-rings) are available for the mounts.
NOTE: Use Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) replacement bands only. Go to http://buy.garmin.com,
or contact your Garmin dealer.
Getting More Information
Go to support.garmin.com for additional manuals, articles, and software updates.
Go to buy.garmin.com, or contact your Garmin dealer for information about optional accessories and
replacement parts.
78 Troubleshooting
Data Fields
NOTE: Not all data fields are available for all activity types. Some data fields require compatible accessories to
display data. Some data fields appear in more than one category on the device.
TIP: You can also customize the data fields from the device settings in the Garmin Connect app.
Cadence Fields
Name Description
Avg Cadence Cycling. The average cadence for the current activity.
Cadence Cycling. The number of revolutions of the crank arm. Your device must be connected to a
cadence accessory for this data to appear.
Lap Cadence Cycling. The average cadence for the current lap.
Cycling Dynamics Fields
Name Description
Avg L. Peak Pwr Phase The average power phase peak angle for the left leg for the current activity.
Avg Left Pwr Phase The average power phase angle for the left leg for the current activity.
Avg PCO The average platform center offset for the current activity.
Avg Right Pwr Phase The average power phase angle for the right leg for the current activity.
Avg R. Peak Pwr Phase The average power phase peak angle for the right leg for the current activity.
Lap L. Peak Pwr Phase The average power phase peak angle for the left leg for the current lap.
Lap Left Pwr Phase The average power phase angle for the left leg for the current lap.
Lap PCO The average platform center offset for the current lap.
Lap R. Peak Pwr Phase The average power phase peak angle for the right leg for the current lap.
Lap Right Pwr Phase The average power phase angle for the right leg for the current lap.
Lap Time Seated The time spent seated while pedaling for the current lap.
Lap Time Standing The time spent standing while pedaling for the current lap.
Left Peak Pwr Phase The current power phase peak angle for the left leg. Power phase peak is the angle
range over which the rider produces the peak portion of the driving force.
Left Power Phase The current power phase angle for the left leg. Power phase is the pedal stroke region
where positive power is produced.
Platform Center Offset The platform center offset. Platform center offset is the location on the pedal
platform where force is applied.
Right Peak Pwr Phase The current power phase peak angle for the right leg. Power phase peak is the angle
range over which the rider produces the peak portion of the driving force.
Right Power Phase The current power phase angle for the right leg. Power phase is the pedal stroke
region where positive power is produced.
Time Seated The time spent seated while pedaling for the current activity.
Appendix 79
Name Description
Time Standing The time spent standing while pedaling for the current activity.
Distance Fields
Name Description
Distance The distance traveled for the current track or activity.
Lap Distance The distance traveled for the current lap.
Last Lap Distance The distance traveled for the last completed lap.
Distance Ahead The distance ahead or behind the Virtual Partner.
Odometer A running tally of distance traveled for all trips. This total does not clear when resetting the
trip data.
Name Description
Assist Mode The current eBike assistance mode.
eBike Battery The remaining battery power of an eBike.
Shifting Advice The recommendation to shift up or down based on your current effort. Your eBike must
be in manual shifting mode.
Travel Range The estimated distance you can travel based on the current eBike settings and remaining
battery power.
Smart Travel Range The estimated remaining distance the eBike will provide assistance, taking into account
the local terrain.
Elevation Fields
Name Description
Ascent Remaining During a workout or course, the remaining ascent when you are using an elevation
Asc. to Next Course Pt. The remaining ascent to the next point on the course.
Elevation The altitude of your current location above or below sea level.
Grade The calculation of rise (elevation) over run (distance). For example, if for every 3m
(10ft.) you climb you travel 60m (200ft.), the grade is 5%.
Total Ascent The total elevation distance ascended since the last reset.
Total Descent The total elevation distance descended since the last reset.
VAM The average ascent velocity for the current activity.
30s VAM The 30-second moving average of the average ascent velocity.
Avg VAM The average ascent velocity for the current activity.
Lap VAM The average ascent velocity for the current lap.
80 Appendix
Name Description
Di2 Battery Level The remaining battery power of a Di2 sensor.
Di2 Shift Mode The current shift mode of a Di2 sensor.
Front Gear The front bike gear from a gear position sensor.
Gear Battery The battery status of a gear position sensor.
Gear Combo The current gear combination from a gear position sensor.
Gears The front and rear bike gears from a gear position sensor.
Gear Ratio The number of teeth on the front and rear bike gears, as detected by a gear position sensor.
Rear Gear The rear bike gear from a gear position sensor.
Name Description
Cadence Cycling. A color gauge showing your current cadence range.
Cadence Bars A bar graph showing your current, average, and maximum cycling cadence values for the
current activity.
Cadence Graph A line graph showing your cycling cadence values for the current activity.
Elevation Graph A line graph showing your current elevation, total ascent, and total descent for the current
Heart Rate A color gauge showing your current heart rate zone.
Heart Rate Bars A bar graph showing your current, average, and maximum heart rate values for the current
Heart Rate Graph A line graph showing your current, average, and maximum heart rate values for the current
Power A color gauge showing your current power zone.
Power Bars A bar graph showing your current, average, and maximum power output values for the
current activity.
Power Graph A line graph showing your current, average, and maximum power output values for the
current activity.
Speed A color gauge showing your current speed.
Speed Bars A bar graph showing your current, average, and maximum speed values for the current
Speed Graph A line graph showing your speed for the current activity.
Appendix 81
Heart Rate Fields
Name Description
%Heart Rate Reserve The percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting heart
%Max Heart Rate The percentage of maximum heart rate.
Aerobic Training Effect The impact of the current activity on your aerobic fitness level.
Anaerobic Training Effect The impact of the current activity on your anaerobic fitness level.
Avg %HRR The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting
heart rate) for the current activity.
Avg Heart Rate The average heart rate for the current activity.
Avg %Max Heart Rate The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current activity.
Heart Rate Your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). Your device must have wrist-based heart
rate or be connected to a compatible heart rate monitor.
Heart Rate Zone The current range of your heart rate (1 to 5). The default zones are based on your
user profile and maximum heart rate (220 minus your age).
HR Zone Graph A line graph showing your current heart rate zone (1 to 5).
Lap %HRR The average percentage of heart rate reserve (maximum heart rate minus resting
heart rate) for the current lap.
Lap Heart Rate The average heart rate for the current lap.
Lap %Max Heart Rate The average percentage of maximum heart rate for the current lap.
Last Lap Heart Rate The average heart rate for the last completed lap.
The training load for the current activity. Training load is the amount of excess
post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which indicates the strenuousness of
your workout.
Respiration Rate Your respiration rate in breaths per minute (brpm).
Time in Zone The time elapsed in each heart rate or power zone.
Name Description
Battery Status The remaining battery power of a bike light accessory.
Beam Angle Status The headlight beam mode.
Light Mode The light network configuration mode.
Lights Connected The number of connected lights.
82 Appendix
MTB Performance
Name Description
60s Flow The 60-second moving average of the flow score.
60s Grit The 60-second moving average of the grit score.
Flow The measurement of how consistently you maintain speed and smoothness through turns in the
current activity.
Grit The measurement of difficulty for the current activity based on elevation, gradient, and rapid
changes in direction.
Lap Flow The overall flow score for the current lap.
Lap Grit The overall grit score for the current lap.
Navigation Fields
Name Description
Ascent Remaining During a workout or course, the remaining ascent when you are using an
elevation target.
Asc. to Next Course Pt. The remaining ascent to the next point on the course.
Course Pt. Distance
The remaining distance to
the next point on the
The remaining distance to the next point on the course.
Destination Location The position of your final destination.
Dist. to Point The remaining distance to the next point.
Distance to Destination The remaining distance to the final destination. You must be navigating for this
data to appear.
Distance to Next The remaining distance to the next waypoint on the route. You must be navi
gating for this data to appear.
ETA at Destination The estimated time of day when you will reach the final destination (adjusted to
the local time of the destination). You must be navigating for this data to appear.
ETA at Next
The estimated time of day when you will reach the next waypoint on the route
(adjusted to the local time of the waypoint). You must be navigating for this data
to appear.
Heading The direction you are moving.
Next Waypoint The next point on the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Time to Destination The estimated time remaining before you reach the destination. You must be
navigating for this data to appear.
Time to Next The estimated time remaining before you reach the next waypoint in the route.
You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Time to Point The remaining time to the next point.
Appendix 83
Other Fields
Name Description
Battery Level The remaining battery power.
Calories The amount of total calories burned.
GPS Signal Strength The strength of the GPS satellite signal.
Laps The number of laps completed for the current activity.
Performance Condition The performance condition score is a real-time assessment of your ability to
Sunrise The time of sunrise based on your GPS position.
Sunset The time of sunset based on your GPS position.
Temperature The temperature of the air. Your body temperature affects the temperature
Time of Day The time of day based on your current location and time settings (format, time
zone, daylight saving time).
24-Hour Minimum Temper
The minimum temperature recorded in the last 24hours from a compatible
temperature sensor.
24-Hour Maximum
The maximum temperature recorded in the last 24hours from a compatible
temperature sensor.
Power Fields
Name Description
%FTP The current power output as a percentage of functional threshold power.
3s Balance The 3-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
3s Power The 3-second moving average of power output.
3s Watts/kg The 3-second moving average of power output in watts per kilogram.
10s Balance The 10-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
10s Power The 10-second moving average of power output.
10s Watts/kg The 10-second moving average of power output in watts per kilogram.
30s Balance The 30-second moving average of the left/right power balance.
30s Power The 30-second moving average of power output.
30s Watts/kg The 30-second moving average of power output in watts per kilogram.
Avg Balance The average left/right power balance for the current activity.
Avg Power The average power output for the current activity.
Avg Watts/kg The average power output in watts per kilogram.
Balance The current left/right power balance.
Intensity Factor The Intensity Factor for the current activity.
84 Appendix
Name Description
Kilojoules The accumulated work performed (power output) in kilojoules.
Lap Balance The average left/right power balance for the current lap.
Lap NP The average Normalized Power for the current lap.
Lap Power The average power output for the current lap.
Last Lap NP The average Normalized Power for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Power The average power output for the last completed lap.
Lap Watts/kg The average power output in watts per kilogram for the current lap.
Max. Lap Power The top power output for the current lap.
Max. Power The top power output for the current activity.
Normalized Power The Normalized Power for the current activity.
Pedal Smoothness The measurement of how evenly a rider is applying force to the pedals throughout each
pedal stroke.
Power Cycling. The current power output in watts.
Power Zone The current range of power output (1 to 7) based on your FTP or custom settings.
Time in Zone The time elapsed in each power zone.
Torque Effectiveness The measurement of how efficiently a rider is pedaling.
TSS The Training Stress Score for the current activity.
Watts/kg The amount of power output in watts per kilogram.
Smart Trainer
Name Description
Trainer Controls During a workout, the resistance force applied by an indoor trainer.
Speed Fields
Name Description
Avg Speed The average speed for the current activity.
Lap Speed The average speed for the current lap.
Last Lap Speed The average speed for the last completed lap.
Max. Speed The top speed for the current activity.
Speed The current rate of travel.
Appendix 85
Stamina Fields
Name Description
Stamina The current remaining stamina.
Estimated Distance The current stamina distance remaining at the current effort.
Potential The remaining potential stamina.
Estimated Time The current stamina time remaining at the current effort.
Timer Fields
Name Description
Avg Lap Time The average lap time for the current activity.
Elapsed Time
The total time recorded. For example, if you start the activity timer and bike for 10 minutes,
then stop the timer for 5 minutes, then start the timer and bike for 20 minutes, your elapsed
time is 35 minutes.
Lap Time The stopwatch time for the current lap.
Last Lap Time The stopwatch time for the last completed lap.
Timer The current time of the countdown timer.
Time Ahead The time ahead or behind the Virtual Partner.
Segment Time The amount of time racing the segment during the current activity.
Name Description
Calories to Go During a workout, the remaining calories when you are using a calorie target.
Distance to Go During a workout or course, the remaining distance when you are using a distance
Duration The time remaining for the current workout step.
Heart Rate to Go During a workout, the amount you are above or below the heart rate target.
Primary Target During a workout, the target for the primary workout step.
Reps to Go During a workout, the remaining repetitions.
Secondary Target During a workout, the target for a secondary workout step.
Step Distance During a workout, the distance for the current step.
Step Time The time elapsed for the current workout step.
Time to Go During a workout or course, the remaining time when you are using a time target.
Workout Comparison A graph comparing your current effort to the workout target.
Workout Step During a workout, the current step out of the total number of steps.
86 Appendix
VO2 Max. Standard Ratings
These tables include standardized classifications for VO2 max. estimates by age and sex.
Males Percentile 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79
Superior 95 55.4 54 52.5 48.9 45.7 42.1
Excellent 80 51.1 48.3 46.4 43.4 39.5 36.7
Good 60 45.4 44 42.4 39.2 35.5 32.3
Fair 40 41.7 40.5 38.5 35.6 32.3 29.4
Poor 0–40 <41.7 <40.5 <38.5 <35.6 <32.3 <29.4
Females Percentile 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79
Superior 95 49.6 47.4 45.3 41.1 37.8 36.7
Excellent 80 43.9 42.4 39.7 36.7 33 30.9
Good 60 39.5 37.8 36.3 33 30 28.1
Fair 40 36.1 34.4 33 30.1 27.5 25.9
Poor 0–40 <36.1 <34.4 <33 <30.1 <27.5 <25.9
Data reprinted with permission from The Cooper Institute. For more information, go to www.CooperInstitute.org.
FTP Ratings
These tables include classifications for functional threshold power (FTP) estimates by sex.
Males Watts per Kilogram (W/kg)
Superior 5.05 and greater
Excellent From 3.93 to 5.04
Good From 2.79 to 3.92
Fair From 2.23 to 2.78
Untrained Less than 2.23
Females Watts per Kilogram (W/kg)
Superior 4.30 and greater
Excellent From 3.33 to 4.29
Good From 2.36 to 3.32
Fair From 1.90 to 2.35
Untrained Less than 1.90
FTP ratings are based on research by Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan, PhD, Training and Racing with a Power
Meter (Boulder, CO: VeloPress, 2010).
Appendix 87
Heart Rate Zone Calculations
Zone % of Maximum Heart
Rate Perceived Exertion Benefits
1 50–60% Relaxed, easy pace, rhythmic breathing Beginning-level aerobic training,
reduces stress
2 60–70% Comfortable pace, slightly deeper
breathing, conversation possible
Basic cardiovascular training, good
recovery pace
3 70–80% Moderate pace, more difficult to hold
Improved aerobic capacity, optimal
cardiovascular training
4 80–90% Fast pace and a bit uncomfortable,
breathing forceful
Improved anaerobic capacity and
threshold, improved speed
5 90–100% Sprinting pace, unsustainable for long
period of time, labored breathing
Anaerobic and muscular endurance,
increased power
Wheel Size and Circumference
Your speed sensor automatically detects your wheel size. If necessary, you can manually enter your wheel
circumference in the speed sensor settings.
The tire size is marked on both sides of the tire. You can measure the circumference of your wheel or use one of
the calculators available on the internet.
88 Appendix
GUID-0083D0A0-EA6E-41F0-8207-3F1498875E61 v4May 2023

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