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XC Series
Owner’s Manual
March 2015
Printed in Taiwan 190-01875-00_0A
All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the
right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content of this manual without obligation to notify any person or organization of such
changes or improvements. Go to www.garmin.com for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use of this product.
and the Garmin logo are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Delta
is a trademark of Garmin Ltd.
or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
Table of Contents
Getting Started............................................................... 1
Setting Up the Delta XC System.................................................1
Device Overviews....................................................................... 1
Delta XC Handheld Device.................................................... 1
LCD Display........................................................................... 1
Delta XC Dog Collar Device...................................................1
Attaching the Dog Collar Device to the Collar Strap................... 1
Charging the Handheld Device................................................... 1
Charging the Dog Collar Device................................................. 2
Turning On the Devices.............................................................. 2
Turning Off the Devices......................................................... 2
Dog Collar Devices..................................................................... 2
Pairing a Dog Collar Device with the Handheld Device......... 2
Selecting a Dog Collar Device.................................................... 2
Managing Multiple Dog Collar Devices....................................... 2
Dog Training................................................................... 2
Selecting and Installing the Contact Points................................ 2
Fitting the Collar on Your Dog.................................................... 3
Training Intensities and Methods................................................ 3
Training Modes........................................................................... 3
Selecting a Training Mode..................................................... 3
Choosing the Correct Intensity Level.......................................... 3
Changing the Intensity Level................................................. 4
Basic Training Commands..........................................................4
Training to Heel......................................................................4
Training to Sit and Stay..........................................................4
Training to Come Here...........................................................4
Collar Training........................................................................4
BarkLimiter Mode........................................................................5
Enabling BarkLimiter Mode.................................................... 5
Changing the BarkLimiter Intensity Level.............................. 5
Training with BarkLimiter....................................................... 5
Device Information......................................................... 5
Delta XC Handheld Device Specifications.................................. 5
Delta XC Dog Collar Device Specifications................................ 5
Checking the Battery Charge Level of the Dog Collar
Device......................................................................................... 6
Delta XC Battery Replacement Instructions............................... 6
Delta XC Handheld Device Components............................... 6
Replacing the Delta XC Handheld Device Battery................. 6
Delta XC Dog Collar Device Components............................. 6
Replacing the Delta XC Dog Collar Device Battery
............................................................................... 6
Getting More Information............................................................ 7
Registering Your Device............................................................. 7
Index................................................................................ 8
Table of Contents i
Getting Started
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the
product box for product warnings and other important
Setting Up the Delta XC System
Before you can use the Delta XC system, you must set up the
Attach the dog collar device to the collar strap (Attaching the
Dog Collar Device to the Collar Strap).
Charge the handheld device (Charging the Handheld
Charge the dog collar device (Charging the Dog Collar
Turn on the devices (Turning On the Devices).
If necessary, pair the dog collar device with the handheld
device (Pairing a Dog Collar Device with the Handheld
Device Overviews
Delta XC Handheld Device
Power key / BarkLimiter
key (Delta Sport
XC only)
Intensity level selection keys
Training keys
Dog collar device selection key
Training mode selection key
LCD display
LCD Display
Selected dog collar device
Stimulation intensity level
Battery charge level
Selected training mode
BarkLimiter mode (Delta Sport XC only)
Delta XC Dog Collar Device
Power key
Status LED
Contact points
Charging clip contacts
Attaching the Dog Collar Device to the Collar
With the buckle
facing outward, insert the end of the collar
strap through the slot
on the collar device.
Pull approximately two-thirds of the collar strap through the
Insert the end of the collar strap through the slot
on the
opposite side of the device.
Pull the strap until it is tight across the front of the device.
Charging the Handheld Device
To prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry the USB port, the weather
cap, and the surrounding area before charging or connecting to
a computer.
You should fully charge the battery before you use the device for
the first time. Charging a fully depleted battery takes about 2
NOTE: The device does not charge when it is outside the
temperature range of 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F).
Lift the weather cap
Plug the small end of the power cable into the mini-USB port
on the device.
Plug the other end of the power cable into an appropriate
power source.
Getting Started 1
The LCD display on the handheld device shows the current
battery charge level. Charging is complete when the battery
charge level icon stops flashing.
Charging the Dog Collar Device
To prevent corrosion, thoroughly dry the contacts on the collar
and the surrounding area before connecting the charging clip.
Before you put the collar on the dog, remove the charging clip. If
you do not remove the clip, it may become detached from the
collar and become lost.
You should fully charge the battery before you use the device for
the first time. Charging a fully depleted battery takes about two
hours. The device does not charge when outside the
temperature range of 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F).
Snap the charging clip
onto the device.
Plug the small end of the power cable into the mini-USB port
on the charging clip.
Plug the other end of the power cable into a power source.
The status LED is solid red when the collar is charging.
After the status LED turns solid green, remove the charging
clip from the collar.
NOTE: The dog collar device returns to factory default settings
each time it is charged or turned off.
Turning On the Devices
On the handheld device, hold the power key until the
LCD display turns on.
On the dog collar device, hold the power key until the status
LED flashes and the collar beeps.
Turning Off the Devices
On the handheld device, hold the power key until the
LCD display turns off.
On the dog collar device, hold the power key until the status
LED flashes and the collar beeps.
Dog Collar Devices
You can use up to three dog collar devices with a single
handheld device. You can select a different training mode and
intensity level for each dog collar device.
Each dog collar device must be paired with the handheld device
before it can be used. During the pairing process, each dog
collar device is associated with a color on the handheld device.
indicates the selected color.
Pairing a Dog Collar Device with the Handheld Device
NOTE: If your handheld device and dog collar device were
included in the same package, the devices are paired from the
factory using the black color selection.
Turn on the dog collar device and the handheld device.
On the handheld device, select to choose a color.
indicates the selected color.
On the handheld device, select an intensity level greater than
0 (Changing the Intensity Level).
On the dog collar device, hold the power key.
You must continue to hold the power key during the pairing
The device beeps once when you select the power key and
again after five seconds.
After the second beep, select a training key on the handheld
The dog collar device turns off and beeps to indicate whether
the devices paired successfully.
Short beep Devices paired successfully
Long beep Devices did not pair
TIP: If the devices did not pair successfully, you should verify
the batteries in both devices are fully charged and the intensity
level is set higher than 0.
Selecting a Dog Collar Device
Before you can select and control a dog collar device, you must
pair the dog collar device with the handheld device (Pairing a
Dog Collar Device with the Handheld Device).
Select to choose the color.
indicates the selected color.
The training keys control the dog collar device associated with
the selected color.
Managing Multiple Dog Collar Devices
You can set the maximum number of active dog collar devices
controlled by your handheld device.
Hold .
indicates active devices.
Release to select the active dog collar devices.
Dog Training
You should research and investigate the training methods best
suited for you, your dog, and your needs. This manual provides
some basic guidelines for training, but each dog has unique
training needs.
When used properly, the Delta XC training system is a very
effective training tool to aid your dog in reaching its full potential.
The use of the training system should be part of an overall
training program.
Begin training your dog on a leash, without the Delta XC training
system. You should train your dog how to heel, sit, and come to
you. After the dog understands these three basic commands,
you can begin training with the dog collar device and the leash.
Finally, when the dog consistently obeys commands using the
leash and collar, you may be able to remove the leash to train
with only the dog collar device.
Selecting and Installing the Contact Points
For best results, select the correct contact points based on your
dog's coat.
Select the correct contact point length for your dog's coat
For dogs with thicker coats, use the longer contact points.
For dogs with shorter coats, use the shorter contact
If necessary, use the included wrench to remove the contact
2 Dog Training
Twist the contact points into the collar.
Tighten with the included wrench, but do not overtighten.
When you put the collar on the dog, make sure the contact
points are tight against the neck.
Fitting the Collar on Your Dog
To prevent irritation from the contact points, remove the collar
for at least eight hours out of every 24-hour period.
This device is not intended for human use. Do not attempt to
use on any person.
Before you put the collar on the dog, remove the charging clip. If
you do not remove the clip, it may become detached from the
collar and become lost.
In order to properly correct the dog, the collar and device must
fit the dog properly. If the collar is too loose or positioned
incorrectly, corrections may be inconsistent. This can delay or
prevent successful training.
Place the collar around the middle of the dog's neck.
Position the device at the front of the dog's neck, with the
status LED facing toward the dog's chin and the contact
points against the throat.
TIP: For bark correction, the device contact points should be
positioned near the dog's vocal cords. This location varies
based on the breed of dog. If the device does not seem to
detect the dog's barks, you should move the device closer to
or farther from the dog's body to find the ideal location.
Tighten the strap so that it is very snug around the dog's
neck, and fasten the buckle.
NOTE: The collar should fit tightly and should not be able to
rotate or slide on the dog's neck. The dog must be able to
swallow food and water normally. You should observe your
dog's behavior to verify that the collar is not too tight.
Wiggle the device to work the contact points through the
dog's coat.
NOTE: The contact points must have contact with the dog's
skin to be effective.
If the strap is too long, cut off the excess, leaving at least
3 in. (8 cm) to spare.
TIP: You can mark the hole used to fasten the buckle for
future reference.
Training Intensities and Methods
You can use several methods to train your dog. The Delta XC
system provides 18 stimulation intensity levels, which increase
sequentially from 1 to 18.
Momentary stimulation: Applies a brief stimulation when you
press the training key, regardless of how long the key is
Continuous stimulation: Applies stimulation to the dog the
entire time you press the training key, for a maximum of 8
seconds. Your stimulations should typically be much shorter
than 8 seconds.
Tone: Activates an audible tone the entire time you press the
training key, for a maximum of 8 seconds. A tone can be
used as either a positive or negative training cue, depending
on your training program.
Vibration: Applies vibration instead of stimulation to the dog the
entire time you press the training key, for a maximum of 8
seconds. The effectiveness of vibration may vary based on
the dog's temperament and experience.
Training Modes
The Delta XC system provides several training modes, which
assign different combinations of momentary stimulation,
continuous stimulation, tone, and vibration to the training keys
(Training Intensities and Methods). The three vertical letters on
the LCD display correspond to the training key functions, from
top to bottom. Training keys that activate a stimulation are
designated as high or low.
Mode Top Key Middle Key Bottom Key Description
TVM Tone Vibration Momentary
sensitive dog,
or minor
VCM Vibration Continuous
TCM Tone Continuous
Sport XC
popular for bird-
dog training
Sport XC
popular for
Selecting a Training Mode
You can select a different training mode for each dog collar
Select a dog collar device (Selecting a Dog Collar Device).
Select MODE to toggle through the available training modes.
Choosing the Correct Intensity Level
Set the intensity to the lowest level (Changing the Intensity
Press a training key.
Observe the dog for a reaction, such as a head shake, neck
movement, or just a change in expression.
Sometimes dogs will vocalize due to the surprise of the
electrical stimulation. If the dog vocalizes more than once,
the intensity level is too high for beginning training.
If there is no reaction, increase the intensity level by one level
until the dog has a slight but recognizable reaction to the
Dog Training 3
The intensity level that causes a slight but recognizable reaction
is your dog's baseline level for beginning collar training. You do
not need to, and should not, apply this intensity selection test
After you begin training, the dog’s performance guides your
intensity selection. As the dog advances in training, you may
need to change the level depending upon the training situation.
Changing the Intensity Level
You can select a different intensity level for each dog collar
Select a dog collar device (Selecting a Dog Collar Device).
Select or to increase or decrease the intensity level.
The numerical intensity level appears on the LCD display.
TIP: You can hold or to cycle through intensity levels
Basic Training Commands
You should begin training your dog with a few basic commands
without using the Delta XC training system to correct the dog.
You should train the three basic commands in the following
order: "heel," "sit," and "here."
During initial training, you should put the dog collar device on
the dog, but the device should be turned off. This allows the dog
to get used to the device before you start using it to correct the
dog. This also helps to prevent "collar-wise" behavior
(Preventing Collar-Wise Behavior).
Initially, you should keep the training sessions short and only
train one command during a session. This way, the dog is less
likely to become confused and training should progress more
quickly. Pay close attention while training the dog, so you can
begin to learn when to go faster or slower, and when to take a
With plenty of repetition, consistency, patience, and a lot of
praise, the dog should begin to obey these commands after
several lessons. Each dog learns at a different rate, and some
dogs may take longer to learn these commands. After the dog
demonstrates a basic understanding of these commands while
on a leash, training with collar stimulations can be introduced,
while keeping the dog on the leash.
Training to Heel
Before you begin training, put a leash on the dog, and select an
area with minimal distractions.
The first command that you will teach the dog is the “heel”
With the dog at your side on a leash, command the dog to
“heel,” and begin walking forward while gently pulling on the
If the dog gets in front of you, repeat the command “heel,”
and move in another direction or pull back on the leash.
If the dog starts to lag behind you, lightly tug on the leash to
bring the dog back to your side.
Reward the dog with praise when the dog obeys the command.
Training to Sit and Stay
Before you begin training, put a leash on the dog, and select an
area with minimal distractions. Before you train to sit and stay,
you should first train to heel.
The actual command is “sit,” and the “stay” command is implied.
When you command the dog to sit, the dog should stay until you
indicate otherwise.
Begin training this command walking the dog on a leash in
the heel position.
Stop walking, pull up on the leash, and command the dog to
Maintain steady pressure on the leash until the dog obeys the
If the dog does not obey and seems confused, gently push
down on the dog's back above the flank, to make the dog sit.
Reward the dog with praise when the dog sits and stays.
Training to Come Here
Before you begin training, put a leash on the dog, and select an
area with minimal distractions. Before you begin training the dog
to come "here," you should first train the dog to "heel" and "sit."
Also, you may need to use a long leash to effectively train
Teaching your dog to come here is the most important
command. The "here" command allows you to maintain control
of your dog and can be used to call your dog away from a
potentially dangerous situation. This command must be taught
With the dog in a sitting position, move away to the end of the
Command the dog to come “here” while gently tugging on the
Reward the dog with praise as soon as the dog begins to
move toward you.
If the dog begins to veer away, gently tug on the leash, and
repeat the command to come "here."
The dog might resist this command. With repetition and
patience, the dog will learn to obey the command.
Collar Training
Begin training your dog on a leash, without using the Delta XC
training system. After the dog shows a grasp of the commands
"heel," "sit," and "here," you can begin training with the collar
and the leash.
During the initial stage of collar introduction, the dog learns that
collar stimulation means the same thing as a tug on the leash.
At first, the dog may be alarmed by the electronic stimulation.
The key is to be patient and consistent and not to start off at too
high of an intensity. Be fair and consistent, and use repetition
and praise when using the collar as a training tool.
If the dog does not respond to the stimulation level you have
selected (Choosing the Correct Intensity Level), increase the
stimulation one level at a time until you achieve the appropriate
response. After you achieve the desired response, you can
lower the stimulation level as long as the dog maintains
As the dog becomes more proficient with the commands, you
can begin to introduce distractions, such as rolling a ball in front
of the dog or walking him in the presence of others.
After the dog begins to respond consistently to the command
during collar training, you can remove the leash and train with
just the collar.
NOTE: You should train without a leash only when it is
appropriate for your environment and your dog's temperament.
You should follow all laws and regulations for your area
regarding the use of dog leashes.
Eventually in most training situations, your commands will not
require stimulation to be given with the command. You should
only use stimulation when you need to repeat a command
because the dog did not obey the first one.
As the dog becomes better trained, you can decrease the use of
collar training. Continue to have the dog wear the collar until you
feel certain that it is no longer needed to reinforce known
commands. Abandoning the collar too early can lead to
problems in the future.
Preventing Collar-Wise Behavior
If the Delta XC training system is not used properly as part of
your overall training program, the dog may exhibit "collar-wise"
4 Dog Training
behavior. This occurs when the dog obeys commands while
wearing the dog collar device, but does not obey commands
when the device is removed. You should follow these tips to
prevent this behavior.
Begin training the dog without using the Delta XC training
system to correct the dog (Basic Training Commands).
Turn off the dog collar device and put it on the dog during
initial training.
This allows the dog to get used to the device before you start
using it to correct the dog.
Turn off the dog collar device and put it on the dog outside of
your training sessions.
This allows the dog to get used to the device and helps to
prevent the dog from associating the presence of the device
with training or obedience.
Reward the dog with praise whenever the dog obeys a
Training the Dog to Heel and Sit with the Collar
Before you begin training your dog using the collar, your dog
must show a grasp of the "heel," "sit," and "come" commands
while on the leash, you must put on the collar (Fitting the Collar
on Your Dog), and you must find the correct intensity level
(Choosing the Correct Intensity Level).
When beginning collar training, start with the "heel" and "sit"
With the dog at your side on a leash, pull up on the leash,
and command the dog to "sit."
If the dog does not sit immediately, press a training key
briefly, and repeat the command to "sit."
Reward the dog with praise when the dog obeys the
After the dog begins obeying the "sit" command without collar
stimulation, you should move on to the "heel" command.
With the dog at your side on a leash and with the collar on,
command “heel” and begin walking forward while gently
pulling on the leash.
If the dog not heel, press a training key briefly, repeat the
command to “heel”, and move in another direction or pull
back on the leash.
Reward the dog with praise when the dog obeys the
Training the Dog to Come Here with the Collar
Before you begin training your dog to come "here" using the
collar, your dog must have a strong grasp of the "heel" and "sit"
commands using the collar, you must put on the collar (Fitting
the Collar on Your Dog), and you must find the correct intensity
level (Choosing the Correct Intensity Level). Also, you may need
to use a long leash to effectively train "here."
With the dog in a sitting position, move away to the end of the
Command the dog to come “here.”
If the dog does not move immediately toward you, press a
training key briefly, gently tug on the leash, and repeat the
command to come "here."
Reward the dog with praise as soon as the dog begins to
move toward you.
If the dog begins to veer away, press a training key briefly,
and repeat the command to come "here."
BarkLimiter Mode
When you enable BarkLimiter mode, the handheld device
automatically activates a stimulation when the dog collar device
detects a bark.
Enabling BarkLimiter Mode
When BarkLimiter mode is enabled, the device corrects the
dog's barks automatically.
Select .
appears on the LCD display and the status LED on the dog
collar device flashes three times when the device enters
BarkLimiter mode.
TIP: Occasionally, the dog collar device may not enter
BarkLimiter mode if there is signal interference or if it is outside
the range of the handheld device. With selected on the
LCD display, you can select any training key to force the device
to enter BarkLimiter mode.
Changing the BarkLimiter Intensity Level
You can change the BarkLimiter intensity level based on your
training style and preferences.
When BarkLimiter mode is enabled, select or to
change the intensity level:
Select U to set the stimulation for vibration only.
Select A to enable Autorise. The system starts at the
lowest intensity level and increases the intensity level
automatically based on the dog's barking behavior. It may
take up to one minute for the system to increase to an
intensity level that discourages the dog from barking.
Select 1 through 18 to set a specific intensity level.
Training with BarkLimiter
You can train your dog while BarkLimiter mode is turned on.
When BarkLimiter mode is active, select .
and a three-letter training mode appear on the LCD
Select a training mode (Selecting a Training Mode).
Select an intensity level (Changing the Intensity Level).
NOTE: When training mode is active, adjustments to the
intensity level apply only to the training keys. You can adjust the
BarkLimiter intensity level only when BarkLimiter mode is
activated and training mode is not active.
Device Information
Delta XC Handheld Device Specifications
Battery type Rechargeable, replaceable lithium-ion
Battery life 60 hr., typical use
Operating temperature range From -20° to 60°C (from -4° to 140°F)
Charging temperature range From 0° to 40°C (from 32° to 104°F)
Storage temperature range (up
to 1 mo.)
From -20° to 50°C (from -4° to 122°F)
Storage temperature range (up
to 3 mo.)
From -20° to 40°C (from -4° to 104°F)
Storage temperature range (up
to 1 yr.)
From -20° to 20°C (from -4° to 68°F)
Water rating IEC 60529 IPX7*
Wireless range (Delta Upland
1.2 km (0.75 mi.)
Wireless range (Delta Sport XC) 1.2 km (0.75 mi.)
Wireless range (Delta XC) 0.8 km (0.5 mi.)
*The device withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1 m
for up to 30 min. For more information, go to www.garmin.com
Delta XC Dog Collar Device Specifications
Battery type Rechargeable, replaceable lithium-ion
Battery life 60 hr., typical use
Device Information 5
Operating temperature range From -20° to 50°C (from -4° to 122°F)
Charging temperature range From 0° to 40°C (from 32° to 104°F)
Storage temperature range (up
to 1 mo.)
From -20° to 60°C (from -4° to 140°F)
Storage temperature range (up
to 3 mo.)
From -20° to 45°C (from -4° to 113°F)
Storage temperature range (up
to 1 yr.)
From -20° to 30°C (from -4° to 86°F)
Water rating IEC 60529 IPX7*
*The device withstands incidental exposure to water of up to 1 m
for up to 30 min. For more information, go to www.garmin.com
Checking the Battery Charge Level of the
Dog Collar Device
Turn on the dog collar device.
The status LED flashes every few seconds while the device is
on. The color of the status LED indicates the battery charge
Green The battery has a good charge.
Yellow The battery has less than a 50% charge.
Red The battery should be charged soon.
Flashing Red The battery should be charged immediately. Training
features are disabled.
Delta XC Battery Replacement Instructions
This product contains a lithium-ion battery. To prevent the
possibility of personal injury or product damage caused by
battery exposure to extreme heat, store the device out of direct
Do not use a sharp object to remove batteries.
Contact your local waste disposal department to properly
recycle the batteries.
Delta XC Handheld Device Components
Security screws
Back plate
Battery connector
Replacing the Delta XC Handheld Device Battery
Before you replace the battery, you must remove all dirt, water,
and debris from the device. You also need the security
screwdriver included with the new battery.
You can purchase a replacement battery at
http://buy.garmin.com. You should use only an official Garmin
replacement part.
Remove the six security screws from the back of the device.
Lift up the back plate.
Grip the battery connector wires close to the connector, and
pull the connector parallel to the circuit board to disconnect
the battery connector from the device.
Remove the old battery from the back plate, noting the
orientation of the battery.
The battery fits tightly. It may be necessary to pry the battery
out of the back plate using a non-sharp, non-metal object.
Install the new battery into the back plate with the label side
up, using the same orientation as the old battery.
With the new battery, connect the battery connector to the
When properly installed, the connector plug snaps into the
Verify the gasket is not damaged and is completely seated in
the groove.
Hold the back plate and the device firmly together, and
replace all six security screws without tightening.
Verify the back plate and the device are aligned with no gaps.
Tighten the screws evenly.
Delta XC Dog Collar Device Components
Battery assembly
Battery connector
Security screws
Replacing the Delta XC Dog Collar Device Battery
Before you replace the battery, you must remove all dirt, water,
and debris from the device. You also need the security
screwdriver included with the new battery.
You can purchase a replacement battery assembly at
http://buy.garmin.com. You should use only a certified Garmin
replacement part. The battery assembly includes a pre-
assembled back plate with a gasket, battery, and battery
Remove the four security screws from the corners of the
Lift up the battery assembly.
Grip the battery connector wires close to the connector, and
pull the connector outward from the circuit board to
disconnect the battery connector from the device.
With the new battery assembly, connect the battery
connector to the device.
When properly installed, the connector plug snaps into the
port and the top face of the connector plug is flush with the
edges of the port.
Verify the gasket is not damaged and is completely seated in
the groove.
6 Device Information
Hold the battery assembly and the device firmly together, and
replace all four security screws without tightening.
Verify the battery assembly and the device are aligned with
no gaps.
Tighten the screws evenly.
Getting More Information
You can find more information about this product on the Garmin
Go to www.garmin.com/outdoor.
Go to www.garmin.com/learningcenter.
Go to http://buy.garmin.com, or contact your Garmin dealer
for information about optional accessories and replacement
Registering Your Device
Help us better support you by completing our online registration
Go to http://my.garmin.com.
Keep the original sales receipt, or a photocopy, in a safe
Device Information 7
accessories 7
bark correction 1, 5
charging 1
life 1, 6
replacing 6
collar 2
handheld 1
attaching strap 1
charging 2
contact points 1, 2
fitting 3
pairing 2
contact points 1–3
device, registration 7
collar 4
training 2, 4
training basics 2, 4, 5
training intensity levels 3
dog collar device 1, 2, 4
pairing 2
intensity level 1
changing 4
choosing 3
keys 1
pairing, collar 2
pairing a collar 2
power key 1, 2
product registration 7
registering the device 7
selecting 2
specifications 5
training 4, 5
modes 1, 3, 5
troubleshooting 7
8 Index
+43 (0) 820 220230 + 32 2 672 52 54
0800 770 4960 1-866-429-9296
+385 1 5508 272
+385 1 5508 271
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+420 221 985465
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00800 4412 454
+44 2380 662 915
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De handleiding is 3,26 mb groot.


U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Delta XC series

Garmin Delta XC series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Garmin Delta XC series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 14 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

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